Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Internal Quality Assurance Cell, an internal quality assurance mechanism practiced in the University, is conceived as a mechanism to build and ensure a quality culture at the institutional level.

Assam down town University has established its Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2018, following the recommendations of UGC and NAAC. The primary objective of IQAC is to establish a system that promotes conscious, consistent, and catalytic improvement in the overall performance of the institution. The IQAC functions as a significant part of the Institution and strives to achieve the objective of enhancing quality and sustaining development.

  • To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

  • Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks.
  • The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes.
  • Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society.
  • Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
  • The credibility of evaluation procedures.
  • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services.
  • Research sharing and networking with other institutions across the globe.

  • Development and application of quality parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to acquire the skills required for participatory teaching and learning process.
  • Organize feedback sessions with students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
  • Promoting information on various quality parameters of higher education.
  • To ensure the credibility of evaluation procedures.
  • Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
  • Documentation of various programmes and activities to enhance the overall quality of participation.
  • To act as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
  • Development and maintenance of the institutional database through MIS for the purpose of enriching the institutional quality.
  • Development of Quality Culture in the institution.
  • Preparation of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the guidelines and parameters of NAAC.

  • Ensure clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement.
  • Ensure internalization of the quality culture.
  • Ensure enhancement and coordination amongst various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
  • Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
  • The credibility of evaluation procedures.
  • Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.
  • Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.

Prof. Ananta Choudhury
Director, IQAC
Dr. Anup Basistha
Deputy Director, Ranking
Mr. Diganta Sarma
Assistant Director, IQAC
Dr. Ashim Kumar Dutta
Officer, IQAC
Dr. Manash Pratim Kashyap
Officer, IQAC
Mr. Manas Jyoti Sarma
Officer, IQAC
Mr. Probin Doley
Officer, IQAC
Ms. Momi Barman
Officer, IQAC
Ms. Lopamudra Saikia
Officer, IQAC
Ms. Kashmiri Baruah
Officer, IQAC

IQAC Activities

SL. NO. Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Number of participants/beneficiaries
1 Quality Convention 4.4.2019 (1 day) 150
2 Quality Convention - Panel Discussion 29.5.2019 (1 day) 17
3 Quality Convention - Panel Discussion 19.9.2019 (1 day) 13
4 Internal Audit Workshop and Internal Audit Examination 8.8.2018 to 10.8.2018 (3 days) 29

SL. NO. Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Number of participants/beneficiaries
1 Faculty Effectiveness Programme 20/09/2019 to 21/09/2019 25
2 2nd Management Review Meeting on Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 QMS 23/10/2019 12
3 3rd Management Review Meeting on Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 QMS 06/12/2019 11
4 Quality Management System Certification Surveillance Audit 1 09/01/2020 to 11/01/2020 239
5 Awareness Programme on Industry 4.0 26/02/2020 26

SL. NO. Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Number of participants/beneficiaries
1 Vice Chancellors' round table discussion on "NEP 2020 and Post covid era: The Challenging mission of Universities over time" 12th June, 2021 110
2 Virtual Faculty Development Programme on " Statistical Methods in Biological Sciences" 29th June to 5th July, 2021 146
3 Webinar on " Sustainability-adjunct to business continuity ( A perspective for educational Institute) 7th January, 2021 80
4 Webinar on " Excellence in Higher Education System: Role of Rankings & Benchmarking" 21st April, 2021 90
5 4th Management Review Meeting on Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 QMS 11th Dec, 2020 12
6 Quality Management System Certification Surveillance Audit 2 17th Dec to 19th Dec, 2020 268

SL. NO. Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Number of participants/beneficiaries
1 Webinar on “Intellectual Property (IP): Rights, Needs and Awareness for Academia” 12/01/2022 100
2 5th Management Review Meeting on Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 QMS 19/11/2021 12
3 6th Management Review Meeting on Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 QMS 27/12/2021 12
4 Quality Management System Recertification Audit 17-01-2022 to 18-01-2022 279
5 Conduct Mock Audit for NAAC 6 & 7 May, 2022 300
6 Conduct External Audit for NAAC 15 to 17 June, 2022 300

SL. NO. Name of quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting IQAC Number of participants/beneficiaries
1 2 day Faculty Training Programme by HR in collaboration with IQAC 11/8/2022 & 12 /8/2022 129
2 7th Management Review Meeting on Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 QMS 20/8/2022 12
3 8th Management Review Meeting on Implementation of ISO 9001:2015 QMS 20/9/2022 12
4 One week FDP Curriculum Development and Mapping 26/10/2022 to 31/10/2022 34
5 FDP on Designing of OBE Based CO,PO,PEO & PSO 29/10/2022 52
6 FDP on Curriculum and Registration Process 3/11/2022 71
7 Three Days Student Development Program on ARDUINO BASED PROTOTYPING 10/11/2022 to 12/11/2022
8 Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights for Students 10/12/2022
9 Quality Management System Surveillance Audit 24/12/2022 290
10 One Day Symposium on IPR Awareness 28/01/2023
11 Training Program on "Innovation in Teaching Pedagogy" 14/3/2023 to 17/3/2023
12 Cyber Security Awareness Workshop 24/03/2023 149
13 Capacity Building of Teachers 31/03/2023 to 4/04/2023
14 Effective Teacher Professional Development 5/04/2023 to 9/04/2023
15 Darpan Training Programme 12/5/2023 to 13/5/2023

IQAC Composition

  • Advisory Committee, 2017 - 2018 (View)
  • Advisory Committee, 2020 - 2021 (View)
  • Advisory Committee, 2021 - 2022 (View)
  • Advisory Committee-1, 2022 - 2023 (View)
  • Advisory Committee-2, 2022 - 2023 (View)

IQAC Declaration

Academic Calendar








SIF Pharmacy

Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups Cell

  • Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups Cell (View)

Audit Report

Annual Reports

Student Grievance

  • Internal Complaint Committee (View)

  • Student Grievances and Redressal (View)

Equal Opportunity Cell

Rankings and Rating

Institutional Development Plan

ST/SC/OBC/Minority Committee

  • SC/ST/OBC/Minority Committee (View)


Date Title
17-03-2025 SK Global Scholarship- Masters in Computer Science in South Korea (View Details)
05-03-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholars (View Details)
04-03-2025 Reminder for Depositing Administrative Fee (View Details)
04-03-2025 Reminder for renewal of hostel fee (View Details)
23-02-2025 CIRCULAR- Information to AdtU Stakeholders about NAAC Peer Team Visit on 24th, 25th & 26th February 2025 and seeking Active Participation (View Details)
23-02-2025 Academic_Regulations-2024 (View Details)
20-02-2025 Operating Manual for QR based Library Portal for Students/Faculty Members/Staff (View Details)
19-02-2025 CIRCULAR- Guidelines for Switching On and Switching Off Lights in Indoor and Outdoor Areas (View Details)
19-02-2025 Extension of Last date of registration for Certificate Courses for the session January-June 2025 (View Details)
17-02-2025 Circular-R- Re-constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and Clubs-2025 (View Details)
07-02-2025 Policy for Reward and Other Financial Benefits for Research Publication/Patents by Faculty and Staff Members of AdtU (Version 3.0) (View Details)
07-02-2025 Library Policy version 2.0 (View Details)
06-02-2025 Result Sheet of 1st Semesters of UG and PG programmes under FoSc (View Details)
06-02-2025 Result Sheet of 1st Semesters of UG and PG programmes under Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
06-02-2025 Result Sheet of 1st Semesters of UG and PG programmes under Faculty of Paramedical Science (View Details)
03-02-2025 Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships (GOI-IES) (View Details)
03-02-2025 DAWN Fellowship for Young Women Feminists from the Global South (View Details)
01-02-2025 CIRCULAR- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Directorate of International Affairs (View Details)
31-01-2025 Notification -R- PhD Admission January- 2025 (View Details)
29-01-2025 Last date of depositing Administrative Fees is 31.01.25 and late fine of Rs. 100/- per day after due date (View Details)
29-01-2025 Policy for Study Abroad Program (View Details)
29-01-2025 Policy for Collaboration with Partner Universities for International Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars (View Details)
29-01-2025 AdtU Scheme for award of Research Fellowship (JRF/SRF) for PhD Scholars (Version-2) (View Details)
29-01-2025 Study Tour Policy 2.0 (View Details)
29-01-2025 Policy for Faculty Exchange Program 2.0 (View Details)
27-01-2025 Notification for Compartmental Examination (View Details)
25-01-2025 Submission of Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning Process, Feedback on Curriculum and Student Satisfaction Survey (View Details)
21-01-2025 Guidelines to update profile details in ERP through Academic Portal (View Details)
21-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Website Management Committee of AdtU (View Details)
21-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Announcement of scholarship for current AdtU final year students to pursue Higher Education at AdtU (View Details)
21-01-2025 Turkey Burslari Scholarship: Masters in Turkey (View Details)
20-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Regarding attendance of final year students in the upcoming placement drives (View Details)
20-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Dress code to be followed by final year students of AdtU (View Details)
17-01-2025 The Prestigious Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship 2025 (View Details)
17-01-2025 Global Peace Summit in Sydney, Australia 2025 (View Details)
16-01-2025 Result of Bachelor of Physiotherapy 7th Semester (Regular) Examination December, 2024 (View Details)
16-01-2025 Call for Application under AdtU Student Innovation Grant Program (View Details)
16-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
16-01-2025 Notification -DRA-II- Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for 2024 Batch (Third phase) (View Details)
11-01-2025 Result of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture 3rd Semester (Regular) Examination December, 2024 (View Details)
11-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of QLM Proofreading Committee (View Details)
11-01-2025 Result of Bachelor of Optometry 7th Semester (Regular) Examination December, 2024 (View Details)
09-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Revised departure timing of AdtU for NAAC related activities (View Details)
08-01-2025 Process to Show Course Content Details in ERP (View Details)
08-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of AdtU NSS Advisory Committee (View Details)
08-01-2025 Manual for newly introduced Library Portal (View Details)
03-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of AdtU SWAYAM and MOOCs Advisory Committee (View Details)
02-01-2025 Circular-R-Implementation of Student’s uniform inside the AdtU campus (View Details)
02-01-2025 Updated Information regarding the Course Code format (Version-02) for the Academic Session 2024-25 (View Details)
30-12-2024 Last Date of depositing Administrative Fees 31.01.25 (View Details)
30-12-2024 Last Date of renewal of Hostel Fee is 31.03.25 (View Details)
23-12-2024 Late date of payment of Nursing Fees (View Details)
19-12-2024 Circular- DRA-II- Submission of Information Regarding Faculty Engagement in External Academic Committees (View Details)
19-12-2024 Notification -DRA-II-SOP for Conducting Animal Experimentation in the Animal House, AdtU (View Details)
19-12-2024 CIRCULAR- Extension of Last date of payment of semester fees (View Details)
19-12-2024 Circular-R-Training session for developing and delivering e-contents, e-courses, video lectures, and demonstration (View Details)
14-12-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of Fee in Due Time and Obtaining Fee Clearance before Presentation by Ph.D. scholars (View Details)
10-12-2024 Notification- DRAII- AdtU Research Publication Policy, 2024 (View Details)
07-12-2024 Creation of ABC ID (View Details)
28-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Submission of Tour Plan and Tour Report by Faculty and Staff Members (View Details)
28-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturdays as normal working day for the month of December 2024 and January 2025 (View Details)
26-11-2024 UTRIP Summer Internship in Japan 2025 (View Details)
23-11-2024 Circular-R-Arrangement of Photo-shoot of Faculties and Admin Staff for website profile, who joined AdtU on or after July 1, 2023 (View Details)
23-11-2024 Notification-R-PhD Admission January – 2025 (View Details)
22-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Call for Application under AdtU Student Entrepreneurship Loan program (View Details)
21-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Team members for NIRF 2025 (View Details)
19-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Last date of Admit Card download (View Details)
18-11-2024 Guidelines for Faculty Members: Updating Profile on AdtU Website via Academic Portal (View Details)
18-11-2024 Time-Table for Odd Sem.(Regular) Examinations, December-2024 (View Details)
16-11-2024 NOTIFICATION - Distribution of AdtU HOODIE to students (View Details)
14-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Reminder for payment of semester fees (View Details)
12-11-2024 Re-circulation of the CIRCULAR- Dress Code for employees representing Assam do (View Details)
09-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for October 2024 Batch (View Details)
08-11-2024 Eric Bleumink Scholarship- Masters in Netherlands (View Details)
07-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Reminder for payment of semester fees (View Details)
06-11-2024 PhD Fees, Last date is 20.11.24 (View Details)
06-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding Industrial/Field Visit of students under different programmes of AdtU (View Details)
30-10-2024 Circular-DRA-II- Extension of last date for “Call for project proposal Seed Money Grant 2024-25 (View Details)
30-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Holiday on 01-11-2024 (View Details)
28-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholar under “AdtU Scheme for award of Fellowship (JRF/SRF) for PhD Scholars” (View Details)
24-10-2024 KTH Scholarship- Masters in Sweden (View Details)
23-10-2024 AdtU National/ International Academic Exploration Activity and SOP thereof (View Details)
23-10-2024 Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholar under “AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars” (View Details)
23-10-2024 Re-Constitution of Internal Research Review Committee (IRRC) (View Details)
21-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Call for Application under AdtU Student Innovation Grant program (View Details)
14-10-2024 Policy for invitation of Delegates from Partner Universities in Convocation and Foundation Day (View Details)
14-10-2024 Study Tour Policy (View Details)
14-10-2024 Policy for Faculty Exchange Program (View Details)
14-10-2024 Circular -R-Call for project proposal: Seed Money Grant 2024-25 (View Details)
14-10-2024 Selection and Allotment of Teaching Assistant under “Teaching Assistance Scheme for Knowledge Enhancement (TASKE)” of senior PG and UG students of AdtU for the Academic Year 2024-25 (View Details)
14-10-2024 Selection and Allotment of Internal Students as Apprenticeship at AdtU (View Details)
14-10-2024 SOP for appointment of Internal Students as Apprenticeship at AdtU version 1.1 (View Details)
14-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position- Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management (View Details)
05-10-2024 Resultsheets of Odd & Even Semester Compartmental Examinations, August 2024 (2023 Onwards Batch) (View Details)
01-10-2024 Circular: Regarding Discount on Semester Fees of Even Semester 2024 (View Details)
01-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on restructuring of IQAC (View Details)
25-09-2024 Circular: Regarding payment of Semester Fees of Even Semester 2024 (View Details)
24-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding parking facility on the day of 11th Convocation of Assam down town University (View Details)
24-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Suspension of classes on 25th of September 2024 for 11th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
20-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
17-09-2024 Resultsheet of Odd & Even Semester Compartmental Examinations, July-August-2024 (View Details)
16-09-2024 Circular-R-Declaration of extended Autumn Break during October 2024 (View Details)
16-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Central Level Academic Meetings - Regarding (View Details)
13-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding University Registration of Entrant Batch Students of AY 2024 (View Details)
06-09-2024 Application for Convocation (View Details)
06-09-2024 Guidelines for uploading passport photo in the convocation application form (View Details)
05-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Invitation for celebration of 15th Foundation Day of AdtU (View Details)
05-09-2024 NOTIFICATION- Constitution of Core Committee and Sub-Committees for 11th Convocation (2024) of Assam down town University (View Details)
02-09-2024 Circular-R- Call for Application for Teaching Assistant (TA) from PhD, Post Graduate and Under Graduate AdtU Students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Czech Governmental Scholarships for AdtU students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Global Change Submit 2024 Scholarship for AdtU students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Commonamwealth Masters Scholarship 2025 for AdtU students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Global Merit Scholoarship for AdtU Students (View Details)
23-08-2024 International Scholarship Opportunity for AdtU Students (View Details)
22-08-2024 Notification-R- Constitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) for Faculty of Computer Technology (View Details)
22-08-2024 Circular-R-Modification in the composition of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) of Assam down town University (View Details)
13-08-2024 Student Buddy Requirement at Directorate of International Affairs, Assam down town University (View Details)
13-08-2024 Notification-R-Call for application for AdtU Annual Awards 2023-24 (View Details)
13-08-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of committee to carry out activities pertaining to Celebration of 15th Foundation Day (2024) of AdtU (View Details)
10-08-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding status of passport of faculty and senior staff members (View Details)
10-08-2024 Result Sheets of Intermediate Semester (Regular) Exam, June 2024 (View Details)
09-08-2024 Implementation of Certificate Courses at AdtU- during August-December 2024 (View Details)
09-08-2024 CIRCULAR- SOP for seat cancellation of entrant batch students not joining the university on the reporting date (View Details)
08-08-2024 Faculty Exchange Programme for AdtU Faculty Members at Powislansky University (View Details)
05-08-2024 Notification-R- Approval process for organizing any kind of Events (View Details)
02-08-2024 Notification -R-Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturdays as normal working day for the month of August 2024 (View Details)
01-08-2024 SOP for Appointment of Visiting Faculty (Remote) from Industry at AdtU (View Details)
31-07-2024 Time-Table for Compartmental Exam (Odd Semester). August-2024 (View Details)
27-07-2024 SOP for AdtU Faculty Industry Immersion Program (View Details)
25-07-2024 CIRCULAR- Standardized file forwarding process (View Details)
24-07-2024 Time-Table for Compartmental Exam (Even Semester). August-2024 (View Details)
24-07-2024 Regarding Compartmental Exam Admit Card, August 2024 (View Details)
24-07-2024 Regarding Compartmental Exam Admit Card, March 2025 (View Details)
22-07-2024 Result Sheet M. Sc. Nursing 2nd Year (2022-24) (View Details)
20-07-2024 CIRCULAR- Revised dates for commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2024 (View Details)
20-07-2024 Academic Calendar for the Academic Year 2024-25 (View Details)
19-07-2024 Re-circulation of the CIRCULAR- Anomalies in adherence of process of availing leaves (View Details)
15-07-2024 Notification- R-Reconstitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) (View Details)
15-07-2024 Notification -R-Reconstitution of University Research Council (URC) (View Details)
10-07-2024 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Anti-Ragging Committee (View Details)
08-07-2024 Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Engineering (View Details)
08-07-2024 Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
07-07-2024 Notification for Compartmental Examination (View Details)
06-07-2024 Result Sheets of Diploma Final Semester (Regular) Exam, June 2024 (View Details)
02-07-2024 Notification -R- Constitution of AdtU PhD Supervisorship Screening Committee (AdtU-SSC) (View Details)
27-06-2024 Result Sheets of UG Final Semester (Regular) Exam, June 2024 (View Details)
26-06-2024 4th National Nursing Conference,28th June 2024 (View Details)
26-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Revised departure timing for key stakeholders for NAAC related activities (View Details)
21-06-2024 Notification-R-Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for 2024 Batch (2nd Phase) (View Details)
20-06-2024 Result Sheets of PG Final Semester Examinations, May 2024 (View Details)
18-06-2024 Notification-R-NSS Programme Coordinator and Programme Officer(s) of AdtU NSS Unit (View Details)
18-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding approval of changes in ERP, Academic Portal and website of AdtU (View Details)
18-06-2024 Notification -R- AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars (View Details)
18-06-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of AdtU Alumni Coordination Committee (View Details)
10-06-2024 Internship Opportunity for final semester UG/PG AdtU students (View Details)
08-06-2024 Result Sheets of Odd Semester (Comp) Examinations held in the month of February-2024 (View Details)
07-06-2024 Student Immersion Program- FPT University. Vietnam (View Details)
04-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Request to be vigilant for suspicious phone calls (View Details)
04-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Research Project Review Committee (View Details)
04-06-2024 Circular -DRA-II- “Seeking proposal for introducing new Certificate Courses to be implemented from August -December 2024 session onward” (View Details)
30-05-2024 Teaching Pedagogy- Feedback Link (View Details)
27-05-2024 14-day student Immersion tour at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) Malaysia (View Details)
25-05-2024 Notice cum Circular related to imposed of fine for late payment of semester fees (View Details)
20-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date of Admit Card download (View Details)
18-05-2024 Notification -R- Constitution of Technical Committee (IT) for End Sem CBT Examination which is scheduled to be held from 20th May 2024 (View Details)
16-05-2024 Time-Table for Intermediate Semester Examinations, June 2024 (View Details)
13-05-2024 CIRCULAR- To maintain proper flow of information related to academics & university (View Details)
13-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Last date of Admit Card download (View Details)
13-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Suspension of theory classes of the students having class in J Block to conduct CUET UG examination (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- NAAC Criteria wise committee (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Dress Code for employees representing Assam down town University in various events and activities (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special NAAC Committee (Admin) (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturdays as normal working day for the month of May and June 2024 (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special NAAC Committee (View Details)
03-05-2024 Time-Table for Final Semester Examinations, May-June 2024 (View Details)
27-04-2024 Notification for Marking System of AdtU (View Details)
25-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Scholarship for Master’s Degree aspirants appearing CUET PG (View Details)
18-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of Semester Fees of Odd Semester 2024 (View Details)
16-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of 2nd round of scholarship for current AdtU final year students to pursue Higher Education at AdtU (View Details)
03-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Student Welfare initiative for financial aid towards health, accident and related emergency situation (View Details)
03-04-2024 Student and Faculty Nominations for Workshop on "Latest trends in OSINT and Data science" at Envision E-Summit (View Details)
03-04-2024 Nominations of Faculty members for Workshop on "From Ideas to Impact: Fostering Entrepreneurial Thinking and Startup Success in Academia" at Envision E-Summit (View Details)
01-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding creation of Vidwan ID, Google Scholar, Scopus ID and Orchid ID with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
01-04-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS)of Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
22-03-2024 Circular-R-Reservation of Auditorium II for Career Advancement Activities (View Details)
22-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 48th AC Meeting (View Details)
22-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 60th BoM Meeting (View Details)
20-03-2024 Re-scheduled date sheet of B. Sc Nursing 1st Semester (Regular and Compartmental) and 1st Year M.Sc Nursing (Compartmental) Examination, March, 2024 (View Details)
19-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the Four-day Workshop on Indian Knowledge System (IKS) (View Details)
16-03-2024 Circular -DRA-II-Invitation to attend Virasat Anubhav Series by SPIC MACAY (Workshop cum Concert)” (View Details)
15-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on class cancellation on 18-03-2024 on account of conducting Combined Competitive (Prelims) Examination, 2023 (View Details)
14-03-2024 Information regarding the Uniform Course Code format (Version-01) for the Academic Session 2024-25 (View Details)
11-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on Coursera Student Accolades (View Details)
11-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on Coursera Faculty Accolades (View Details)
07-03-2024 PhD Admission under the Faculty of Nursing for 2024 Batch (View Details)
05-03-2024 Notification-R-Addendum on “Policy and procedure for revision of pay/salary of faculty members of Assam down town University based on the recommendations of the 7th central pay commission -version 02 (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Commerce & Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification -R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Institute of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification- R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Centre for Language Proficiency and Professional Development (CLPPD) (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Programme of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering” (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of science (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (View Details)
01-03-2024 Student Entrepreneurship Loan Policy (View Details)
01-03-2024 Student Innovation Grant Policy (View Details)
28-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Amendment in duration of Summer Vacation and introduction of provision for Earned Leave for faculty members (View Details)
27-02-2024 Regarding Nursing Compartmental Form Fillup (View Details)
22-02-2024 General Instructions for University Yearly Fest “Attitude, 2024” (View Details)
22-02-2024 Student Welfare Loan Policy (View Details)
22-02-2024 Student Welfare Grant Policy (View Details)
19-02-2024 Result Sheet- 1st Semester (Regular) Examinations, December-2023 (View Details)
13-02-2024 Notice towards Hostel & Bus Fees (View Details)
13-02-2024 Circular -R- Invitation to attend Invited Scientific Talk (View Details)
10-02-2024 Time Table for Even Semester (Compartmental) Examinations (View Details)
08-02-2024 Result Sheet- Odd Semester (Regular) Examinations, December-2023 (View Details)
07-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of scholarship for current AdtU final year students to pursue Higher Education at AdtU (View Details)
07-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators against vacant/ replacement positions (View Details)
01-02-2024 Time Table for Odd Semester (Compartmental) Examinations (View Details)
01-02-2024 Notification-R-PhD Admission- August 2024 Batch (View Details)
01-02-2024 NOTIFICATION -R- Selection of Second Phase of Seed Money Projects Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
01-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Call for Submissions - Annual Magazine of AdtU (View Details)
30-01-2024 Inauguration of Dream cafe adjacent to (-3) Floor of B Block (View Details)
29-01-2024 Video recording of 2nd semester students (View Details)
29-01-2024 Regarding Compartmental Exam Admit Card, February2024 (View Details)
25-01-2024 Circular -R- Invitation to attend the Chancellor’s Lecture Series, the 21st lecture (View Details)
25-01-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding penalty for non-return of issued books till due date (View Details)
24-01-2024 Regarding Payment Issues (if any) with Compartmental Form and Unable to download Compartmental Exam Admit Card, January 2024 (View Details)
23-01-2024 NOTIFICATION -R-Constitution of Committee for Viksit Bharat@2047 Campaign at AdtU (View Details)
20-01-2024 Rescheduling of PhD Course work examination January 2024 (View Details)
19-01-2024 Notice :: International Students (View Details)
19-01-2024 Circular -R-Vigilance Committee for Hostel Monitoring (View Details)
17-01-2024 Notice :: In House Scholarship (View Details)
11-01-2024 NOTIFICATION -R- Constitution of Committee for Publication of AdtU Magazine (View Details)
10-01-2024 Circular -R-Faculty Award/Recognition in Research & Innovation (View Details)
10-01-2024 Circular-DRA-II- Commencement of classes for the upcoming Even Semester (January- June 2024) from January 17, 2024 (View Details)
06-01-2024 Reminder for Fees payment (View Details)
06-01-2024 CIRCULAR- Amendment in Holiday List 2024 (View Details)
05-01-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of University Yearly Fest- Attitude 2024 core organizing Committee (View Details)
01-01-2024 International Student Mobility Program- AIT Thailand 2024 (View Details)
27-12-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-Selection and Allotment of Teaching Assistant under “Teaching Assistance Scheme for Knowledge Enhancement (TASKE)” of senior PG and UG students of AdtU (View Details)
20-12-2023 Reminder for Semester Fees (View Details)
16-12-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Uploading and Verification of Course Structure, Course Registration Verification in ERP and Time Table preparation for Even Semester 2024 (View Details)
14-12-2023 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Tender/Quotation Opening Committee (View Details)
11-12-2023 Circular-R-Invitation to attend Webcast of the Interaction programme on Vikasit Bharat at IIT Guwahati (View Details)
06-12-2023 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturday as normal working day during end semester examination of Odd semester 2023 (View Details)
05-12-2023 Information regarding the Uniform Programme Code and Course Code format for the Academic Session 2023-24 (Revised Format) (View Details)
29-11-2023 CIRCULAR- Revised date of last day of class for 1st Semester students of AdtU (View Details)
29-11-2023 Admit card for 1st semester examination will be available from 10th December 2023 (View Details)
28-11-2023 Important Notice to the students (View Details)
25-11-2023 Time table for the First Semester Examination, December 2023 (View Details)
23-11-2023 Reminder for Fees payment (Nuirsing Programmes) (View Details)
20-11-2023 Important Notice (View Details)
18-11-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification of Policy for the Process of Developing and Signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Memorandum of Academic Support/Association (MoAS/MoAA) (View Details)
17-11-2023 CICRULAR - Notification on reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
17-11-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Committee for Renovation / Upgradation of Classrooms and Laboratories in AdtU (View Details)
17-11-2023 Circular-R-Invitation to attend Workshop on Devadasi Dance (View Details)
17-11-2023 Circular - Development of Video Content for MOOCs (View Details)
16-11-2023 Late fine against semester fees (View Details)
14-11-2023 Study Abroard Opportunity in Portugal (View Details)
11-11-2023 Reminder for fees payment (View Details)
09-11-2023 UBAYA Online Summer Program 2023 (View Details)
06-11-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-208 -Research Reward Distribution Ceremony-2023 (View Details)
06-11-2023 Circular-R-210-Invitation to attend the Chancellor’s Lecture Series, the 18th lecture November 9, 2023 (View Details)
06-11-2023 Circular-R-209-Re-constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and Clubs-2023 (View Details)
03-11-2023 CIRCULAR- SOP for uploading Event Report/Minutes of Meeting in Event Repository (View Details)
18-10-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding prior appointment to meet honorable Dean of Studies (View Details)
17-10-2023 International Student Mobility Program in Poland (View Details)
14-10-2023 CIRCULAR- Implementation of Unique ID by IQAC for Approvals & Streamlining University Process Flow (View Details)
14-10-2023 Notification-R-160-SOP for Appointment of Visiting Faculty from International Universities at AdtU and Vice-Versa (View Details)
14-10-2023 Circular-R-195-Call for Proposal: For Second Phase of Seed Money Projects Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
14-10-2023 NOTIFICATION -R-194-NSS Programme Coordinator and Programme Officer(s) of AdtU NSS Unit (View Details)
14-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-Reconstitution of committee for Outreach Activities in Adopted Villages of AdtU (View Details)
11-10-2023 Notification -DRA-II-195-SOP for Seed Funding Assistance for International Research and Academic Faculty (View Details)
11-10-2023 SOP for Assignment and Presentation Component (View Details)
11-10-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-197-Regarding collection of money from students, staff and faculty members (View Details)
11-10-2023 Notification-DRA-II-152-SOP for Teaching Assistant (TA) for PhD, Post Graduate and Undergraduate Students at AdtU (View Details)
09-10-2023 Circular-DRA-II-150-Regarding conduction of meetings and deliberations at various levels (View Details)
05-10-2023 Notification-DRA-II-Selection of Seed Money Project Proposals for Financial Year 2023-24 (View Details)
04-10-2023 Revised list of Programme Coordinators for the Academic Year 2023-24 (View Details)
04-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-PhD Admission January – 2024 (View Details)
04-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-156-Policy for Reward and Other Financial Benefits for Research Publication/Patents/Books by Faculty and Staff Members of AdtU (Version 2.0) (View Details)
04-10-2023 Circular - Scholarship Link & payment of semester fees (View Details)
03-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-157-SOP for appointment of Internal Students as Apprenticeship at AdtU (View Details)
03-10-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II- 133-Information regarding Internship, Field trip, Industry/Community visit, Industrial training, Hospital training, Study tour etc. (View Details)
30-09-2023 Circular - Standard Policy Cover & Content page (View Details)
30-09-2023 CIRCULAR-R- Organizing Fresher’s Day celebration for Entrant Batch, 2023-24 (View Details)
28-09-2023 NOTIFICATION - Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholar under “AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars” (View Details)
25-09-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II- Issue of student class attendance register and uploading of student class attendance in the ERP System (View Details)
23-09-2023 Results of Intermediate Semester Examination (Regular) (Even), July 2023 (View Details)
22-09-2023 CIRCULAR -DRA-II-Invitation to Attend 7th Lecture of the Intellectual Lecture Series (View Details)
21-09-2023 Notification-DRA-II- Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for August 2023 Batch (View Details)
20-09-2023 CIRCULAR - Renewal of annual Bus Card for Bus services of AdtU (View Details)
15-09-2023 Circular -DRA-II-REVISED UG DEGREE CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK 2023-24 (View Details)
14-09-2023 Dear sir, Gmail accounts of BCA 5th semester students have been created and shared the login details along with this mail.Please find the attachments (View Details)
14-09-2023 CIRCULAR- Splitting of office of Director, Research and Innovation into two independent Directorates (View Details)
12-09-2023 Important Information regarding the Uniform Programme Code and Course Code (Academic Session 2023-24) (View Details)
11-09-2023 Notification- R-Guidelines for Associate Dean, Faculty Research & Innovation Cell (FRIC), AdtU (View Details)
11-09-2023 Notification-R- Participation of International students in different cultural program (View Details)
11-09-2023 CIRCULAR - Bus Timings for Students, Faculty and Staff for 2nd Shift Classes (View Details)
08-09-2023 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2023-24 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
02-09-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on appointed Deans and Associate Deans of various Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
29-08-2023 Circular -DRA-II -Call for application for Research Reward for Research Publication/Patents/Books for the Academic year 2022-23 (View Details)
29-08-2023 Dedicated graffiti wall for students of every Faculty of Study (View Details)
29-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of committee to carry out activities pertaining to Celebration of 14th Foundation Day (2023) of AdtU (View Details)
28-08-2023 CIRCULAR - Arrangement for City Tour and Movie Screening at PVR, City Centre Mall for Entrant Batch of 2023 (View Details)
28-08-2023 CIRCULAR - District Level Plantation of Seedlings under Amrit Brikshya Andolan (View Details)
28-08-2023 Circular-DRA-II- Call for application for AdtU Annual Awards 2022-23 (View Details)
28-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2023-24 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
25-08-2023 Circular-R- Reporting of Student, PhD Scholars (who will be receiving degrees), staff and faculty members at University for 10th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
24-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Suspension of classes on 25th and 26th of August 2023 for 10th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
19-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Invitation & Reception Committee for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
12-08-2023 Circular-DRA-II- Participation of Students in the launch of Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) (View Details)
12-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Constitution of sub-committees for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
12-08-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Hon’ble Vice Chancellor visit timing to the Faculty of Studies (View Details)
11-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Constitution of sub-committees for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
07-08-2023 Guidelines for uploading passport photo in the convocation application form. (View Details)
01-08-2023 Notification: IQAC Coordinators from respective Faculty of Studies (View Details)
31-07-2023 CIRCULAR: New Bus Timings for Students, Faculty and Staff from 1st August 2023 (View Details)
31-07-2023 CIRCULAR- In-campus dress code for students of AdtU (View Details)
28-07-2023 The new marking pattern (In sem and End Sem marks) of the courses across all the programs and Faculty of Studies from the batches 2023 (View Details)
28-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding Orientation Program of Intermediate and 1st Semester students (View Details)
25-07-2023 Invitation to the PIs and CO-PIs for Project Proposal Presentation || Seed Money Grant projects for year 2023-24 (View Details)
25-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Core Committee for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
21-07-2023 Student Mobility Program in Poland for the upcoming academic year of 2023-2024 (View Details)
20-07-2023 Time Table for Special Compartmental Examinations, August 2023 (View Details)
19-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Arrangement of Photo Shoot of Faculties and Admin Staff for website profile (View Details)
19-07-2023 Academic Calendar of Odd and Even Semester 2023-24 (View Details)
13-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of odd Semester 2023 (View Details)
05-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of committee for drafting a policy on MoU signing process of AdtU (View Details)
05-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Academic events to be conducted by each Faculty of Study in an Academic Year (View Details)
05-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding status of passport of Students of Assam down town University (View Details)
03-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Time Table Committee for Centrally Offered Courses for the Odd Semester 2023 (View Details)
03-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Online learning and MOOCs Committee (View Details)
03-07-2023 Phd fees circular July 2023, Assam down town University (View Details)
01-07-2023 Research Related Study Tour to Vietnam 2023, Assam down town University (View Details)
30-06-2023 Circular-R-Extension of Last Date: Call for Proposal- Seed Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
22-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on PhD Admission August - 2023 (View Details)
22-06-2023 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Internal Research Review committee (IRRC) (View Details)
22-06-2023 Notification: " Policy for Evaluation of Skill - based Techno Professional Courses (View Details)
22-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Distribution of responsibilities of purchase department (View Details)
19-06-2023 Circular -R-Call for Proposal: Seed Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
19-06-2023 Circular -R- Submission of Progress Report for the Seed Grant projects sanctioned during 2021-22/22-23 (View Details)
13-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Procedure for venue booking through Academic Portal (View Details)
13-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding status of passport of faculty and senior staff members (View Details)
12-06-2023 Remainder 3 (download of Admit Card) (View Details)
10-06-2023 Notification-R-Nomination to participate “NeW IPR-2023 (View Details)
10-06-2023 Notification -R- AdtU Innovation & Startup Policy (View Details)
10-06-2023 Important Notice: Active Gmail Account Required for Digital Literacy Exam on 12th and 13th June 2023 (View Details)
07-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Distribution of responsibilities of purchase department (View Details)
07-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking self nomination from faculty members for the position of CTO for NCC Units of AdtU (View Details)
03-06-2023 Change of Bus Timings for End Semester Examination (View Details)
01-06-2023 Time Table for Intermediate Semester (Even) Exam, 2023 (View Details)
01-06-2023 List of defaulters (Fee payment), June 2023 (View Details)
01-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking self nomination from faculty and staff members for reconstitution of Magazine Committee of AdtU (View Details)
29-05-2023 Digital Literacy Practical Examination Dates - June 2023 (View Details)
28-05-2023 PDP Written Competency and Viva Voce Schedule (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding scheduling Farewell Ceremony in different Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturday as normal working day during end semester examination of Even Semester 2023 (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Concerned person for submission of requirement for creative design (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Amended guidelines for paper presentation in seminars/ conferences and attending FDP/ Workshop by faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Study Leave for the students of Block B on 26th and 27th of May 2023 for 9th AdtU Job Fair (View Details)
22-05-2023 Remainder 2 (download of Admit Card) (View Details)
18-05-2023 Approved MINUTES OF EMERGENT MEETING Held on 10-05-2023 at Council Room REGARDING COURSE SUPERSTRUCTURE (View Details)
18-05-2023 Notification -R-Reconstitution of Ethics Committee, Assam down town University (View Details)
18-05-2023 CIRCULAR - Maintaining Uniformity in the use of AdtU symboloic Logo (View Details)
15-05-2023 Time Table for Final Semester (Even) Exam, 2023 (View Details)
13-05-2023 Circular for payment of Fee & impose of fine (View Details)
12-05-2023 Time table for PhD Coursework Examination, November 2022 batch (View Details)
11-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Announcement of 9th Job Fair of AdtU (View Details)
11-05-2023 Circular-DRA-II -Details of Professional Membership (View Details)
09-05-2023 Notification-DRA-II-“Constitution of J Block Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) Committee (View Details)
09-05-2023 Circular - DRA-II-PERFORMANCE BASED APPRAISAL FORM FOR FACULTY MEMBERS (2022-2023) (View Details)
04-05-2023 CIRCULAR - Notification on “Initiation of AdtU Weekly Market and request Application from Students” (View Details)
03-05-2023 Notification related to online scholarship & payment of semester fees (View Details)
27-04-2023 Important Circular for Student (View Details)
12-04-2023 Circular -INVITATION TO ATTEND THE INTELLECTUAL LECTURE SERIES today (12-04-2023) (View Details)
11-04-2023 Notice for Bus Fee (View Details)
11-04-2023 Notice for Hostel Fee (View Details)
10-04-2023 Notification -R- Guidelines for the activities under “AdtU Scheme for Award of Fellowship (JRF/SRF) for PhD Scholars” & “AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars” (View Details)
10-04-2023 Photo Archieve (View Details)
07-04-2023 Circular-Invitation to Attend the Seminar on Indian Traditional Knowledge Systems and Practices with Specific Reference to North East India (View Details)
03-04-2023 Circular-R-Constitution of Committee to Organise Seminar on “Indian Traditional Knowledge Systems and Practices with Specific Reference to North East India” (View Details)
03-04-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-Submission of student details registered various online courses on various platform including SWAYAM, NPTEL Coursera etc (View Details)
01-04-2023 Circular -R-Constitution of Committee to Carry out Activities Pertaining to AICTE approval Process (View Details)
01-04-2023 Notification -R- Creation of LinkedIn profile with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
30-03-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-Uploading of Class Content [Content Repository] and Time Table in ERP (View Details)
29-03-2023 Student Feedback on Initiation of Teaching and Learning Process (View Details)
26-03-2023 Important Security Notice - Do not share ERP (Academic and Examination) portal login details (View Details)
23-03-2023 Circular -DRA-II-Reschedule of Digital Literacy (DL) Classes for EVEN Semester 2023 (View Details)
15-03-2023 Results of Intermediate Semester Examination, January 2023 (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Regarding approval of design before making furniture in-house (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Notification on appointed personnel at different Directorates under AdtU (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Administrative structure of Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Regarding process of nomination of faculty members for assigning tasks at central level (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Implementation of Slot Based Time Table and Completion of Course Registration (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Student Attendance (View Details)
07-03-2023 Announcement of scholarship for internal final year students of AdtU (View Details)
06-03-2023 Defulters List March 2023 (View Details)
06-03-2023 CIRCULAR- Anomalies in adherence of process of availing leaves (View Details)
01-03-2023 Time Table for Compartmental Examination (Even Semester) , February 2023 (View Details)
25-02-2023 Circular regarding “Guidelines for PhD Supervisor / FRC for smooth conduction of PhD activities as per AdtU PhD Regulation” (View Details)
25-02-2023 Notification for minimum number of journal publications and conference presentation for PhD Scholars (View Details)
23-02-2023 Guidelines for PhD Supervisor / FRC for smooth conduction of PhD activities as per AdtU PhD Regulation (View Details)
23-02-2023 Notification for minimum number of journal publications and conference presentation for PhD Scholars (View Details)
21-02-2023 List of defaulters, February 2023 (View Details)
20-02-2023 CIRCULAR - General Instructions for University Yearly Fest Attitude 2023 (View Details)
17-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Preparation for NAAC 2nd Cycle: Standard Practices and Processes (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on appointed Deans and Associate Deans of various Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Establishment of Centre for Language Proficiency and Professional Development (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding mode of invitation to members of dtCT and AdtU fraternity for various events and activities (View Details)
14-02-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Uploading and Verification of Course Structure in ER (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Core Committee for Organizing the National Science Day, 2023 (View Details)
13-02-2023 Compartmental Admit Card is available in the student portal under the Compartmental Secion of Application. (View Details)
13-02-2023 Time Table for Compartmental Examination (Odd Semester) , February 2023 (View Details)
11-02-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Budget for Outreach programme/ Activities (View Details)
11-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Participation and Presence of Faculty members and Students in various Cultural Programmes at AdtU (View Details)
10-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding Biometric Attendance of Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of AdtU (View Details)
10-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Amendment in Holiday List 2023 (View Details)
10-02-2023 Administrative Fee (View Details)
06-02-2023 Circular-R-Declaration of 7th Pay Awardees (View Details)
06-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Core Committee for Organizing the Shruti Amrut 2-day Classical Concert Series (View Details)
03-02-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Explore Possible Online courses offered by the SWAYAM and NPTEL (View Details)
02-02-2023 Notification-Registrar -AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars (View Details)
02-02-2023 Notification-Registrar -AdtU Scheme for award of Fellowship (JRFSRF) for PhD Scholars (View Details)
01-02-2023 Notification-Submission of queries related to NAAC questionnaire/process (View Details)
01-02-2023 Administrative Fee (View Details)
31-01-2023 CIRCULAR - Functioning of Repair & Maintenance Module (RMM) under ERP (View Details)
28-01-2023 Notification for Compartmental Examination (View Details)
26-01-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Implementation of Slot Based Time Table (View Details)
26-01-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Committee for Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) (View Details)
23-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Transitory suspension of Circulation Service (Issue/ Return) of HNDB Central Library (View Details)
19-01-2023 Notification for Rescheduling of Examination (View Details)
19-01-2023 Celebration of Activities under Faculty of Studies (View Details)
19-01-2023 CIRCULAR -DRA-II-Prohibition of Mobile Phone in the Examination Hall (View Details)
13-01-2023 Circular -DRA-II-Additional administrative procedure for conduction of BOS meeting (View Details)
13-01-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Report on Utilization of Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Time Slots (View Details)
12-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 45th AC Meeting (View Details)
12-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 57th BoM Meeting (View Details)
06-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Even Semester 2023 (View Details)
05-01-2023 Amended guidelines for paper presentation in seminars and conferences by faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
03-01-2023 Release of AdtU Calendar, 2023 (View Details)
02-01-2023 Change of Bus Timings for End Semester Examination (View Details)
27-12-2022 Time Table For 1st Semester Odd Semester Examination, January 2023 (View Details)
24-12-2022 Notification -Registrar-Declaration of the Research Faculty (RF) and Annexures (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for School of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Zoology and Biotechnology, Faculty of sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Performing Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Management under Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Hospitality & Tourism Management under Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification -R-Constitution of Faculty of Studies Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) Cell (View Details)
22-12-2022 CIRCULAR- Schedule of the “Weekly Progress Review Meeting” for Implementation & Compliance, Policy framing, Format Development and Updating of different NAAC criteria (View Details)
22-12-2022 CIRCULAR- Adherence of COVID-19 protocol and practicing social distancing (View Details)
19-12-2022 Time Table For Intermediate Odd Semester Examination, January 2023 (View Details)
17-12-2022 PhD Fees (View Details)
10-12-2022 Schedule of "Weekly Progress Review Meeting" of NAAC criteria (View Details)
09-12-2022 CIRCULAR-R-Celebration of Bharatiya Bhasha Diwas (View Details)
08-12-2022 Notification- Fees (View Details)
02-12-2022 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Library Committee July 2022 (View Details)
01-12-2022 Notification on constitution of University Yearly Fest- Attitude 2023 core organizing Committee (View Details)
01-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- A-Connect Moderators (View Details)
30-11-2022 Circular - Faculty Members to attend MOOC Development Programme (View Details)
30-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Promotion (View Details)
29-11-2022 Circular-R-Celebration of World’s AIDS Day (View Details)
26-11-2022 Circular-DRA-II -Verification of Course Bucket in ERP (View Details)
26-11-2022 Notification -R-Resource Person/ Master Trainer for filing Patents, Copy rights etc” (View Details)
26-11-2022 Notification -R-Resource Person/ Master Trainer for Course Curriculum Development, Quality of Video and content in digital content, Development of Digital Contents for MOOCS” (View Details)
26-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position November 2022 (View Details)
26-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to students and faculty members to witness Rajasthani Folk Group Performance (View Details)
24-11-2022 Circular-R -Re-constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and Clubs (View Details)
23-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Celebration of 400th Birth Anniversary of Lachit Barphukan (View Details)
23-11-2022 Gentle Reminder -CIRCULAR- Regulation on student's involvement in programs outside AdtU Campus (View Details)
23-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Participation in Lectures during Ecclesia 1.0 (View Details)
22-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date of Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under PG programmes and through lateral entry (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- DRA-II-Submission of the Constitution/Reconstitution of BOS (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-II- Addendum/corrigendum (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised list of personnel from AdtU fraternity nominated for conducting the activities under different NAAC criteria (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to students, faculties and administrative/non academic Staff to join Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club (I&E Club) (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Self-nomination by faculty members to join Institution Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
17-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Orientation cum Awareness session on North East Entrepreneurship Development Program (NEEDP) (View Details)
12-11-2022 CIRCULAR - Celebration of One Day Techno - Medico Fest (Ecclesia 1.0) (View Details)
12-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 44th AC Meeting (View Details)
12-11-2022 Circular- Seeking information for placing in the 56th BoM Meeting (View Details)
12-11-2022 CIRCULAR- List of personnel from AdtU fraternity nominated for conducting the activities under different NAAC criteria (View Details)
11-11-2022 CIRCULAR-R-Faculty and student participation in Lecture cum Demonstration of Carnatic Music- Flute on 12th November, 2022 (View Details)
07-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Schedule of interaction of personnel from with members of AdtU Fraternity (View Details)
07-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of organizing committee for the Techno-Medico festival (View Details)
06-11-2022 CIRCULAR - Vigilance Committee for Hostel Monitoring of Girls Section (View Details)
06-11-2022 CIRCULAR - Vigilance Committee for Maintaining the campus Decorum by Students (View Details)
05-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Call for application from faculties and staff of AdtU for in-campus residential accommodation (View Details)
01-11-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Re-Constitution of Research Coordination Committee (RCC) (View Details)
01-11-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Format for Course Curriculum and PG course Superstructure along with Annexures (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of new LMS Design and Development Committee (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Website Management Committee (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Schedule of interaction of Hon'ble Pro Vice Chancellor with the entrant batch students of 2022 (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date of Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under UG and Diploma programmes (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding social media post of events and activities under the banner of AdtU (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Appointment of A-Connect Moderators from AdtU Student Fraternity (View Details)
24-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
22-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
22-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Holiday on 25/10/2022 (View Details)
21-10-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Composition for the Constitution Reconstitution of DAC PAC and Annexure (View Details)
21-10-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Research Publication from the PG Project (View Details)
21-10-2022 Notification -DRA-II-Composition for the Constitution/ Reconstitution of BOS and Annexures (View Details)
12-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on Reconstitution of WECC as Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) (View Details)
12-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Students participation in ‘Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive’ (E.A.D.) on 14th of October, 2022 (View Details)
10-10-2022 Fees Payment Circular October 2022 (View Details)
10-10-2022 Notification -Introduction of New Course code from the session 2022-23 and Annexure I (View Details)
29-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 43rd AC Meeting (View Details)
29-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 55th BoM Meeting (View Details)
28-09-2022 Notification-DRA-II-NO SUSPENSION OF SCHEDULED CLASSES (View Details)
27-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Student nomination for Anti-Drug Campaign programme on 28th September, 2022 (View Details)
23-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Student orientation programme for admission to NCC unit of AdtU (View Details)
22-09-2022 Organizing Fresher's Day celebration for Entrant Batch, 2022-23 (View Details)
20-09-2022 ISSN 2583-4657 for "Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (Online)" (View Details)
20-09-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-II regarding "Uploading of Student attendance in ERP System" (View Details)
19-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Arrangement for City Tour and Movie Screening at PVR, City Center Mall for Entrant Batch of 2022 (View Details)
19-09-2022 Notification- Format for structure of the course curriculum (View Details)
19-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Arrangement for City Tour and Movie Screening at PVR, City Center Mall for Entrant Batch of 2022 (View Details)
15-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised date of commencement of classes for the B. Pharm students of entrant batch 2022 (View Details)
12-09-2022 Notification -DRA-06-To furnish information regarding the Generic Electives and Departmental Electives In (View Details)
12-09-2022 NOTIFICATION - Renewal of annual Bus Card for Bus services of AdtU (View Details)
12-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of YUVA Tourism Club (View Details)
12-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Formation of Biswakarma Puja Celebration Committee 2022 (View Details)
10-09-2022 IMPORTANT- One pager Academic Calendar for Odd Semester 2022-23 (View Details)
09-09-2022 Notification -DRA-II-04-To furnish the course curriculum related information (View Details)
09-09-2022 Notification -“to furnish the career prospects of graduating students under different programmes” (View Details)
09-09-2022 Online Awareness programme on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)” (View Details)
06-09-2022 Process of Reporting for Student Orientation Programme for Entrant Batch, 2022-23 (View Details)
06-09-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-CLASS TIME TABLE FORMAT-2022-23 (View Details)
01-09-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA- Most constructive suggestion for AdtU’s all-round development Award -2022 (View Details)
01-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Plan of Activities for Student Orientation Programme for new entrant batch, 2022-23 (View Details)
01-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Nomination of Student Volunteers for Student Orientation Programme, 2022-23 (View Details)
30-08-2022 CIRCULAR -DRA-Call for Application for PhD Supervisorship (View Details)
30-08-2022 CIRCULAR - Constitution of committee to carry out activities pertaining to Celebration of 13th Foundation Day (2022) of AdtU (View Details)
30-08-2022 IMPORTANT- Academic Calendar for the Academic year 2022-23 (Odd and Even Semester) (View Details)
29-08-2022 CIRCULAR -DRA-Training Session on A-Connect (View Details)
26-08-2022 CIRCULAR - Session on Corporate Spirituality with Mr. Dinesh Shahra (View Details)
26-08-2022 NOTIFICATION as the “Policy with guidelines for selection of “BEST TEACHER AWARD” ASSAM DOWN TOWN UNIVERSITY (View Details)
25-08-2022 Important Announcement Related to Convocation 2022 (View Details)
24-08-2022 Convocation Notice 2022 (View Details)
19-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding preparation of Vision document of IQAC for next five years (View Details)
18-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of sub-committees for 9 th Convocation 2022 of Assam down town University (View Details)
18-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding “Course Super Structure” (under the Criteria 1 of NAAC) (View Details)
13-08-2022 Time Table For Special Compartmental Exam, August 2022 (View Details)
13-08-2022 CIRCULAR - Celebration of Independence Day (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Promotion (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Reminder regarding creation of Google Scholar and LinkedIn profile with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Information regarding Holiday of Administration Staff (View Details)
11-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Release of Beta version of A-Connect Mobile App (View Details)
11-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Core Committee for 9th Convocation 2022 of Assam down town University (View Details)
10-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Corrigendum- Commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2022 (View Details)
05-08-2022 Revised Time-Table for CBCS Papers (UG & PG), July/August 2022 (View Details)
03-08-2022 Result of Final Semester Examination, July 2022 (View Details)
02-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2022 (View Details)
29-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information of Freedom Fighters and celebration of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav (View Details)
28-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Committee for ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’ (View Details)
27-07-2022 Standard policy format of AdtU (View Details)
22-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding creation of Google Scholar and LinkedIn profile with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
22-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
18-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding Cataract Screening & Vision Check up Camp (View Details)
15-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Declaration of summer vacation for Clinical Instructors/ Lab Instructors/ Lab Attendants and faculty members who are designated in an administration position (View Details)
13-07-2022 Notification- Policy for Reward and Other Financial Benefits for Research Publication Patents Books by Faculty and Staff Members of AdtU (View Details)
07-07-2022 CIRCULAR -Reconstitution of committee for Outreach Activities in Adopted Villages of AdtU (View Details)
07-07-2022 CIRCULAR- List of faculty members for the second phase of Summer Vacation (View Details)
05-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Declaration of summer vacation for faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding availing leaves during end semester examination 2022 (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Arrangement of practice session for upcoming end semester Computer Based Examination (CBE) (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Progress Review of Sanctioned Seed Money Grant Projects and Annex-I (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR -DRA-Constitution of Committee to Evaluate the Progress of Seed Money Grant Projects (View Details)
28-06-2022 Circular-Regarding Geo-tagged photograph and FDP (View Details)
27-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Adherence of COVID-19 protocol and practicing social distancing (View Details)
25-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-121-Call for application for Research Reward and other benefits of AdtU (View Details)
23-06-2022 Time Table For Intermediate Semester Examination, July 2022 (View Details)
23-06-2022 Circular- REGARDING 8th ANNUAL JOB FAIR (View Details)
23-06-2022 Circular -REGARDING LAST DATE FOR AVAIL OF ADMIT CARD (View Details)
23-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Constitution of Committee to formulate modalities for implementation of recommendations related to Curricular Aspects of NAAC (View Details)
14-06-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for introduction of new programmes at AdtU (View Details)
14-06-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for Appointment of Industry Experts as faculty member at AdtU (View Details)
14-06-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for appointment of internal students as interns at AdtU (View Details)
13-06-2022 Time Table For Final Semester Examination, 2022 (View Details)
12-06-2022 Circular-DRA- Interaction with the AdtU students those who received awards/prizes at various activities/ competitions/events outside AdtU (View Details)
10-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding upcoming academic and administrative Audit (View Details)
10-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Information about sponsored seats under BPL category at AdtU (View Details)
09-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding subscription of print journal (View Details)
07-06-2022 Notification for Uploading Question Paper (View Details)
07-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Re-Constitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) for Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science (View Details)
07-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised dates of last day of class of Even semester 2022 (View Details)
07-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Inauguration of Faculty Recreation Corner at B Block (View Details)
07-06-2022 Notification for holding Even Semester Final and Intermediate Semester Examination (View Details)
06-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Self Nomination for Student Governance Connect initiative (View Details)
06-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding participation in the 3 day meditation session (View Details)
28-05-2022 Result of RET March 2022 ( Round II), Assam down town University (View Details)
26-05-2022 Notification for PhD Course Work examination May 2022 (View Details)
25-05-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Support in publication of scientific manuscript (View Details)
25-05-2022 Circular -DRA-Student Nomination for interactive session on Importance of Paying Taxes and Ease of Tax Compliance” (View Details)
25-05-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding proposed Research Internship for UG students by UGC (View Details)
20-05-2022 CIRCULAR-Revised Reward scheme for research publication by faculty and staff members of AdtU (View Details)
19-05-2022 CIRCULAR -Invitation to attend Research Reward Distribution Ceremony (View Details)
17-05-2022 Payment Reminder (Urgent) (View Details)
05-05-2022 Result sheets of Even Semester compartmental Exam, February 2022 (View Details)
04-05-2022 Circular related to Semester Fees (View Details)
02-05-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-79- Re-Constitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) (View Details)
27-04-2022 CIRCULAR - Regarding directives for wearing mask inside the University Campus (View Details)
25-04-2022 Circular regarding Fees (View Details)
20-04-2022 Circular for Phd fees, Click here (View Details)
13-04-2022 Result sheets of Odd Semester compartmental Exam, February 2022 (View Details)
09-04-2022 NOTIFICATION regarding “Policy guidelines for receipt of financial support from external funding agencies like Trusts/Societies/NGOs by the doctoral research scholars of AdtU” (View Details)
07-04-2022 CIRCULAR- Call for application from faculties and staff of AdtU for in-campus residential accommodation (View Details)
06-04-2022 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators against vacant/ replacement positions for the Academic Year 2021-22 (View Details)
01-04-2022 Circular -Regarding “Class Time Table Format” (View Details)
29-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Monthly meeting of Deans of Faculty of Studies with Hon'ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
29-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Meeting of Teaching Staff of respective Faculty of Studies with Hon'ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
23-03-2022 Instructions for University Yearly Fest "Attitude, 2022" (View Details)
22-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 53rd BoM Meeting (View Details)
21-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 41st AC Meeting (View Details)
21-03-2022 Lamp Lighting Ceremony, April 2022 (View Details)
16-03-2022 Attitude Competitions Details March 2022 (View Details)
15-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification Regarding Journal Publication (View Details)
12-03-2022 CIRCULAR-Student nomination for Yi-Yuva Foundation Guwahati Chapter-reg (View Details)
10-03-2022 CIRCULAR Review of projects and interaction of different stakeholders of AdtU with Adviser Research (View Details)
09-03-2022 CIRCULAR Notification on reconstitution of Board of Studies, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
09-03-2022 Circular- Global Mentoring Walk (View Details)
08-03-2022 CIRCULAR-Regarding Student Nomination to participate in a function in context to “Bangladesh Film Festival 2022” (View Details)
08-03-2022 Circular regarding Students Nomination to participate in Vital Voices Global Mentoring Walk 2022 (View Details)
28-02-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-39-Constitution of core committee to formulate necessary modalities to organize a National level conference (View Details)
28-02-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-41-Constitution of core committee to formulate necessary modalities to organize a National level conference (View Details)
28-02-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for constitution/ reconstitution of Board of Studies of different Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
26-02-2022 Notification-Faculty wise list of sanctioned project proposals as Seed Money Grant-Second List (View Details)
25-02-2022 CIRCULAR-SOP for best faculty of the month (View Details)
25-02-2022 dtVL Ideation 2.0: Inviting Innovators and Startups to avail INTEREST FREE loan upto Rs. 2 lakhs (View Details)
25-02-2022 TIDE 2.0: Inviting Application for Funding opportunities (View Details)
23-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the inaugural ceremony of Bangabandhu Corner at AdtU (View Details)
22-02-2022 Time Table for Even Semester (Compartmental) Examination, March 2022 (View Details)
21-02-2022 CIRCULAR-Sanctioned Letter Distribution Ceremony under the Seed Money Grant (View Details)
17-02-2022 CIRCULAR-Constitution of National Science Day Celebration Committee (View Details)
15-02-2022 Circular- Regarding organizing various events / activities (View Details)
15-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
14-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Amended guidelines for paper presentation in seminars and conferences by faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
14-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Even Semester 2022 (View Details)
12-02-2022 Notification-Faculty wise list of sanctioned project proposals as Seed Money Grant (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of AISHE Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of NAD Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of NBA Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of University Research Council as per AdtU PhD Regulation 2021 (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of NIRF Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 Circular- Regarding Participation in International Conferences (View Details)
06-02-2022 Guidelines for End Semester Online Examination, Feb'22 (View Details)
04-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the celebration of Saraswati Puja (View Details)
03-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding reporting of events and activities through ERP (View Details)
03-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of External Project Review Committee (View Details)
02-02-2022 Fees date extension (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Vaccination status of faculties and staff of AdtU (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Activities to be taken up by each Faculty of Study during the month of February and March 2022 (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR -Reward scheme for externally funded R &D projects by faculty and staff members of AdtU (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Reward for 10 Best Research Projects (View Details)
31-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised University Timing from 01-02-2022 (View Details)
28-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Executive committee of AdtU Alumni Association (View Details)
28-01-2022 Circular-Regarding Publication and Scholar Portal Accounts (View Details)
28-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Temporary charge of Dean, Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
25-01-2022 Important Notice to All the Students (View Details)
25-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Celebration of 73rd Republic Day 2022 (View Details)
22-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 40th AC Meeting (View Details)
22-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Reward scheme for research publication by faculty and staff members of AdtU (View Details)
22-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 52nd BoM Meeting (View Details)
17-01-2022 CIRCULAR- COVID-19 related instructions for faculties and staff of AdtU (View Details)
13-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding Modus operandi for entry of students after Bihu holiday (View Details)
13-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Special Squad for document verification and monitoring of student movement (View Details)
13-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Rejoining of faculties after Magh Bihu Holidays (View Details)
11-01-2022 CIRCULAR - 'Regarding Administration of Booster Dose Vaccine (View Details)
11-01-2022 Time Table for Odd Semester (Regular) Examination, February 2022 (View Details)
08-01-2022 Notice regarding the uploading of questions to the Question Bank in ERP (View Details)
08-01-2022 Notification for Uploading Question Paper for End Semester February 2020 (View Details)
03-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding completion of practical classes (View Details)
23-12-2021 Inviting Application from students having innovative Business idea/prototype/product/technology solution (View Details)
23-12-2021 Inviting Application from students to participate in a survey on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (View Details)
23-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Internal Research Review Committee (View Details)
20-12-2021 IMPORTANT- Academic Calendar for the Academic year 2021-22 (Odd and Even Semester) (View Details)
20-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Process for Event Reporting through ERP (View Details)
16-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Schemes linked to research activities at AdtU (View Details)
11-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students under various programmes of AdtU for the Admission Session 2021-22 (View Details)
11-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding attending Chancellor`s Lecture Series of the University (View Details)
06-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Plan of Action applicable in case of detection of COVID-19 positive cases at Assam down town University (View Details)
04-12-2021 Guidelines for newly joined faculty members for updating their profile in ERP (View Details)
03-12-2021 CIRCULAR- List of faculties to be involved in the 7th Annual Job Fair 2021 of AdtU on 10-12-2021 (View Details)
02-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding 7th Annual Job Fair 2021 of AdtU (View Details)
01-12-2021 Notice to Alumni (View Details)
30-11-2021 Request for Bank Account Details of Toppers (End Semester Examination, May-June 2021) (View Details)
28-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Submission of report of events (View Details)
24-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for review of content of cultural activities and celebrations published thorough online platforms (View Details)
24-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding Chancellor's Lecture Series on 27-11-2021 at 10 A.M (View Details)
23-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding Food Services in Assam down town University (AdtU) (View Details)
20-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Booking of Council Room, Board Room, Auditoriums, Amphitheatre and other such facilities of AdtU for different activities (View Details)
19-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding instructions for conduct of written test on 21-11-2021 issued by State Level Police Recruitment Board (View Details)
18-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Wearing of ID Card and approval of leaves of faculties and staff of AdtU (View Details)
15-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Re-constitution of Purchase Committee (View Details)
15-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Adherence of COVID-19 protocol and practicing social distancing (View Details)
15-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for planning and implementation of the provisions under National Education Policy 2020 at AdtU (View Details)
12-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Correction in date of observing holiday on account of Guru Nanak Jayanti (View Details)
10-11-2021 Reminder to Students (View Details)
10-11-2021 (Revised) Time Table For Special Odd Semester Compartmental Examination, November 2021 (View Details)
03-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Holiday on 05-11-2021 (View Details)
03-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for Outreach Activities in Adopted Villages of AdtU (View Details)
02-11-2021 Code of Conduct Handbook, Assam down town University (View Details)
30-10-2021 Notice: Bus Fee for the students: Session 2021-22 (View Details)
30-10-2021 Notice: Hostel Fee for the Students, Session 2021-22 (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Addendum: Policy for assigning weightage for different research activities (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Welcome arrangement for 1st Semester Students (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Programme to pay tribute to Dr. Bhupen Hazarika on his death anniversary (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Call for application for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and Professor by eligible faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
26-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Modus operandi for entry of 1st Semester/ Year students for physical classes (View Details)
26-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Committee for review of Student Cycle in the ERP (View Details)
26-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Revised dates of last day of class and examination of Odd semester 2021 (View Details)
25-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Involvement of students and faculty members in co-curricular activities (View Details)
22-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 39th AC Meeting (View Details)
22-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 51st BoM Meeting (View Details)
18-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Revised University Timing (View Details)
11-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution Special Squad for document verification and monitoring of student movement (View Details)
10-10-2021 Notification on Distance Education Examination Form Fill up, November 2021 (View Details)
08-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Student participation in Global Essay Writing Event (View Details)
08-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Re-constitution of Diploma Board, AdtU (View Details)
08-10-2021 Fwd: Constitution of Revised Committee for QS Ranking (View Details)
08-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Policy for disbursement of remuneration to the PhD Supervisors of AdtU (View Details)
25-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Initiation of registration of certain programmes of AdtU (View Details)
24-09-2021 CIRCULAR: Constitution of committee for coordination with I-STEM (View Details)
24-09-2021 CIRCULAR: Dates for collection of Mark Sheet and Certificate by the degree recipients of 8th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
22-09-2021 CIRCULAR- SOP for Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism (View Details)
18-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Initiation of registration of certain programmes of AdtU (View Details)
17-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Modus operandi for entry of final year/ pre-final semester students for physical classes (View Details)
17-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Special Squad for document verification and monitoring of student movement (View Details)
16-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
16-09-2021 Japanese Language and Culture Traning, Learn a new Language and get a new soul (View Details)
13-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Formation of Biswakarma Puja Celebration Committee 2021 (View Details)
11-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Standard Operating Procedure for Repair and Maintenance at AdtU under different heads (View Details)
11-09-2021 CIRCULAR- SOP- Operational Expenses Fund for Office of the Dean of faculties of AdtU (View Details)
07-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes in physical mode (View Details)
07-09-2021 Urgent Notification to Mentioned Students (View Details)
03-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of IAIP and DAIP (View Details)
28-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Revised University Timing (View Details)
27-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Award for most innovative online teaching initiative (View Details)
26-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Adoption of Note Sheet Filing System in all administrative matters of AdtU (View Details)
26-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for 12th Foundation Day (2021) of AdtU (View Details)
23-08-2021 Regarding CIRCULAR- Constitution of committees for 8th Convocation 2021 of Assam down town University (View Details)
19-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Nomination for selection of Best Graduate, Best Post Graduate and Best Placement Achiever 2021 In (View Details)
19-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Rejoining of faculties after Semester Break Vacation (View Details)
14-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Celebration of Independence Day 2021 (View Details)
11-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Semester Break Vacation (View Details)
04-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2021 for intermediate semesters (View Details)
03-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
03-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for selection of Best Graduate, Best Post Graduate and Best Placement Achiever 2021 (View Details)
03-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committees for 8th Convocation 2021 of Assam down town University (View Details)
29-07-2021 Policy for Organizing events at AdtU (View Details)
29-07-2021 Policy and Guidelines for Creation of Data Pool (View Details)
29-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Submission of Journal Publication Data in the Academic Module (ERP) of AdtU (View Details)
28-07-2021 Result of D. Pharm Part I Exam (Regular) August, 2020 (View Details)
26-07-2021 Urgent [Toppers Scholarship] (View Details)
26-07-2021 Result of Final Semester Examination, June-July, 2021 (View Details)
24-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Precautionary measures to be taken to contain spread of COVID-19 (View Details)
23-07-2021 Ganastabha-News Papaer (View Details)
23-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators for the Academic Year 2021-22 (View Details)
19-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of special Committee to develop SOP for Grievance Redressal Mechanism of AdtU (View Details)
19-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 38th AC Meeting (View Details)
19-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 50th BoM Meeting (View Details)
16-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Recommencement of normal functioning of the University for Faculties and Staff (View Details)
13-07-2021 Procedure to download Semester Examination Admit Card (View Details)
09-07-2021 News Paper 09/07/2021 (View Details)
05-07-2021 Time Table for Intermediate Even Semester (Regular) Examination July 2021 (View Details)
03-07-2021 News Paper 03/07/2021 (View Details)
30-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Schedule of Campus Visit for Deans, Associate Deans, HoDs, Directors, Program coordinators, faculty members and administrative staffs (View Details)
28-06-2021 Regarding presentation of NAAC criteria wise improvement plan (View Details)
27-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Re-Constitution of Maintenance Squad of AdtU (View Details)
16-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Schedule of Campus Visit for Deans, Associate Deans, HoDs and Directors (View Details)
09-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Recirculation of Policy for assigning weightage for different research activities (View Details)
09-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Guidelines for providing content to be posted in social media (View Details)
08-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for planning and implementation of AdtU Entrance Test (View Details)
05-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Schedule of Campus Visit for Deans, Associate Deans, HoDs, Directors and admin personnel (View Details)
05-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position (View Details)
03-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Distribution of responsibilities of various programmes under Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
27-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for preparation of application for membership of AIU and IAU (View Details)
26-05-2021 CIRCULAR [For Already Pass Out Student] (View Details)
25-05-2021 Result of the Odd-Semester (Regular) Examination, held in February, 2021 (View Details)
21-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Appeal to students, faculties and staff members to get vaccinated (View Details)
20-05-2021 Time Table for Final Semester Examination June 2021 (View Details)
18-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Addendum for Constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and re-constitution of Clubs (View Details)
18-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Scheduling of online meetings of AdtU after 2 P.M. (View Details)
18-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for segregation of student data category wise in the ERP (View Details)
13-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding revised directives from the Govt. of Assam (View Details)
13-05-2021 Important Notification regarding reopening of scholarship application link (View Details)
06-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Fees waiver for different category of students seeking admission in different programmes of AdtU (View Details)
05-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
04-05-2021 Reminder - 2: (View Details)
03-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) (View Details)
30-04-2021 News Paper 30/04/2021 (View Details)
30-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Continuation of online teaching and learning (View Details)
30-04-2021 Kind Attention to All the Students Who havenot Paid Administrative Fee Yet... (View Details)
25-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Addendum for revised date of reporting and work from home (View Details)
25-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and re-constitution of Clubs (View Details)
19-04-2021 Reminder to Students/Parents (View Details)
13-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 50th BoM Meeting (View Details)
13-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 38th AC Meeting (View Details)
13-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Dates for reporting of students and faculty members of various Faculty of Studies for commencement of classes after Bihu holidays (View Details)
11-04-2021 Time Table For Even Semester Compartmental Examination, April 2021 (View Details)
02-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Regulation on payment of fees by the students (View Details)
02-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Regulation on students wearing uniform (View Details)
30-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Centralization of all outgoing communication from AdtU (View Details)
30-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’ (View Details)
24-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Concerned person for submission of requirement for creative design. (View Details)
23-03-2021 Faculty Feedback Form (View Details)
22-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Circulation of new COVID-19 guideline issued by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Assam (View Details)
19-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
19-03-2021 Faculty Self – Appraisal proforma (View Details)
19-03-2021 Attitude 2021 (View Details)
18-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for AICTE approval process 2021-22 (View Details)
18-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Updated List of Generic Elective Courses under CBCS 2021 (View Details)
18-03-2021 Revised Time Table of UG programs for Odd Semester Compartmental Examinations, March-2021 (View Details)
18-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for steering towards bio-diversity and bio-resource richness in AdtU campus (View Details)
13-03-2021 Date-sheet for Odd Semester Compartmental Examination, March 2021 (for UG/PG/Diploma Courses) (View Details)
12-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding attending Chancellor's and Regular Lecture Series of the University (View Details)
11-03-2021 News Paper 11/03/2021 (View Details)
10-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
10-03-2021 Regarding University bus facility for the students (View Details)
09-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
09-03-2021 Notification for Even Semester Compartmental Examination, April 2021 (View Details)
08-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
05-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
05-03-2021 Invitation--International Women Day Celebration (View Details)
05-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Formation of University Yearly Fest (Attitude) core organizing Committee (View Details)
04-03-2021 CIRCULAR --- Celebration of INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2021(IWD) (View Details)
03-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
02-03-2021 The Indian Express New Paper (View Details)
01-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Notification for opening of in campus hostels for booking (View Details)
01-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Dates for reporting of students of various Faculty of Studies for commencement of classes of the Even Semester 2021 (View Details)
28-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Formation of International Women's Day Celebration Committee (View Details)
28-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Committee for Handling Grievances (View Details)
26-02-2021 CIRCULAR 'Regarding celebration of Science Day on Sunday, 28th of February 2021' (View Details)
25-02-2021 CIRCULAR 'Admission under In-House Scholarship Scheme for the session 2021-22'. (View Details)
25-02-2021 Circular - For Scholarship as well as due date of payment of fees for upcoming exams (View Details)
22-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Timeline for declaration of results of the Odd Semester examination held during February 2021 (View Details)
20-02-2021 Lamp lighting Ceremony Organized by Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
20-02-2021 Lamp Lighting Ceremony, 2021 (View Details)
17-02-2021 Invitation- First lecture series to commemorate the death anniversary of Late Sahityaratna Harinarayan Dutta Baruah (View Details)
14-02-2021 Revised Time Table for Regular End Semester Examinations of 3rd Semester UG and 5th Semester PG Programs earlier scheduled on 9th February, 2021 (9:30 am) has been rescheduled on 20th February, 2021. (View Details)
13-02-2021 Saraswati Puja 2021 (View Details)
11-02-2021 Notice regarding Viva Voice of Vandana Singh (View Details)
10-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of dues by 1st Semester/year Students (View Details)
10-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding registration of 1st Semester-year Students (View Details)
08-02-2021 Guidelines for End Semester Online Examination, Feb'21 (View Details)
05-02-2021 Revised Regular Semester Exam Time Table February 2021 (View Details)
05-02-2021 Revised Regular Semester Exam Time Table February 2021 (View Details)
03-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Audit Calendar (View Details)
02-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Uploading of Mark Sheets in Digital Academic Repository (View Details)
02-02-2021 Circular regarding download of Admit Card (View Details)
28-01-2021 URGENT (View Details)
27-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Handover of Library Affairs (View Details)
25-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 49th BoM Meeting (View Details)
25-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 37th AC Meeting (View Details)
23-01-2021 Virtual Scientific Conclave – 2021 (View Details)
22-01-2021 Time Table for Compartmental Examinations (Log-In Issue) reg. (View Details)
22-01-2021 Time Table for Compartmental Examinations of yearly programs under Faculty of Paramedical Sciences reg. (View Details)
19-01-2021 Declaration of result of Compartmental Examinations held in October, 2020 (View Details)
19-01-2021 Compartmental Result of Diploma Programs (View Details)
13-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding last date of registration for different category of students (View Details)
12-01-2021 Investment declaration form 20-21 (View Details)
11-01-2021 REVISED CIRCULAR- Regarding Compartmental Exam Form fiilup (View Details)
08-01-2021 Result Published- August -Sept 2020 Compartmental/ Supplementary Examination(Physiotherapy) (View Details)
08-01-2021 Result Published- August -Sept 2020 Compartmental/ Supplementary Examination(Optometry) (View Details)
08-01-2021 Result Published- August -Sept 2020 Compartmental/ Supplementary Examination(B.Pharm) (View Details)
07-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Departmental Store Establishment Committee at AdtU (View Details)
06-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding Compartmental Exam Form fiilup (View Details)
31-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of IAIP and DAIP (View Details)
31-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special Committee to draft Protocols for involvement of External Experts at AdtU (View Details)
23-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Initiative to cheer the interests of the members of AdtU fraternity in sports, culture and other hobbies (View Details)
23-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Maintenance Squad of AdtU (View Details)
23-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Revised University timings for the winter months (View Details)
19-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Information for the intermediate semester/year students (View Details)
19-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes in physical mode (View Details)
19-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Competition for selection of title for the proposed multidisciplinary journal of AdtU (View Details)
17-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Inclusion of External Members in the Research Review Committee of AdtU (View Details)
14-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
14-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date for payment of semester fees of intermediate semester/ year students (View Details)
14-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Timeline for uploading of questions in the ERP Question Repository for Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
12-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of Admission Fees, Registration Fees, Semester Fees and Security Deposit of the 1st Semester/year Students (View Details)
04-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Faculty appraisal and promotion committee (View Details)
04-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Conduction of examination for programmes under Sankar Madhab School of Nursing for the year 2020 (revised circular) (View Details)
03-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Creation of Digital Academic Repository for students (View Details)
01-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Webinars to be organized by various Faculty of Studies and other departments during the month of December 2020 and January 2021 (View Details)
25-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Schedule of practical classes in physical mode for certain programmes (View Details)
25-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of ERP Academic Module review Committee (View Details)
22-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding in-charge of Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
20-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position- Senior Admission Executive and Coordinator, PhD Programme (View Details)
11-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Distribution of examination related activities Faculty of Study wise to the personnel of Examination Cell, AdtU (View Details)
11-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding the Re-Uploading of Formal Photgraphs in the Convocation portal (View Details)
09-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Annual Report Preparation Committee (View Details)
05-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the interaction session with Honorable Chancellor and Vice Chancellor (View Details)
30-10-2020 Revised Academic Calendar for Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
30-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding class commencement in physical mode for all programmes under AdtU (View Details)
29-10-2020 NOTIFICATION- Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) (View Details)
28-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special Committee for verification of system generated CGPA (View Details)
27-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Commencement of normal functioning of the University for Faculties and Admin Staff (View Details)
27-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding award of Diploma to Paramedical Students (View Details)
09-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for selection of Best Graduate and Best Post Graduate 2020 (View Details)
09-10-2020 CIRCULAR- General Information (View Details)
09-10-2020 CIRCULAR- List of tabulators to be present at campus on 10/10/2020 and 11/10/2020 (View Details)
07-10-2020 Circular: Committees for 7th Convocation of Assam down town University (View Details)
07-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position- Dean Research (View Details)
07-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding fees payment update status in the portal (View Details)
01-10-2020 Circular for new registration for the NCC girls' unit of Assam down town University (View Details)
01-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Last date of registration for certain programmes (View Details)
30-09-2020 CIRCULAR-Constitution of NIRF Committee (View Details)
30-09-2020 CIRCULAR-Constitution of NBA Committee (View Details)
30-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding Bus Fees and Hostel Fees (View Details)
26-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Research Ideas from Faculties and Students (View Details)
26-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Creative Writing and Dissemination Committee (View Details)
24-09-2020 Reschedule of 1st Semester PG Programmes Classes (View Details)
19-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding Collection of Fees from student (View Details)
17-09-2020 Circular Regarding 'Constitution of 1st Semester Orientation Committee'. (View Details)
15-09-2020 Invitation of Vishwakarma Puja on 17th sept 2020 (View Details)
15-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Internal Research Review Committee (View Details)
03-09-2020 Academic Calender (2020-21) Odd Semesters (View Details)
29-08-2020 Revised Programme for the Compartmental examination (E&T) August - September 2020 for the Final Semester/Year Batch (View Details)
29-08-2020 Revised Programme for the Compartmental examination (Allied) August - September 2020 for the Final Semester/Year Batch (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of CMHSS held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of Engineering and Technology held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of Paramedical held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of Pharmaceutical Science held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of B.Tech(CTIS) held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Circular Regarding 'Job Fair 2020'. (View Details)
18-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of External Project Review Committee (View Details)
18-08-2020 Circular- One time Special Examination September 2020 (View Details)
14-08-2020 SOP for commencement of Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
13-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators for the Academic Year 2020-21 (View Details)
13-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Celebration of Independence Day (View Details)
10-08-2020 Learners guide-Coursera (View Details)
06-08-2020 Demo Class- Engineering and Technology (View Details)
05-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of University Doctoral Research Committee (View Details)
05-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Protocols to be followed during COVID-19 Pandemic (View Details)
05-08-2020 Circular- Regarding Examination of Some Subjects (View Details)
04-08-2020 Circular- Change in timing of Final Examination August 2020 (View Details)
03-08-2020 Circular-Regarding 8th SEMESTER Online Examination AUGUST 2020 (View Details)
03-08-2020 Circular for Optometry students (View Details)
02-08-2020 Demo Class to know more about our MBA Course (View Details)
27-07-2020 Notice regarding extension of dates for form fill up (View Details)
24-07-2020 Circular as a General Information (View Details)
24-07-2020 Circular Regarding Norms for uploading notes in the ERP (View Details)
21-07-2020 Circular Regarding Medium of instruction for videos and other course material (View Details)
20-07-2020 Circular Regarding Examination of Final Semester/ Year Students (View Details)
20-07-2020 Circular Regarding Revised information and instructions for the faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
16-07-2020 Notification on Research Paper Upload in ERP Portal (View Details)
14-07-2020 Circular Regarding Information and instructions for the faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
11-07-2020 Circular Regarding Seeking information for placing in 35th AC Meeting (View Details)
11-07-2020 Circular Regarding General Information on commencement of Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
11-07-2020 Notification on Revised ERP Review Schedule for Even Sem 2020 (View Details)
08-07-2020 Circular Regarding Class commencement of newly admitted students of Odd Semester (View Details)
07-07-2020 Circular regarding "INTERMEDIATE SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS OF EVEN SEMESTERS 2020" (View Details)
02-07-2020 Commencement of classes of existing students for Odd Semester 2020 as per AICTE Academic Calendar (View Details)
01-07-2020 Reconstitution of Website Management Committee (View Details)
30-06-2020 Notification on Activities for the month of July 2020 (View Details)
28-06-2020 Notification on Faculty Activity Report June 2020 (View Details)
28-06-2020 Notification on Publication Review Committee (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Paramedical Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Engineering and Technology 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Commerce, Managment, Humanities and Social Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Nursing 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on Two Weeks Online FDP July 2020 (View Details)
27-06-2020 CIRCULAR- ERP Marks 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Rechecking result of Odd Semester Examination Nov-Dec 2019 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Result of 1st Semester Compartmental Examination Nov-Dec 2019 (View Details)
26-06-2020 CIRCULAR- FINAL SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS July 2020 (View Details)
24-06-2020 ERP Review Meet Schedule 2020 (View Details)
20-06-2020 Reward for Publication 2018-19 session (View Details)
20-06-2020 Address to final semester students of Even Semester 2020 (View Details)
19-06-2020 Highest Publication Reward 2020 (View Details)
19-06-2020 Journal Publication Reward for Research Scholars & PG Students (View Details)
19-06-2020 Odd semester ERP Awardees 2019-20 (View Details)
12-06-2020 Regarding Online examination (View Details)
11-06-2020 Extension of date for form fill up (View Details)
26-05-2020 Regarding Scholarship Application (View Details)
21-05-2020 Form fill up for compartmental candidates (View Details)
16-05-2020 Circular-six month progress report (View Details)
08-05-2020 Circular (View Details)
07-05-2020 CIRCULAR- Timeline for different activities related to Examination (View Details)
07-05-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of semester fees (View Details)
05-05-2020 Schedule of Academic Activities (View Details)
05-05-2020 Circular-Regarding Semester Fees (View Details)
05-05-2020 COVID-19 Prevention in the Workplace (View Details)
29-04-2020 Notification on "Contribution to CMRF - April 2020" (View Details)
16-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(16-04-2020)] (View Details)
16-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(16-04-2020)] (View Details)
16-04-2020 An Appeal with Request to #Stay_Home #Stay_Safe (View Details)
15-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(15-04-2020)] (View Details)
15-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(15-04-2020)] (View Details)
14-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(14-04-2020)] (View Details)
14-04-2020 The Financial Express 14-04-2020 (View Details)
11-04-2020 Circular regarding online classes (View Details)
11-04-2020 Regarding Covid 19 task force (View Details)
11-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(11-04-2020)] (View Details)
11-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(11-04-2020)] (View Details)
10-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(10-04-2020)] (View Details)
10-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(10-04-2020)] (View Details)
04-03-2020 Regarding hostel fee (View Details)
04-03-2020 Regarding Duty leave (View Details)
27-02-2020 First and Second Semester B.Pharm (PCI) Compartmental Examinations, 2020 (View Details)
26-02-2020 SSUHS Supplementary examination for BSC N and Post Basic BSc , 2020 (View Details)
25-02-2020 Regarding semester fee (View Details)
21-02-2020 Notification on "International Mother Language Day Celebration" (View Details)
17-02-2020 Invitation-ATTITUDE 2k20 (View Details)
17-02-2020 Rechecking-Examination-Important Circular (View Details)
12-02-2020 Circular for In-house admission for internal students (View Details)
12-02-2020 Circular for National Science Day Celebration, 2020 (View Details)
05-02-2020 Literary Events - Varsity Week, 2020 (View Details)
31-01-2020 extempore (View Details)
29-01-2020 Security deposit refund (View Details)
28-01-2020 Saraswati Puja invitation (View Details)
27-01-2020 Notification on "Saraswati Puja Celebration" (View Details)
27-01-2020 Notification on "Free Psychological Counselling Services" (View Details)
27-01-2020 Notification on "Lecture by Distinguished Professor" (View Details)
23-01-2020 Grievance related (View Details)
14-01-2020 Silpi Divas Celebration (View Details)
14-01-2020 Circular - Official meetings (View Details)
14-01-2020 End Semester Result(odd semester) - Compartmental(Nov-Dec, 2019) (View Details)
11-01-2020 End Semester Result(odd semester) - Regular (Nov-Dec, 2019) (View Details)
11-01-2020 Circular - Special meeting/ interaction with the faculties of Assam down town University ............. regarding (View Details)
09-01-2020 CIRCULAR- Submission of class routine for the Even Semester 2020 (View Details)
09-01-2020 CIRCULAR-CBCS (View Details)
06-01-2020 Lamp Lighting Ceremony, 2020 (View Details)
31-12-2019 HAPPY NEW YEAR WISHES (View Details)
21-12-2019 Notification on "Interactive Meeting with Honble' Chancellor" - Corrigendum | 3rd Jan 2020 | 2:00 pm (View Details)
20-12-2019 CIRCULAR-Reconstitution of Editorial Board of AdtU Journal of Engineering and Management -Reg: (View Details)
19-12-2019 Corrigendum to the result of MBA (View Details)
19-12-2019 Notice- Regarding Examination reschedule (View Details)
14-12-2019 Circular-Rescheduling of End Semester Examination and Winter Break (View Details)
11-12-2019 Reschedule of Examination of 12 Dec,2019 (View Details)
07-12-2019 Reschedule of Examination of 10th Dec,2019 (View Details)
05-12-2019 Diploma in Computer Application-Enrollment (View Details)
29-11-2019 Report on the Interactive program between Village Head, Bonda Village and Assam down town University (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification on "Sub Committee of Student Welfare Cell (View Details)
29-11-2019 CIRCULAR-Reconstitution of Internal Research Review Committee -Reg (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification on "Publication in Journals" CORRIGENDUM (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification on "Internal Audit- II" (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification regarding the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)-November-2019 (View Details)
25-11-2019 Constitution Day (Samvidhan Divas) (View Details)
21-11-2019 National Seminar on rain water harvesting, its purification and groundwater recharge (View Details)
21-11-2019 Visit of Prof. Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan, Vice Chairman, UGC (View Details)
21-11-2019 Odd Semester Programme-Important Examination Notice (View Details)
21-11-2019 Notice on Duties & responsibilities assigned (View Details)
19-11-2019 Scholarship Application (View Details)
18-11-2019 Library fine for faculty (View Details)
15-11-2019 CBCS IT Attendance (View Details)
09-11-2019 Holiday Regarding... (View Details)
07-11-2019 Notice to Rupay Card Holder (View Details)
04-11-2019 Vacancy for the post of Deputy Registrar (Academics) (View Details)
04-11-2019 A special meeting / interaction with the faculties of Assam down town University (View Details)
04-11-2019 AdtU observes 8th Death Anniversary of Bharat Ratna Dr Bhupen Hazarika (View Details)
02-11-2019 COMPARTMENTAL LINK EXTENDED UPTO 04.11.2019 5.00 PM (View Details)
31-10-2019 revision in rule for availing AdtU Welfare Loan for employees with Basic Pay upto 5k per month (View Details)
30-10-2019 Violin performance by Pt. Shri Bidyut Kumar Misra (View Details)
26-10-2019 Notification on "ERP Review Meet" (View Details)
26-10-2019 External funding of research project (View Details)
22-10-2019 Constitution of Examination Rules Revision Committee-Reg.: (View Details)
22-10-2019 Workshop for the faculties to be appointed as tabulators (View Details)
21-10-2019 Notification on "Inviting noted celebrities of Guwahati to AdtU" (View Details)
14-10-2019 Invitation-Workshop on GAMESPEED AND RAMP TRAINING (View Details)
12-10-2019 Circular-Seeking Information for placing in the 32nd AC Meeting-Reg (View Details)
11-10-2019 Notification on "Leave Procedure" (View Details)
10-10-2019 MHRD's Innovation Cell: NEAT Logo competition: Prize money 10,000 (View Details)
03-10-2019 Re-Circular "Collaborative Research Programme" (View Details)
01-10-2019 Circular-Aptitude and Soft Skill Training for Final Year Students - Reg: (View Details)
30-09-2019 Notification on Gandhi Jayanti Celebration | 1st Oct 2019 | 2:00 pm (View Details)
27-09-2019 Notice-Applications invited for Pragati and Saksham Scholarships-Reg: (View Details)
27-09-2019 Painting Competition (View Details)
27-09-2019 Notice-Swachhata Hi Seva -Plastic Free campaign-Reg (View Details)
25-09-2019 Circular- Extension to last date of Uploading Class Notes in ERP-Reg: (View Details)
24-09-2019 Circular-Availing Business Incubation Soft Loan-Reg (View Details)
24-09-2019 ADDENDUM to Circular: Uploading of Questions for Generation of Question Bank-reg: (View Details)
24-09-2019 MHRD issued Guidelines for Ban of Plastic Use in Higher Education Institutions (View Details)
23-09-2019 Notice-Compartmental Examinations (View Details)
23-09-2019 Notification on World Tourism Day (View Details)
23-09-2019 Notification on "ALAP" | Interactive Session | Addendum (View Details)
23-09-2019 Re-Circulation-Duration of Semester Examination-Reg (View Details)
18-09-2019 Clelebration of "World Pharmacist Day "Blood Donation Camp (View Details)
18-09-2019 REPORTING OF FIRST YEAR BSC N & Ist Year Post Basic BSc N STUDENTS (View Details)
17-09-2019 Notification on "ALAP" | Interactive Session (View Details)
17-09-2019 Notification on "Faculty Effectiveness Programme" | Nominees (View Details)
17-09-2019 Rechecking Result of Dec/2018 (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular-ERP (View Details)
16-09-2019 N O T I C E (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular-Addendum to Academic Calendar-reg: (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular- Extension-Uploading of class notes in ERP-Reg: (View Details)
16-09-2019 NOTICE-Special Compartmental exam Form fill up date-reg: (View Details)
16-09-2019 Invitation to Viswakarma Puja 2019 (View Details)
14-09-2019 Circular- Re-circulation- Mode of Debarring Students on account of less attendance-reg (View Details)
12-09-2019 Formation of Bishwakarma Puja Celebration Committee (View Details)
12-09-2019 Formation of Bishwakarma Puja Celebration Committee (View Details)
10-09-2019 “ALAP” – AN INTERACTIVE SESSION (View Details)
10-09-2019 Circular: Uploading of Questions for Generation of Question Bank-reg: (View Details)
06-09-2019 Invitation for Foundation Day (View Details)
05-09-2019 N O T I C E (View Details)
02-09-2019 CIRCULAR-Reconstitution of the Ethics Committee of AdtU, Reg: (View Details)
02-09-2019 College Ke Cool Kalakars (View Details)
02-09-2019 Addendum - Schedule of Registration (View Details)
02-09-2019 Nomination for Faculty Effectiveness Programme (View Details)
30-08-2019 Compartmental Examination 2019 Special Routine (View Details)
30-08-2019 NITTTR - Short Term Training Programmes (View Details)
30-08-2019 Non Conducting of scheduled classes (View Details)
30-08-2019 Circular-Nomination for AdtU Best Researcher Award: 2019-Reg: (View Details)
29-08-2019 Notification regarding application for business incubation at "Assam Startup- The Nest" (View Details)
29-08-2019 Circular:Committee For 10th Foundation Day Celebration of AdtU-reg: (View Details)
28-08-2019 FIT INDIA MOVEMENT (View Details)
28-08-2019 Nomination for AdtU Best Teacher Award, 2019 (View Details)
26-08-2019 NOTICE (View Details)
23-08-2019 CIRCULAR (View Details)
23-08-2019 Final University Examination, 2019 (View Details)
22-08-2019 MHRD - IIC Leadership talk with Hon'ble HRD minister-Reg (View Details)
22-08-2019 Announement of New Proggramme cocordinators (View Details)
22-08-2019 Parx Hunt 2019: Assam Downtown University Guwahati (View Details)
22-08-2019 Notification-Janmastami Holiday (View Details)
20-08-2019 Intellectual Property Talent Search Examination (IPTSE) 2019-20-Reg: (View Details)
20-08-2019 Circular-Submission of Class Routine for all the Semesters (View Details)
20-08-2019 Circular- Formation of Business Incubation and Funding Committee (View Details)
19-08-2019 Internal Audit Plan & Schedule (View Details)
19-08-2019 Fee Payment report (View Details)
19-08-2019 Registration of Existing Students (View Details)
17-08-2019 NOTIFICATION-Reg-Organising Freshers Meet-2019 (View Details)
17-08-2019 NOTIFICATION- Enrollment Drive for NCC Girls Batallion-Reg (View Details)
17-08-2019 Schedule of Registration (2019-20) (View Details)
14-08-2019 Reporting of BSc N & Post Basic BSc N (View Details)
10-08-2019 Painting Competition on 13 Aug,2019 (View Details)
09-08-2019 Important Notification to Students (View Details)
09-08-2019 Sports Team Selection (View Details)
09-08-2019 "73rd Independence Day Celebration Events" | 3 days programme from 13th August 2019 (View Details)
09-08-2019 Various Committees under Student Welfare (View Details)
08-08-2019 Notification-Updated List of Elective Courses under CBCS for UG Programmes-reg (View Details)
07-08-2019 Committee for Framing the Template of Question Papers (View Details)
06-08-2019 73rd Independence Day celebration (View Details)
05-08-2019 Revised AdtU model of Teaching Learning and Research (View Details)
05-08-2019 Inaugural ceremony of AdtU - Spic Macay Chapter (View Details)
03-08-2019 Post Matric & Merit cum Means Scholarship | Minority Communities 2019-20 (View Details)
03-08-2019 15 days free session for Swimming/ Gym/ Cinema Show (View Details)
03-08-2019 Circular-Plantation Drive- One Student-One Tree-reg (View Details)
03-08-2019 Campaign- One Student-One Tree- (View Details)
01-08-2019 "Self Nomination for ERP Uploads" | Last Date: 10/Sept/2019 (View Details)
01-08-2019 "ERP orientation schedule of newly admitted students" | Last date 3/August/2019 (View Details)
01-08-2019 "Adviser Research Appointment" (View Details)
01-08-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in the upcoming 45th BoM Meeting (View Details)
31-07-2019 Welcome to the new academic session 2019-20 (View Details)
30-07-2019 Circular- Registration for SWAYAM Courses- For Faculty Members-Reg (View Details)
30-07-2019 Circular-Registration under Clubs Cells of AdtU-Reg (View Details)
30-07-2019 AdtU Regulations for the Academic Programmes under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), 2019-New (View Details)
30-07-2019 Notification- Elective Courses under CBCS for UG Programmes-reg (View Details)
30-07-2019 Notification: Generic Elective Courses under CBCS for PG Programmes with Code (View Details)
27-07-2019 Corrigendum to the result of the B.Tech (CE) (View Details)
27-07-2019 Notification -Registration for Courses offered by SWAYAM (View Details)
27-07-2019 Bus Routes (2019-20) (View Details)
26-07-2019 N OT I C E (View Details)
26-07-2019 Circular-Workshop on Student Induction Programme-reg (View Details)
24-07-2019 N OT I C E (View Details)
16-07-2019 Circular Seeking information for placing in 31st AC Meeting (View Details)
15-07-2019 IMPORTANT CIRCULAR to ALL-Changes and Quality Implementation of ERP-Academic Module. (View Details)
06-07-2019 SWAYAM enrollment Notice: List of UGC approved 43 Nos. of PG Non-Technology MOOCs courses to be offered on SWAYAM in July Semester 2019 (View Details)
04-07-2019 Higher Education Career Planning (View Details)
04-07-2019 Group Counselling Session (View Details)
01-07-2019 Result 2nd Phase May and June 2019 (Comp) and (Supp)-Updated (View Details)
25-06-2019 Original degree pass certificates ..........Regarding. (View Details)
25-06-2019 Revised result of B.Pharm 4th Semester (View Details)
24-06-2019 End Semester Result 2nd Pahse (View Details)
21-06-2019 Application for Passed Out (View Details)
21-06-2019 Amendment to Circular dated 19th June 2019 - PPT session for availing Internal Seed Money Research Grant-2 (View Details)
19-06-2019 Yoga Day - 21 June 2019 (View Details)
19-06-2019 Invitation Letter to Eligible Candidate to Convocation 2019 (View Details)
19-06-2019 Circular- PPT session for availing Internal Seed Money Research Grant-2 (View Details)
18-06-2019 Invitation -Convocation 2019 (View Details)
18-06-2019 Notification-Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)-June-2019 (View Details)
14-06-2019 Self Appraisal 2018-19 (View Details)
10-06-2019 Extention of date for Submission of Proposals for Seed Grant (View Details)
08-06-2019 Invite Nomination for the Best Graduate & Post Graduate (View Details)
07-06-2019 CONVOCATION APPLICATION (View Details)
06-06-2019 Adjustment of Advances (View Details)
06-06-2019 Results of Final Semester/Final Year Examinations Held in May-2019 (1st Phase) (View Details)
04-06-2019 Special Talk by Nabamalikka Bhagawati (View Details)
03-06-2019 New Position announcement (View Details)
03-06-2019 Reschedule of Idul-Fitr Holiday (View Details)
31-05-2019 Self Nomination invited for ERP Uploads (View Details)
30-05-2019 Alumni Meet - 2019 (View Details)
21-05-2019 Observance of Anti Terrorism Day (View Details)
18-05-2019 Notification-AdtU Induction Programme Guidelines for Newly Admitted Students of 2019 session (View Details)
14-05-2019 Notification-Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)-May-2019 (View Details)
14-05-2019 Results of Re-Checking...December/2018 (Phase-3) (View Details)
13-05-2019 Visit of Assam Sahitya Sabha (View Details)
10-05-2019 Nurses Day Celebration, 2019 (View Details)
10-05-2019 Application for Grand of Seed Money (View Details)
07-05-2019 Examination Schedule for Even Semester/Annual Examination– May-June’ 2019 (2nd Phase) (View Details)
05-05-2019 Related to Late Fine of semester fees (View Details)
05-05-2019 Results of Re-Checking...December/2018 (Part-2) (View Details)
04-05-2019 Advisory to students/ hostel owners in view of the cyclone FANI (View Details)
03-05-2019 Model Question & Answer for Even Semester Examination (View Details)
03-05-2019 Circular- No Leave Application shall be entertained during the Month of May-June 2019 on account of Even Semester Examination Related Works (View Details)
30-04-2019 INVIGILATION GUIDELINES (View Details)
29-04-2019 IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION (View Details)
26-04-2019 parking of the Vehicles (View Details)
26-04-2019 7th Research Review Committee (External) Meeting (View Details)
25-04-2019 AdtU as an examining University Recognition Status by INC (View Details)
24-04-2019 NBA Accreditation Committee (View Details)
22-04-2019 Placement Drive (View Details)
22-04-2019 Holiday for 3rd phase of Lok Sabha Elections (View Details)
17-04-2019 Magic of Meditation | 22/04/2019 to 27/04/2019 (View Details)
12-04-2019 Results of Re-Checking...December/2018 (View Details)
11-04-2019 BIHU GREETINGS (View Details)
10-04-2019 Regarding Scholarship Application (View Details)
10-04-2019 6th Convocation (View Details)
09-04-2019 Application for Grand of Seed Money (View Details)
09-04-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in the 30th AC Meeting (View Details)
06-04-2019 Circular-Monthly Progress Report Submission for Internal Seed Money Research Projects (View Details)
06-04-2019 Circular-Progress Presentation-Internal Seed Money Research Projects (View Details)
04-04-2019 Important-Note for Invigilators of NEET Examination (View Details)
01-04-2019 Reward for publication in Journals | Re-Circulation (View Details)
30-03-2019 Circular-Assamese Language Technology Centre (View Details)
30-03-2019 Circular (View Details)
30-03-2019 PhD Viva voce of Mr. Abhinay Chhetri....Regarding. (View Details)
29-03-2019 Important Notice to the Students (View Details)
29-03-2019 Important Notice to the B.Pharm-Bridge (View Details)
29-03-2019 End Semester Examination Routine-Final (View Details)
28-03-2019 Vacancy for the post of Deputy Controller of Examination (View Details)
26-03-2019 Result Phd Course Work/March-2019 (View Details)
25-03-2019 Approval of Leave (View Details)
25-03-2019 Cirlcular-Hostel Related (View Details)
20-03-2019 Scientific Talk postponed to 26th March, 2019 (View Details)
20-03-2019 State Science Fest-2019 (View Details)
19-03-2019 Reschedule of Holidays (View Details)
18-03-2019 Reward for publication in Journals (View Details)
16-03-2019 Notification regarding the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (View Details)
15-03-2019 Awareness session by POSH (View Details)
15-03-2019 Talk by Dr. Sachin Parab on 19.03.2019 (View Details)
14-03-2019 DRDO Innovation Contest (View Details)
13-03-2019 3rd National Nursing Conference on 6th April,2019 (View Details)
09-03-2019 Circular-Fine-Compartmental Examination (View Details)
07-03-2019 Scientific Talk (View Details)
07-03-2019 CIRCULAR -BUS SERVICES (View Details)
07-03-2019 Closing Ceremony - Varsity Week - 2019 (View Details)
06-03-2019 Psychological Problems Drop Box (View Details)
28-02-2019 SWAYAM Letter- Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) available on online SWAYAM Platform (View Details)
26-02-2019 Circular for the Aptitude Program of the final year students (View Details)
23-02-2019 FORMAT FOR EVENT REPORTING (View Details)
22-02-2019 Closing Timing of Attitude - 2019 (View Details)
20-02-2019 Celebration of International Mother language Day (View Details)
16-02-2019 Working Day on 17th Feb 2019 (View Details)
11-02-2019 Campus reporting time from 12th to 20th Feb 2019 (View Details)
07-02-2019 Supplementary Examination,March 2019 (View Details)
07-02-2019 Literary events-VARSITY WEEK (View Details)
06-02-2019 Prospectus Committee 2019-20 (View Details)
05-02-2019 VARSITY WEEK 2019 (View Details)
04-02-2019 In-house Admission for Internal Students (2019-20) (View Details)
02-02-2019 Request for Bank Account Details of Toppers (End Semester Examination, May-June 2018) (View Details)
31-01-2019 Notification-On Leave Request during February till NAAC Visit is over (View Details)
29-01-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in upcoming 43rd BoM Meeting (View Details)
29-01-2019 Martyrs' Day | 30-Jan-2019 (View Details)
25-01-2019 Renewal of Bus card (View Details)
24-01-2019 70th Republic Day celebration | 2019 (View Details)
24-01-2019 Vacancy for the post of Director/ Dy. Director (Distance Education) (View Details)
24-01-2019 National Girl Child Day 2019 (View Details)
12-01-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in 29th AC Meeting (View Details)
12-01-2019 Re checking of Answer Script( Odd Semester Examination held in Nov-December, 2018 (View Details)
12-01-2019 Special Guest lecture by Mr. Arup Goswami, President, Assam Association of North America (AANA), United States of America .............. regarding (View Details)
11-01-2019 Circular-Board of Distance Education, AdtU (View Details)
09-01-2019 Notice on Cloth Donation Drive (View Details)
09-01-2019 IT Declaration Format for 2018-19 (View Details)
05-01-2019 NAAC Regarding- Hard Copies of all relevant documents to be maintained (View Details)
05-01-2019 NAAC Regarding- Preparation of Presentation (View Details)
02-01-2019 New Position announcement - 2019 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of BBA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 1st Semester Exam, December-2018 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of B.Tech. CSE (CT&IS) /M.Sc (IT) (MAIS) /Int. MCA CT&IS Exam, December-2018 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of BRAIT Examination, Dec/2018 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of M. Sc. Microbiology Regular/ Compartmental Exam. December/18 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of TEDM /BOT/B.Sc DYL Regular/Compartmental Examinations, December, 2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech 1st Semester Compartmental Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Pharm (1st , 3rd, 5th) Semester Examinatons, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BPT (1st,3rd, 7th) Semester examinations , Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BPT 5th Semester(Regular and Compartmental) Examinations , Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of Btech Civil (3rd and 5th) Sem Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 results of BTech(Civil) 7th Sem Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of Msc Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics 1st Semester Examination, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B. Optometry Examinations, Dec-18 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech (Mechanical) Examinations-Dec/2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech (ECE) Examinations, Dec-18 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech(CSE) Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BBA Examination, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of MBA Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BSc /MSc Biochemistry Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of Bachelor of Sociology /Psychology Examination, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results Of BSW/MSW Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of MSc/BSc Biotechnolgy Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of M. Sc. /B. Sc. Microbiology Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of M. Sc./ B.Sc. FND Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of BTM Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of MPT Examinations ,Dec -2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of M.Pharm 1st sem Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Pharm 1st Semester Compartmental Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of B Pharm 7th sem examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of BMLT/MMLT examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
28-12-2018 Results of BTech 1st Sem Examinations, Dec 2018. (View Details)
24-12-2018 Congratulatory Message (View Details)
18-12-2018 CIRCULAR- Uploading of Question Papers and Model Outline of Answers in ERP (View Details)
18-12-2018 NOTIFICATION- Academic Calendar January Session-2019 (View Details)
15-12-2018 Second stage external audit of ISO 9001:2015 QMS | 19-21 Dec 2018 (View Details)
11-12-2018 Self Nominations for Invigilators of Competitive Examinations (View Details)
11-12-2018 CIRCULAR- Modified-Updated CBCS Course List- dated 11 dec 2018 (View Details)
08-12-2018 CIRCULAR- Updated CBCS Course List and Registration Form for Opting CBCS Courses (View Details)
08-12-2018 Notification regarding the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (View Details)
04-12-2018 Vacancy of Project Head ,down town Skill Academy (View Details)
01-12-2018 6th Research Review Committee Meeting, Assam down town University ………………..... regarding (View Details)
01-12-2018 Holiday for Panchayat Polls" 5/12/2018 (View Details)
29-11-2018 DUPLICATE ADMIT CARD (View Details)
29-11-2018 Notification-University Week Celebration and ATTITUDE-19 (View Details)
26-11-2018 Student Arrival Time for Exam 2018 (View Details)
22-11-2018 Student Welfare Activities (View Details)
19-11-2018 Notification - Registration in CBCS Courses by PG Students for coming Even Semester (View Details)
17-11-2018 Submission of Form [B] of IAEC...............Regarding. (View Details)
14-11-2018 Revised Exam Schedule (View Details)
05-11-2018 Notification- Change in duration of BBA-MBA Integrated Programme (View Details)
05-11-2018 Notification: On Leave Request during November-December, 2018 (View Details)
04-11-2018 Examination Notification: Admit Card (View Details)
29-10-2018 Academic Calender, MSc N 1st YEAR, 2018-19 (View Details)
29-10-2018 Academic Plan BSc N & Post Basic BSc N, 2018-19 (View Details)
24-10-2018 Information: : InCTF: 9th edition of India's first national level CTF style cybersecurity competition exclusively for Indian college/university students (View Details)
24-10-2018 Half Day on account of Lakhi Puja (View Details)
24-10-2018 Result of M.Tech. in CSE 6th (PT) and 4th (FT) Sem. Exam. October/18 (View Details)
22-10-2018 Student Counselor (View Details)
20-10-2018 RE-CHEKING RESULT OF JUNE/18 (View Details)
13-10-2018 Guest Lecture on “Potential of Plant’s Secondary Metabolites as Life Saving Drugs”. Date: 27/10/2018 (View Details)
13-10-2018 Student Trip - January 2019 (View Details)
13-10-2018 Season`s Greetings from the Hon`ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
13-10-2018 Scholarship Application Link will be available from 16th Oct, 2018 to 15th Nov, 2018 (View Details)
12-10-2018 Congratulatory Message from Hon`ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
11-10-2018 Results of Compartmental Examinations_Sep/2018 (BSc FND/MPT/MSc MB/BMLT/MSW/BTEDM/BSc Dyl/BRAIT/BPT/BOTT/BOpto)) (View Details)
10-10-2018 Important Notice (View Details)
09-10-2018 Infromation to all diploma students of Faculty of Paramedical Science (View Details)
09-10-2018 Results of Compartmental Examinations_Sep/2018 (Engg/Pharmacy/BHCM) (View Details)
08-10-2018 Notification on "Self Nominations for Best ERP uploads" (View Details)
08-10-2018 Notification on "Film 'Bhoga Khirikee’ promotion" (View Details)
08-10-2018 Corrigendum to NOTIFICATION: Rescheduling of 2nd Sessional Examinations (View Details)
05-10-2018 Result of PhD Course Work Examination, June 2018 (View Details)
03-10-2018 NOTIFICATION- Completion of Registration Process for Existing Students (2nd sem onwards) (View Details)
28-09-2018 Notification Lecture Series on Under Water Domain Awareness & Blue Economy (View Details)
25-09-2018 NOTIFICATION- Seeking Information on Activities/Events/Research/Individual achievements/Nominations of Professional Bodies, etc related details year wise for University Annual Report Preparation for the year 2016-17 and 2017-18 (View Details)
21-09-2018 NOTIFICATION-Approved Newly constituted BoS of B.Sc Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc Nursing under Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
13-09-2018 Admission Open-Swimming Pool (View Details)
12-09-2018 Interactive Session on 22nd September 2018 at 3.00 pm at Seminar Hall-I, Block - C (View Details)
10-09-2018 Notification-Cancellation of 1st Sessional Examinations on 10th and 11th September, 2018 (View Details)
10-09-2018 Invitation for 9th Foundation Day (View Details)
08-09-2018 ISO Audit on 5th Oct 2018 (View Details)
04-09-2018 Greetings on Occasion of Teachers Day (View Details)
04-09-2018 Invitation to Tea Party on the occasion of Teachers’ Day (View Details)
01-09-2018 New Position announcement (01/09/2018) (View Details)
29-08-2018 Reconstitution of Diploma Board of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
28-08-2018 Students' Grievance Redressal on ERP (View Details)
27-08-2018 Placement Cell Division of duties (as per Faculty of Study) (View Details)
25-08-2018 ERP orientation for new students 2018-19 (View Details)
23-08-2018 Info and seeking Participation for 3rd National level Social Enterprise Idea Challenge for the year 2018 (View Details)
23-08-2018 NOTIFICATION: Final Registration for the Session 2018-19 (View Details)
22-08-2018 Regarding Fresher’s Meet-2018 Celebration (View Details)
18-08-2018 PhD-Scholarship Scheme w.e.f 2019 (View Details)
14-08-2018 Invitation for 72nd Independence Day Celebration at AdtU (View Details)
14-08-2018 Bus Service Renewal for Existing Students (View Details)
10-08-2018 Schedule of events/activities for Pre-Independence Day and Independence Day Celebration, 2018 at AdtU and assignment of responsibilities for organizing the events (View Details)
10-08-2018 Regarding Issuance of Certificates (View Details)
07-08-2018 Regarding Issuance of Academic Certificates (View Details)
04-08-2018 Information regarding examination for the debarred students (View Details)
30-07-2018 Research activities/ publications etc for the University Bulletin 2018 .......................... regarding (View Details)
30-07-2018 BSc N and Post Basic BSC N final university examination. (View Details)
23-07-2018 Invitation to Join the Facebook live Session on 24th July at 12.15 PM: Atal New India Challenge (ANIC) for Innovators & Entrepreneurs to win grants of upto INR 1 Crore for the Innovation & Startup to happen (View Details)
07-07-2018 Certificate Course on Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 QMS (View Details)
23-06-2018 Invitation for High Tea on 23/06/2018 (View Details)
23-06-2018 Modified Academic Calender, MSc N 2018-19 (View Details)
22-06-2018 "Farewell Ceremony" | 24 June 2019 | 2:30 pm (View Details)
22-06-2018 ERP updation | before availing Summer Break (View Details)
19-06-2018 Bishnu Rabha Divas - 20/06/2018 (View Details)
19-06-2018 International Yoga Day on 21st June 2018 (View Details)
18-06-2018 Mediclaim Policy renewal 2018-19 (View Details)
18-06-2018 New Position announcement (View Details)
15-06-2018 Congratulatory Message on success of Fifth Convocation, Assam down town University (View Details)
15-06-2018 Congratulatory Message for announcing results of examination in record time (View Details)
14-06-2018 Academic calender, 2018 for Ist year MSc Nursing (View Details)
13-06-2018 Invitation of Alumni meet 2018 (View Details)
12-06-2018 Interactive meeting with Professor Valakunja Nagaraja, Dr. (Mrs.) Jaya Nagaraja and Ms. Rajlakshmi Borthakur at Assam down town University (View Details)
12-06-2018 PhD Entrance Examination (View Details)
11-06-2018 Circular--Class Notes/Lesson Plan (View Details)
09-06-2018 India’s 10 Best Business School, 2018 (View Details)
08-06-2018 Campus Interview, June, 2018 (View Details)
08-06-2018 Rehearsal Sessions for Convocation Ceremony (View Details)
06-06-2018 Meeting Regarding Alumni Meet - 7th of June, 2018 (View Details)
06-06-2018 Academic calender, MSc N 2nd year 2018-19 (View Details)
06-06-2018 Pre University examination , 2018 (View Details)
04-06-2018 Agenda - WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2018 (View Details)
01-06-2018 Research related documents/ publications etc ..................... regarding (View Details)
01-06-2018 Academic Calendar Odd Semester 2018 (View Details)
31-05-2018 Sub: Visit of the ‘Padma Shri’ Dr. Taraprasad Das to Assam down town University (View Details)
28-05-2018 Invitation (5th Convocation,AdtU) (View Details)
26-05-2018 Important Circular to All Mentors (View Details)
23-05-2018 Congratulatory Message from Vice Chancellor, Assam down town University (View Details)
29-04-2018 Announcement: Call for papers for the upcoming inaugural issue of AdtU Research Journals (View Details)
26-04-2018 New Position announcement (View Details)
21-04-2018 Self Appraisal 2017-18 (downloadable format) (View Details)
18-04-2018 Mentor meeting (View Details)
12-04-2018 Best Wishes on the occasion of Bohag Bihu (View Details)
10-03-2018 Parent’s Teachers Meet (PTM) 6th and 7th of April 2018 (View Details)
28-02-2018 Membership performa of "The Indian Science Congress Association" (View Details)
28-02-2018 MEMBERSHIP performa of "SOCIETY OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTS, INDIA" (View Details)
20-01-2018 SARASWATI PUJA INVITATION (View Details)
12-01-2018 Bhogali Bihu Greetings! (View Details)
11-01-2018 New ID card (View Details)
08-01-2018 AdtU in the list of 20 Most Admired Universities in India 2017 (View Details)
08-01-2018 Congratulatory Message (View Details)
06-12-2017 Information on Research Conclave-2018 (View Details)
30-11-2017 Introductory meeting with the honorable Vice Chancellor (View Details)
30-11-2017 Department of Computer Science & Engineering,Debate Competition 2017 Result (View Details)
30-11-2017 Corrigendum regarding Faculty reallocation vide Memo No: AdtU/Dy.R/2017/61, dated: 25/11/2017 (View Details)
28-11-2017 Faculty Reallocation wef 1st Nov 2017 (View Details)
25-11-2017 seminar by faculty (View Details)
18-11-2017 Achievement (View Details)
18-11-2017 Science Club – Results for Essay Competition 2017 (View Details)
17-11-2017 2nd National Nursing Conference (View Details)
15-11-2017 IPR Awareness Programme Registration Link (View Details)
14-11-2017 Saturday Seminar by the Faculties of Assam Down town University (View Details)
14-11-2017 Invitation for an Awareness program on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) conducted in Assam down town University (View Details)
13-11-2017 Renewal of Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO Certificate) for the year 2018 – 21 …………….. regarding (View Details)
26-10-2017 Farewell Ceremony of Vice Chancellor- Dr R C Deka (View Details)
24-10-2017 Odd Semester Examination 2017 (View Details)
10-10-2017 Call for participation for, ‘Ideathon: Youth Innovations for a Brighter Assam’ (View Details)
14-09-2017 Batch Mentor List (View Details)
02-09-2017 3rd INDIA INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE FESTIVAL- 2017 (View Details)
29-08-2017 DUBAI Study Tour-2017 (View Details)
19-08-2017 Last date of reporting for new Students of 2017-18 session (View Details)
19-08-2017 Registration of new Students (2017-18) (View Details)
01-08-2017 Welcome to the new academic session 2017 – 18 (View Details)
04-06-2004 News Paper 04/06/2021 (View Details)


Prof. Ananta Choudhury, Director, IQAC

Contact No: +91 6003536491
