The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Assam down town University comprises of branches that study human behavior and interaction in the social, cultural, environmental, political, and economical contexts. With its varied range of research interests and expertise, the faculty promotes interdisciplinary work in the field of humanities and social sciences. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences will provide the students the ability to develop cognitive thinking and respond to issues that require an understanding of the historical, geographical, political, economical, and societal factors involved, and establish the interrealatedness. Apart from theoritical knowledge or classroom teaching, the curriculum includes field visits, educational trips, rural camps, concurrent fieldworks, block placements and a myraid of activities. The Faculty offers highly interdisciplinary areas of expertise and investigation in its four programs, namely, Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, and Performing Arts offering undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD degrees as well.
Creation of a part of outstanding academicians and socially committed individuals capable of contributing productively amidst changing dynamics of the global society in search of equity and equality, harmony, self-realization, and lasting peace.
Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS), Assam down town University. It is now the home to a vibrant academic community of students, scholars, and faculty members. Our teaching span, research, and field-based extension activities address questions at the interface ...
Discover a multitude of world-class amenities and cutting-edge resources at Assam down town University, enhancing your academic journey to new heights.