Bachelor of Optometry

4 Years Degree Programme

Our Approach

Global Education, Global Acceptance

  • Highly experienced and motivated faculties for academics, research and clinical patient care guidance
  • Exposure to high-end laboratory facilities with a one-to-one hands-on practicing prospect in the varsity campus as well as in the hospital set-up
  • Assured support for clinical posting and internship programme both during and after the completion of the courses.
  • Provide best practices for job interviews, leadership-building capacity and strategic hospital and patient management, independent practice skills throughout the programme.
  • Research collaboration with super-specialty eye hospitals and research institutions in the field of Optometry

Industry-Academia Collaboration

Programme Details

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4 Years Programme

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Upto 100% Scholarship

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100% Placement Assistance

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45% in 10+2 wi

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The Bachelor of Optometry is a healthcare profession focused on the eye and related structures, vision, visual systems, and vision information processing in humans. The programme comprises of courses starting with the foundational courses in biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology to understand the structure and function of the eye, optics and optical devices used to correct vision problems, Clinical skills such as conduction of eye examination and assessment (both Pediatric and geriatric), knowledge on various eye diseases and diagnostic techniques, management including the pharmacological and Orthoptics treatment, and courses for research purpose. Overall the programme aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and clinical experience needed to become competent and compassionate eye care professionals developing the economical and sustainable eye care services at the society and community level.

  • AdtU Optometry graduates will have a successful career as Optometric Health Leaders and Entrepreneurs: Vision Therapist, Contact Lens practitioner, Low Vision Specialist, Ocularist, Occupational Optometrist, Academician, and Research.
  • AdtU Optometry graduates will be academically prepared to analyze the findings of routine ophthalmic procedures, create conclusive and differential diagnoses, and manage a variety of eye disorders with skilful use of Vision Care Instruments and materials.
  • The graduates will be well prepared to identify the health care needs of the community and will possess the initiative and critical acumen required to continuously improve their knowledge through perusing higher degree and through lifelong learning.

  • Apply the knowledge of physics, general and ocular anatomy, general and ocular physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, ocular pharmacology, and optometric principles to solve visual defects, and create awareness about eye health.
  • Investigate, diagnose and analyse complex ocular problems reaching substantiated conclusions using principles of optics and optometry fundamentals.
  • Conduct eye examinations, assess visual needs, prescribe corrective measures, and manage therapeutic practices to enrich the overall quality of life.
  • Operate modern optometric instruments efficiently, adhering to patient safety and protocols.
  • Demonstrate effective communication both with the patients, ophthalmologists and in multidisciplinary healthcare teams.
  • Adhering to moral principles, professional ethics, and responsibilities in the profession.
  • Perform efficiently as a member or leader in diverse teams/ multidisciplinary settings.
  • Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of optometric and technological change.

  • Develop, convey and implement evidence-based strategies for the management of diverse eye diseases ensuring orthoptic management, effective vision rehabilitation and delivery of care grounded in the latest research and clinical evidence.
  • Demonstrate global competency to excel in the profession through international optometric and interdisciplinary certification courses.
  • Apply the comprehensive understanding of multidisciplinary concepts related to optometry for improving quality of life.

Curriculum Details

Year wise Course Details

Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

The course human anatomy and physiology is introduced to help students to learn about the foundational concepts as well as the structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the human body and also assist the student in understanding the relationships between normal structure and function in human cells, tissues and organs.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand anatomical terminology, basic structure and function of cells and various organs of the human body.
  • Comprehend anatomy and physiology of tissue, skeletal system, and the complexities of the nervous system.
  • Discuss the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze and interpret the intricacies of blood composition, heart structure and function, blood vessels, pulmonary and systemic circulation, respiratory mechanisms, and associated physiological parameters.
  • Discuss knowledge and skills necessary to analyze and interpret the processes of digestion, absorption, and urine formation.
  • Analyze and interpret the complexities of glandular development, hormone actions, and the physiological processes related to reproduction.

Course Overview

This course will deal with concept of basic optics and optical properties like reflection, refraction, and dispersion. The course will help the students to know about details of eye and eye defects and its corrections using the spherical lenses. The course will also help the students to acquire knowledge of different optical instrument.

Course Outcomes

  • To study of light and its behavior as it propagates in different media.
  • To understand the phenomena of reflection and refraction of light at boundaries between media and subsequent image formation.
  • To study the reflection and refraction at spherical surfaces and subsequent image formation.
  • To acquire the concept of Refraction and dispersion of light through prism and its uses in human eye
  • To know the human eye and optical instruments related to optometry

Course Overview

This course will help to impart knowledge in the technical aspects of biochemical studies especially focusing on the clinical findings in various body fluids. It will introduces the student to the strategy of process paramedical science and provides an insight into the basic details of the various aspects of biomolecules and their chemical components to understand the various medical sciences, such as drug development, immunology, pathology, etc., through the basic knowledge of biochemistry. It also includes the communication and interaction of carbohydrates and lipids; amino acids and proteins, blood and plasma; biological membranes; DNA to RNA along with their process of metabolism and their malfunctions that may lead to various health diseases. Moreover, this course will prepare students to understand the biochemical intricacies of the eye and their implications for vision and eye health. It enables them to have the basic knowledge for diagnose and manage ocular disorders, make evidence-based decisions in optometric practice, and contribute to ongoing research and advancements in the field of ocular biochemistry

Course Outcomes

  • Understand carbohydrates, including their sources, structures, and biological significance.
  • Discuss proteins, including amino acid classification, protein structure, enzyme functions, and protein metabolism.
  • Classify lipids, including fatty acids, their structures, functions, and metabolism.
  • Analyze and interpret the roles of these micronutrients in maintaining health and supporting vital cellular processes
  • Explore the concept of ocular biochemistry, including the composition of ocular structures, the visual cycle, pigmentation, and acid-base balance

Course Overview

This course covers the actions, uses, adverse effects and mode of administration of drugs, especially related to eyes

Course Outcomes

  • Discuss the general concept of pharmacology and factors in modifying drug dose
  • Comprehend general principles of ocular pharmacology, including various dosage forms and routes of ocular drug administration
  • Describe the use of various drugs in the management of ocular diseases
  • Understand the mechanism of action of each class of therapeutic agents in addressing ocular disorders
  • pathomimetics, sympatholytics, para-sympathomimetics, and parasympatholytics in the context of ocular pharmacology.

Course Overview

This MOOC on Financial Markets offers a comprehensive, self-paced learning experience designed to Introduce students to the fundamental concepts of financial markets and instruments. The course will provide a detailed exploration of how global financial markets operate, the key participants involved, and the tools used to facilitate trade and investment. Emphasizing real-world application, the course will cover equity markets (stocks), fixedincome markets (bonds), derivatives, and forex markets, as well as key economic factors influencing these markets. Learners will also examine market efficiency, behavioral finance, and the regulatory environment governing the financial system. By the end of the course, participants will have a foundational understanding of financial markets that they can apply in practical financial decision-making.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the Structure and Types of Financial Markets.
  • Analyze Key Financial Instruments and Their Valuation.
  • Identify the Factors Influencing Market Movements.
  • Apply Risk Management Strategies
  • Evaluate the Regulatory Framework and Ethical Issues in Financial Markets.

Course Overview

It is to develop the social and soft skills and to promote a holistic development of the learners.

Course Outcomes

  • The students will be engaged in different activities headed under different clubs namely dance, music, photography, drama, literacy, etc
  • The students will participate in regular club activities like workshops, competitions as per their interest and hobbies.
  • The students will be trained to represent ADTU in various inter university, state and national level competitions.
  • The students will be given a platform to earn from invited experts in their respective fields.
  • The students will get an exposure of 360 degree learning methodology considering the overall growth along with the academics.

Course Overview

This course provides technology-driven skills for optometrists, focusing on advanced diagnostic tools, digital imaging, and automated systems to enhance patient care. It combines optical science with cutting-edge tech innovations to improve clinical practice and efficiency.

Course Outcomes

  • Recall and identify key technologies and diagnostic tools used in modern optometry practice.
  • Explain the functions and applications of advanced diagnostic equipment and digital imaging systems in clinical settings.
  • Use technology-driven tools to perform accurate eye examinations and interpret diagnostic data in patient care.
  • Critically analyze patient data from various tech-driven systems to formulate appropriate treatment plans.
  • Design and implement strategies to incorporate new technologies into optometry practice, improving clinical efficiency and patient outcomes. Design and implement strategies to incorporate new technologies into optometry practice, improving clinical efficiency and patient outcomes. Design and implement strategies to incorporate new technologies into optometry practice, improving clinical efficiency and patient outcomes.
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This course covers commonly used optometric instruments, its basic principle, description and usesin clinical practice.

Course Outcomes

  • Determine the abnormal head posture based on assessment of the patients' ocular alignment and identify methods to address concerns.
  • Recognize the distinct features and applications of diagnostic instruments and their use in optometry
  • Understand the concept of tonometry techniques and applying it to measure intraocular pressure in a clinical setting.
  • Understand the test charts standards and use refractive instrument to address near vision difficulties with relevant units.
  • Demonstrate the concept of retinoscopes, autorefractometers, and ophthalmoscopes.

Course Overview

This course will deal with different theories of light, scattering and spectrum properties and knowledge of holography.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the theories of light.
  • Define interference, diffraction, and polarization in the context of optical phenomena.
  • Understand the concepts of light and its scattering phenomena.
  • Explain the concept of laser optics and its implementation in various laser operation.
  • Understand holography and concept of spatial distribution of optical information.

Course Overview

Ocular anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry courses cover the structure and function of the eye, including its anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry

Course Outcomes

  • Understanding of the eye Students learn about the structure and function of the eye, including the anatomy of the eye, orbit, and its contents. They also learn about the visual pathways and how the eye supports vision.
  • Identifying abnormalities Students learn to distinguish between normal and abnormal ocular anatomy and function.
  • Students learn how to perform basic ocular tests to assess the structure and function of the eye.
  • Understanding visual optics Students learn about visual optics and how to solve problems related to image formation.
  • Developing communication skills Students learn to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. They also learn how to work in groups and collaborate with others.

Course Overview

Visual optics courses cover a range of topics, including: Refractive errors How the eye's optics are affected by refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism Vision limitations How limitations like accommodation and near vision affect vision

Course Outcomes

  • Describe various properties eyes and methods of eye measurements.
  • Identify the various optical defects and parameters.
  • Understand the different types of refractive errors and its managements.
  • Discuss the principle and mechanism of eye accommodation.
  • Review the principles of retinoscopy and its instrumentation.

Course Overview

This course introduces students to real-world clinical settings, enabling them to observe and understand the practices and procedures in optometry. The focus is on hands-on learning, interaction with professionals, and exposure to diagnostic techniques, equipment, and patient care methods.

Course Outcomes

  • 1. Identify key components of clinical workflows in optometry.
  • 2. Explain the functioning and importance of diagnostic equipment.
  • 3. Analyze patient interaction protocols in a clinical setting.
  • 4. Reflect on field observations to connect theoretical knowledge with practice.
  • 5. Demonstrate professionalism during field visits.

Course Overview

Environmental Science Courses deal with the study of environmental issues and environmental quality. The major area of focus in Environmental Science Courses are Pollution, Mitigation, Natural Resources and Energy Systems.

Course Outcomes

  • The students will be able to appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
  • Students will learn about natural resource, its importance, and environmental impacts of Human activities on natural resource
  • Gain knowledge about environment and ecosystem
  • Students will be able to understand the concept of biodiversity and respectthem
  • Gain knowledge aboutthe conservation of biodiversity and itsimportance. Aware students about problems of environmental pollution, its impact on human and ecosystem and control measures.
  • The students will be able to appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
  • Students will learn about natural resource, its importance, and environmental impacts of Human activities on natural resource
  • Gain knowledge about environment and ecosystem
  • Students will be able to understand the concept of biodiversity and respectthem
  • Gain knowledge aboutthe conservation of biodiversity and itsimportance. Aware students about problems of environmental pollution, its impact on human and ecosystem and control measures.
  • The students will be able to appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.
  • Students will learn about natural resource, its importance, and environmental impacts of Human activities on natural resource
  • Gain knowledge about environment and ecosystem
  • Students will be able to understand the concept of biodiversity and respectthem
  • Gain knowledge aboutthe conservation of biodiversity and itsimportance. Aware students about problems of environmental pollution, its impact on human and ecosystem and control measures.
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Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This course covers commonly used optometric instruments, its basic principle, description and uses in clinical practice as well as covers various clinical optometry procedures.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe various methods & techniques to access the degree of squint
  • Understand and implement subjective and objective refraction procedures for refractive errors correction
  • Understand the concept, working principle and application of different optometric instruments.
  • Explain various methods and instruments for the measurement of IOP and visual field abnormalities.
  • Demonstrate the application of advanced optometric instruments for comprehensive eye examinations.

Course Overview

Insights into public health issues related to vision care, including preventable blindness and the role of optometry in addressing global health challenges.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will develop advanced clinical skills in optometry, including diagnostics, vision testing, eye health assessments, and management of visual disorders.
  • Students will develop enhanced knowledge in fitting and prescribing corrective lenses (glasses and contact lenses).
  • Students will develop in-depth understanding of ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Students will develop understanding of the business aspects of optometry practice, including patient management, record-keeping, and compliance with ethical and legal standards.
  • Students will develop exposure to research methodologies that can be applied to optometry for continuing education or contribution to academic knowledge.
  • Students will develop advanced clinical skills in optometry, including diagnostics, vision testing, eye health assessments, and management of visual disorders.
  • Students will develop enhanced knowledge in fitting and prescribing corrective lenses (glasses and contact lenses).
  • Students will develop in-depth understanding of ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Students will develop understanding of the business aspects of optometry practice, including patient management, record-keeping, and compliance with ethical and legal standards.
  • Students will develop exposure to research methodologies that can be applied to optometry for continuing education or contribution to academic knowledge.
  • Students will develop advanced clinical skills in optometry, including diagnostics, vision testing, eye health assessments, and management of visual disorders.
  • Students will develop enhanced knowledge in fitting and prescribing corrective lenses (glasses and contact lenses).
  • Students will develop in-depth understanding of ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Students will develop understanding of the business aspects of optometry practice, including patient management, record-keeping, and compliance with ethical and legal standards.
  • Students will develop exposure to research methodologies that can be applied to optometry for continuing education or contribution to academic knowledge.
  • Students will develop advanced clinical skills in optometry, including diagnostics, vision testing, eye health assessments, and management of visual disorders.
  • Students will develop enhanced knowledge in fitting and prescribing corrective lenses (glasses and contact lenses).
  • Students will develop in-depth understanding of ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Students will develop understanding of the business aspects of optometry practice, including patient management, record-keeping, and compliance with ethical and legal standards.
  • Students will develop exposure to research methodologies that can be applied to optometry for continuing education or contribution to academic knowledge.
  • Students will develop advanced clinical skills in optometry, including diagnostics, vision testing, eye health assessments, and management of visual disorders.
  • Students will develop enhanced knowledge in fitting and prescribing corrective lenses (glasses and contact lenses).
  • Students will develop in-depth understanding of ocular diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration.
  • Students will develop understanding of the business aspects of optometry practice, including patient management, record-keeping, and compliance with ethical and legal standards.
  • Students will develop exposure to research methodologies that can be applied to optometry for continuing education or contribution to academic knowledge.

Course Overview

The Extra-Curricular Activities is designed to supplement the academic and clinical components by engaging students in activities that promote personal growth, professional development, and community involvement. This course offers opportunities for students to participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities that foster leadership, creativity, and teamwork.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will establish and expand their professional network by actively engaging in industry conferences, seminars, and professional organizations, leading to increased career opportunities and industry connections.
  • Students will actively contribute to community service and outreach initiatives related to optometry, demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility and public health.
  • Students will showcase their creativity and innovation by participating in optometry-related challenges, hackathons, and projects that address current issues or improve eye health practices.
  • Students will experience holistic personal development by engaging in activities that improve stress management, time management, and work-life balance, contributing to their overall well-being and academic performance
  • Students will develop strong teamwork and collaboration skills through active participation in group projects, peer engagement, and student-led initiatives

Course Overview

The Co-Curricular Activities is designed to complement the academic curriculum of the Bachelor’s program in Optometry by providing students with practical, professional, and personal development opportunities. This course emphasizes the application of theoretical knowledge through experiential learning and engagement in activities that enhance clinical skills, professional growth, and community involvement.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will develop essential professional skills, including communication, ethical decision-making, and teamwork
  • Students will develop leadership qualities and initiative by taking on roles in organizing events, leading peer groups, and contributing to student organizations
  • Students will gain a broader understanding of global health issues and cultural differences in optometric practices, improving their ability to work in diverse settings
  • Students will develop entrepreneurial skills and the ability to innovate
  • tudents will gain experience in conducting research, analyzing data, and applying evidence-based practices to enhance their optometric knowledge.

Course Overview

The "First Step Korean" is designed to introduce learners to the basics of the Korean language. This course focuses on foundational skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, providing a comprehensive entry point for beginners. Through engaging multimedia content, interactive exercises, and cultural insights, participants will develop essential language skills for everyday communication in Korean.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate a foundational vocabulary for everyday situations, including greetings, numbers, and common phrases.
  • Students will be able to formulate basic sentences using the subject-object-verb (SOV) structure and create questions
  • Students will be able to understand and interpret simple spoken Korean in various contexts, including dialogues and announcements.
  • Students will be able to participate in simple conversations, including self-introductions and everyday exchanges, using appropriate vocabulary and phrases.
  • Students will be able to recognize key aspects of Korean culture and etiquette relevant to language use, enhancing communication effectiveness.

Course Overview

This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, with a special focus on their impact on ocular health. Students will acquire foundational knowledge of diagnostic microbiology, sterilization, and disinfection procedures, especially in hospital and ophthalmic contexts. Through exploration of viral morphology, immune system functions, and mechanisms of infection, this course equips students to diagnose and treat infectious diseases that affect the eye. Topics such as acute inflammation, immune responses, and disorders of growth will also be covered, providing comprehensive insight into both microbiological and pathological changes in ocular tissues.

Course Outcomes

  • Discuss about the cell structure, classification, staining reactions and method of sterilization of bacteria and viruses
  • Understand the viral morphology and its impact on ocular manifestations
  • Discuss the structure and function of the immune system
  • Explain about the acute inflammation changes along with their causes and features
  • Understand the source of infection, immune-pathogenesis, and disorder of growth to diagnose, treat, and analyze infectious diseases.

Course Overview

Dispensing Optics course help you how to sell eyeglasses, contact lens and check the power of patients. They are recommended appropriate lens materials and designs based on patient needs and preferences. They advise patients on proper frame design, fit and performance.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the fundamental characteristics of lenses, prescription writing, prismatic effects, and neutralization
  • Distinguish different properties of lenses and the characteristics of lens materials.
  • Understand the basic differences between bifocal designs and progressive lenses and apply the concept to progressive lens marking.
  • Explain various types of lens coating and identify the concept of absorptive lenses
  • Understand the impact-resistant lenses and the most beneficial impact-resistant lenses for specific patient needs.

Course Overview

This course aims to equip learners with comprehensive skills in business analytics using Excel, spanning from foundational concepts to advanced analytical techniques.

Course Outcomes

  • 1.Understand Basic Excel Functions: o Utilize fundamental Excel functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, and IF. o Navigate and organize data effectively within Excel.
  • 2. Data Visualization: o Create and customize various types of charts and graphs to visually represent data. o Use conditional formatting to highlight key insights in datasets.
  • 3. . Data Manipulation and Analysis: o Implement data sorting, filtering, and grouping techniques. o Apply advanced functions like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and INDEX-MATCH for data retrieval.
  • 4. Statistical Analysis: o Conduct basic statistical analyses using Excel’s Data Analysis Toolpak. o Interpret results from descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
  • 5. Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts: o Construct and manipulate pivot tables for summarizing large datasets. o Use pivot charts to visualize data trends and patterns effectively

Course Overview

This course will help in diagnosis and treatment of ocular diseases that can be treated in primary, secondary and tertiary set ups.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe the classification and etiologies of various diseases of the lids and lacrimal apparatus.
  • Identify clinical features and treatments for diseases of the conjunctiva and sclera.
  • Understanding the clinical features and plan of treatment for corneal diseases.
  • Demonstrate the etiology and classification of iris diseases and their treatment strategies.
  • Describe the clinical features and treatment measures of cataract and Glaucoma.

Course Overview

This course covers various clinical optometry procedures involving external examination, anterior segment and posterior segment examination, neuro ophthalmic examination, pediatric optometry examination

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the needs and importance of ophthalmic history taking.
  • Explain the concept of visual acuity and its important components.
  • Evaluate objective and subjective refraction techniques.
  • Assessment of accommodation and identify the anomalies.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in prescribing add power, calculating add and near power.
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This course provides a foundational understanding of contact lenses, covering the historical development, optical properties, and manufacturing methods of contact lenses. It introduces students to essential clinical skills such as slit-lamp examination, lens fitting techniques, and the maintenance of soft and rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses. Additionally, the course includes patient selection criteria, pre-screening, and understanding indications and contraindications for contact lens use.

Course Outcomes

  • Discuss the manufacturing methods, designs and benefits of contact lenses over spectacle.
  • Understand contact lens optics and back vertex calculations.
  • Describe the classification, selection of materials for the contact lens and its associated contraindications
  • Discuss about contact lens fitting and assessment.
  • Understand and implement of the push-up test and Taco method in the fitting and assessment of soft contact lenses.

Course Overview

Dispensing Optics - II is an advanced course focused on the principles and techniques involved in the selection, fitting, and customization of spectacle frames and lenses. Emphasizing practical applications, the course covers a range of topics, including spectacle frame materials, measurements, lens fitting techniques, and specialized dispensing for pediatric patients. The course is designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and skills necessary to meet diverse patient needs in clinical and retail optometric settings.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand various spectacle frame designs and its materials.
  • Demonstrate the frame measurements using the boxing and datum system.
  • dentify the facial measurements and analyze the fitting process for bifocal and progressive lenses
  • omprehend the unique aspects of pediatric dispensing.
  • Access the occupational needs and suggest protective eye wear accordingly

Course Overview

Ocular disease courses cover a range of topics, including the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the eye, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand anomalies of vitreous and analyze the causes and implications of it
  • Discuss congenital and developmental defects of the retina.
  • Understand anomalies and injures of the optic nerve.
  • Understanding various type of visual field and colour vision defect.
  • Discuss about the various types of Neuro eye diseases.

Course Overview

This course will help in learning about different types of drugs,ow they work,and how they are used to treat different medical conditions related to eye. This course will also help in learning about the effects of drugs on the body, including potential side effects and interactions with other medications.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe the classification and etiologies of various diseases of the lids and lacrimal apparatus
  • Identify clinical features and treatments for diseases of the conjunctiva and sclera.
  • Understanding the clinical features and plan of treatment for corneal diseases.
  • Demonstrate the etiology and classification of iris diseases and their treatment strategies.
  • Describe the clinical features and treatment measures of cataract and Glaucoma.

Course Overview

This course covers various clinical optometry procedures involving external examination, anterior segment and posterior segment examination, neuro ophthalmic examination, pediatric optometry examination and glaucoma evaluation

Course Outcomes

  • Evaluate anomalies of convergence by implementing various convergence tests
  • Explain about contrast sensitivity and color vision tests
  • Understand the application of electromagnetic energy and lasers.
  • Describe the methods for the neutralization of ophthalmic lens power
  • Demonstrate ophthalmoscopy and their applications in the assessment of the fundus

Course Overview

This course offers students a practical learning experience through visits to spectacle and contact lens manufacturing facilities. Students will observe and understand the industrial processes involved in manufacturing optical products, gain exposure to modern equipment, and interact with professionals to comprehend the industry’s operational standards.

Course Outcomes

  • Familiarize students with the industrial processes of spectacle and contact lens manufacturing.
  • Provide exposure to advanced machinery and manufacturing technologies.
  • Enhance understanding of quality control measures in optical production.
  • Develop insights into the professional and operational aspects of the optical industry
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Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This course deals with general and ocular physiological changes of ageing, common geriatric systemic and ocular diseases, and clinical approach in geriatric patients, pharmacological aspects of ageing and spectacle dispensing. This course also deals with the definition of low vision, visual impairment, types of low vision devices, art of prescribing low vision devices and training the patients and other rehabilitation measures.

Course Outcomes

  • Explain low vision, its grades and causes
  • Identify different types of optical & non-optical devices
  • Apply the knowledge and skills to do clinical examination by using low vision devices
  • Proficient in assessing low vision patients, prescribing suitable devices and provide counselling for improve quality of life
  • Explain and apply vision rehabilitation services to low vision patients.

Course Overview

This course provides an introduction to the concept, design, and implementation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Participants will explore the evolving landscape of online education, understand the principles behind effective MOOC design, and learn how to engage a diverse audience in a virtual learning environment.

Course Outcomes

  • Explain the concept of MOOCs and distinguish between different types (e.g., MOOCs vs. ).
  • Explore innovative technologies and trends that can enhance the online learning experience.
  • Discuss potential future developments in MOOCs and online education, considering their implications for learners and educators.
  • Develop a personal action plan for creating and iterating on MOOCs, incorporating feedback and best practices.
  • These outcomes ensure that participants leave the course equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, deliver.

Course Overview

Contact lenses move with our eye, allow a natural field of view, have no frames to obstruct our vision and greatly reduce distortions. Unlike glasses, they do not fog up or get splattered by mud or rain. Contact lenses are excellent for sports and other physical activities. An optometrist who is a contact lens specialist can prevent this problem completely by measuring the corneal topography or digitally surfacing the cornea of each customer. With a personal eye measurement and subjective manifest refraction data, they can then make custom-fitted lenses for each patient.

Course Outcomes

  • Demonstrate various techniques for contact lens fitting.
  • Discuss in detail extended wear, daily wear, and disposable contact lenses.
  • Demonstrate the important steps in the contact lens workup.
  • Explain prosthetic eye-fitting procedures.
  • Discuss various techniques for contact lens modifications.

Course Overview

The course on ocular disease provides an in-depth exploration of various eye conditions, focusing on anomalies of the vitreous, congenital and developmental retinal defects, optic nerve injuries, visual field and color vision defects, and neuro-ophthalmic diseases. Students will learn about the causes, clinical implications, diagnostic methods, and treatment strategies for these conditions, equipping them with the knowledge to manage and treat ocular diseases effectively.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand anomalies of vitreous and analyze the causes and implications of it.
  • Discuss congenital and developmental defects of the retina.
  • Understand anomalies and injures of the optic nerve.
  • Understanding various type of visual field and colour vision defect.
  • Discuss about the various types of Neuro eye diseases.

Course Overview

This course introduces the students to the clinical aspect of Optometry. This course mainly focuses on the examination procedures of the eye in a clinical setting and also exposes the students towards patient handling / care by in cooperating practical knowledge into practice.

Course Outcomes

  • Identify the ocular symptoms, color vision in clinical settings and develop ability to perform visual acuity testing
  • Describe various ocular structures by using slit lamp examination.
  • Determine the role of color-coding principles in optometry workup, and conduct dry eye assessment tests
  • Recognize techniques for examining intraocular pressure.
  • Identify the investigative techniques for assessing squint.

Course Overview

A biostatistics course typically introduces students to the statistical methods used in biological, health, and medical research. It covers the principles and techniques necessary for analyzing data related to public health, clinical trials, epidemiology, and genetics.

Course Outcomes

  • Develop a solid understanding of key statistical concepts and terminologies, such as probability distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and data variability.
  • Comprehend the role of biostatistics in the design, analysis, and interpretation of biological and health-related data.
  • Acquire the skills to apply statistical techniques (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA, regression) to real-world biological and health data.
  • Understand and apply the principles of statistical inference to draw valid conclusions from sample data.
  • Critically evaluate the statistical methods used in published research, particularly in health sciences, epidemiology, and clinical trials.

Course Overview

This course explores the mechanisms and principles of binocular vision and ocular motilities. It covers the anatomy, physiology, and clinical aspects of how the eyes work together to create a single, coherent visual perception and how various disorders can impact this process.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will articulate the principles of binocular vision and explain how both eyes work together to create a single, unified visual experience.
  • Students will describe the neural pathways involved in binocular vision and how disruptions in these pathways can affect visual perception.
  • Students will identify and describe the different types of eye movements (saccades, smooth pursuits, and vergence) and their functions.
  • They will explain how these eye movements contribute to visual stability and coordination.
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the anatomy of the extraocular muscles and their role in ocular motility.

Course Overview

This course emphasizes the importance of co-curricular activities in developing skills that complement academic learning. It explores various co-curricular activities, their benefits, and how they contribute to holistic development.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate increased self-awareness and personal growth through active participation in co-curricular activities.
  • Students will set and achieve personal and professional goals, reflecting on their experiences and progress.
  • Students will exhibit improved leadership skills, including decision-making, team management, and project organization.
  • Students will successfully plan, execute, and evaluate co-curricular events and programs.
  • Students will work effectively in teams, showing the ability to cooperate, share responsibilities, and resolve conflicts.

Course Overview

This course emphasizes the importance of co-curricular activities in developing skills that complement academic learning. It explores various co-curricular activities, their benefits, and how they contribute to holistic development.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will apply problem-solving techniques to address challenges encountered in co-curricular projects and activities.
  • Students will develop innovative solutions to problems and demonstrate critical thinking in various scenarios.
  • Students will balance academic responsibilities with co-curricular commitments, demonstrating effective time management and organizational skills.
  • Students will manage their schedules efficiently, meeting deadlines and handling multiple tasks effectively.
  • Students will adhere to ethical standards in their co-curricular engagements, demonstrating integrity and professionalism.

Course Overview

This course focuses on developing a blend of technical expertise and professional skills necessary for success in the modern workplace. It integrates advanced technological knowledge with essential professional attributes such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate advanced proficiency in technical skills relevant to their field, such as software development, data analysis, or engineering principles.
  • Students will effectively use modern tools and technologies, integrating them into practical applications and solutions.
  • Students will produce clear, concise, and well-organized technical documents, reports, and correspondence.
  • Students will deliver effective presentations, participate in meetings, and communicate technical concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences with clarity and confidence.
  • Students will effectively collaborate within teams, demonstrating an understanding of team roles and dynamics.
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

clinical examination of the eye, also known as an eye exam, includes a variety of tests and procedures to assess the health of the eye: Visual acuity: A quantitative measure of how well the eye can see details at a certain distance. Normal visual acuity is 20/20 or 6/6 vision. Pupils: The examiner uses a penlight to check the pupils' response to light. Extraocular movements: The examiner asks the patient to look in different directions at a small object to check the eye muscles.

Course Outcomes

  • To understand the variety of materials and designs used in spectacle frames and their suitability for different prescriptions.
  • Perform accurate frame and fitting measurements using standard industry systems (boxing and datum).
  • Guide patients in selecting frames and lenses that suit their needs, combining fashion, functionality, and budget considerations.
  • Effectively fit bifocal and progressive lenses, ensuring clear vision and comfortable wear.
  • Address the unique requirements of pediatric patients in spectacle dispensing, achieving precise measurements and maintaining effective communication.

Course Overview

This course provides a foundational understanding of contact lenses, covering the historical development, optical properties, and manufacturing methods of contact lenses. It introduces students to essential clinical skills such as slit-lamp examination, lens fitting techniques, and the maintenance of soft and rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses. Additionally, the course includes patient selection criteria, pre-screening, and understanding indications and contraindications for contact lens use.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe the historical development and benefits of contact lenses.
  • Calculate optical properties such as back vertex power and understand tear film interaction.
  • Identify suitable contact lens candidates, perform pre-screening, and understand indications for various lens types.
  • Conduct soft and RGP contact lens fitting, insertion, and removal with appropriate assessment.
  • Apply proper care techniques, including the push-up test and Taco method, for effective lens maintenance.

Course Overview

This course introduces the student to the strategy of process orthoptics tests and provides an insight into various aspects of vision therapy. This course mainly deals with the binocular vision evaluation. It covers in detail the evaluating and choosing the best from various visual tasks processes, different possible flow sheets, and optimization visual testing

Course Outcomes

  • Improvement and conservation of human vision.
  • The enhancement and development of primary eye and vision care.
  • The promotion of high standards of education and practice by optometrists
  • Improve binocular coordination by enhancing extraocular muscle functions
  • To understand the process of therapy for improvement of eye hand coordination

Course Overview

The Skill-Based Co-Curricular Activities course is designed to develop practical skills for holistic growth, covering communication, digital literacy, community engagement, and creative arts. It emphasizes hands-on learning, enabling students to improve interpersonal and technical abilities, contribute to societal betterment, and enhance creativity. Upon completion, participants will be equipped to collaborate effectively, use digital tools, engage in community initiatives, and manage stress through artistic expression.

Course Outcomes

  • Demonstrate improved communication and collaboration.
  • Utilize digital tools for productivity and problem-solving.
  • Engage in meaningful community projects, addressing societal issues.
  • Apply creative techniques for self-expression and emotional well-being.
  • Demonstrate enhanced activities for collaboration for commuinity program

Course Overview

The Extracurricular Activities course is a 10-hour program designed to enrich students' personal and interpersonal skills beyond academics. It combines team sports, creative arts, and event management activities to foster leadership, physical fitness, and creative expression. Students will explore non-academic interests, enhance teamwork, and develop a well-rounded skill set essential for holistic growth and success.

Course Outcomes

  • Collaborate effectively in team-based activities.
  • Demonstrate improved physical health and coordination.
  • Showcase creativity through cultural and artistic endeavors.
  • Organize and manage events successfully.
  • Engaged studets in different outdoor activities

Course Overview

Eye conditions Common eye conditions include conjunctivitis, episcleritis, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, keratitis, and anterior uveitis. Systemic conditions Some systemic conditions that can affect the eyes include: Systemic sclerosis: Eyelid tightening and telangiectasia are common. Giant cell arteritis: Inflammation of small arteries can cause sudden visual loss. Polyarteritis nodosa: Ulcerative keratitis and scleritis are common. Psoriatic arthritis: Uveitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, or keratoconjunctivitis sicca may be associated. Dermatomyositis: Purple coloration and edema of the eyelids and conjunctiva. Hypertension: Retinal vascular changes include flame-shaped hemorrhages, cotton-wool patches, and swelling of the optic disc

Course Outcomes

  • In-depth Understanding of Disease Mechanisms: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to explain the pathophysiology, classification, and clinical features of major systemic diseases and their relationship with ocular conditions.
  • Proficiency in Clinical Examination and Diagnosis: Students will be able to perform clinical examinations for the diagnosis of systemic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, and recognize their ocular manifestations.
  • Skillfull Management of Complications: Students will gain the ability to identify complications associated with systemic diseases and apply appropriate management strategies to prevent and mitigate their impact, particularly on eye health.
  • Comprehensive Knowledge of Cancer and Connective Tissue Diseases: Students will understand the principles of cancer grading, staging, and treatment, and explore the connection between connective tissue diseases and the eye, ensuring effective diagnosis and treatment strategies.
  • Application of Immunology and Genetics in Disease: Students will be able to apply immunological and genetic principles to understand the underlying causes and management of diseases, with a focus on the impact on the eye, and be able to use this knowledge for better diagnosis and treatment.

Course Overview

It is an advanced course focused on the principles and techniques involved in the selection, fitting, and customization of spectacle frames and lenses. Emphasizing practical applications, the course covers a range of topics, including spectacle frame materials, measurements, lens fitting techniques, and specialized dispensing for pediatric patients. The course is designed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and skills necessary to meet diverse patient needs in clinical and retail optometric settings.

Course Outcomes

  • Identify and differentiate between various spectacle frame materials and designs, recommending the best options based on individual needs.
  • Perform accurate frame and fitting measurements using standard industry systems (boxing and datum).
  • Guide patients in selecting frames and lenses that suit their needs, combining fashion, functionality, and budget considerations.
  • Effectively fit bifocal and progressive lenses, ensuring clear vision and comfortable wear.
  • Address the unique requirements of pediatric patients in spectacle dispensing, achieving precise measurements and maintaining effective communication.

Course Overview

Introduction to the foundation and basic sciences of public health optometry with emphasis on the epidemiology of vision problems especially focused on Indian scenario. Knowledge about health system and health care insurance.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will get to know about the Community based eyecare in India
  • Students will learn about the Prevalence of various eye diseases
  • Students will acquire knowledge of Organizing health education programmes in the community
  • Students will be aware of the common occurring eye disease
  • Students will get to know about the high risk of particular disease

Course Overview

Introduction to the ethics and laws guiding medical and paramedical professions. Introduction and principles of accountancy. Public relation, visual rehabilitation services, eye banking and eye donation procedures.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will be able to know about the Ethics and Laws governing medical and paramedical professions.
  • Students will have the knowledge about basic accountancy.
  • Students will acquire knowledge on communication discipline with the public
  • Students will be able to learn procedures of eye donation, eye banking and visual rehabilitation.
  • students will be able to learn the marketing strategy and public health relation
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Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

The clinical observation period provides the students the opportunity to continue to develop confidence and increased skill in diagnosis and management. Students will demonstrate competence in beginning, intermediate, and advanced procedures in the above areas. Students will participate in advanced and specialized treatment procedures. The student will complete the clinical training by practicing all the skills learned in the classroom and clinical instruction. The students are expected to work for a minimum of 6 hours per day and this may be more depending on the need and the healthcare setting. The clinical observation will span one year / two semesters this will include 6 hours of practice a day.

Course Outcomes

  • Acquire knowledge of wide academic exposure to different departments of an eye.
  • Gain opportunities to practice independently in outreach camps.
  • Gain scope to learn from renowned ophthalmologists and experienced optometrists.
  • Gain wide clinical exposure to different departments of an eye.
  • Learn about management process of the hospital.

Course Overview

The ethical codes contain guiding principles. These serve to guide practitioners in their decisions and practice by setting a set of standards that are expected of a healthcare practitioner. Beneficence is striving to do well and to do the best for every patient. This recognizes that a practitioner has a duty of care to every patient, and that paramount is the objective of doing good so that every patient leaves the practice in a better state than when they entered, or at the very least, not in a worse condition. This requires balancing the risks and benefits of treatment and making decisions that will optimize the benefits and minimize the risks of harm. Respect for autonomy requires a practitioner to respect the choices and decisions that a patient makes about his/her health. This involves keeping the patients informed of their condition, treatment choices, and options so that decisions are based on pertinent facts. Justice entails being fair to all patients in a way that transgresses legal justice. It includes deciding how much time is spent on a patient, how many and what types of resources are devoted to the treatment of that patient, and how this compares to the time and resources distributed to other patients.

Course Outcomes

  • Gain wide academic exposure to different departments of the eye.
  • Gain wide clinical exposure to different departments of the eye.
  • Gain opportunities to practice independently in outreach camps.
  • Learn about the management of the hospitals.
  • Learn from renowned ophthalmologists and experienced optometrists.
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This advanced course immerses students in clinical environments to build proficiency in optometric practices. Students will spend significant time observing, learning, and assisting in real-world settings to develop a deeper understanding of diagnostic procedures, equipment, patient interaction, and clinical workflows.

Course Outcomes

  • To provide extensive exposure to real-world optometric environments.
  • To enhance understanding of advanced diagnostic techniques and equipment.
  • To develop practical skills through supervised observation and participation.
  • To foster professional communication and ethical conduct.
  • To integrate theoretical knowledge with practical application through reflective learning.

Course Overview

This course focuses on the professional behaviors, ethics, and interpersonal skills required for optometry practice. Students will engage in practical activities and discussions to understand workplace dynamics, communication strategies, and the importance of teamwork and ethical conduct in a clinical setting.

Course Outcomes

  • To understand professional and ethical standards in optometry.
  • To develop effective communication skills for clinical and workplace settings.
  • To enhance interpersonal and teamwork skills.
  • To recognize and adapt to workplace dynamics in optometric practice.
  • To apply ethical principles to real-world scenarios.
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Common Scholarship Test

Apply Scholarship through CST

CST- Common scholarship test is a national and international level online MCQ based examination funded for intellectual empowerment by Assam down town University.

CST- Maximum enrolment each year is 269 seats and any 10+2 students can apply. Adtu is northeast India’s first placement driven university to provide 100% scholarship benefits worth 30 cr.

CST aims to inspire brilliant and competent students to pursue further education. Accredited with a prestigious grade by NAAC, UGC and AICTE.

Apply Scholarship Through

Explore more scholarships that can help you reach out your goal with financial aid.

This scholarship is valid on the basis of the board/university examination

95% & above 100% Scholarship on all semester
90%-94.9% 50% Scholarship on all semester
80%-89.9% 25% Scholarship on all semester

This scholarship is valid on the basis of the board/university exam

National & International Level 100% Scholarship on all semester
State Level 50% Scholarship on all semester
District Level 25% Scholarship on all semester

This scholarship is valid on the basis of the board/university exam

National & International Level 100% Scholarship on all semester
State Level 50% Scholarship on all semester
District Level & NCC Certificate Holder 25% Scholarship on all semester

A 50% scholarship on total semester fees is provided to all specially abled students.

A 100% scholarship on the last semester fee is provided to all the alumni of Assam down town University.

A 100% scholarship on total semester fee for Economically Backward Classes

Campus Life

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World Class Facilities

Discover a multitude of world-class amenities and cutting-edge resources at Assam down town University, enhancing your academic journey to new heights.

Some of our Facilities
  • Gym
  • ATM
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  • Hostels
  • Transport
  • Healthcare
  • Yoga Center
  • Media Centre
  • Swimming Pool
  • Central Library
  • Canteen & Cafeterias
  • ICT Enabled Classrooms
  • Well Equipped Laboratories
  • Auditorium & Seminar Halls

Start-Up &
Incubation Centre

The Start-Up & Incubation Centre at Assam down town University provides a supportive environment for young entrepreneurs to develop and grow their business ideas. The center provides mentorship, funding, and networking opportunities to help innovative ideas become successful businesses.

Rural Empowerment with SFURTI scheme

SFURTI scheme to support rural entrepreneurs and innovators, an initiative by the Ministry of MSME

TIDE 2.0 scheme for ICT-based startups

TIDE 2.0 scheme for ICT-based startups which provides a grant of Rs. 4L and Rs. 7L under EiR and Grant categories respectively, an initiative by the Ministry of MeitY.

dtVL Ideation interest-free loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs.

dtVL Ideation, an incubation program for early-stage entrepreneurs with a market-ready solution/product, offering interest-free loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs.

Innovation with Sprout UP program

Sprout UP, an incubation program for students, faculties, and researchers with innovative business ideas, prototypes, or technology solutions.

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Kailash Timsina

"I am a BBA student of 3rd semester. I hail from Bhutan. I vow that I am having a great experience i...

Juliush Mushahary

"AdtU is amazing. I am a BBA student of 2019-22 batch and I am just grateful for the amount of oppor...

Reshi Prasad Pokhrel

Let us be grateful to the people and place who makes us happy. They are the charming gardeners whom ...

Debapriya Paul

Currently I am pursuing MBA in Assam Down Town University. MBA is the professional course through wh...

Priti Jain

AdtU is a university that focuses on giving knowledge, education and simultaneously making the stude...

Madhurya Bujar Barua

The Assam downtown University has been a great learning experience. The university has provided me w...

Naeem Hussain

My experience with AdtU has been splendid one indeed. Little needs to said about its scenic infrastr...

Dr Dipanjali Hazarika

As a student I am very glad that I have got an opportunity to study here in Assam downtown universi...

Sakhyajit Roy

My name is Sakhyajit Roy. I?m from Tripura. I joined the university on Auguest, 2017 as a student of...

Runi Bharadwaj

I share immense pleasure to share my post graduate program experience in Assam down town University....

Jenifer Dhar

AdtU is a platform where I got golden opportunities to feed my zeal for knowledge through the dynami...

Salehah Hussain Uthman

I am fortunate to get an opportunity to study here in Assam Downtown University. The best thing abou...

Nisha Nirola

Our university is one of the best place for developing ourselves in the field of research and acedem...

Liangsi Hallam

ADTU is a university that is very good interms of infrastructure, academics and placements. Our tea...

Anushmita Kashyap

It is one of best private colleges in North East India, it also provides a good environment for ed...

Dasanibha Mawphlang

ADTU is a good University which provides the students with best quality lectures and ensures comfort...

Farhin zakia

The environment of Assam downtown university is very pleasant.The department of BMLT is very good a...

Anamika Das

The university has all the necessary facilities and amenities for students . The classrooms and the ...

Susmita Sinha

Assam downtown University is well recognised all over india. In the ongoing pandemic situation it ha...

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