Sponsoring Body


Sponsoring Body

The Assam down town University was established by Order of the Governor of Assam vide Notification No. AHE.23/2009/94 Dated Dispur, the 12 th July, 2011 in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 30 and 32 of the Assam Private Universities Act, 2007, the Govt. of Assam in Education Higher Department own under the Act of the Assam Legislative Assembly which received the assent of the Governor under the ASSAM ACT NO. XII OF 2007 (Received the assent of Governor on 30th April, 2007) THE ASSAM PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES ACT, 2007 AN ACT. The Notification (No. AHE.23/2009/94 Dated Dispur, the 12 th July, 2011) as referred above notified the first statutes and the first Ordinance of the Assam down rown University with immediate effect.


The university was sponsored and established by the “down town Charity Trust” and was officially recognized by the Assam Government in 2010 and the educational project of the Trust in Panikhaiti, Guwahati, Assam received the university status, a milestone marked by Assam Gazette No.LGL.9/2010/11, dated April 29, 2010. This recognition positioned Assam down town University as the second private university in the state of Assam, contributing significantly to the regions educational landscape. The university receives funding for various Research and Development projects sponsored by the Central and the State Governments beside the own resources of the Trust and other agencies.


Assam down town University is a fully fledged state private university and is recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) and holds the 12(B) status. The Assam down town University is NAAC accredited and approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Assam Legislative Assembly, Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), and Indian Nursing Council (INC). The university is GLOCERT-ISO 9001:2015 and SIRO certified and holds the Diamond QS -I GAUZE Indian University rating. Degrees awarded by the university are recognized by the UGC, AIU and IAP etc.