Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (AMRIT) is a broad-based peer reviewed multidisciplinary biannual open access journal focused on publication of original article that contributes significantly to knowledge in Physical Science, Life Science, Chemical Science, Agricultural and allied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Food Technology, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Science, Physiotherapy, Paramedical Science, Nursing, instrumentation and methodology, Commerce, Business Management, Education, Humanities & Social Science.
Categories of articles considered for publication: Original full length “Research articles” containing research findings of the authors, "Review article" of summarized state of research on a topic which are often but not always by invitation, “Short/Mini Review Paper", a shorter version of a review paper on an emerging topic of interest summarizing the state of research focusing a future direction, "Short/Rapid/Brief Communication", a shorter version of original research article, whose methods, findings, etc. don't justify a full-length paper, “Case Reports/Pilot project reports/Survey project reports” and “Letters/Opinion/Commentaries”.
Title | Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (AMRIT) |
Frequency | Biannual |
Online ISSN | 2583-4657 |
Publishing Body | Assam down town University (AdtU) |
Publisher | Prof. (Dr.) Narayan Chandra Talukdar, Vice Chancellor Prof. Bandana Dutta, Dean of Studies |
Editor-in-Chief | Prof. (Dr.) Dharmeswar Das, Chairman and Executive Director of Research |
Copyright | Assam down town University (AdtU), Guwahati |
Starting Year | 2022 |
Subject | Multidisciplinary Subjects |
Language | English |
Publication Format | Online |
Phone No. | 0361-7110711 Ext. 151 |
E-mail ID | |
Website | |
Address | Assam down town University (AdtU), Sankar Madhab Path, Gandhi Nagar, Panikhaiti, Guwahati, Assam, India, 781026 |