Dr. Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei

Dr. Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei


Name: Specialization:
Dr. Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei Psycho-Oncology


Graduation Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, UP 2011 80%
Post-Graduation Pacific Academy of Higher Education & Research University, Udaipur, Rajasthan 2016 79.10

BN University, Udaipur, Rajasthan


2021 Thesis Title: An Assessment On The Effects Of The Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Therapeutic Intervention In Relation To Terminal Illness And Positive Health Outcomes In Indian Palliative End-Of-Life Care.


Personal Interest

Reading and Travelling

Working Experience

02/11/2021 - Assam Downtown University Assistant Professor Teaching
07/02/2020  - 30/06/2020 College of Paramedical Science & Research Center, People University, Bhopal. Assistant Professor Teaching
05/08/2020 - 30/10/2021 Department of Psychology, Christ University, Bangalore Assistant Professor Teaching



Publications in Web of Science and Scopus

  1. The Clinical Role of Psychologists in End-of-Life Care: A New Horizon in Indian Palliative Care. Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine, 2018; 1 (2): 45-49. https://doi.org/10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.09797. WEB Science ID: publons.com/p/27944335/
  2. Why Cancer/Terminal Ill Diagnosis Unsuccessful in India: A Qualitative Analysis. Eurasian Journal of Medicine and Oncology-EJMO, Volume  3, Issue 3 (August 2019):160–166. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14744/ejmo.2019.32355. Web of Science ID: publons.com/p/27944336/
  3. The Emerging Needs of Effective Communication in Palliative End-of-Life Care: A Qualitative Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 3 (52); 2019: 6-10. DOI: https://doi.org/110.23950/1812-2892-JCMK-00704. WEB Science ID: publons.com/p/27944356/
  4. The importance of holistic assessment in palliative end-of-life care and quality health outcomes, Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 3 (52); 2019: 11-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-JCMK-00700. WEB ID: publons.com/p/27944389/
  5. Emerging issues and needs to focus on mental health and well-being in India: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 2019; 4(54):10-14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-JCMK-00706. pWEB of Science ID: publons.com/p/48511611/
  6. Terminal cancer in Northeast India: an analytical study on its rapid growth, causes, and solutions. The European Research Journal, 2020; 6(3):248-256. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18621/eurj.519115. WEB of Science ID: publons.com/p/48511629/
  7. Effective Ways of Breaking the Bad News in Terminal Ill Diagnosis: Focus on Strategies. Cancer Med J;2000: 3(2): 54-59. Doi: https://doi.org/10.46619/CMJ.2020.3-1021. WEB of Science ID: publons.com/p/52378719/
  8. Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei, The Effect of Spiritual Therapeutic Assessment in Terminal Ill Diagnosis: Focus on Meaning and
  9. Spirituality. Cancer Med J, 2000: 3(2): 69-74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46619/CMJ.2020.3-1022. WEB of Science ID: publons.com/p/52378718/
  10. The Significance of Psychological Approach to Terminal Care in Clinical Practices. Journal of Contemporary Medicine, 2020; 10 (3): 454-457. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16899/jcm.710731. WEB of Science ID: publons.com/p/48511653/
  11. Assessment and coping strategies for stress and depression among the terminally ill patients: Focus on cancer. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 2021; 18(6):15-19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/11348. WEB of Science ID: publons.com/p/52378720/. publons.com/p/52378720/.
  12. The psychological aspect of pain and symptom management in clinical practices: Scoping review. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, 2021; 18(6):4-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/11328. Web of Science ID: publons.com/p/52378721/
  13. Vaiphei SD (2022) What is a Good Death: End-of-Life Care in India?. Journal of Palliative Care and Medicine, 2022; 12 (1): 437. ISSN: 2165-7386. WEB of Science ID: publons.com/p/47566404/

Publication in National Peer-Review Journals

  1. The Emerging Needs for Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model in Indian Palliative End-of-Life care: An Analytical Study. Journal of Well Being, Volume 12, No. 2 (July 2018): 20-25. ISSN:0974-8717.
  2. Psychotherapeutic Intervention in Terminal Diagnosis: An Over View. Journal of Indian Health Psychology, Vol. 13, Issue, 1 (September 2018): 20-34. ISSN:0973-5755.


1. PROGRAMME YOUR SELF: Powerhouse of Possibilities, Understanding Change, Choosing Wisely. Written Words. A Wing of Christian World Imprints. ISBN: 978-93-5148-596-4


1. What is a Good Death: End-of-Life Care In India? 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF GERONTOLOGY FULL TEXTS BOOK, Siva, Turkey: Ä°KSAD Publishing House, 2022. Issued: 28.03.2022. ISBN: 978-625-8377-06-4. Page 253-259.

2. The Clinical Roles Of Psychologists In End-Of-Life Care: A New Horizon In Indian Palliative End-Of-Life Care. 9th  International Conference On Social Sciences & Humanities, THE PROCEEDINGS BOOK.  Burdur, Turkey: ISPEC Publications, 2022. Issued: 28.03.2022. ISBN: 978-625-7720-77-9. Page: 304-305

Seminar/Conference Paper Presentations

1. “Cancer in North East India: Focus on Its Causes and Solutions” in National Seminar on Society, Ecology, and Environment in Manipur: Climate Change Perspectives. 28-29 December 2018. Sponsored By: Forest and Environment Department, Govt. Of Manipur.

2. “Emerging Issues And Needs To Focus On Mental Health And Well-Being In India: A Qualitative Analysis.” in Multidisciplinary Conference on Integrative Approaches for Mental Health and Well-Being organized by Department of Psychology, MLSU, Udaipur. 27th – 28th September 2019

3. “Problematic Internet Use and Mental Health Outcomes Among the Youth” in a Webinar on June 26, 2020. Organized by Young Christian Organization, Bangalore. 

4. "Internet Addiction and Related Mental Health Issues," in an Online Workshop on June 4, 2021. Organized by Kuki Worship Service, Guwahati, Sunday School.

5. “Problematic Internet Use and Mental Health Outcomes AmongYouth and Children” in a WEBINAR on August 20, 2021. Organized by KSO Mumbai and Sunday School Department, KWS, Mumbai.


7. III. INTERNATIONAL HALICH CONGRESS ON MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. March 12-13, 2022, Istanbul, TURKEY. Presented a paper entitled: The Current Challenges of Mental Health Work Force In India

8. Ä°STANBUL International Modern Scientific Research Congress -III. Organized by: Istanbul Gedik University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 06-08, 2022. Presented a Paper on “THE EMERGING NEEDS OF PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION IN TERMINAL ILL DIAGNOSIS”

9. 2nd World Youth Studies Conference, Held on May 18th – 30th.Organized by: Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey .


10. 3. INTERNATIONAL DÄ°CLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONGRESS. 26-27 NOVEMBER 2022, DÄ°YARBAKIR / TURKEY. Organized by: ISARC -International Science And Art Research Center, Turkey. Title: Existential Psychotherapy: When Cure Is Not The Concerned. ISBN: 978-625-6380-15-8. Page: 1574

11. 3. INTERNATIONAL DÄ°CLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CONGRESS. 26-27 NOVEMBER 2022, DÄ°YARBAKIR / TURKEY. Organized by: ISARC -International Science And Art Research Center, Turkey. Title: Youth And Culture: Youth Attitude Towards Indian Culture. ISBN: 978-625-6380-15-8. Page: 1426.

12. 6th INTERNATIONAL ICONTECH CONFERENCE ON INNOVATIVE SURVEYS IN POSITIVE SCIENCES, held on December 4-5, 2022 / Rijeka, Croatia. Title: A Qualitative Study On The Effects Of Mindfulness On Psychological Well-Being.

Faculty Development program & Psychological Oriented Conferences

1. Advances in Survey, Statistical & Analytical Tools In Research Methodology, Organized by Aishwarya College of Education Sansthan, and BhupalNoble’s University, Udaipur.

2. Faculty Development Programme-1 2021. Organized by The Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) and Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Christ Deemed to be University, Bangalore 0n 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, June 2021

3. 5day Quality Improvement Program on “Hybrid Teaching” held from 02 to 08 March 2021. Staff Development College, Christ University, Bangalore.

4. “10-Days Yoga Workshop” organized by Department of Chemistry, Christ University, Bangalore. 5th May – 14th May 2021

5. “Virtual Conference-Digital Intervention, Challenges, and Perspectives: Newer Frontier in Clinical Psychology” organized by 47th National Annual Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists. 28-30 May 2021. AFMC, Pune.

6. Suicide Prevention Summit 2021. Co-hosted by the Mental Health Academy, the American Counseling Association (ACA), and the American Association of Suicidology (AAS). July 24 & 25 (live webinars).