Mr. Mostofa Hasssan Khandakar

Mr. Mostofa Hasssan Khandakar


Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology


Qualification Board/ University Year

PhD Scholar (Not Yet Complited)

Assam Downtown university 2022 continue...
M.Sc.  Assam Downtown university 2020
B.Sc.  Gauhati University 2017
10+2 AHSEC 2014
10 SEBA 2011


Personal Interest

Music, Singing, Photography, travelling, Chess

Working Experience

Position/ Responsibilities Duration Organization
Assistant Professor; Lab-Incharge; NAAC Criteria 3 member; 1st Year class coordinator  September 2023-Present Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam 
Guest Faculty March,2021-2023 Assam Downtown University, Guwahati, Assam. 



Research Papers and Publications: 

1. Essential Oil and Cancer Cells: A Review; Mostofa Hassan Khandakar1, Surjya Loying2, Rajeev Sarmah3, Devabrata Saikia2, Hijam Chandramani Singh4 and Manash Pratim Sarma3 ; Indian Journal of Natural Sciences; 43064-43071; 2022/6 .


1. Extraction of Essential oil from Citrus limon(Gul nemu) and its anti-microbial activity against some foodborne pathogens[2020] (M.Sc. Dissertation Project).

Books and Book Chapters:


1. Medical Practice Act.(Hand book for Paramedical Science: Basic Concept of Hospital Practice and Patients Care; Balaram Sutradhar and Kangkana Dutta Phukan; Purbayon Publication; 1st Ed. 2023, ISBN: 978-93-5860-022-3)

2. Consumer Protection Act. (Hand book for Paramedical Science: Basic Concept of Hospital Practice and Patients Care; Balaram Sutradhar and Kangkana Dutta Phukan; Purbayon Publication; 1st Ed. 2023, ISBN: 978-93-5860-022-3)

Awards & Achievements

National/International Conferences/ Seminars:

  1. 68th Annual Technical Session of Assam Science Society  National Seminar on “Recent Breakthroughs and Innovations in Science and Technology” 30th March-2024

  2. National Conference on "Bio-exploration for Human welfare-An Integrative Approach-2019"

  3. National Conference on "Translational Drug Discovery: Current Trends and Future Interventions -2018

Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs): 

  1. One Week International FDP on "Transformative Research Practices: A Advancing Quality and Ethical Standards across Hinger Education"  (online mode) 13th December 2024 to 18th December 2024 organized by Faculty of Science, Assam down town University. 
  2. One Week FDP on Emerging Trends in How to do Research Methodology (online mode) 04 September 2023 to 08 September 2023 organized by REST Society for Research International (RSRI) Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, India.
  3. Seven days Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics forHuman Welfare (29th July - 5th August, 2022) Organised by Faculty of Science, Assam Down Town University
  4. Online Faculty Development Program: "Emerging Trends, Technologies, Education and Research in the Healthcare Industry''; Organised by Assam Downtown University- 2022

Workshops/ Hands-On Training:

  1. One Day Hands-On Training workshop on " Antibiogram and Audiometer Devices and Calibration" hosted by Assam down town University in Collaboration with NECTAR-DST, down town Hospital and NHHID-Anna University, Chennai. (2025)
  2. One Hands-on/Field Visit on Molecular Techiques organized by Assam down town University in Biotech Park, Guwahati. (2019)
  3. Mashroom Cultivation Hands-on training(Two Days) organized by B.N.College, Dhubri, Assam(2018) 

Webinars and Awards:

  • Webinar on "Remote Sensing : its Application in Biological Sciences-2020"
  • Academic Excellence Award 2018-19
  • Student Development Programme ON “The Blue Print of Life-2020”
  • Short time Personality development program from DC Crackers
  • Participated on national science day