Dr. Seydur Rahman

Dr. Seydur Rahman


Chemical Biology







North Eastern Hill University

M. Sc.

Life Science (Zoology)

Assam University

B. Sc. (Hons.)

Zoo (Hons.), Bot, Chem

North Eastern Hill University


Eng, Phy, Chem, Biol.

Meghalaya Board of School Education


Eng, Alt Eng, Math, S. Sc, Sci, H. Edu

Meghalaya Board of School Education

Personal Interest

Indoor Sports, Gym

Working Experience

Position Held




Assistant Professor

Assam down town University

Teaching, Research

2021-Till date

Promotion and Application Scientist Uniglobe Scientific Pvt. Ltd Research 2020-2021

Project Scientist - C

Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology



Post-Doctoral Fellow

Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology





Dhing College





  • Seydur Rahman, Narayan Chandra Talukdar, Kaustuvmani Patowary and Yugal Kishore Mohanta (2024). Propolis from the North-East region of India exhibits potent antioxidant and anticancer activity against breast cancer cells. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology59(9):103269.
  • Seydur Rahman, Sudhanya Ray Hajong, Nibedita Talukdar, Suraj Chetri and Snigdha Chakrabarty (2024). Task specific behavior of Indian honey bee (Apis cerana indica) workers. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1–8.
  • Md Jahangir Alam, Parul Kamboj, Soumalya Sarkar, Sonu Kumar Gupta, Siva Swapna Kasarla, Sneh Bajpai, Deepika Kumari, Neema Bisht, Sagar Ramrao Barge, Bhaswati Kashyap, Barsha Deka, Simanta Bharadwaj, Seydur Rahman, Partha Pratim Dutta, Jagat C. Borah, Narayan Chandra Talukdar, Yashwant Kumar and Sanjay K Banerjee (2023). Untargeted metabolomics and phenotype data indicate the therapeutic and prophylactic potential of Lysimachia candida Lindl. towards high-fat high-fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats. Molecular Omics, 19, 787-799.
  • Seydur Rahman, Bansal RK and Manashree Avinash Mane (2023). Using Commercial Cryopreservation of Dromedary Camel Semen Using Tris-Based Extenders (T-BE), Free-From and Enriched With Egg Yolks, Revista electrónica de Veterinaria 24(2): 256-267.
  • Kavina Ganapathy, Febin Joy and Seydur Rahman (2023). Managing Infectious Calf Diarrhoea: Causes, Detection, and Treatment. Revista electrónica de Veterinaria, 24(2): 233-246
  • Bhaswati Kashyap, Sagar Ramrao Barge, Simanta Bharadwaj, Barsha Deka, Seydur Rahman, Aparajita Ghosh, Prasenjit Manna, Partha Pratim Dutta, Yunus Sheik, Raghuram Kandimalla, Suman Kumar Samanta, Joshodeep Boruwa, Shilpi Saikia, Deepsikha Swargiary, Parul Kamboj, Deepika Tuli, Uttam Pal, Jagat C. Borah, Sanjay Kumar Banerjee and Narayan Chandra Talukdar (2021). Evaluation of therapeutic effect of Premna herbacea in diabetic rat and isoverbascoside against insulin resistance in L6 muscle cells through bioenergetics and stimulation of JNK and AKT/mTOR signaling cascade. Phytomedicine, 93: 153761.
  • Parul Kamboj, Soumalya Sarkar, Sonu Kumar Gupta, Neema Bisht, Deepika Kumari, Md. Jahangir Alam, Sagar Barge, Bhaswati Kashyap, Barsha Deka, Simanta Bharadwaj, Seydur Rahman, Partha Pratim Dutta, Jagat C. Borah, Narayan Chandra Talukdar, Sanjay K. Banerjee and Yashwant Kumar (2021). Methanolic Extract of Lysimachia Candida Lindl. Prevents High-Fat High-Fructose-Induced Fatty Liver in Rats: Understanding the Molecular Mechanism Through Untargeted Metabolomics Study. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12:653872.
  • Seydur Rahman, Sudhanya Ray Hajong, Jérémy Gévar, Alain Lenoir and Eric Darrouzet (2016). Cuticular hydrocarbon compounds in worker castes and their role in nestmate recognition in Apis cerana indica. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 42(5): 444-451.
  • Seydur Rahman, Sudhanya Ray Hajong, S.S. Shemilt and F.P. Drijfhout (2016) Cuticular hydrocarbons in queens, workers and drones of the Indian honey bee Apis cerana indica (Fab.). Entomologia Generalis, 36(2): 117 – 126.
  • Seydur Rahman, Thangkhiew, Ibamelaker and Sudhanya Ray Hajong (2014). Hypopharyngeal gland activity in task-specific workers under brood and broodless conditions in Apis Cerana Indica (Fab.). Journal of Apicultural Science, 58: 59-70.
  • Seydur Rahman and Sudhanya Ray Hajong (2013). Quantitative changes in lipids and carbohydrates of temporal workers and drones in Apis cerana indica (Fabricius). Halteres, 4: 59-67.
  • Ananta Swargiary, Hankhray Boro, Birendra Kumar Brahma and Seydur Rahman (2013). Ethno-botanical study of anti-diabetic medicinal plants used by the local people of Kokrajhar district of Bodoland territorial council, India. Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies, 1(5): 51-58.
  • Devashish Kar, Anjam Hussain Barbhuiya, Arifuddin, Masuk Ahmed Barbhuiya, Pankaj Chetia, Riajul Islam and Seydur Rahman (2007). Traditional riverine fish catching devices of Assam. Fishery Technology, 44(2): 137-146.

Patent Granted

  • Jagat C. Borah, Narayan C. Talukdar Pranjan Barman, Naba Kumar Hazarika, Seydur Rahman, Yunus Sheikh and Kangkan Jyoti Kalita (2024). Herbal formulation for prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus and conditions associated therewith.

Patent Published

  • Kaustuvmani Patowary, Seydur Rahman, Partha Pratim Dutta, Yugal Kishore Mohanta, Narayan Chandra Talukdar. Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant Coated Iron Nanoparticle: A Credible Approach Towards Potential Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation. Application No: 202331052858; Publication date: 13-10-2023, (National).
  • Kaustuvmani Patowary, Seydur Rahman, Partha Pratim Dutta, Yugal Kishore Mohanta, Narayan Chandra Talukdar. Synthesis of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant Coated Zinc-Oxide Nanoparticle and its Anticancer Potential Against Human Breast Cancer Cell Lines. Application No: 202331052859; Publication date: 13-10-2023 (National).
  • Bhaswati Kashyap, Simanta Bharadwaj, Sagar Barge, Barsha Deka, Yunus Sheikh, Seydur Rahman, Aparajita Ghosh, Partha Pratim Dutta, Raghuram Kandimalla, Jagat C Borah, M. C. Kalita, Sanjay K Banerjee and Narayan C. Talukdar. A Herbal Composition from ‘Premna herbacea’, useful for prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes and a method for its extraction. Patent Application No. PCT/IN2019/050887, Publication date: 11-06-2020, Publication No.: WO2020/115767 A1 (International).
  • Jagat C. Borah, Narayan C. Talukdar Pranjan Barman, Naba Kumar Hazarika, Seydur Rahman, Yunus Sheikh and Kangkan Jyoti Kalita (2020). Herbal formulation for prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus and conditions associated therewith. Application No.: 202031027554, Filing date: 29-06-2020 (National).


Research Projects

Completed               :           04

Ongoing                   :          04


Ph.D. Guidance pursuing : 02

M.Sc. Project Guidance   : 12

Awards & Achievements

Qualified State Eligibility Test-North Eastern Region (SET-NE)


  • National Post-Doctoral Fellow (SERB-DST), New Delhi, 2017-2019.
  • Secured 2nd prize in a poster presentation at the SERB School on Chemical Ecology, at the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 8-22 July, 2018.
  • Secured 1st prize in a poster presentation at the International Conference on Entomology, Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Punjab, India, 17-19 Feburary, 2012.
  • Awarded the "Maulana Azad National Fellowship" in the form of both Junior Research Fellowship and Senior Research Fellowship by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India, to support the pursuit of a Ph.D.
  • Granted the "Research Fellowship in Science for Meritorious Students" by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India, to facilitate the pursuit of a Ph.D.

Invited Talk

  • Delivered an invited talk on “Scientific Methods on Beekeeping” at 1 No. Assam Battalion NCC Training Programme, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Banekuchi, Nalbari, Assam, 28 May, 2024.
  • Delivered an invited talk on “Demonstrations of bee keeping” to Vocational Trainers for Implementation of  NSQ Compliant Vocational Education, AdtU, Guwahati. 29 Dec, 2023.
  • Invited as a resource person at the District-level workshop themed “Sweet Revolution in Bodoland Territorial Region through Scientific Harvest of Honey from Wild Bees”, Mini Mission-II, under National Bee Honey Mission, National Bee Board, Govt. of India, Borimakha Junior College, Assam, 16th September, 2023.
  • Invited as a resource person at the workshop themed “Sweet Revolution in BTR through Scientific Harvest of Honey from Wild Bees” Bengtol College, Assam, 18th January 2023.
  • Delivered an invited talk on “Economic and Scientific Perspective of Honey bees” in the National Webinar on "Entrepreneurial Potentials of Apiculture" organised by St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Jakhama, Nagaland, 24th September, 2021.
  • Delivered an invited talk on “ROS-dependent apoptotic effect of honeybee propolis in human breast cancer cells in vitroin the National Webinar on “Recent Approaches in Zoological Sciences” with special reference to Biodiversity, Medical Entomology and Molecular Biology organized by Nongstoin College, Meghalaya,17th Feb, 2021.
  • Delivered an invited talk on “The pecking order of reactive oxygen species – A boon in health and management of associated disease by natural source” at Bodoland University, Kokrajar, Assam, 27th May, 2020.
  • Delivered an invited talk on “Apitherapy - A Potential Source in Modern Medicine” at Nongstoin College, Meghalaya, 1st December, 2018.

Experience of organizing/leading team in national scientific programmes

  • Convener of the Webinar on Science and Society Lecture I, Therapeutic potential of ethnic fermented soybean foods of North-East India in managing metabolic syndrome and its related health disorders, Assam down town University, 11th Feb, 2022.
  • Served as the Core committee member of National programme “EC Meeting of the Tribal Sub Plan Scheme (Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development DST, Govt of India)” held at the Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology, Guwahati, 1-2 August, 2019.
  • Served as a Treasurer with an additional responsibility as a technical member for the “National Workshop on Translational Research on Natural Products for therapeutic uses: North-East Chapter”, held at the Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology, Guwahati, 21st November, 2017.
  • Served as the official representative of the Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology, Guwahati, to present and highlight the institute's innovative Research and Development activities and technologies at the "106th Indian Science Congress," held from January 3-7, 2019, at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab.
  • Served as the official representative of the Institute of Advanced Study in Science & Technology, Guwahati, to exhibit the institute's Research and Development activities and technologies at the "National Science Day" event held from February 28 to March 1, 2019, at the Regional Science Centre, Guwahati.