Specialization: |
Organic Chemistry |
Qualification |
Board/University |
Year |
Secondary Education Board of Assam |
1989 |
HSSLC (Science) |
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council |
1992 |
B.Sc. (Chemistry Hons.) |
Dibrugarh University |
1995 |
M.Sc (Organic Chemistry) |
Dibrugarh University |
1998 |
PhD (Organic Chemistry) |
Dibrugarh University |
2005 |
Position/Responsibilities |
Duration |
Organization |
Faculty of Chemistry cum Assistant Registrar |
September 2004 to October 2009 |
POGL Institute for Petroleum & Energy Development, Guwahati Assam, India (Affiliated to Gauhati University) |
Assistant Professor (Engineering Chemistry) |
2009 to 2011 |
Regional Institute of Science and Technology, an Engineering College, approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to NEHU, Shillong |
Associate Professor Department of Chemistry |
2011 to 2012 |
University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) |
Deputy Controller of Examinations |
2012 to 2017 |
University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) |
Deputy Registrar (Academics & Examinations) |
December 2017 to November 2020 |
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) Guwahati, Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India |
Research Experience: (9 years)
1) I have successfully completed a project funded by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi, during the period June 1999 to August 2002, on the topic “Evaluation of phytochemicals as pest control agents from the plants of the Meliaceae family of Northeastern region” under the guidance of Dr. J.C.S. Kataky [FNA], Scientist, Synthetic Organic Chemistry Division, North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR) (formerly RRL Jorhat), Jorhat Assam, India.
2) I did Ph.D. (by thesis “Studies of Natural Terpenoids and their Biological Screening” from Dibrugarh University, Assam) during the period September 2002 to August 2005 under the 1 guidance of Dr. J.C.S. Kataky [FNA], Senior Scientist, Synthetic Organic Chemistry Division, North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR) (formerly RRL Jorhat), Jorhat Assam, India.
3) I Worked as a Guest Research Worker under Dr. Jibon Kotoky, Professor, Aromatic & Medicinal Plant Division, Institute of Advanced study in Science & Technology (under Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India), Guwahati, Assam, India during the period September 2005 to October 2009.
Research Publications:
1. DMSO/N2H4.H2O/I2/H2O/CH3CN System: A New and Efficient System for Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols to Ketones in Hydrated Media. J. Org. Chem, vol: 69(15); 5153-5154, 2004 Pranjal Gogoi, Gautam Kumar Sarmah and Dilip Konwar*.
2. Aluminium chloride and sodium iodide (AlCl3-NaI): A versatile dehydrating agent. D Konwar*, Monalisha Boruah, Gautam Kumar Sarmah, Nayan Kamal Bhattacharyya, N Borthakur, BN Goswami and KR Baruah. J Chem Research(s), 2001, 490-492.
3. Studies of Antifungal activity of Naturally occurring Paniculatin and their Derivatives. GK Sarmah, NK Bhattacharyya, BN Goswami, N Borthakur, P Boruah and JCS Kataky* Chemistry: An Indian Journal, Vol.1, July 2003, pp. 42-46
4. New Protolimonoids and Limonoids: Part V- Synthesis of New Heterocyclic compounds from Naturally occurring limonoids. NK Bhattacharyya, GK Sarmah, BN Goswami, N Borthakur and JCS Kataky*. Ind. J Het. Chemistry, Vol. 12, April-June 2003, pp.297-300.
5. New Protolimonoids and Limonoids : Part IV-Transformation of Naturally occurring 6a- Acetoxy azadirone to new limonoids. NK Bhattacharyya, GK Sarmah, BN Goswami, N Borthkur and JCS Kataky* J Ind. Chem Soc, Vol. 81, May 2004, pp.433-435
6. Structural study of 2, 4- dichlorobenzanilide-An aromatic substituted amide. Ind. J Pure and Applied Physics, Vol. 39, May 2001,pp.313-315.
7. Derivatives of paniculatin and their antifungal activities. GK Sarmah, NK Bhattacharyya, BN Goswami, N Borthkur, P Baruah and JCS Kataky* J Ind Chem Soc, Vol. 80, Number 12, 2004, pp. 1163-1168
8. “Molecular and Crystal Structure of 6α-acetoxy azadirone”. J Kotoky*, M Kalita, GK Sarmah & B Das. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B), Vol. 46B, November 2007, pp. 1879-1882.
9. “Molecular and crystal structure of an isoflavonoid, 5,7, 4’-trihydroxy-6,3’ diprenylisoflavone from Cudrania javanensis”. Mohendra Kalita, Gautam Kumar Sarmah, Mohendra Nath Bora, Babulal Das & Jibon Kotoky. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section B), Vol. 48B, September 2009, pp. 1324-1328.
10. “Isolation and Identification of a biologically active isoflavonoid from Cudrania javanensis”. G K Sarmah and R K Sharma Journal of Phytology 2010, 2(5):47-49. (an international journal published from UAE)
Books/Abstract/Article published:
a) “Role of Herbs in Obesity: A great threat to the human health” –An article published in MEDICINAL PLANTS OF NORTH EAST INDIA by NEDFi Guwahti.
b) “How air pollution affects rainfall”- –An article published in Climate Change, Global Warming and NE India : A regional perspective, published by ERD Foundation Guwahati.
c) Climate Change, Global Warming and NE India : A regional perspective, Editorial Board, published by ERD Foundation Guwahati.
d) “Management of Conservation of Soil, Control of Environmental pollution and improvement of drainage system of entire Guwahati city: An overview. (A Research Study) with Simultaneous generation of employment” –An article published in GMA NEWS ( A news letter of Guwahati Management Association).
e) “Antidibetic Properties of the Fruits of the Plants of Dilleniaceae family”. An abstract published in Program & Abstracts of 2nd Indian National Seminar on Plants in Diabetes: Prospects & Challenges during 8 & 9 April, 2012 at Gauhati University Assam, organized by Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
f) Diabetes: Awareness and Health Attitude in Rural Communities of North eastern India. An Abstract, published in Diabetes and Endocrine Journal, December 2011, vol 40, (Suppl 1), pp 33, published by Diabetic Association of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Endocrine Society.
g) “Traditional Use of Medicinal Plants and their conservation in North East India”. An Abstract published in ABSTRACTS of the International seminar on “Biodiversity, Conservation & Environmental in Health” during 16 and 17 March, 2012 at Assam University Silchar, India, organized by Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics, Assam University Silchar, India.
h) “Use of Medicinal Plants for Fertility Regulation and its Prospects for Drug development: Evidence in In-Vivo Study on Targeted Reproductive Organs”. An Abstract published in ABSTRACTS of the International seminar on “Biodiversity, Conservation & Environmental in Health” during 16 and 17 March, 2012 at Assam University Silchar, India, organized by Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics, Assam University Silchar, India.
i) “Interdisciplinary Research: Its Importance and Viability”-an article published in the souvenir of North East Teachers’ Congress -2013 organised by University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya during 22nd and 3rd March, 2013.
j) “Green Blood: Nature’s Blessings”-an article published in the book Recent Advances in Biological and Chemical Sciences: Perspectives to North East India published by Global Publishing House (India) during April 2014, having ISBN No 978-93-81563-41-0
Completed Projects:
1) “Evaluation of phytochemicals as pest control agents from the plants of the Meliaceae family of the Northeastern region”. –A DBT (Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi India) funded three years project. Sanctioned in 1999 and completed in 2002.
2) “Evaluation of phytoconstitutents as anti-oxidant and cardioprotective agents from the indigenous plants of North East India.”… A DBT funded project, New Delhi.
a) One Paper was presented at Sixth National Conference of Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists held on February 22 to 24, 2002 at Vadodara (Gujarat), India.
b) Attending and participating a seminar on “Single Crystal XRD Structural Elucidation of 6a acetoxy azadirone.” On 18th March 2007 in the 52nd Annual Technical Session-2007 of Assam Science Society, Guwahati, Assam, India.
c) Organising an International Conference on “Global Warming, Climate Change visà-vis Management of Natural Resources in North East India” held at Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Meghalaya, India on 22nd & 23rd March, 2010.
d) Attending and participating an International Conference on “Plants in Diabetes: Prospects and Challenges” held at Gauhati University on 8th and 9th April 2011, organized by Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh
e) Attending and participating 2-day National Workshop on “Brainstorming on exploration, conservation and sustainable utilization of Rare, Endangered & Threatened (RET) medicinal plants of Northeast India” organized by National Medicinal Plants Board, New Delhi, India and NEDFi, Guwahati, Assam, India on 10 and 11 November 2011.
f) Attending and participating a one day Brainstorming Workshop on “Perception on Education Needs of NE India towards Creation of Knowledge Based Society and Sustainable Livelihood” organized by University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya, India on 17th December, 2011.
g) Attending and participating an eight days workshop on “Training on Documentation, Assessment of Local Health Traditions and Survey of Flora used in Local Health Traditions of Lower Assam” during 18:01:2012 to 25:01:2012, Organized by Gauhati University, Assam, India.
h) Attending and participating an International seminar on “Genres of Belief from a Folkloristic Perspective” during 4th and 5th February, 2013 organised by University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya in collaboration with University of Tartu, Estonia.
i) Attending and participating an International seminar on “Indian Higher Education in the 21st Century: Constraints & Possibilities” during 22nd and 23rd March, 2013 organised by University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya