Dr. Prasanta Pratim Bairagi

Dr. Prasanta Pratim Bairagi


Wireless Sensor Networks, IoT, Image Processing,


Qualification Board/University Year
Ph.D Assam down town University 2023


Tezpur University



Dibrugarh University








Personal Interest

Listening to Music, Playing Games

Working Experience

Position/Responsibilities Duration Organization

Assistant Professor                                 

Aug 2016- Present                                  

Faculty of Computer Technology

Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam

Assistant Professor  Oct 2013-July 2016

Department of Computer science

Kaliabor College, Nagaon, Assam

Assistant Professor 

Aug 2013- Oct 2013

Department of Computer science

ADP College, Nagaon, Assam


Journal Publications

  1. Prasanta Pratim Bairagi, Bikram Patir, Pranjal Bora, Latika Deka, Sisir Kumar Rajbongshi, "SmartGuard: An Intelligent LPG Leakage Detection and Control System," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 265-272, 2024.
  2. P. P. Bairagi, Gaurav Kataria, Dr. Mala Dutta, Dr. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal, Bobby Sharma, Vikash Rathi “Impact of Network Size on Routing Protocol Performance in Wireless Sensor Network: A Simulation”,  Journal of Electrical Systems, ISSN: 1112-5209, Vol 20, Issue 2s, pp 508-515, 2024
  3. P. P. Bairagi, Dr. Mala Dutta, Dr. Kanojia Sindhuben Babulal “An Energy-Efficient Protocol Based on Recursive Geographic Forwarding Mechanisms for Improving Routing Performance in WSN”, IETE Journal of Research, ISSN: 0974-780X, with IF 1.87
  4. P. P. Bairagi, Sunandan Baruah, Baharul Islam, Devabrata Sarmah “IoT based LPG Monitoring and Controlling System- A Case Study”,  Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (AMRIT) , ISSN: 2583-4657, Vol-02, Issue- 01, pp. 61-66, 2023
  5. Manglembi Chanu, Ankur Pan Saikia, Prasanta Pratim Bairagi, Ashish Kar, Prasenjit Bhagabati “Diversity of Aquatic Macrophytes of Borbila and Silsako Wetland in Assam”,   Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences: An International Journal , ISSN: 2249-4538, Vol-13, Issue- 05, pp. 1339-1344, 2022
  6. P. P. Bairagi, Dr. Mala Dutta, “A Performance Evaluation of AODV And DSR Protocols Over TCP And UDP in Wireless Adhoc Network”, Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue), ISSN 2319-4979, Vol-09, Special Issue-October, pp.2080-2086, October-2021
  7. P. P. Bairagi, L. P. Saikia, “A Comparative Study on Location Based Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal Computer Sciences and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN 2347-2693, Vol-06, Issue-06, pp.1060-1064, June-2018.
  8. P. P. Bairagi, “Optical Character Recognition for Hindi”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), ISSN 2395-0056, Vol-05, Issue-05, pp.3968-3973, May-2018.
  9. H. Bhuyan, P. P. Bairagi, “Role of Open-Source Software in Building Institutional Repository with Special Reference to GSDL: A study”, A Refereed Journal (Creatcrit), ISSN 2347-8829 Vol-04, No- 01, pp. 18, 2017.


  1. Prasanta Pratim Bairagi, Eirene Barua, Jyotshana Kanti, Rajesh Kumar, Harishchander Anandaram, Kapil Joshi, “Online frauds detection using machine learning techniques: A review”, AIP Conf. Proc. 10 November 2023; 2930 (1): 020009. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0175742
  2. P. P. Bairagi, M. Dutta and K. S. Babulal, "Location based Routing Protocols and its Performances in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Investigation," 2022 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC), 2022, pp. 583-590, doi: 10.1109/ICESC54411.2022.9885717.
  3. P. P. Bairagi and M. Dutta, "Various Energy-Saving Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Overview" 2021 10th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2021, pp. 499-504, doi: 10.1109/CSNT51715.2021.9509725.
  4. P. P. Bairagi and L. P. Saikia, "Development of a LPG Monitoring and Automatic Cylinder Booking System Based on Wireless Sensor Network" 2020 Fourth International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), 2020, pp. 382-386, doi: 10.1109/ICISC47916.2020.9171061.
  5. Presented a paper entitled “Implementation of ICT in Selected College Libraries of Nagaon District: Issues and Challenges” in a two days’ National seminar on “ICT & Knowledge Management” from 27-05-2016 to 28-05-2016.


  1. Attended Two-week International Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Innovations in Engineering” from 25-08-2024 to 06-09-2024 organized by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia.
  2. Attended five days’ Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Introduction of Internet of Things” from 14-07-2023 to 18-07-2023 organized by Dept. of CSE, IIT Kharagpur.
  3. Attended One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Deep Learning Tools and Applications in Engineering & Science” from 10-05-2021 to 15-05-2021organized by MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D.) Pune.
  4. Attended One Week Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Deep Learning Applications in Cybersecurity for Engineering & Science” from 14-06-2021 to 19-06-2021organized by MIT Academy of Engineering, Alandi (D.) Pune.
  5. Attended Two Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Machine Learning for Computer Vision” from 29-07-2020 to 08-07-2020 organized by Electronics & ICT Academies, Govt. of India.
  6. Attended five days’ Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Essentials for Good Research” from 27-05-2020 to 02-06-2020 organized by Faculty of Engineering and Technology, AdtU.
  7. Attended seven days’ Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “How to Switch from Regular Classroom Teaching to Online Teaching More Effectively” from 14-05-2020 to 20-05-2020 organized by Dept. of Management and Dept. of Hospitality and Tourism Management, AdtU.
  8. Attended five days’ Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Algorithms in Applications” from 26-12-2017 to 30-12-2017 organized by Dept. of CSE, Tezpur University.
  9. Attended five days’ Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Networking Principle” from 02-01-2017 to 06-01- 2017 organized by NITTTR.
  10. Attended one day National Workshop on “Setting of Question Papers and Evaluation of Answers Scripts in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges” on 29-04-2015.
  11. Attended three days’ Workshop as a participant on “Curriculum Design, Preparation of ICT Enable Course Plan and Teaching Plan for Student Centric Learning” from 11-09-2014 to 13-09-2014.
  12. Participate as a Resource Person in Senior School Training program on ICT from 03-03-2014 to 06-03- 2014.
  13. Participate as a Resource Person in Senior School Training program on ICT from 21-02-2014 to 25-02- 2014.




Application No

National/ International


Date of Publication




Smart Device for Controlling Liquefied Petroleum Gas Leakage Using IoT



202221069879 A


A Novel Method for Preparing Data for Processing y Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Systems



202231068919 A


Process for Selection of Region Head of Region in WSN



202231069707 A


System for Plant Disease Detection and Remedy Recommender





An IoT Based Smart Gas Monitoring and Controlling System





An IoT and Machine Learning-Based Methodology to Detect the Passing of Vehicles Thru One-Way Lanes using Remote Sensors



Awards & Achievements

Awards and Recognitions

  1. Received Best Project Idea Award during the prestigious CommTECH 2024 Programme, organized by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia, which took place from 26th August to 6th September 2024.
  2. Received Best Innovator Award- Special Appreciation of Assam down town University for the Academic Year 2022-23.
  3. Received Research Reward of Assam down town University for Research Publications during the Academic Year 2022-23.
  4. Reviewer, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research (Scopus Indexed).
  5. Reviewer, International Conference on Intelligence Computing and Next Generation Wireless Networks (ICNGWN-2023)
  6. Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member, The 2nd International Conference on Wireless Technologies, Networks and Science-2024 (ICWTNS-2024)

Project Grants

Sl.  No

Project Title


Funding Agency



An App based Smart Library Management System (SLMS) using QR Code Technology

Principal Investigator

Assam down town University (Under Seed Money Scheme 2023)



Early Diagnosis of Common Disorders in Dairy Cows Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Co- Principal Investigator

Assam down town University (Under Seed Money Scheme 2023)



IoT Based Smart LPG Monitoring and Controlling System (Phase-II)

Principal Investigator

Assam down town University (Under Seed Money Scheme 2022)



Development of Smart IoT based System to Monitor the Moisture Level and Temperature in Solar Phonon Drier

Co- Principal Investigator

Assam down town University (Under Seed Money Scheme 2022)



A Generic Simulation approach for performance analysis of the location- based protocols using NS3/NS2 Simulator in Wireless Sensor Network.

Principal Investigator

Assam down town University (Under Collaborative Research Scheme 2019)



IoT Based Smart LPG Monitoring and Controlling System (Phase-I)

Principal Investigator

Assam down town University (Under Seed Money Scheme 2018)
