Dr. Murchana Neog

Dr. Murchana Neog


Name: Specialization:
Dr. Murchana Neog Real Analysis (Pure Mathematics)


Exam Board Year
Ph.D (Mathematics) North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology 2019
PG(Mathematics) Dibruragh University 2013
UG(Mathematics) Dibrugarh University 2011

Working Experience

Assistant professor in Mathematics, Assam down town University from 07/08/2019 to till now


 My research area is Fixed point theory

List of Publications :


(i)        M. Neog  and P. Debnath, Fixed points of set valued mappings in terms of start  point on a metric space endowed with a directed graph, Mathematics 5(24), (2017),  doi:10.3390/math5020024.

(ii)      M. Neog , P. Debnath and S. Radenovic, New extension of some common fixed point theorems in complete metric spaces, Fixed Point Theory, 20 (2019), No. 2, 567-580,  DOI: 10.24193/fpt-ro.2019.2.37.

Scopus-Indexed Journals

  1.  P. Debnath, B.S. Choudhury and M. Neog, Fixed set of set valued mappings with set valued domain in terms of start set on a metric space with a graph, Fixed Point Theory and Applications (Springer) 5(2017), DOI 10.1186/s13663-017-0598-8.
  2.  M. Neog , M.M.M. Jaradat and P. Debnath , Common fixed point results of set valued maps for Ab1;- contraction and generalized  `6;-type weak contraction, Symmetry, 2019, 11, 894;   doi:10.3390/sym11070894.
  3.  P. Debnath, M. Neog and S.Radenovic, Set valued Reich type G-contractions in a complete  metric space with  graph, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo Series 2 (Springer), DOI 10.1007/s12215-019-00446-9.                                        

Other Journals

(i)       P. Debnath M. Neog and S. Radenovic, New extension of some fixed point results  theorems in complete metric spaces, Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 10(2) (2017),  201-210 .

(ii)      M. Neog and P. Debnath , Some new results for set valued mappings defined on  sets on metric space with graph, Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies  11 (1)  (2018), 47-55.

   Published Conference Paper

  1. M. Neog and P. Debnath,  Common fixed point of set valued graph Ab1; - contraction pair in a complete metric space,  International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology DOI: 10.21817/ijest/2018/v10i2S/181002S025.