Mr. Manimugdha Medhi

Mr. Manimugdha Medhi


Social Work






Bangalore University



Bangalore University


Class XII



Class X




Personal Interest

Playing mouth organ (harmonica), reading, travelling, Listening to Music

Working Experience




Assistant Professor

01/08/2019 - continue

Assam down town University

Programme Coordinator

23/08/2020 -31/07/2021

Assam down town University

Member - End Semester Examination Committee

01/06/2022 - continue

Assam down town University

Member - Drishyam Drama Club

31/05/2021 - continue

Assam down town University

Member - Alumni Coordination committee

29/01/2022 - continue

Assam down town University

Coordinator, FHSS- International Affairs Committee

27/03/2024 - continue

Assam down town University

Member-ADTU-Website Committee

28/03/2022 - continue

Assam down town University

Member – Outreach Committee

27/07/2023 – 18/10/2023

Assam down town University



  • Das B, Medhi M, Handique R, Islary N, (2023), Psychosocial Conditions of Healthcare Workers During Fight Against Covid-19, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences. 2023; 13(76); 0976-0997.
  • Medhi M, (2023), A Comparative Study on Academic Stress in Private And Government School Children in Bangalore SouthIndian Journal of Natural Sciences. 2023; 14(80); 0976-0997.
  • Medhi M, Saikia K, (2024), Awareness of Adolescent Girls on their Reproductive health, and issues related to wellbeing and Empowerment: A Field study, Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (AMRIT), 2024; 3(2)

Book Chapters

Title of the Book Chapter

Name of the Book

Name of the Publisher




Social Case Study on Behavioural Modification in Industries

A Practical Handbook on Social Case Study in different Social Work Settings

Suvvi Publications

Manimugdha Medhi



Societal Impact of Cannabis

Cannabis Scientific and Societal Relevance

Akinik Publications

Manimugdha Medhi



Digitalization and its Impact on Rural Population of Assam

XUKIA Perspectives from Social Sciences and Humanities

Purvanchal Prakash

Manimugdha Medhi





Faculty Development Programmes

  • Attended a One-Week Online Faculty Development Program on "Indian Knowledge System: Myths and Realities" held from 29 April- 03 May 2024 organized by Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore & Association of Indian Universities (Academic and Administrative Development Centre) (AIU-SVVV-AADC)
  • Attended a 5-day Face-to-Face UHV-II FDP organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) at Girijananda Chowdhury University, Guwahati from 8th January to 12th January 2024.
  • Attended an online weeklong Faculty Development Program on Academic Writing and Publication organized by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre, Tezpur University during 25-31 October 2023.
  • Attended a 5-day Online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 31st October to 4th November 2022.
  • Attended a seven days Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics for Human Welfare held from 29 July to 5 August, 2022, Organised by Faculty of Science, Assam down town University
  • Coordinated a One Week Online Faculty Development Programme from 12th to 18th July 2021 On
    COVID-19 Research Areas: Approaches for Humanities and Social Sciences, Organized by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Collaboration with IQAC, Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam
  • Attended a One Week Faculty Development Program on “Research Writing and Professional Ethics” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering at J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA Faridabad during September 07-13, 2021
  • Attended a one week Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “Statistical Methods in Biological
    Sciences” held at Assam down town University from 29th June – 5th July, 2021, Jointly organized by Faculty of Sciences (Statistics) & Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Assam down town University
  • Attended a Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on "ADVANCED CONCEPTS FOR DEVELOPING MOOCS" organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujam College, University of Delhi, sponsored by Minstry of HRD, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, from July 02 - July 17, 2020
  • Attended a 3 day Faculty Development Program-Student Induction at University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya, organized by AICTE.
  • Attended a 7 day Virtual International Faculty Development Program on "Essentials of Good Research" Organized by department of Engineering and Technology, Assam down town University. 

Conferences/Paper Presentations

  • Participated and presented a paper titled "Digital Awareness in Garo Basti Village, Assam: A Study" in the National Conference on Technology and Everyday Life: Exploring Societal Impacts and Transformation, held during 28th-29th September 2023, hosted by the Department of Sociology, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, in collaboration with: RC: 13 Science, Technology and Society, Indian Sociological Society.
  • Participated and presented a paper titled " Impact of Digital Learning on Students: A case study of Dibrugarh District, Assam in the International Seminar on Development and Changes: Role of Anthropology and Allied Disciplines, held on 1st and 2nd November, 2022, organised by Guwahati Regional Committee of Indian National Confederation and Academy of Anthropologists (INCAA) in Collaboration with Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Assam down town University.

Seminars and Webinars

  • Attended a World IP Day Webinar 2024, organised by Turnip Innovations on the theme Intellectual Property and SDGs on 26th April, 2024
  • Attended a National Seminar on Citizenship, Identity and Conflict in North East India. Also presented a paper on "Illegal infiltration of foreigners and its impact on culture and identity of Assamese people", along with co-author Ms Rittika Bhattacharjya.
  • Attended a webinar on “Guideline for Research Grant & Research Proposal Writing" Organized by Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Assam down town University.
  • Attended two webinars on "Corona pandemic and Botanical perspective" Organized by Faculty of Science, Assam down town University. Topics :
      1. "Decoding Corona Virus and Strategy for Control"
      2. "Herbal Medicine in our surroundings for health management during COVID -19"
  • Attended a Webinar on “Challenges & Opportunities of Hospital administrators for the present and the futureorganized by Faculty of Commerce, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Assam down town University.
  • Organized and moderated a Webinar on " Impact on CoVid-19 on Household level Remittances in India"  of Faculty of Commerce, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences, Assam down town University.
  • Attended a Webinar on New Public Management conducted by Royal School of Humanities and Social Science, Royal Global University, Guwahati.


Awards & Achievements

* Best Outstanding Award, 2022-23

* Qualified UGC-NET-JRF July 2018. 

* Best outgoing student BA (psychology, sociology, economics) 2013-16

* Best outgoing student MSW 2016-18