Dr. Manjusha Deka Saikia

Dr. Manjusha Deka Saikia


Name: Specialization:
Dr. Manjusha Deka Saikia Psychology/Counselling


2019  PhD from Assam down town University, Thesis titled" Effect of Emotional Intelligence Training Programme in Kamrup Metropolitan District of assam"
2012  MA Psycholgy from VMU, Salem, Tamil Nadu
1990  MSc Human Development from Avinashilingam Women's University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
1988 BSc Community Science from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat
1984  Pre-Univ, Science, Handique Girls College, Guwahati
1982  HSLC from Saint Mary's High School, Guwahati, 


Personal Interest

Writing, Gardening, Cooking

Working Experience

Year Organisation Position Responsibility
2019 0nwards Assam down town University  Assistant Professor  Teaching, Programme Co-ordinator, Class Mentor, 2nd sem
2013-2016 Assam down town University Guest Faculty Deptt of Social Work
2008-2010 MIND India Faculty Teaching for Post Graduate Certificate in Psychological Counselling Course
2011-2015 NEF College of Management and Technology, Guwahati Assistant Professor Teaching Family and Child Welfare/ Medical and Psychiatric Social Work
1991-1995 Kamakhya Ram Barooah Girls College Lecturer  Teaching Child Psychology
1990-1995 Assam Imdadiya Hospital Committee, NGO-USAID Assisted Project of Govt. of India Programme Co-ordinator Research, Extension , Implementation , Formulation of Project Activities.

Trained Internship students of Psychology and Social Work from Assam down town University, NERIM, Mahatma Gandhi University.

Worked as a Counsellor in Ujjwala Home, GOLD, Student Counsellor in Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Guwahati


  1. ManjushaDeka, Lanu Devi, “Emotional Education : A Practical Approach, Implications and Future directions”, International Journal of Research inHumanities , Arts and Literature, Volume-4, Issue-8, Aug 2016, PP 35-40, ISSN(P): 2347-4564, Published by Impact Journals, Chennai, India, www.impactjournals.us
  2. ManjushaDeka, Lanu Devi, “Understanding Adolescents’ Emotionality: An Analysis of Factors Affecting Emotional Intelligence”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS), Volume-5, Issue-6, Oct-Nov 2016, PP 125-132, ISSN: 2319-393X, Published by International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India, www.iaset.us
  3. ManjushaDeka, Lanu Devi, “Gender Differences in Emotional Intelligence of Adolescents”, Pierian Spring, Volume-005, Issue-Summer 2016, PP 83-86, ISSN: 2349-3410, Published by Creative Writers’ Circle (Centre for Research and Studies), Silapathar, Assam, www.qr.net/QRPU
  4. ManjushaDeka, “Child Abuse: Causes, Consequences and Remedies”, Journal of Juridical and Social Science,   Volume-3, Issue-4, October-December 2013, PP 32-38, ISSN: 2231-4636, Published by National Education Foundation Law College, Guwahati, Assam, www.nefcollege.org
  5. ManjushaDeka, “Should Emotional Intelligence Education be made Compulsory in the Indian School Curriculum?”, Journal of Juridical and Social Science,  Volume-5, Issue-1, Jan-March 2015, PP 56-61, ISSN: 2231-4636, Published by National Education Foundation Law College, Guwahati, Assam, www.nefcollege.org
  6. ManjushaDeka, “Identifying the Problems of Adolescents through School Counselling”, Manavayatan: the Humanosphere, Volume-II, Issue-II, Jan-June 2013, PP 117-125, ISSN: 2249-0612, Published by Centre for Studies in Humanities, Guwahati, Assam.
  7. ManjushaDekaSaikia, “Emotional Intelligence in relation to type of Family among adolescent learners in Kamrup Metropolitan District of Assam”, Emotional Intelligence in relation to type of Family among adolescent learners in Kamrup Metropolitan District of Assam. Paper accepted for publication.
  8. “Participation of Women in Economic Activities: Analysis of some Case studies in Panjabari locality of Guwahati”.Paper accepted for publication in USBN Book by Unity Education Foundation. Paper presented at a Seminar organized by Deptt of Hindi, Cotton University in collaboration with Unity Education Foundation.
  9. Emotional Intelligence in relation to Type of Family among adolescent learners in Kamrup Metropolitan District of Assam. Accepted for publication by UGC Care Listed journal, Manavayatan: the Humanosphere,Published by Centre for Studies in Humanities, Guwahati, Assam.

Research : Cleared the Scientific Committee approval in the Collaborative research study with BBCI, Guwahati. Study titled, Title of the proposed work : Stress level of Caregivers of Cancer patients in B Barooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati.




Awards & Achievements

Invited as a resource person by GMC, Deptt of Physiology  to talk on Positive Mental Health.

Acted as Special Guest in Women's Day Celebration organised by District Social Welfare, Kamrup Metro.

Associated with Inner wheel club as resource person and spoke on Women Empowerment, Child Rights, Gender Equality.

Invited as resource person for teacher training programmes by Kendriya Vidhyalay Sangathan, Parenting Special Children, Parental Counselling, Student Counselling.