Dr. Gunamoni Das

Dr. Gunamoni Das


Name: Specialization:
Dr. Gunamoni Das Plant Ecology, Ethnomedicinal Plants, Traditional Healing System,Mushrooms



Ph.D from from Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences, Assam, India on “Study of Seasonal accumulation of artemisinin in Artemisia annua with special reference to Assam”


Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, Gauhati University, Assam


Master of Science (Botany)  with specialization Plant Ecology, Gauhati University, Assam


Bachelor of Science (Botany) from Nowgong College, Assam


AHSEC Examination from Nowgong College, Nagaon, Assam


HSLC Examination from NGGHSS, Nagaon, Assam (SEBA)


Personal Interest

Listing music

Working Experience





September – 2018-Present

Assam down town University

Assistant Professor

Teaching, Programme Coordinator, Member Secretary of Board of Studies.


CSER Research & Development Centre on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants


Establishment of Herbal Garden, Demonstration unit and   Experimental field trial of  different  Medicinal and Aromatic plants in North East India, Develop production technology and Promotion related activities on MAP

Aug-2009 -  May-2011          

AYUSH Resource    Centre for North East, Govt. of India

National Resources Expert

To co-ordinate with State Governments of North East & Department of AYUSH, Government of India and sensitizing them about the schemes of NMPB & Department of AYUSH. Visiting the States and reporting the progress on various projects.


Published Papers:

1. “A Study on Impact of Effluents of Paper Mill on Plants with Special Reference to Chlorophyll Content” published in “World Journal of Biology and Medical Sciences” Published by Society for Advancement of Science

ISSN 2349-0063 (Online/Electronic),Volume 1, Issue- 3, 15-20, July - September 2014)

2. “The effects of variation in the Time of planting of Artemisia Annua on accumulation of Artemisinin Content in Goalpara District of Assam” published in “International Journal of Current Multidisciplinary Studies” ISSN: 2455-3107 (online/electronic), Vol. 2, Issue, 1, pp. 106-116, January, 2016.

3. “Effect of Plant age in relation to Artemisinin Content in Artemisia annua special reference to Assam” published in “World Journal of Biology and Medical Sciences” Published by Society for Advancement of Science

ISSN 2349-0063 (Online/Electronic),Volume 3, Issue- 1, 110-114, January to March 2016 )

4. “Phototherapeutic methods used by Traditional Healers of Manipur, India" published in Ethnobotanical Leaflets 17: 358-363 , 2008

5. “Ethnomedicinal use of different medicinal plants used by the Traditional practitioners in North East India for the treatment of Jaundice” published in  “World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences” ISSN 2278-4357(online/electronic), Vol. 8, Issue, 2, pp. 1133-1138, January, 2019

6. “Diversity of wild plants used by the Jamatia  tribe of Tripura for their edible underground plant parts” published in “International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences” ISSN 2321-3272(online/electronic),  Volume 9, Issue 2 , pp. 326-330, 1st April, 2019

7.  “Seasonal Accumulation Of Artemisinin in  Artemisia  Annua L. In  Nagaon District of Assam” published in "International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews (Ijrar)", E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 763-766, June 2019

8. “Assessment of Market Potential and Survey of Various Available Vegetable Species of Fabaceae Family in Dhubri District of Assam” published in "Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences- An International Journal", ISSN: 2229-4538, Volume: 12 (1), PP-77-81, 4th January’2021

9. “Biometabolites of Wild Variety of Coccinia grandis (L) Voigt: An Ethno Claimed Plant of North East India” published in “Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences- An International Journal” ISSN: 2229-4538, Volume: 12 (2), PP-423-427, 10th March’2021

10. “Ethnomedicinal Use Of Different Wild Plants Used By The Folklore Practitioners Of Tripura In The Treatment of Snake Bite” published in “International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences”, ISSN: 2277-499, Volume: 10 (4), PP- 1291-1297, April’2021

11. “Studies On Relationship Between Storage Fungi Of Cowpea And Their Colonization In The Roots” published in “International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences” ISSN: 2277-499, Volume: 10 (4), PP- 1298-1307, April’2021

12.  “Indigenous Medicinal Plants of Tripura used by the Folklore Practitioners for the Treatment of Bone Fractures” published in “International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Research” ISSN: 2250-0480, Volume:11, PP: L17-22, 3rd May’2021

13. "Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Sieb. & Zucc. ex Steud-An ideal timber crop of commercial importance" published in  "International Journal of Botany Studies" ISSN: 2455-541X, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, 2021, Page No. 717-718

14. : “WILD EDIBLE MUSHROOMS OF TRIPURA: AN IMPORTANT SOURCE OF LIVELIHOOD”  published in “International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences” ISSN: 2277-499, Volume: 10 (10), PP- 3620-3628, 1st  October’2021

Book Chapters

1. Book chapter on “Plant age- related Variation in Artemisinin Content in Artemisia annuapublished in Proceedings of National Workshop on Present Approaches and Applications of Bioinformatics Tools and Techniques in Biological Sciences, Dhing College. ISBN:978-81-925433-1-5, Page No: 83-91.

2. Book chapter on “Practical manual for species area curve method in vegetation study”

Published in “Laboratory Techniques in Biological sciences”, ISBN: 978-93-90417-82-7, Page No: 133-137

Research Activities:

  • Worked as an Consultant for the cultivation of Pogostemon cablin in association with State Medicinal Plants Board of Manipur, Govt. of Manipur covering an area of about fifty hectares of land
  • Engaged on Promotion of Cultivation of Pogostemon cablin in Arunachal Pradesh in association with Department of Horticulture, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Worked as an Consultant for the Horticulture Mission Programme  for MAPs ( Stevia rebaudiana, Rauvolfia serpentina) of Department of Horticulture. Govt. of Manipur.
  • Act as a Resource Person for farmers training program under Forest Department, Assam, Institute of Bioresource and Sustainable Development, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, Imphal, Manipur.

Awards & Achievements


"Young Scientist Award" in the International Scientist Award on Engineering, Science and Medicine on 7th March'2021, Goa, India


June -2008- April -2009

North-Eastern Space Application -  Centre”, Govt of India, Umiam, Shillong, Meghalaya

Research Associate

Dec- 2007- May-2008

“La-Monte Institute” Shillong under NESAC, Govt  in India,

Research Associate