Ms. Nilakshi Teron

Ms. Nilakshi Teron


Name: Specialization:
Ms. Nilakshi Teron Marketing cum Finance


 Master of Business Administration specialized in Marketing and Finance from North East Regional Institute of Management

 Bachelor of Business Administration specialized in Finance from North East Regional Institute of Management.

 HS under AHSEC from Lumding College.

 HSLC under SEBA from Don Bosco High School, Lumding


Personal Interest

Reading and collection of books

Working Experience


Year Organisation Position Responsibilities
2018- To present Assam Down Town University Assistant Professor Teaching
 2018 Empower Pragati, Vocational and Staffing   Retail Domain Trainer Teaching, and Administration
2017- 2018 Surya wires Trainer Teaching and MIS
2016- 2017 Innovision Ltd. Retai Trainer Teaching, Adminitration
 2015- 2016 HDFC Standard Life Insurance Ltd Sales Development Manager Responsible for recruitment and for training of the advisers and selling of HDFC products, Handling customers.



  1. Presented a research paper on the title "Green Business for Sustainable Development" at the National Seminar- DYNAMICS OF EMERGING BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT conducted by Gauhati University.
  2. Presented a research paper on the title "Green Marketing Practice on Social media- A modern approach" at  conference ‘Global Hospitality and Tourism Conference on Contemporary Marketing Paradigms (GHTC-2022)' conducted by NEHU and NERIST.
  3. Contributed a book chapter, titled: A New Direction for Green Marketing on social media in a book: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN CORPORATE MANAGEMENT, ISBN: 978-93-94779-40-2.
  4. Contributed to a research article on the topic: Green Finance – A current trend on research, on Research Inspiration - Volume 3 Issue 3_February 2023.
  5. Contributed a book Chapter, titled: Impact of Branded Content Marketing Towards Brand Health in a book: Social media and Green Marketing, Edition: First, 2023 ISBN: 978-93-92239-78-6.

Awards & Achievements

  • Certification in "Competitive strategy" under Ludwig- Maxmilians University, Munchen.
  • Certification in "Initiating and Planning Projects"
  • Certification in “Fundamentals of digital marketing”
  • Certification in “Business Analytics with Excel”
  • Certification in “Digital Marketing”