Dr. Minakshi Bhattacharjee

Dr. Minakshi Bhattacharjee








Gauhati University, Guwahati.



Gauhati University, Guwahati.



Assam University, Silchar



G C College, Silchar



South Point School, Silchar


Personal Interest

Reading, Listening to music

Working Experience




Associate Professor in Biotechnology

16th August 2014, till date

Assam down town University

Program Coordinator, Biotechnology

November 2017 to August 2020

Assam down town University

Assistant Professor

13th May 2013 to 13th August 2014.

University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya


Junior Research Fellow at

24th April, 2012 to 23 April 2013

IIT, Guwahati

Project assistant (Level III)

13th Dec 2007 to 31st March 2012




1st December 2006 to 29th November 2007

Emami Limited, Amingaon, Guwahati.


  • BG Unni, Manoshi Goswami, Yelena Kakoty, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Sawlang B Wann, Geethashri Rajkhowa, Sangeeta Das, Basab Rani Devi & Anamika Das Chutia. (2009). Indigenous knowledge of silkworm cultivation and its utilization in North Eastern region of India. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 8(1) : 70-74.

Patent :


Application No.202231061963A; Publication Date : 04/11/2022.


b) Utility of Amaranthus spinosus leaf extract for treating jaundice and identification of the active compound. Application no 20231052855A; Publication date 20/10/2023


  • B G Unni, Archana Borah, S B Wann, H R Singh, Basabrani Devi and Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2009).; “Phytochemical and antibacterial study of traditional medicinal plants of North East India on Escherichia coli.” Asian Journal of Experimental Science, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2009; 103-108.


  •  B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, M. Goswami , S. B. Wann, A.Das Chutia, Sangeeta Das, G. Rajkhowa and Yelena Kakoty (2008). Role Of Insect Neuropeptides And Juvenile Hormones In Silk Protein Biosynthesis. Annals of Neurosciences. (15) :112-117.


  •  Das Chutia A,Unni BG,M Bhattacharjee,Baruah P.K.,Das S,Wann S.B.,Sahu O.P.,Borah T.,and Rao,P.G.(2011).Evaluation of Heavy Metal Exposure in Oil Drilling sites.Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment.15(2):91-95.


  •  Minakshi Bhattacharjee, B.G.Unni, S.Das, Manab Deka and S.B.Wann (2011).“Lung Function Decline: A Cohort Study In A Population Exposed To Coal Dust”. IJES , 2(2):957-964.


  • Minakshi Bhattacharjee, B.G.Unni, S.Das, P.K.Baruah, P.Sharma, D.Gogoi, M.Deka, S.B.Wann and P.G.Rao.“Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Gene: A case-control study in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (2012).” Afr. J. Biotech , 11(1):207-215.


  • H. R. Singh, B. G. Unni, K. Neog and M. Bhattacharyya. “Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) based genetic variationStudies in eri silkworm (Samia Cynthia Ricini) lepidoptera: Saturniidae) .(2011) Afr. J.Biotech. Vol. 10(70), pp. 15684-15690.


  •  Minakshi Bhattacharjee, B.G.Unni, S.Das, M.Deka, and P.G.Rao.“Lung Function Decline: Screening Of Alpha -1-Antitrypsin Gene In A Population Exposed To Coal Dust” IJBMBR. Vol. 2(11),pp 105-201


  • Sangeeta Das, B.G.Unni, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, S.B.Wann and P.G.Rao (2011).Toxicological effects of Arsenic exposure in a freshwater teleost fish , Chana punctatus. Afr. J. Biotech Vol. 11(19), pp 4447-4454.
  •  Subhash Medhi , Manash Pratim Sarma , Minakshi Bhattacharjee , Md. Ghaznavi Idris , Manab Deka , Giasuddin Ahmed (2012). High content of aflatoxin in the indigenous foods as possible risk factor for liver cancer? an experience from Assam. JERAD. V ol. (7 ) 2A pp 1-5.


  • Tapan Dey, Kabita Gogoi, Bala Gopalan Unni, Munmi Kalita, Moonmee Bharadwaz, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Pranab Kumar Boruah, Thaneswar Bora, Dibyajyoti Ozah, Manoj Kalita (2014). Role of Glutathione S Transferase Polymorphism in COPD with Special Reference to Peoples Living in the Vicinity of the Open Cast Coal Mine of Assam. PLOS ONE Vol (9)5, e96739.


  • Elangbam Chanbi Devi, Jharna Devi, Partha Pratim Kalita, Nayan Talukdar, Minakshi Bhattacharjee and Manash Pratim Sarma (2015). Phytochemical Analysis of Solanum virginianum and its Effect on Human Pathogenic Microbes with Special Emphasis on Salmonella typhi. J Forensic Toxicol Pharmacol , 4:3 (1-5)


  •  Manash Pratim Sarma, Giasuddin ahmed, Subhash Medhi, Dipu Bharali, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Premashish Kar (2016), Exploratory research and Hypothesis in Medicine: 1(47-49): Detection of Nucleoside/ Nucleotide Drug Resistant Mutants in Liver cancer cases: An experience from India.
  • Manash Pratim Sarma, Shubhankar Das, Robinson, Surjya Loying, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Nayan Talukdar, Partha Kalita, Kundal Neog 2017 (2), Applied Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology: Isolation, Antibiotic sensitivity and biochemical characterization of fruit spoiling bacteria from different markets of Guwahati city.


  •  Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Jharna D, Chanbi Devi E, Nayan Talukdar, Partha Kalita, Kundal Neog, Manash Pratim Sarma (2016): Phytochemical analysis of traditional medicinal plants and their antimicrobial activity: An experience from North East India.


  • Manash Pratim Sarma, Munim F, Bhattacharjee M (2017). Medicinal Plants from North east India: Does the answer lies within. Bioequivalence and Bioavailibility International Journal. 1(2):000108.


  • Bhattacharjee M, Aier LT, Sarma MP, Boro J (2018) A Phylogenetic Study on Five Different Species of Tomato Found in Nagaland. J Biodiversity Management Forestry 7:2. DOI: 10.4172/2327-4417.1000199.


  • Bhattacharjee Minakshi, Mahanta Kishore, Sarma Pratim Manash (2018). Synergistic Effect of Cyperus odoratus & PGPR Strain in Hydrocarbon Uptake from Oil Contaminated Soil. BioTechnology: An Indian Journal 14(3):165


  • Manash Pratim Sarma, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Premashis Kar (2018). Detection of HBV Genotype C in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients from North East India: a Brief Report. Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention.19:1741-1746


  •  Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Jutika Boro, Swati Singha, Hitesh Boro, Narbu Gengla, Manash Pratim Sarma.Common Ancestry & Genetic Diversity of Few Indigenous Chilli Land Races of North East India, SAJEB 7(6)


  •  Dhiman Chandra Paul, Minakshi Bhattacharjee and Manash Pratim Sarma (2018) . In Silico Study on Tea Flavanoids as Anticlastogens. Advancements in bioequivalence and bioavailibilty. 1(4):1-4.


  • Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Y Vitolu Sema , Manash Pratim Sarma(2019). Study On Multipotent Medicinal Aspects Of Schima Wallichii (Bark) From Nagaland, NE India. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research.(in press)
  • Manash Pratim Sarma, Dipu Bharali, Akan Das, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Premashish Kar (2019). Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in dendritic Cell (dendritic cell specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3- grabbing nonintegrin) gene of hepatocellular carcinoma patients from India. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.(In Press)

Richa Roshni, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Manash Pratim Sarma, Arnab Nil Sen, Jayanti Dutta Roy, S Timreiton (2019). Vitex negundo: An important traditional medicinal herb with multiple curative properties. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res, 56(1): 133-138.


  •  Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Manash Pratim Sarma and Ruksana Barbhuyan (2019). Nickel hyperaccumulation associated genetic changes in Cataranthus roseus (L.) G. Don. Vol. 23 (11) November.


  •  Chitralekha Kataki and Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2020). An overview on medicinal uses of exigenous plant Curcuma caesia Roxb. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res. 63(1):4-7.


  •  Medhi Pompy, Devi R, Bhattacharjee M, Sarma Manash (2020). Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of Vitex negundo. International Journal of Botany Studies.5(4):268-270.


  •  Suheli Choudhury, Dhiman Chandra Paul, Manash Pratim Sarma, Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2020). Comparative Study of Phytochemicals and antimicrobial activity of K pinnata and P Benghalensis. International Journal of Botany Studies.5(4):275-280.


  • Dhiman Chandra Paul, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Manash Pratim Sarma (2020). Protease inhibitors: Strategy to disrupt COVID 19 contagion. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-34183/v1


  • Mitali Baruah and Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2020). A minireview on Cynoglossum L. (Boraginaceae). International Journal of Botany Studies.


  • Nibadita Das, Partha Pratim Kalita, Manash Pratim Sarma, Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2021).Molecular Modelling of HEV Core protein and Active compounds from North East Folk Medicine. Journal of Biochem Techol 12(2):12-18.


  •  Chitralekha Kataki, Deboja Sharma, Abhijit Dutta, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Deepshikha Baruah (2021). A study on nutrient content of few dry fish in Mangaldoi, Assam. Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology 42(4) :70-75.


  • Singh, S. K., Bhattacharjee, M., Unni, B., & Kashyap, R. S. (2023). Inducible resistance to clindamycin in staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical samples in tertiary care hospitals in Guwahati City. Medical Journal of Dr. DY Patil University16(1), 76-79. (scopus)


  •  Das M, Bhattacharjee M, Sarma M, Paul DC, Saikia D, and Saikia AP (2022). A brief review on cannabidiol (CBD).International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and allied sciences.(IN Press).
  • Dhiman Chandra Paul, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Kiran Telenga, Devabrata Saikia, Deep Prakash Parasar (2021) .Comparative phytochemical study of total compound of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Tagetus erecta and their antimicrobial activity.International Journal  of Botany Studies. 6(6):185-88.
  •  Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Susanta Mog, Nabin Soren , Deep Prakash Parasar (2022). Eco-friendly approach toward preparation of plant able paper like material from organic sugarcane bagasse waste. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and allied sciences. 11(6):


  • Paul, D. C., Bhattacharjee, M., Mahato, D. R., & Sarma, M. P. (2022). Natural furin inhibitor (s) as potent therapeutic molecule to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 infection. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1-7. (Impact factor 5.02)


  • Chitosan Chitralekha Kataki, Smita Baruah and Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2023). A Brief Overview on Potential Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Application of Naturally Synthesized chitosan. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences(76)52003-52018. (web of science)


  •  Paul, D. C., Afridi, S., Loying, S., Saikia, D., Bhattacharjee, M., Bhagawati, P., ... & Parasar, D. P. (2022).Comparative Phytochemical study of total compound of Glycyrhiza glabra (Yasthimadhu) and Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy) and their antimicrobial activity. Eco. Env. & Cons. 28 (November Suppl. Issue) : pp. (S213-S218) (scopus, web of science)


  • Sangita Boro, Bhriganka Bharadwaj, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Balagopalan Unni, Avdhesh Kumar Rai (2023). Phytochemical analysis and identification of bio-active compounds in ethanolic leaf extract of Amaranthus spinosus. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology

16(8) 3685-3690.(scopus) IF 0.85)


  • Singh, S. K., Bhattacharjee, M., Unni, B., & Kashyap, R. S. (2023). Detection of Antibiotic Resistance and Biofilm-Producing Ability of Staphylococcus Species in Clinical Isolates. Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)59(02), 104-108.


  • Talukdar, J., Malik, A., Kataki, K., Choudhury, B. N., Baruah, M. N., Bhattacharyya, M., ... & Medhi, S. (2024). expression of Interleukin-8, Interleukin-12 and Interleukin-13 in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Biomarker Potentiality and Prognostic Significance. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer55(3), 1239-1255.


  • Dhiman Chandra Paul and Minakshi Bhattacharjee. Molecular Characterization and Genetic Fingerprinting of 14 Landraces of Dolichos lablab L. bean based on RAPD Marker from Assam, India. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 43 (9): 1955-65 (2024)


  •  Dhiman Chandra PAUL, Rima PAUL, Sonali DAS, Ngangom MONIKA & Minakshi BHATTACHARJEE. Qualitative Investigation of the Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Medicinal Plants P. purpurascens and P. posumbu. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 43 (5): 929-34 (2024).



  •  Dhani Ram Deka, Pranjoli Das, Dhiman Chandra Paul,Minakshi Bhattacharjee, ManashPratim Sarma. Evaluation of spectroscopic and antimicrobial studies on silver nanoparticles synthesised from Azadirachta indica(neem) using green synthesis methods. Afr.J.Bio.Sc. 7(1) (2025) 444-461.


  •  Dhiman Chandra Paul and Minakshi Bhattacharjee .Revisiting the significance of natural protease inhibitors: A comprehensive review. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 280 (2024) 135899.


  • Singh, S. K., Bhattacharjee, M., Unni, B., Kashyap, R. S., Malik, A., Akhtar, S., & Fatima, S. (2024). In silico testing to identify compounds that inhibit ClfA and ClfB binding to the host for the formulation of future drugs against Staphylococcus aureus colonization and infection. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology14, 1422500.


  • Kakati, C., Dutta, K., Bhattacharjee, M., Sharma, D., Agarwala, S., Sarma, U. K., & Baruah, M. (2023). Analysis of nutritional components, antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity of Citrus aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle of Assam, India.


  •  Singh, S. K., Bhattacharjee, M., Unni, B., & Kashyap, R. S. (2023). Detection of Antibiotic Resistance and Biofilm-Producing Ability of Staphylococcus Species in Clinical Isolates. Annals of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India)59(02), 104-108.


 Book Chapter:

i) Moushumi Dey and Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2014). Antimicrobial Resistance. In: Recent advances in Chemical and Biological Sciences Perspectives to North East India. (ISBN: 978-93-81563-41-0). Global Publishing House India. pp 9-13.

ii) Mitali Baruah and Dr Minakshi Bhattacharjee (2020). A brief background of UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Pp52-61. Laboratory Techniques in Biological sciences. 24 by 7 publishing


iii) Laboratory Techniques in Biological sciences. 24 by 7 publishing (ISBN No 978-93-904-17-82-7). Book edited by Dr Manash Pratim Sarma and Dr Minakshi Bhattacharjee .


iv) Shila Kumari Singh, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, B G Unni and Rajpal Singh Kashyap (2020). Prevalence of resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus in Assam: A review.


v)Cannabis Scientific and societal relevance (2021). Akinik Publishing (ISBN 978-93-91216-80-1). Book edited by Dr Manash Pratim Sarma and Dr Minakshi Bhattacharjee




Abstracts: (National/International)

(i) S.B.Wann, B. G. Unni, A. Das Chutia, P.K. Baruah, Sangeeta Das, M.Bhattacharjee, G. Rajkhowa, M.Goswami, and P. G. Rao (2008). “ A case study of environmental contamination in Oil Drilling Sites of Borholla (Assam)”; In proceedings of International Congress on Recent Trends in Environmental Impact Assessment NEERI, Nagpur,(pp-16) November 23-25.


(ii) B.G Unni, H.R Singh, S.B Wann, M. Bhattacharjee, B. Devi, Sangeeta Das, G.Rajkhowa,A Das Chutia and M Goswami (2008). “Detection of Polymorphic Patterns of Genomic DNA Amplified by PCR-based RAPD primers in Non Mulberry Silkworms, Antheraea assama and Samia Cynthia ricini. in proceedings 77th Society of Biological Chemists Conference at Indian Institute of Technology , Madras, December 18-20.


(iii) B. G. Unni, A. Das Chutia, P. K. Baruah, Sangeeta Das, M. Bhattacharjee, M.Das, S. B. Wann, N.C. Dey, T. Borah and P. G. Rao. (2009).“Impact of Pollution On Environment And Health: A Case Study”. In proceedings International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, (pp-131).26-28thOctober.


(iv) B.G.Unni ,Minakshi Bhattacharjee ,Anamika Das Chutia, Sangeeta Das,Gitashree Rajkhowa, Momi Das,S.B.Wann,N.C.Dey,P.K.Baruah and P.G.Rao (2010). “Environmental Health Implications of pollutants From Oil Drilling Sites: An Epidemiological and Biochemical Studies”. In proceedings 4th International Congress of Chemistry and Environment, Thailand,(pp55) January 21-23.


(v) B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, S. Das , A. Das Chutia, P. K. Baruah,T. Borah, Momi Das, S. B. Wann, O. P.Sahu and P. G. Rao (2010). Hazards of Heavy Metal Exposure on Human Health. Abstract at International Conference on Environment, Energy and Development PG Department of Environmental Sciences (Autonomous) Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar 768 019, Orissa (India) (pp-94). December 10-12.


(vi)Sangeeta Das, M. Bhattacharjee, B. G. Unni, A. Das Chutia, P. K. Baruah, S. B. Wann, and P. G. Rao (2010).“Acute Effects of arsenic exposure on Hematological and Biochemical profiles in Channa punctatus”.In proceedings of 79th SBC (I) Annual Meeting Organised by J N Tata Auditorium , IISc. Campus, Bangalore, (pp-105) December 13-15.


(vii)B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, A. Das Chutia, P. K. Baruah, Sangeeta Das, S. B. Wann, T. Borah, and P. G. Rao (2010). “Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Gene-Environment Interaction?: A sensitive issue in coalminers. Abstract at International Conference on Applied Biology, Sudan, October 25-27.)

(viii) B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, A. Das Chutia, P. K. Baruah, T. Borah, Sangeeta Das, Momi Das, S. B. Wann, G. Rajkhowa, O. P. Sahu and P. G. Rao (2010). Anthropogenic Emissions: Environmental Exposure and Impact on Human Health . Abstract at 3rd International Congress of Environmental research, University of Mauritius,Reduit, Mauritius september 16-18.


(ix) B. G. Unni, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Sangeeta Das, Anamika Das Chutia, P. K. Baruah, T. Borah, S.B. Wann, P. G. Rao (2011).Associative study of GST gene polymorphism and lung function decline in coal miners.In proceedings of 98th Session of the Indian Science Congress at SRM University, ( pp9) Chennai January 3-7.


(x)B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, P. K. Baruah, Sangeeta Das, A. Das , P. G. Rao and S. B. Wann (2011). “Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency: role in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Abstract at PepCon (pp168) at Beijing, China March 18th to 21st .


(xi) Minakshi Bhattacharjee , B. G. Unni, P. K. Baruah, Sangeeta Das, T.Borah and P. G. Rao (2011). “Polymorphism of Glutathione S-Transferase M1 And T1 Gene Loci In COPD: An Immunogenetic Study”. Proceedings of the World Congress of Biotechnology, 2011 to be held at International Convention Centre, Hyderabad;( pp438), 21st to 23rd March.


(xii) Minakshi Bhattacharjee , B. G. Unni, , S. Das, P. K. Baruah, T.Borah , M. Deka and P. G. Rao (2011). “Study of Alpha 1 Antitrypsin gene in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Abstract at International Seminar on Bioresources and human sustenance, Cotton College, in collaboration with Zoological society of Assam,(pp99) October 20th to 22nd .


(xiii) Sangeeta Das, B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, and P. G. Rao. “Toxicological Effects and Molecular Changes due to Arsenic Toxicity in Freshwater Snakehead Chana Punctatus.” (2011).Abstract at International Seminar on Bioresources and human sustenance, Cotton College, in collaboration with Zoological society of Assam,(pp168) October 20th to 22nd .


(xiv) B. G. Unni, Sangeeta Das, M. Bhattacharjee, P. K. Baruah, R.Hazarika, O.P.Sahu, S. B. Wann and P.G. Rao (2011).“Impact of Environmental pollution on Human health: Epidemiological and biochemical studies”. Abstract at National conference on interface of science and environment: emerging public health challenges & 13th annual meeting of society of science and environment .(Scienviron-11), Kolkata, November 24th -26th.


(xv)Minakshi Bhattacharjee , B. G. Unni, P. K. Baruah, S. Das, T.Borah , M. Deka and P. G. Rao (2011). “Antioxidant Gene Polymorphism And Coal Dust Exposure: Role In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease”.Abstract at International Congress of Environmental Research ,December 15-17, Surat , Gujarat.


(xvi) S. Das, B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, P.K.Baruah, S.B.Wann and P. G. Rao (2011).” Evaluation of Acute toxicity levels and biochemical changes under heavy metal arsenic exposure in fresh water teleost, Channa punctatus”.Abstract at International Congress of Environmental Research .December 15-17, Surat , Gujarat.


(xvii) Pallavi Dowarah, B. G. Unni, R.Hazarika, S.Das and M. Bhattacharjee. “Isolation and characterization of extracellular protein(Coagulase) from a bacterial species” Abstract at International Seminar on Bioresources and human sustenance, Department of Zoology, Cotton College, in collaboration with Zoological society of Assam, (Pp98).October 20th to 22nd , 2011.

(xviii)B. G. Unni, M. Bhattacharjee, Sangeeta Das, P. K. Baruah, and P.G. Rao. “Environmental Pollution: Impact of Environmental Pollutants on Human Health: Epidemiological Molecular and Biochemical Studies”. In proceedings, 3rd International Conference on climate change forest resource and Environment (ICCFRE) organized by the Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerela, Thiruvanathapuram, 9th to 11th December, 2011.(pp38-39).

(xvix) Bikas C Maharaj, Minakshi Bhattacharjee , Saumya Ahlawat, Muthusivaramapandian Muthuraj, Basavaraj Palabhanvi, Debasish Das.”Streptococcus sp. W3: A new isolate as a cell factory for hyaluronic acid production”. In proceedings, International Conference on Advances in Biotechnology and Patenting (ICABP -2013), Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli

Tamil Nadu; February 18 –21st, 2013


xvx) Manash Pratim Sarma, Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Premashis Kar 2015, Mutation profile of DC sign gene and its association with hepatocellular carcinoma patients from New Delhi. JCEH , In abstracts of INASL , New Delhi 2015.pp: 60-61


Membership :


     i) Life Member of Society of Biological Chemists, India.2011. (Life Membership No. 2580)

  ii) Annual Member of Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment. 2011.

iii) Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (No. L35684)

iv) Member of Society for Ethnopharmacology (SFE/18/1-1261)

v) Quarterly Franklin Membership of Londonjournalspress (#YX22923)

vi) Life member of The Association of Microbiologists of India. (5421-2023)

Research Grants :

  1. Received a grant of Rs 10,000/- for student project entitled  "Production of ecofriendly Packaging materials and table wares " from ASTEC Council, Govt of Assam. (ASTEC/S&T/206/2019-20/1243-187).
  2. Received a DBT (Govt of India) project grant of Rs 15,00,000/- as Co Principal investigator,  for the project entitled « Exploring nutraceutical potential of Shittake (Lentinula edodes) and Maitake (Grifola frondosa) mushrooms and promotion of its production for enterpreneural and socioeconomic livelihood in NorthEast India. » (Project no. BT/PR41760/NER/95/1856/2021)
  3.   Received a grant of Rs 10,000/- for student project entitled  "Automation of vertical farming system with special emphasis on plant nutrients " from ASTEC Council, Govt of Assam. (ASTEC/S&T/206/2020-21/2330).
  4. Strenthening ST community of Anini, Arunachalby empowering indegenious knowledge and skills for socioeconomic development and sustainable livelihood. (DST/SEED/TSP/STI/2021/604(G))


Seed Grant Projects received from AdtU :

 i) Received Seed Grant of a sum of Rs 40,000/- from AdtU entitled  ‘Study of Purification and characterisation of proteases from edible (D Lablab seeds and their efficacy against rice weevils’ (2019-2020).

Principal Investigator of the project : Dr Minakshi Bhattacharjee


ii) Received Seed Grant of a sum of Rs 40,000/- from AdtU ‘ Molecular typing of Methicillin Resistant strains of Stapyhlococcus aureus on the basis of scc mec element to detect the prevalence of community acquired MRSA in hospitals’(2019-2020).

Iii) Received Seed Grant of a sum of Rs 40,000/- from AdtU ‘ Molecular typing of Methicillin Resistant strains of Stapyhlococcus aureus on the basis of scc mec element to detect the prevalence of community acquired MRSA in hospitals’(2019-2020).

iv)Received Seed Grant of a sum of Rs 2,00,000/- from AdtU ‘ Study of synergistic effect of Curcuma caesia Roxb and natural chitosan on wound healing’(2022-2023).

v)Received Seed Grant of a sum of Rs 2,20,000/- from AdtU ‘ Investigation of therpeutic potential of natural protease inhibitors against sarcoma cell’(2022-2023).


XII) PhD Thesis guided :

  1. Sangita Boro (2024) under the guidance of Dr Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Dr Balagopalan Unni and Dr Avdesh Kumar Rai has been awarded the PhD degree on the topic, « Isolation, Identification and characterisation of Phytochemicals from Amaranthus spinosus Linn. And testing their effectiveness against jaundice ». from Assam down town University.
  2. Shila Kumari Singh (2024) under the guidance of Dr Minakshi Bhattacharjee, Dr Balagopalan Unni and Dr Rajpal Singh Kashyap has been awarded the PhD degree on the topic, « Screening and characterisation of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) variants in hospital Associated isolates of Guwahati city » from Assam down town University.

Awards & Achievements

1) Qualified SLET – NE , exam 2017.