Dr. Susmita Saha

Dr. Susmita Saha


Human Physiology and Molecular Genetics





Class X



Class XII



B.Sc (Human Physiology) First Class 1st (Gold Medalist)

Tripura University


M.Sc (Human Physiology) First Class 1st (Gold Medalist)

Tripura University


Ph.D (Human Physiology)

Tripura University


Personal Interest

Cooking and Craft making

Working Experience




Visiting Faculty

1 Year 1 month

Bhawan’s Tripura College of Science and Technology, Anandanagar, Agartala, Tripura.

Visiting Faculty

4 months

Holy Cross College, Agartala, Tripura.

Assistant Professor

2 years and 6 months

Holy Cross College, Agartala, Tripura.

Assistant Professor and Head

1 year and 6 months

Holy Cross College, Agartala, Tripura.



  1. Bhattacharya, Kanak Chakraborty, Partha Saha, Susmita Saha, Parichita Roychaudhuri, Jahar Lal Baidya, Arabinda Ghosh, Debaprasad Chakraborty, Sharmila Sengupta, Samir Kumar Sil. 2023. Cervical cytology abnormalities and associated genotype patterns of High-Risk HPV Infection in Women of Tripura, North-East India: A Hospital-Based Study.  American Journal of Epidemiology, 364: 2024.
  2. Susmita Saha and Samir Kumar Sil. 2024. Parkia javanica used by indigenous communities: is a promising therapeutics for curing skin wounds. Indigenous Knowledge and Practices. 112-120. Akansha Publishing House.
  3. Kanak Chakraborty, Abantika Chakraborty and Susmita Saha. 2024. Antimicrobial potential of Mango Peel Extracts Leading to the identification of potential lead compound through a molecular docking approach. Indigenous Knowledge and Practices. 161-168. Akansha Publishing House.
  4. Malik S, Saha S, Sil SK, Datta C, Das S. 2022. A silver iodide nanoparticle containing plant extract‑based gelatinous composite for antibacterial coating applications Applied Nanoscience. 12: 3901–3908.
  5. Samir Kumar Sil, Susmita Saha, Manikarna Dinda, Parimal karmakar and Kuladip Jana. 2021. Cellular basis of wound healing activity of Parkia javanica (Lamk) Merr: in vitro and in vivo studies Clinical Pediatric Dermatology. 7(3):1.
  6. Saha P, Saha S, Sil SK. 2021. Anti-colon Cancer Activity of Parkia javanica (Lamk.) Merr. Bark Extract: An In-vitro Study. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Drug Res.13(5):536-542.
  7. Samir Kumar Sil, Susmita Saha, Manikarna Dinda, Parimal karmakar and Kuladip Jana. 2019. Cellular basis of wound healing activity of Parkia javanica (Lamk) Merr: in vitro and in vivo studies. Clin Pediatr Dermatol 5(2019): 31.
  8. Saha S, Bhattacharjee D, Saha A, De G, Saha P and Sil SK. 2018. Wound healing promoting activity of Earthworm, Eutyphoeus gammiei (Beddard): in vitro studies on human skin keratinocyte cell line (HaCat). J Drug Delv. Therap. 8(6): 155-158.
  9. Saha S, karmakar P and Sil S K. 2018. Chloroform fraction of Parkia javanica bark possesses antibacterial activity against multidrug resistant gram-negative bacteria predominantly found in skin wound. J Drug Delv. Therap. 8(5): 184-185.
  10. Saha S, karmakar P and Sil S K. 2018. Chloroform fraction of Parkia javanica bark is the most potent solvent fraction regarding antibacterial activity against standard bacterial species commonly found is skin wound. Int. J Pharm Bio Sci. 8(3): 641-647.
  11. Saha S, Dinda M, Karmakar P and Sil S K. 2018. Immunomodulatory effect of Parkia javanica extract on intracellular expression of IL-6, IL-8, IL-12 and TNF-α. J Drug Delv. Therap. 8(3):58-63.
  12. S Saha, P Karmakar and S K Sil. 2018. Antibacterial activities of Parkia javanica extract against multidrug resistant gram negative bacteria predominantly found in skin wound. Int J Pharm Bio Sci. 8(1): 96-102.
  13. Sil Samir Kumar, Saha Susmita and Karmakar Parimal. 2018. Reactive Oxygen Species as possible mediator of antimicrobial activity of Parkia javanica, against bacterial species predominantly found in chronic wound. J Drug Delv. Therap. 8(1):43-47.
  14. Susmita Saha, Anindya Das, Angkita Debnath, Shipa Begam, Subrata Sen, Swapan Majumdar and Samir Kumar Sil. 2017. Increased ROS Generation: Implication in Antibacterial Activity of Evolvulus nummularius against Multidrug Resistant Gram-Negative Bacterial Strains. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(1): 100-107.
  15. Susmita Saha, Jhinuk Basu Mullick, Parichita Ray Choudhury, Partha Saha, Debaprasad Chakraborty and Samir Kumar Sil. 2016. Anti-Vibrio Activity of Parkia javanica: Studies on MIC, MBC, Growth Curve Analysis and ROS Generation on Four Vibrio cholarae Strains. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.5(8):538-544.
  16. Susmita Saha, Bijit Deb, Jhinuk Basu Mullick, Parichita Ray Choudhury, Partha Saha, Biplab Ghosh and Samir Kumar Sil. 2016. Increased ROS Generation: Implication in Antibacterial Activity of Evolvulus nummularius against Multidrug Resistant Gram Negative Bacterial Strains. Int. J. Pure App. Biosci. 4 (4): 205-211.
  17. Madhusudan debnath, Susmita saha, Samir Kumar Sil. 2018. First report on fibrinolytic and thrombolytic activity of Eutyphoeus gammiei an earthworm species collected from Tripura, Northeast India. Asian J Pharm Clin Res. 11(11): 20236-240.
  18. Basu Mullick Jhinuk, Reddy KVR, Saha Susmita, Bashir Tahir, Hore Samrat, Sil Samir Kumar. 2018. In vitro toxicity studies on the extract of medicinal plant Evolvulus Nummularius as a potent microbicidal candidate. J Drug Delv. Therap. 8(4):229-236.
  19. Parichita Ray Choudhury, Susmita Saha and Samir Kumar Sil. 2016. Ladybird larvae, Coelophora bisselata Mutant (Coleoptera: Coccinelladae) as a source of fibrinolytic enzyme. Asian J. Biol. Life Sci. 5(2): 131-134.





  1. Susmita Saha, Manikarna Dinda, Jhinuk Basu Mullick, Parimal Karmakar and Samir Kumar Sil. Antibacterial and in-vitro wound healing activities of Parkia javanica, a medicinal plant of north-east India. 103rd Indian Science Congress, Mysuru, 3-7 January, 2016 (Poster presentation).
  2. Susmita Saha, Manikarna Dinda, Parimal Karmakar and Samir Kumar Sil. In-vitro wound healing activities of Parkia javanica on GM00637 Human fibroblast Cell Line. National Seminar, Recent Trends In Plant Science Research, Department of Botany, Tripura University, 15-16 March, 2016 (Oral presentation).
  3. Susmita Saha and Samir Kumar Sil. Implication of PI3K/Akt pathway in wound healing activity of Parkia javanica:in vitro studies on GM00637 Human fibroblast cell line. National Seminar, Perspective of Phytoresource and Its Sustainable Utilization, Department of Botany, Tripura University, 9th -10th March, 2017 (Best Poster Award).
  4.  Susmita Saha and Samir Kumar Sil. Induction of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α by Parkia javanica: interleukins essential for inflammatory phase of Wound Healing. National Seminar, Recent Trends in Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Utilization. Department of Botany, Women’s college, 8-9th September, 2017 (Oral presentation).
  5. Susmita Saha. In vivo and in vitro studies to evaluate the wound healing Property of Parkia Javanica Chloroform fraction. RUSA sponsored on international conference Emerging trends in multidisciplinary research. Patna Women’s college, Autonomous, Patna University, Patna, Bihar, 24-25th March, 2023 (Oral Presentation).
  6. Susmita Saha. Parkia Javanica (Lamk.) Merr. Induce Cutaneous Wound Healing activity. National Conference on Higher Education and Research: Towards a Transformative and Sustainable Society (HERTSS-2023). Tripura University, Agartala, Tripura, India 10th-12th October 2023 (Oral Presentation).
  7. Susmita Saha. A clinical study on chronic hyperglycemia associated with physiological alterations and metabolic disorders. The 7th Student Project Programme was organized by the Tripura State Council for Science and Technology at Pragna Bhawan Agartala Tripura on 27-28 June 2024 (Oral Presentation).

Awards & Achievements

  1. B.Sc. (Human Physiology; 2011): 1st Class 1st rank holder – Gold Medalist
  2. M.Sc. (Human Physiology, 2013): 1st Class 1st rank holder – Gold Medalist
  3. INSPIRE Fellowship by DST, Govt. of India (Selected on October 2013)
  4. Best Poster Award in National Seminar: March 2017
  5. Resource person of the two-day State Level Workshop organized by Social Science departments, Holy Cross College Agartala and Tribal Research and Cultural Institute, Govt of Tripura from 12th to 13th March 2021.
  6. Invited Speaker of the XXXVth Annual Conference of the Physiological Society of India organized by the Department of Human Physiology, Tripura University: November 2024.