Dr. Anup kumar Bordoloi

Dr. Anup kumar Bordoloi








Tezpur University

(Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering)


M. Sc. (Electronics)

Gauhati University


B.Sc. (Physics)

Dibrugarh University








Working Experience




Deputy Controller, Examination

November, 2020-Continue

Assam down town University

Associate Dean-Academic Operation & Development

November, 2022- Continue

Assam down town University

Deputy Director Research

September, 2018-November, 2020

University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya

Assistant Professor

February, 2014- November, 2020

University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya

Teaching Assistant

January, 2008- December, 2012

Tezpur University

Teaching Assistant

February, 2006-April, 2006

Prince of Wales, Jorhat

Software Testing Engineer

February, 2007-November, 2007

Hira Tech. Software Solution Pvt. Ltd, Delhi


Research paper publications:

International Journal paper:

  1. Manik Chandra Borah, Parimita Saikia, Anup Kr Bordoloi and Bhairab Sarma, “Patch Antenna with Slots for L and S – Band Communication” Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología, Vol 2, No.2, December, 2022, pp. 197(1-4) (ISSN:2796-9711)
  2. Parimita Saikia, Anup Kr Bordoloi, Manik Chandra Borah and Bhairab Sarma, “U-H Shaped Rectangular Patch Antenna for tuning resonant frequency in S- Band” The Seybold Report Journal, Vol 17, No.8, August, 2022, pp. 886-894 (ISSN:1533-9311)
  3. Manik Chandra Borah, Parimita Saikia, Anup Kr Bordoloi and Bhairab Sarma, “Slot Loaded Patch Antenna for Communication in S Band” The Seybold Report Journal, Vol 17, No.8, August, 2022, pp. 1109-1118 (ISSN:1533-9311)
  4. Manik Chandra Borah, Parimita Saikia, Anup Kr Bordoloi and Bhairab Sarma, “Slot Loaded Microstrip Patch Antenna for Dual Frequency Operation in S And C- Band” Global Review of Business and Technology(GRBT), Vol 2, No.2, July, 2022, pp. 23-32 (ISSN: 2767-1941)
  5. Manik BorahParimita Saikia, Anup Kr. Bordoloi, ,Bharabh Sarma, “ Slot Loaded Microstrip Triangular Patch Antenna for dual frequency applications in S band" Journal of Positive School Psychology,  Vol.6, No.3, March 2022, pp. 4326 – 4332 (ISSN: 2717-7654)
  6. Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Parimita Saikia, “ Tuning of Dual Frequency Patch Antenna with Shorted Slit in S- Band”, IRACST – International Journal of Computer Networks and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), Vol.9, No.3, May-June 2019, pp. 21-23 (ISSN: 2250-3501)
  7. Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Parimita Saikia, ” Triangular Cut Modified Rectangular Patch Antenna in S and C-band for Wireless Applications” International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 7 Issue V, May 2019, pp. 439-444 (ISSN: 2321-9653)
  8. Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Pranjal Borah, N.S. Bhattacharyya and S. Bhattacharyya, “Planar Patch Antenna with 100µm slit for size reduction and dual band application”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,  Vol. 56, No. 7, July 2014,  pp. 1725-1726 (ISSN: 0895-2477)
  9. Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Pranjal Borah, S. Bhattacharyya and N.S. Bhattacharyya, “Broad band microstrip antenna with 100 μm slits on elevated edges for C- and X-band communication”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 55, No. 6, June 2013, pp. 1285-1287.(ISSN: 0895-2477)
  10. Pranjal Borah, Anup Kr. Bordoloi, N.S. Bhattacharyya and S. Bhattacharyya, "Bridged 'V'-shaped patch antenna for dual-band communication ", Electronics Letters, Vol.48, No.8, April. 2012, pp.419‑420. (ISSN: 0013-5194)

International Conference Proceedings:

  1. Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Parimita Saikia, “Study of Modified Rectangular Patch Antenna for Tuning Resonant Frequency in S- Band ”, International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering,  Sikkim, India, 25-28th February, 2019 (ISBN:978-1-5386-7989) (In press)
  2. Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Pranjal Borah, N.S. Bhattacharyya and S. Bhattacharyya, "A novel approach for post fabrication fine tuning and matching of microstrip patch antenna using adjustable air pocket in substrate layer", Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC2011), Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K., 14-15 Nov. 2011. doi: 10.1109/LAPC.2011.6114026  (www.ieeexplore.ieee.org)
  3. Pranjal Borah,, Anup Kr. Bordoloi, N.S. Bhattacharyya and S. Bhattacharyya, “Design of a novel “V” shaped microstrip antenna with a back reflector”,  Loughborough  Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC2011), Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K., 14-15 Nov. 2011.   doi: 10.1109/LAPC.2011.6113975 (www.ieeexplore.ieee.org)
  4.  Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Pranjal Borah, N.S. Bhattacharyya and S. Bhattacharyya, “A Novel Spike Edged Rectangular Patch Antenna in C-band for Wireless Application,” The 2011 IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference (AEMC 2011), India, 18-20 Dec., 2011. doi:10.1109/AEMC.2011.6256831 (www.ieeexplore.ieee.org

National Conference Proceedings:

  1. Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Mrinmoy Kaushik Bora, Ikbal Farid Ali, Rima Kalita and Rakesh Ghimire Chetry“ Monitoring & measurement of Road Traffic Noise level in Guwaghati and its nearby Areas” , UGC sponsored national seminar on “Issues of traffic  noise pollution on environment control measures in North India” organized in the dept of Physics & DBT Advance Intuitional Hub, Dhing College, Nagaon, Assam, 14th October, 2017, pp-28-39 (ISBN:978-81-202-8809-8)
  2.  “Jyoti Prasad Gogoi, Nidhi S. Bhattacharrya and  Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Design Optimization of Tripple Layar Microwave Absorber based on Expanded Graphite-Phenolic Resin Composites for X-band Applications ” , National Seminar on Recent Trends and Future Prospects of Computer Science and Electronics, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM), Meghalaya on 21st -22nd December, 2015
  3. Aditya Kr. Talukdar, Pranjal Borah, Anup Kr. Bordoloi and Satyajib Bhattacharrya, ”Computational performance evaluation of a probe coupled U-type waveguide rotary joint designed in X-band for military applications”, National Conference on Advances in Electronics and Communication Technology (AECT 2013), Bareilly, U.P., March 2, 2013
  4. Nirmal Ch. Roy, Madhurjya Saikia, Anup Kr. Bordoloi, Pranjal Borah and Satyajib Bhattacharrya, “Design of a star shaped patch for potential use as antenna for wearable communication systems”, National Conference on Advances in Electronics and Communication Technology (AECT 2013), Bareilly, U.P.,March 2, 2013

 Article published:

  1. Published in annual Magazine Symphony, USTM, 2017 (Article Title: Research work and Methodology: A Brief Discussion, Page no.: 51)
  2.  Published in “AXION”, Annual Science Magazine, Dept. of Physics, USTM, February, 2017.                (Article Title: Microstrip Antenna, Page no.:7).
  3. Abstract published in Souvenir, 98th BRNS-IANCAS National workshop on “Radio chemistry and  Application of Radioisotopes”, 28-29th Oct., 2017. (Article Title: Study of modified rectangular patch antenna for tuning in C- band, Page no: 5)
  4. Published in Binary+, journal of School of Engineering and Technology, USTM(Article Title: Design optimization of triple layer Microwave Absorber based on expanded Graphite-Phenoloic Resin Composite for X- band Applications, Page no.:41-47)
  5. Article published in magazines in regional language.  


Project Completed

(Title of the Project: “Aroma Biosensor for Detection and Protection from Spoilage of Marketable Raw Materials”)

Conference/Seminar/workshop participated:

Sl. No.

Name of Conference/Symposium/ Workshop




World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Institute of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Guwahati.

Theme: “Digital Technology for Older Persons and Healthy  Aging”

(Member: Technical Volume cum Souvenir)

17th May, 2022



Two days training programme on IPR organized by State Council of Science, Technology and Environment (SCSTE), Meghalaya catalysed and supported by DST, Govt. of India, Technology, Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC), New Delhi and Meghalaya Basin development Authority (MBDA), Meghalaya at ICSSR centre, NEHU, Shillong.

14th -15th October,



One day North East Regional Training Programme for Administrators of Plagiarism Detection Software (PDU) URKUND Jointly organized by Central Library NEHU, Shillong and INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhi Nagar, under the aegis of MHRD, Govt. of India.

23th  August, 2019


Workshop on Design Thinking “Train the Trainer”, Impact Week North East India, 2018. Organized by Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati, supported by Lufthansa, Germany. (Acted as Junior Coach)

10th -20th December, 2018


98th DAE BRNS-IANCAS workshop on Radiochemistry and Applications of Radioisotopes, Jointly organized by USTM in association with Indian Association of Nuclear Chemist & Allied Sciences ((IANCAS).

1st -6th October, 2018


Conclave on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism at Nation law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.

26th September, 2018


Acted as Resource Person, Conducted practical session in DST inspire camp-2018 organized by University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya.

21st -25th May, 2018


Conference on Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) Distribution System and Applications organized by Bureau of Indian Standards in Shillong.

18th May, 2018


Invited as Resource Person to Dhing college, Nagaon to deliver lecture on “Issues of traffic noise pollution on environment control measures in North India” in UGC sponsored national seminar organized in the dept of Physics & DBT Advance Intuitional Hub, Dhing College, Nagaon, Assam.

14th October, 2017


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Institute of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Guwahati.

Theme: “Big Data for Big Impact”

17th May, 2017


Invited to Advocacy meeting on “Workable Business Models for Renewable Energy” organized by CUTS (Consumer Unity and Trust Society) international at Cygnett Inn Repose, ABC, G.S. Road, Guwahati.

14th June,2016


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Institute of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Guwahati.

Theme: “ICT Entrepreneurship for Social Impact”

(Invited for paper presentation)

17th May, 2016


Faculty Development programme organized by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India and University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya.

26th March-8th April, 2016


Conducted practical session in DST inspire camp-2015 organized by University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya.

3rd -5th Nov., 2015


Faculty Development program on LaTex at University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) in collaboration with IIT Mumbai.

July, 2015


Two Days workshop on CISCO networking organized by IBNC and IIT-Delhi in association with Dept. of CS&E, USTM.

13-14 July, 2015


National Seminar on Recent Trends and Future Prospects of Computer Science and Electronics, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM).

21st  -22nd  December, 2015


IBNC (India’s Biggest Network Championship) workshop, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) in association with ACES ACM-IIT Delhi conducted by I-Medita Learning Solutions (P) Ltd.

13th -14th  February, 2015


North East Teachers’ Congress, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM).

3rd -5th  January, 2015


Workshop on RF and Microwave Technology, ECE & Physics Dep’t, Tezpur University, Assam.

24th -26th March, 2014




27th -31st  May , 2012


Advances in Photonics, Electronics and Communication Systems(APECS-2012), ECE dep’t, Tezpur University, Assam.

23rd -27th  January,2012


The 2011 IEEE Applied Electromagnetic Conference (AEMC 2011), Kolkata, India.

18th -20th  December, 2011


Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC2011), Loughborough University, Loughborough, U.K.

14th -15th  November,  2011


Possibilities of Electronics and R & D and Applications in the North –East, One day meet amongst the stakeholders, Tezpur University.

29th July,  2011


North- East ISI-TU Spring School on Selected Topics in Algorithms, Tezpur University, Assam.

21st -23rd  March, 2011


Nuclear and Atomic Techniques Based Pure and Applied Sciences NATPAS-2011, Physics Dep’t, Tezpur University, Assam.

1st -3rd  February, 2011


National Seminar on Photonics and Quantum Structures, NSPQS-2009, Physics Dep’t, Tezpur University, Assam.

4th -6th  November, 2009


Indian National Science Congress, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya.

3rd -7th  January, 2009





Sl. No.

Webiner attended (few selected)

Name and organizer





“Microwave Antenna Measurements Yesterday Today & Tomorrow” and “Design of Antennas through Simulation using TaraNG: 19.1” organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mizoram University.

18th  June, 2020

(1:00 PM - 4:30 PM)


Antenna Designing and Troubleshooting using CST Studio Suite conducted by Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun in association with Jyoti Electronics, Ahmadabad.

16th -17th June, 2020



VIRTUAL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (V-FDI) on Challenges & Opportunities in Post Covid-19 Pandemic Phase: Focusing Teaching, Research & Innovation organized by Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Assam down town University.

7th – 13th June, 2020


Reflections of Higher Education Senario-Post Covid -19 organized by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Begaluru.

13th June , 2020



Start up and Funding Guidance organized by Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Meghalaya.

13th June , 2020



Recent Development in 5G Sub-6GHz Antenna Designs for Smartphone Applications organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mizoram University.

9th June, 2020

(10.30 AM-12.30 PM)


Artificial Intelligence in Health Care organized by Dept. of Computer Science and Electronics, University of Science and Technology, USTM.

8th June, 2020



“Space technology which have changed our lives” and “applications of microwave “organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mizoram University.

14th  July, 2020

(10:30 AM – 1:00PM)








Seminar/ Workshop Organized


Sl. No.

Workshop/ seminer organized

Name of the Seminar/ Workshop Organized


Acted as




98th BRNS-IANCAS National workshop on “Radio chemistry and Application of Radioisotopes”.

Organizing member

01st -06th  October, 2018


20th ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education) Students National Convention.

Joint Organizing Secretary

28th -29th  October, 2017


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day jointly organized by dep’t. of Computer Science and Electronics, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM)  and Institute of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Guwahati

Theme: “Big Data for Big Impact”.

Joint Organizing Secretary


17th May, 2017


National Technology Day, jointly organized by Departments of Computer Science & Electronics and Physics, USTM.


11th May, 2017


National Science Day organized by dep’t of Physics, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM). Annual Magazine “AXION” published.

Organizing Secretary

(Magazine Advisory Team)


28th February, 2017


Two day National Seminar on Recent Trends and Future Prospects of Computer Science and Electronics organized jointly by dep’t. of Computer Science and Electronics, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM)  and Computer Science and Engineering, Regional Institute of Science and Technology (RIST). Funded by DST (SERB).

Organizing Secretary

21st - 22nd December, 2015


One day workshop on Travelling Salesman Problem jointly organized by dep’t. of Business Administration, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM)  and Regional Institute of Science and Technology (RIST).


Core  Committee member

7th November,  2015


Two day national seminar on Convergence of Technologies in Library and Information Science jointly organized by dep’t. of Library Science and Information Science, University of Science and Technology, Meghalaya (USTM) in collaboration of Assam College Library Association (ACLA) and Cotton college, Guwahati, Assam.

Committee member

16th -17th January. 2015

Awards & Achievements

  • Invited as Resource Person to the participating teacher of “482nd Orientation Course in line with NEP-2020 (on campus mode)” organized by Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, CCRT (under Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India), Guwahati, Assam on 1st December, 2023 (Topic: Indian Culture and Modern Science)
  • Invited as Resource Person to the participating teacher of “480th Orientation Course in line with NEP-2020 (on campus mode)” organized by Centre for Cultural Resources and Training, CCRT (under Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India), Guwahati, Assam on 16th August, 2022 (Topic: Indian Culture and Modern Science)
  • Awarded Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), 2013.
  •  Invited as Coach for Workshop on Design Thinking “Train the Trainer”, Impact Week North East India, 2018. Organized by Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati, supported by Lufthansa, Germany.
  • Invited as Resource Person  to Dhing college, Nagaon to deliver lecture on “Issues of traffic  noise pollution on environment control measures in North India” in UGC sponsored national seminar organized in the dept of Physics & DBT Advance Intuitional Hub, Dhing College, Nagaon, Assam on 14th October, 2017
  • Acted as Resource Person  in DST inspire camp-2018 organized by University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya
  •  Invited for paper presentation in World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Institute of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Guwahati, 17th May, 2016
  • Invited to Advocacy meeting on “Workable Business Models for Renewable Energy” organized by CUTS (Consumer Unity and Trust Society) international at Cygnett Inn Repose, ABC, G.S. Road, Guwahati on 14th June,2016
  • Invited for paper presentation in World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Institute of Engineers (India), Assam State Centre, Guwahati in Theme: ICT Entrepreneurship for Social Impact on 17th May, 2016