Dr. Dipankar Saikia

Dr. Dipankar Saikia


Behavioural Research , Agricultural Communication


Degree/Diploma/ Certificate

University/Board/ Institute




Board of Secondary Education, Assam


1st / 67.5%

Higher Secondary

Assam Higher Secondary Education Council


1st/ 76.2%

B.Sc. (Agri)

Assam Agricultural University


1st / 7.75/10

M.Sc. (Agri) Extension Education

Assam Agricultural University


1st class with dist. / 8.6/10

Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application

DIT Education, Assam


A Grade/ 76.80%

Ph. D(Extension Education)

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agril. University



Personal Interest


Working Experience


09-11-2021 to 12-09-2022 Senior Research Fellow  at ICAR- Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research 
13-09-2022 to 12-07-2023 Research Associate  at ICAR- Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research 



  1. Gogoi, B.P., Ansari, M.N.,Kmar, B, Sirilaksmi, Y., Ashwini, T. and Saikia. (2024). An investigation of Agriculture Knowledge Sharing through Indigenous Communication Systems: Insights from Ethnic Communities. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. 42(12):172-180.
  2. Kashyap, A., Kala, S., Gupta, M., and Saikia, D. (2023). Influence of occupational Factors among women tea pluckers of Assam. International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Social Development.7(1):430-435.
  3. Saikia, D., Singh,N., Sharma, A.K. and Rai, P.K. (2023). Scientific Mustard Cultivation: A Boon for Assam A Success Story of Farm Women, International Research Journal of Management Sociology and Humanities, 14(4):327-328.
  4. Barman, M., Das, P.K., Chetri, T.K., Mohodi, D. and Saikia, D. (2023). A study on Entrepreneurial Behaviour of farmer producer company members with references to commercial potato cultivation in Assam. The Pharma Innovation. 12(2):716-719.
  5. Gogoi, B.P., Ansari, M.N., Sharma, A. K., Barman, M. and Saikia,D. (2022). Effectiveness and Suitability of Traditional Folk Media for Agriculture among different Ethnic Groups in Dhemaji District of Assam. Indian Res. J. Ext. Edu. 22 (4):22-26
  6. Bharadwaj, A.J., Das, P. K., Saikia, D. and Barman, M. (2022). Extent of Crop Diversification across Different Farm Size Groups in the North Bank Plains Zone of Assam. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. 40(8): 1- 7.
  7. Chetri, T.K., Das, P.K., Madhavan, M.M., Barman, I. and Saikia, D. (2022). Household Level Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability of North Bank Plains Zone Farmers of Assam. Indian Journal of Extension Education. 58(1):81-84.
  8. Chetri, T.K., Das, P.K., Saikia, D., Madhavan, M.M., Boro, E and Barman, M. (2022). Adaptability of Farmers to Climate Change in North Bank Plains Zone of Assam. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology. 40(8):184-189.
  9. Gogoi, B., Ansari, M.N., Saikia, D., Baruah, B., and Yadav, K.(2022). Socio-economic and personal characteristics of the farmers of using traditional folk media for agriculture. The Pharma Innovation. SP-11(3):167-171.
  10. Saikia, D., Singh, A.K., Kumar, N., and Gogoi, B.P (2021). A study of occupational stress with its coping mechanism among the teaching community of RPCAU, Pusa. Biological Forum-An International Journal. 13(4):669:674.
  11. Saikia, D., Singh, A.K., Kumar, N., Gogoi, B.P, and Kumar, A. (2021). A study on mental health status of the teaching community of RPCAU, Pusa. Asian Journal of Agril. Extension, Economics & Sociology. 39(12):8-12.
  12. Kumar, N., Singh, A.K., Saikia, D., Gogoi, B., and Barman, M. (2021). Extent of adoption of improved storage system (Hermetic bag): A study of Bihar. The Pharma Innovation. SP-10(12):1283:1284.
  13. Kumar, N., Singh, A.K., Saikia, D., and Barman, M. (2021). Perceived Problem and Suggestion strategies of ITK and Improved Grain Storage System. Biological Forum-An International Journal. 13(4):716-718.
  14. Saikia, D.  Das, P.K. and Barman, I. (2020). A scale to measure Attitude of Subject Matter Specialists towards Krishi Vigyan Kendras. Res. Jr. of Agril. Sci. 11(4):991-994.
  15. Sultana, S., Das, P.K., Saikia, D. and Barman, I. (2020). Farmers extent of Adoption of Climate Resilient Agro. technologies. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change. 10(5):53-56.
  16. Sultana, S., Das, P.K., Saikia, D. and Barman, I. (2020).  Impact of NICRA project on farm income and farm productivity of participant farmers in Lakhimpur District of Assam. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 39(11):38-42.
  17. Saikia, D.  Das, P.K., Kumar, N. and Moyong, L. (2020). Perception of the Subject Matter Specialists about the Motivational Climate Existing in Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Assam. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 39(3):103-108.
  18. Saikia, D.  Das, P.K. and Dash, D. (2019). Differential Perception of the Subject Matter Specialists about the       Existing and Desired Motivational Climate in Krishi Vigyan Kendras of Assam. Res. Jr. of Agril. Sci. 10(5/6):777-781.
  19. Saikia, D.  Das, P.K., Mahanta, G. and Das, A. (2019). Motivational Climate as desired by the Subject Matter Specialists of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Assam. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. Special Issue- 9:185-291.
  20. Saikia, D.  Das, P.K. and Patro, A. (2019). Association of Motivational Climate with Socio-Personal and Organizational Characteristics of Subject matter Specialists of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in Assam. Multilogic in Science. 9(30):26-28.
  21. Kumar, N., Satya Prakash, Kumar, B. and Saikia, D. (2018). Assessment of Fish Farmers’ Socio-economic and Demographical Profile in Darbhanga District in Bihar. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. 31(2):1-5.


Awards & Achievements

Name of the Medals/ Awards

Year in which received

Name of the organization

Awarded for

Best Performance Certificate


Crescent Institute of Science & Technology

Best Performance (Two week hands on workshop/FDP on bioinformatics unleashed: Exploring Sequences to simulation)


Best PhD Thesis Award


ISAHRD, Chandigarh; SGT University, Chandigarh & Just Agriculture-The Magazine

Best Thesis

Best M.Sc Thesis Award


AEEFWS, Punjab

MVN University, Palwal &

Just Agriculture-The Magazine

Best Thesis

Best Research Scholar Award 2021


Agricultural & Environmental Technology Development Society (AETDS)

Best research scholar for outstanding contribution and recognition in the field of Extension Education

Best Article Award



Agriculture& Food e-Newsletter


Best Article award for article entitled “An overview of the Digital India Programme with Special Reference to Agriculture”

Excellence in Communication Award


Green Agri Professional Society

Excellence in Communication Award in the field of Extension Education in recognition of novelty, valuable contributions and achievements.

ICAR-SRF Fellowship Award



Pursuing Ph.D. in Extension Education