Dr. T V V L N Rao

Dr. T V V L N Rao


Tribology, Lubrication, Bearings, Machining, Manufacturing


Qualification Board/ University Year
Ph. D Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 2000
M. Tech National Institute of Technology Calicut 1994
B. Tech Nagarjuna University 1991
Intermediate Examination Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh 1987
Secondary School Certificate Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh 1985


Working Experience




Professor & Dean, Faculty of Engineering Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam March 2023 – till now
Professor & Dean, School of Engineering & Technology The Assam Kaziranga University March 2022 – February 2023
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering & Technology The Assam Kaziranga University February 2022 – March 2022
Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science

July 2021 – December 2021
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science January 2021 – July 2021
Research Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering SRM Institute of Science and Technology December 2017 – December 2020
Visiting Faculty, Department of Mechanical-Mechatronics Engineering The LNM Institute of Information Technology September 2016 – December 2017
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, MALAYSIA August 2010 – August 2016
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani August 2007 – July 2010
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani- Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE August 2004 – August 2007
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani October 2000 – August 2004


Conference Funding

  1. Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) “International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Manufacturing Technology (ICSMMT-2024)”, Organized by Assam down town University, December 13-14, 2024, Amount Secured: Rs 3,50,000.
  2. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) “International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Development, Innovation and Green Technology (ICASDIGT-2024)”, Organized by Assam down town University, February 19-21, 2024, Amount Secured: Rs 3,00,000.
  3. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Development, Innovation and Green Technology (ICASDIGT-2024)”, Organized by Assam down town University, February 19-21, 2024, Amount Secured: Rs 1,00,000.
  4. Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) “North East Sustainable and Inclusive Development (NESID)-2022”, Organized by The Assam Kaziranga University (KU) & Institute of Frontier Science and Application (IFSA), November 16-18, 2022, Amount Secured: Rs 2,00,000.
  5. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) “Achieving Leadership for India in S&T (ALIST)”, Organized by The Assam Kaziranga University (KU) & Institute of Frontier Science and Application (IFSA), 14-16 November, 2022, Amount Secured: Rs 50,000.

FDP Funding

  1. ATAL Online 6-Day Faculty Development Programme 2024-25, FDP Thrust Area: Semiconductors, FDP Title: Semiconductor Materials and Manufacturing Technology: Driving the Semiconductor Ecosystem, Start Date: 02nd Dec 2024 - End Date: 07th Dec 2024, Amount Secured: Rs 1,00,000.

Research Funding

  1. YUTP-FRG (Petroleum Research Fund - Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS), Development of a quantitative risk assessment model for piping systems subject to vibration, Project No.  116573 (2017-2020), Amount Secured: RM 123,350, Leader: Assoc Prof Dr Ainul Akmar Binti Mokhtar.
  2. The Sumitomo Foundation, A study of cooperation between Malaysia and Japan towards biolubricants resources and utilization for sustainable development, Project No.  0153AB-E93 (2016-2018), Amount Secured: JPY 400,000, Members: Assoc. Prof. Dr A.M.A. Rani, Assoc. Prof. Dr M. Awang, Assoc. Prof. Dr M. Baharom, Prof Dr Yoshimitsu Uemura.
  3. Cleaveland State University, Modeling of crankshaft main bearings lubricated by Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Project No.  0153AB-E89 (2016-2018), Amount Secured: RM 20,000, Members:AP Dr Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, AP Dr Mokhtar Awang, AP Dr Masri Baharom, AP Dr Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim
  4. FRGS - MOE (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme – Ministry of Education, Malaysia)Project No. 0153AB-K49 (2015-2017), Modeling of Magneto-hydrodynamic Slider and Journal Bearings with Partially Textured Slip Surface Lubricated with non-Newtonian Fluids: Investigation of Stability Improvement of Multi-lobe Bearings, Amount Secured: RM 73,200, Members: Assoc Prof Dr A M A Rani, Prof Dr T Nagarajan, Assoc Prof Dr F M Hashim
  5. FRGS - MOE (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme – Ministry of Education, Malaysia) Project No. 0153AB-I07(2013-2015), Modeling of Slider and Journal Bearings With Textured Partial Slip Surface Lubricated with non-Newtonian Fluids, Amount Secured: RM 37,500, Members: Assoc Prof Dr A M A Rani, Prof Dr T Nagarajan, Assoc Prof Dr F M Hashim
  6. FRGS - MOE (Fundamental Research Grant Scheme – Ministry of Education, Malaysia) Project No. (FRGS/1/2011/TK/UTP/02/10) (2011-2013), Modeling of Slider and Journal Bearings With Textured Partial Slip Surface, Amount Secured: RM 39,400, Co-investigators: Assoc Prof Dr A M A Rani, Prof Dr T Nagarajan, Assoc Prof Dr F M Hashim
  7. ERGS - MOE (Exploratory Research Grant Scheme – Ministry of Education, Malaysia) Project No. (ERGS/1/2011/TK/UTP/02/40) (2011-2013), Exploring for the Improved Performance of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing Using Lubricants Blended With Polymer additives, Amount Secured: RM 37,000, Co-investigators: Assoc Prof Dr A M A Rani, Prof Dr T Nagarajan, Assoc Prof Dr F M Hashim
  8. URIF - UTP (Petroleum Research Fund- Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS) Project No. 63/10.11 (2011-2013), Investigating the Combined Effect of Surface and Bending Failures of Gears to Perform Reliable Health Prognostics, Amount Secured: RM 35,000
  9. IGEN - UTP(Idea Generation Fund - Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS) (2013-2014), Sprocket Ring Chain, Amount Secured: RM 9,500, Leader: Assoc Prof Dr A M A Rani
  10. ERGS - MOE (Exploratory Research Grant Scheme – Ministry of Education, Malaysia) (2012-2014), Exploring Improvements in EDM Machining of Tool Steels by Mixing Chromium and Vanadium Powders in Dielectric, Amount Secured: RM 80,000, Leader: Assoc Prof Dr A M A Rani
  11. ERGS - MOE (Exploratory Research Grant Scheme – Ministry of Education, Malaysia) (2013-2015), Model-Based Bending Fatigue and Service Life Prediction for Parallel Axes Gear in Misalignment Dynamics Condition, Amount Secured: RM 103,500, Leader: Assoc Prof Dr M Awang


  1. PETRONAS GAS SDN BHD (PGB), 2015, PGB-GPU Vibration leak prevention program – Vibration Mapping and Analysis at gas processing plant, Amount Secured: RM 189,210, Leader: Prof Ainul Akmar Binti Mokhtar.

Ph.D. Mentoring

  1. S. Arokya Agustin (2019 – In Progress), SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Title of thesis: Theoretical and experimental stability analysis of air foil journal bearing: Effect of polymer coatings and texture on foils, Supervisor: Dr A Arul Jeya Kumar, (Synopsis submitted).
  2. Ghassn Jassim (2015–2019), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Title of thesis: Novel Low Viscosity Halogen-Free Trioctylammonium Carboxylate Protic Ionic Liquids as Lubricants and Lubricant Additives, Supervisor: Prof Dr M Ibrahim B A Mutalib.
  3. Mohd Rizal Bin Lias (G01599), (2011–2017), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Title of thesis: Investigation of Gear Tooth Root Fatigue and Life Prediction, Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr M Awang.

Ph.D. Guidance

  1. Mallika Parveen (2004PHXF002P), (2004 – 2009), Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Title of thesis: An Integrated Approach to Design and Analysis of Lean Manufacturing System: A Perspective of Lean Supply Chain.

M.Sc. Guidance

  1. Ku Muhammad Faez, (2016 – 2018), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Title of thesis: Effect of Texture and Slip on Journal Bearing Performance, Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr. Hamdan H Ya.
  2. Shahab Hamdavi Mohammad Pura (G03106), (2015 – 2017), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Title of thesis: Stability of Rotor Bearing System with Textured Bearing Surface, Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr. Hamdan H Ya
  3. Rosli Hj Yusof (G01749), (2012-2015), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Title of thesis: Experimental Investigation of Vibration Characteristics for Vapor Cavitation in Plain Journal Bearing.

Intern Guidance

  1. Karri Naveen Kumar (AIR 231, GATE 2022, MTech, IIT Madras, 2022-2024), ​The Assam Kaziranga University, "Machine learning approaches for  selection and design of additive manufactured materials for enhancement of tribological characteristics", Co-Supervisors: Prof. Patrick J. Masset and Prof. Utpal Barman.


  1. Title: Sprocket Ring Chain, Application No. PI 2014701071 (Date Open to Public: 29/10/2015, http://ipjournal.myipo.gov.my/ipjournal/index.cfm?pg=publication/18month_details&id=10&year=2015&page=6, 29.4.14 to 29.4.19), Applicants: Muhammad Iqhwan Alimi Bin Mohd Yunus, Ahmad Majdi Bin Abdul Rani, T V V L N Rao


Biographical data included in the 22nd Edition (2005) of Marquis Who’s Who in the World.

Keynote Online Webinar

  1. “Biomimetic Surfaces in Tribology: An Overview”, Foreign Faculty Lecture, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wah Engineering College, Wah Cantt-47040, Pakistan, 7 June 2023.
  2. “Research presentation skills: An overview”, A workshop as organized by Research & Ethics Committee at ICEM, International College of Engineering and Management, Oman, 06 April, 2023.
  3. "Surface/Porous Layer, Slip and Texture Configurations in Hydrodynamic and Squeeze Film Bearings", International Conference on Thin-Film Processing and Application (ICTFPA-2022), AdvaMAP, 4th March 2022.
  4. “Latest trends in Biotribology”, 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2021), 29th November 2021.
  5. “Recent directions in Biotribology”, International Congress of Academic Leaders – Sharing Best Practices in Education: Archipelago Compliance in World Academic Agenda, Theme: Leading the Way to Quality Education, UiTM Caw Pulau Pinang, 25th November 2021.
  6. “An Overview of Research Presentation Skills”, ICEM 2nd Virtual International Undergraduate Research Conference 2021, International College of Engineering and Management, Oman, 03-04 October 2021.
  7. “Partial Slip Texture Configurations Analysis of Slider and Journal Bearings”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 6-Day AICTE Sponsored Short Term Training Programme (STTP) Series on Recent Advances In Tribology And Surface Engineering: Series 2 of 4 - Tribology of Machine Components and Applied Tribology, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, September 14-19, 2020.

Invited Online Webinar

  1. “Advances in Green Tribology: An Overview” Six Days STTP on “Mastering Advanced Composites: Hands-on Training and Industry Insights”, SRMIST Kattankulathur, 23-28 September 2024.
  2. “Recent Advances in Green Tribology”, OIC-MMIE 2022, Sheraton Bandung Hotel and Towers, Bandung, Indonesia, June 22, 2022.
  3. “Recent Advances in Biotribology”, BioMat-2022, Biomaterials World Forum, Novotel Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, March 17-19, 2022.
  4. “Advances in Biotribology”, AICTE-ISTE Sponsored online Induction/ Orientation Program on “Advances in Engineering”, All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society's College of Engineering, Pune, December, 8-14, 2021.​
  5. “Non-linear dynamic coefficients of journal bearings”, 3 Days online workshop on Analytical and Numerical methods for Non-linear Vibrations, SRMIST Kattankulathur, 23rd - 25th Sep, 2021.
  6. Partial Slip Texture Configuration Analysis in Slider and Journal Bearings”, The 10th Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering, (CMSE 2021), Kyiv, Ukraine, August 1-4, 2021.
  7. “Slip, Texture and Surface/Porous Layer Configurations in Hydrodynamic and Squeeze Film Bearings, SRMIST Kattankulathur, April 27-29, 2021.
  8. “Stability Analysis of Fluid Film Bearings”, AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Program (STTP) Series on Rotor Dynamics Series 1 of 3 : Fundamentals of Rotor Dynamics, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, 7th-12th December 2020.
  9. “Analysis of Surface/Porous Layer Configurations in Bearings”, 5 days Virtual International Short Term Course on Tribology for Reliability, GITAM Bangalore, 5-9th October 2020.
  10. “Online Lab Assessment for Engineering Program”, Open Distance Learning: Work life balance & student assessment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 29th July 2020.
  11. ‘Analysis of Slip Texture Configurations in Bearings”, One Week Short Term Course (STC) on Tribology for Sustainable Development,Department of Mechanical Engineering, SMVDU, Katra, Jammu, 20th -24th July 2020.
  12. “Surface Slip Texture Configuration Analysis: Application to Journal Bearing using Narrow Groove Theory”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 25 May 2020.

Keynote Lectures

  1. “Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development” The Institution of Engineers (India), Assam State Center, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, 17th May 2024.
  2. “An Overview of Biomimetic Surfaces in Tribology” TurkeyTrib 2023, 4th International Conference on Tribology, Istanbul, Turkey, 25 - 27 May 2023.

Invited Lectures

  1. “Application of Triboinformatics for Texture Bump Recess Foil Journal Bearing”, 4th Malaysian International Tribology Conference (MITC2024), at Kota Kinabalu, Borneo Island, Sabah, 2 - 3 September 2024.
  2. “Green tribology: An overview” DST-SERB, Accelerate Vigyan Sponsored (Karyashala) on Industrial Tribology: Towards Sustainable Approach, SRMIST Kattankulathur, 15-22 May 2023.
  3. “Analysis of Surface Slip Texture Configurations using Narrow Groove Theory: Application to Journal Bearing” 2nd Indo-Japan Bilateral Symposium on the Futuristic Materials and Manufacturing on Next Generation Electric Vehicles and High Speed Railway, IIT Madras, Chennai, India, 2-3 March 2020.
  4. “Analysis of Partial Slip Texture Multi-lobe Journal Bearings” Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development, AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune, India, February 17-18, 2020.
  5. “Analysis of slider and journal bearing and piston-cylinder dashpot with slip, texture, couple stress fluid and magnetohydrodynamic effects: Damping Constant Analysis of Piston-Cylinder Dashpot with Hydromagnetic Newtonian Fluid”, IndiaTrib-2019, 10th International Conference on Industrial Tribology, IISc, Bangalore, India, 1-4 December 2019.
  6. “Modeling of Partial Slip Texture Design of Slider and Journal Bearing”, The International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering And Nanotechnology (ICAMEN-2019), Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ) India and Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) Malaysia, 8-9 March 2019.
  7. “Analysis of Partial Slip Texture Slider and Journal Bearing”, International Workshop on Tribology, Amrutvahini College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India, 16-18 January 2019.
  8. “Squeeze Film Analysis of Three-layered Parallel Plate and Partial Journal Bearing Lubricated with Couple Stress Fluids for Skeletal Joint Applications”, CBCMT Journal Club meeting, Centre for Biomaterials, Cellular and Moledcular Theranostics, VIT University, 7th November 2018.

Tribology Conference/Workshop/Webinar Organization

  1. Member National Advisory Committee, 6th International Conference on Tribo-corrosion (ICTC-2024), IIT Delhi, December 10-11, 2024.
  2. Member Organizing Committee (Internalization): 4th Malaysian International Tribology Conference (MITC2024), Kota Kinabalu, Borneo Island, Sabah, 2 - 3 September 2024.
  3. Co-Patron: International webinar on Advances in Tribology, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology, The Assam Kaziranga University, 23rd May 2022.
  4. Member of Conveners: 2nd Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium, Jointly Organized with SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattnakulathur, Tamil Nadu,National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal, Karnataka, Centre for Advanced Studies Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Technical University (CAS-AKTU) Lucknow, UP, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU) J&K, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, AP, Universiti Technologi MARA, Malaysia (UiTM), University of Salerno, Italy (UNISA), 8th to 10th December 2021.
  5. Member Organizing Committee (Internalization): MITC 2020: The 3rd Malaysian International Tribology Conference, in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia, 5 -7 July 2021.
  6. Co-Convener: Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium, November5th-7th,2020 organized jointly by SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattnakulathur Chennai, Tamil Nadu India, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu, India and Centre for Advanced Studies Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, UP, India.
  7. Co-Convener: 5 days International Short Term Course On Tribology & Sustainability, 24th August to 28th August 2020, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science & technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India.
  8. Member: TRIBOINDIA 2020, December 10-12, 2020, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Kattnakulathur Chennai, Tamil Nadu India.
  9. Co-Conveners: DST-SERB Sponsored 5 Days Workshop on Industrial Tribology, IT-2019, organized by Tribology and Surface Interaction Research Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science & technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, September 23-27, 2019.
  10. Member Organizing Committee, Workshop on Tribology of Materials and Manufacturing (TMM-2018), SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, India, 11th - 16th June 2018.

Conference/Workshop/Webinar Organization

  1. Chairperson, “International Conference on Semiconductor Materials and Manufacturing Technology (ICSMMT-2024)", Organized by Future of Engineering & Faculty of Computer Technology, Assam down town University, 13th-14th December 2024.
  2. Chairperson, “A Symposium on Recent Trends Fostering Future of Engineering (RTFFE 2024)”, Theme: "Sustainability Fostering Future of Engineering", Organized by Future of Engineering & Faculty of Computer Technology, Assam down town University, 16th September 2024.
  3. Chairperson, “National Symposium on Astronomy and Space Technology (NSAST) 2024”, Theme: “Innovative solutions in sustainable development of astronomy and space technology", Organized by Faculty of Engineering & Faculty of Computer Technology, Assam down town University, March 6, 2024.
  4. Convener, “International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Development, Innovation and Green Technology (ICASDIGT-2024)”, Organized by Faculty of Engineering & Directorate of Innovation, Startup and Acceleration, Assam down town University, In Association with Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gauhati University and National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT Guwahati), February 19-21, 2024.
  5. Chairperson, “International Conference on Applications in Machine Learning and Data Science 2023 (ICAMLDS 2023)”, Theme: "Innovative solutions in sustainable development, society & security and green technology (SD-SS-GT)", Organized by Faculty of Engineering & Faculty of Computer Technology, Assam down town University, November 30, 2023.
  6. Chairperson, “A Symposium on Recent Trends Fostering Future of Engineering (RTFFE 2023)”, Theme: "Innovative solutions in economy, environment, society, security, energy, efficiency and health (EES-S-EEH)", Organized by Future of Engineering & Faculty of Computer Technology, Assam down town University, 15th September 2023.
  7. Chairman, Local Organizing Committee (LOC) “North East Sustainable and Inclusive Development (NESID)-2022”, Organized by The Assam Kaziranga University (KU) & Institute of Frontier Science and Application (IFSA), November 16-18, 2022.
  8. Chairman, Local Organizing Committee (LOC) “Achieving Leadership for India in S&T (ALIST)”, Organized by The Assam Kaziranga University (KU) & Institute of Frontier Science and Application (IFSA), 14-16 November, 2022.
  9. Coordinator, Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM), Organized by ​The Assam Kaziranga University and Tech Transfer Office at KIIT-Technology Business Incubator, 28th July 2022.
  10. Chair, Workshop on “Understanding Intellectual Property, Organized by The Assam Kaziranga University, 7th June, 2022.
  11. Chair, International webinar on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, Organized by The Assam Kaziranga University, 24th May, 2022.
  12. Conference Chair, International Conference on Materials, Energy and Mechanical Engineering 2021 (ICME2-2021), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, 17th - 18th December 2021.
  13. Chair, 5 Day Workshop on MATLAB & Applications, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, 8th to 12th November 2021.
  14. Chair, A Five-Day Faculty Development Program on “Thin-Films in Manufacturing” (TFM - 2021), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, 04th - 08th October 2021.
  15. Convener, Webinar on “Career Opportunities after B. TECH (GATE/ESE/PSUs)”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, 05th October 2021.
  16. Member Organizing Committee: 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2020), Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, February 24 – 29, 2020.

Conference/Workshop Services

  1. Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC), 2nd International Conference of Sustainable Systems Development (ICSSD2024), Organized by Academic and Research Services Sdn. Bhd. – Malaysia, 7-8 July 2024, Erbil, Iraq.
  2. Chairman, Program for Technical Sessions I & II, All India Seminar on “Role of Mechanical Engineers for Mitigating Climate Change”, Organized by The Institution of Engineers (India), Assam State Center, Guwahati, August 19, 2023.
  3. Member Technical Committee, 9th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2023), Putra Jaya, Malaysia, 16th November 2023.
  4. Member Scientific Committee Chair, The 4th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME-2023), Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida, India, February 09-11, 2023.
  5. Member Technical Committee, 8th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2022), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24th November 2022.
  6. Member Scientific Committee, 1st Workshop on Active Bearings in Rotating Machinery - ABROM 2022, National Technical University of Athens and Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Athens, June 29 - July 1, 2022.
  7. Session Chair (Technical Session 3Q: Tribology in AI and ML): TRIBOINDIA 2021 - An International Virtual Tribology Conference, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala – 686532, India, 02 – 04 December, 2021.
  8. Member Technical Committee, 7th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2021), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 29th November 2021.
  9. Member Technical Program Committee, The 3rd International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM 2020), December 6-9, 2020, Online Conference.
  10. Member Technical Committee, 6th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2020), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 25th November 2020.
  11. Member Advisory Committee, International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Management Advances, ICTEMA 2020, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, West Bengal 735102, India, June 27-28, 2020.
  12. Member International Scientific Committee, 2020 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm (CMSA2020), June 21-22, 2020, Beijing, China.
  13. Member Organizing Committee (International Advisory): International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (IConETech-2020), organized by University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago, 13-15 March, 2020.
  14. Member Advisory Committee, 4th Railway Brake and Friction Conference 2019, organized by Department of Automobile Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 10 - 11, Dec 2019.
  15. Member Technical Committee, 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2019), Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 19th – 21st November 2019.
  16. Session Chair (1B: Bearing and Surface Engineering): Malaysia-Singapore Research Symposium 2019 (MS-2019), NUS, Singapore, 05 November 2019
  17. Member Advisory Committee: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Nanotechnology (ICAMEN), in Manipal University Jaipur, March 08-09, 2019.
  18. Member Organizing Committee (Internalization): 6thAsia International Conference on Tribology (ASIATRIB), in Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia, 17-20 September, 2018.
  19. Session Chair Bearings (Track: 2D): 6thAsia International Conference on Tribology (ASIATRIB), in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, 17-20 September, 2018.
  20. Member Technical Committee, 4th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2018), Melaka, Malaysia, 14th - 15th November 2018.
  21. Session Chair Tribology (Track: Special Symposium on Energy Aspects of Tribology for Sustainable Development) in 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM2017), in Melaka, Malaysia on 16-19 October 2017.
  22. Session Chair Fluid-film Bearings V (Track6: Engine and Transmission Tribology): Sixth World Tribology Congress (WTC 2017) in Beijing, China, September 17-22, 2017.
  23. Member Technical Committee, 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2017), Batu Ferringhi Beach, Penang, Malaysia, 22nd–23rd November, 2017.
  24. Member Technical Committee, 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23rd–24th November 2016.
  25. Session Chair Lubrication 4B: National Tribology Conference 2016, at IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India, 8 - 10 December 2016.
  26. Member Secretariat: 5th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability (ICPER2016), at KL Convention Centre, Malaysia, 15-17 August 2016.
  27. Session ChairSurface, Coatings and Interface C: Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015 (MITC2015) in Penang, 16-17 November 2015.
  28. Member International advisory: 2016 International Conference on Civil, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Technologies (ICCMEET 2016), in Coimbatore, India, Feb 26-27, 2016.
  29. Member Technical committee:National Conference on Design and Manufacturing for Product Life Cycle (DPLC 2016), Hyderabad, India, 19-20 March 2016.
  30. Member Technical Committee: 4th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability (ICPER2014) in KL Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 June 2014.
  31. Member Technical Committee: 3rd International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability (ICPER2012) in KL Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,12-14 June 2012.

Best Presentation/Poster Awards

  1. Certificate of best presentation awarded to Shahab Hamdavi for the paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and ProcessPlant Engineering (ICMMPE 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23–24 November 2016: S. Hamdavi, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, M. Muhammad, K. M. Faez, H. H. Ya “Linear Stability Analysis of Short Journal Bearing with an Axial Groove”.
  2. 3rd prize to Shahab Hamdavi for the poster presented at 1st tribology poster competition at Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya on 1st June 2016: S Hamdavi, H H Ya, T V V L N Rao, K M Faez"An Analytical Approach to Investigate the Effect of Grooved Surface on Journal Bearing's Hydrodynamic Performance".
  3. 5th prize to Ku Muhammad Faez for the poster presented at 1st tribology poster competition at Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya on 1st June 2016: K M Faez, S Hamdavi, H H Ya, T V V L N Rao "An Analytical Investigation of the Grooved Journal Bearing's Performance with Slip/No-Slip Texture Bearing".

Conference Proceedings

  1. Saikat Deb, Pulakesh Chetia, T V V L N Rao (Editors) “Recent Trends Fostering Future of Engineering”, Purbanchal Prakash, ISBN: 978-81-964605-4-9, 2023
  2. Ram Krishna, C Yuvaraj, T V V L N Rao (Editors) “International Conference on Materials, Energy and Mechanical Engineering 2021 (ICME2-2021)”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2715, Issue 1, 2023.

Book Series

  1. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao (Series Editors) “Advances in Design, Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2022.


  1. Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Masdi Muhammad, T V V L N Rao, Saeed Rubaiee, Anas Ahmed, Mohd Danish (Editors) “Conventional and Powder Mixed Electro-Discharge Machining for Potential Biomedical Applications”, Advances in Design, Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability (Series Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao), CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2024.
  2. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Mohd Hafis Sulaiman, J. Paulo Davim (Editors) “Tribology in Sustainable Manufacturing”, Manufacturing Design and Technology, (Series Editor Prof. J. Paulo Davim), CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2023.
  3. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao, Alessandro Ruggiero, J. Paulo Davim (Editors) “Industrial Tribology: Sustainable Machinery and Industry 4.0”, Manufacturing Design and Technology, (Series Editor Prof. J. Paulo Davim), CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Nov 2022.
  4. T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani (Editors) “Biotribology: Emerging Technologies and Applications”, Emerging Materials and Technologies Series (Series Editor Prof. Boris I. Kharissov), CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Oct 2021.
  5. T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani (Editors) “Green Tribology: Emerging Technologies and Applications”, Emerging Materials and Technologies Series (Series Editor Prof. Boris I. Kharissov), CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), Oct 2021.
  6. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, P Ramkumar, T V V L N Rao, J. Paulo Davim (Editors) “Tribology in Materials and Applications” Materials Forming, Machining and TribologySeries (Series Editor Prof. J. Paulo Davim), Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Book Chapters

  1. Jagannath Pattar, Malikasab Bagawan, Sumeet Hangargi, Pavan Balappa Bagali, T V V L N Rao, “Innovative Design and Development of a Four-Way Hacksaw Machine: A Design Thinking Perspective”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Development, Innovation and Green Technology (ICASDIGT-2024)”, Organized by Assam down town University, February 19-21, 2024, Nova Science Publishers, Accepted.
  2. Sreejaya. K.V, Nadra Al Harthy, Girma.T.Chala, T. V V L N Rao, “Effect of angle of inclination on the performance of Solar water heater –A case study in Muscat”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Development, Innovation and Green Technology (ICASDIGT-2024)”, Organized by Assam down town University, February 19-21, 2024, Nova Science Publishers, Accepted.
  3. Turali Narayana, Sheikh Shahid Saleem, M F Wani, Muddada Venkatesh, Himanshu Shekhar Gupta, T V V L N Rao, “Synergistic Enhancement of Tribological Performance in Ti64 Alloy with Textured Surfaces and MoS2 Nanoparticles”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Development, Innovation and Green Technology (ICASDIGT-2024)”, Organized by Assam down town University, February 19-21, 2024, Nova Science Publishers, Accepted.
  4. K Naveen Kumar, Utpal Barman, Patrick J Masset, T V V L N Rao, “Triboinformatic approaches for composite coatings on titanium alloys”, (Presented at the 11th International Conference on Industrial Tribology, IndiaTrib – 2022, 12-14 December 2022, New Delhi, India), Proceedings of International Conference on Industrial Tribology (ICIT) 2022, (IndiaTrib-2022), Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 235-243, 2024.
  5. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar, A Arul Jeya kumar, T V V L N Rao, “Analysis of limiting load capacity and stiffness coefficients of porous-bump-recess foil journal bearing”, (VETOMAC 2021, December 16 - 18, 2021, Bengaluru, India), Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, Volume I, Select Proceedings of VETOMAC XVI 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 453-461, 2023.
  6. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar, A Arul Jeya kumar, T V V L N Rao, “Limiting load capacity and stiffness coefficients of bump recess foil journal bearing with FGM”, (VETOMAC 2021, December 16 - 18, 2021, Bengaluru, India), Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery, Volume I, Select Proceedings of VETOMAC XVI 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 463-472, 2023.
  7. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravan kumar, A Arul Jeyakumar, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Limiting performance characteristics of textured functionally graded foil journal bearing”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Tribology in Sustainable Manufacturing”, Manufacturing Design and Technology, Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Mohd Hafis Sulaiman, J. Paulo Davim), pp. 266-278, 2023.
  8. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, M. H. Sulaiman, Utpal Barman, Patrick J Masset, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, "Recent Advances in Tribology of Sustainable Manufacturing", CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Tribology in Sustainable Manufacturing”, Manufacturing Design and Technology, Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Mohd Hafis Sulaiman, J. Paulo Davim), pp. 1-28, 2023.
  9. T V V L N Rao, Ainul Akmar Mokhtar, Masdi Muhammad, Hamdan Haji Ya “Analysis of Optimally Tuned Active Dynamic Vibration Absorber” (International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2020 (ICPER2020), Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, Sarawak from 13-15 July 2021), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, pp. 455-462, 2023.
  10. Alessandro Ruggiero, Marco De Stefano, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Squeaking in Total Hip Arthroplasty”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Industrial Tribology: Industrial Tribology: Sustainable Machinery and Industry 4.0, Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Alessandro Ruggiero, T V V L N Rao, J Paulo Davim), Nov 2022.
  11. Mohammed Shabbir Ahmed, K. Prabhakaran Nair, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ali Algahtani, “Static Analysis of Journal Bearing with Bionanolubricants Featuring Three-Layered Nanoadditive Couple Stress Fluids”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Industrial Tribology: Industrial Tribology: Sustainable Machinery and Industry 4.0, Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Alessandro Ruggiero, T V V L N Rao, J Paulo Davim), Nov 2022.
  12. T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, “Recent Developments in Biotribology”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Biotribology: Emerging Technologies and Applications, Editors: T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, part of Emerging Materials and Technologies Series - Series Editor: Boris I. Kharissov), Oct 2021.
  13. T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, “Future Outlooks in Biotribology”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Biotribology: Emerging Technologies and Applications, Editors: T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, part of Emerging Materials and Technologies Series - Series Editor: Boris I. Kharissov), Oct 2021.
  14. T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, “Recent Developments in Green Tribology”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Green Tribology: Emerging Technologies and Applications, Editors: T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, part of Emerging Materials and Technologies Series - Series Editor: Boris I. Kharissov), Oct 2021.
  15. T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, “Future Outlooks in Green Tribology”, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), (Green Tribology: Emerging Technologies and Applications, Editors: T V V L N Rao, Salmiah Kasolang, Guoxin Xie, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar,Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, part of Emerging Materials and Technologies Series - Series Editor: Boris I. Kharissov), Oct 2021.
  16. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim, “Multi-Lobe Journal Bearings Analysis with Limited Texture”CRC Press (Taylor & Francis),(Tribology and Sustainability, Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Mir Irfan Ul Haq, Ankush Raina, R Arvind Singh, S Jayalakshmi), Chapter 15, 2021.
  17. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang and Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim “Stability Analysis of Partial Slip Texture Journal Bearing” Springer Singapore (Proceedings of the6th National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics (NSRD 2019), CSIR-NAL, Bengaluru, July 2-3, 2019, Editors:J. S. Rao, V. Arun Kumar, Soumendu Jana), 2021, pp. 217-225.
  18. Shravankumar Chandrasekaran, Jegadeesan K and T. V. V. L. N.  Rao “Analysis of Rotor supported in Double porous Layered Journal Bearing with Gyroscopic Effects” Springer Singapore (Proceedings of the6th National Symposium on Rotor Dynamics (NSRD 2019), CSIR-NAL, Bengaluru, July 2-3, 2019, Editors:J. S. Rao, V. Arun Kumar, Soumendu Jana), 2021, pp. 65-75.
  19. Khan R., Ya H.H., Pao W., Rao T.V.V.L.N., Alam A., Azeem M. “Investigation of Maximum Erosion Zone in the Horizontal 90° Elbow”, In: Emamian S., Awang M., Yusof F. (eds) Advances in Manufacturing Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5753-8_21, 2020.
  20. Krishnan Subramaniam, Ananda krishna, Amer Nordin, Victor Amirtham, A.M.A Rani, T V V L N Rao “Design and Fabrication of a Parallel Mechanism for Foot/Ankle Rehabilitation Therapy”, (Advancement in Emerging Technologies and Engineering Applications, Editors: Saw, C.L., Woo, T.K., Salvinder Singh, K.S., Asmara Bin Salim, D., Presented at 2nd Regional Conference on Mechanical and Marine Engineering (ReMME’18) at Ipoh, Malaysia, 7th-9th November 2018), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, pp. 133-141, 2020.
  21. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Mokhtar Awang, Masri Baharom, Yoshimitsu Uemura “Biolubricants with Additives in Malaysia for Tribological Applications” Springer-Nature(Handbook of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications, Editors: Oxana Vasilievna Kharissova, Leticia Myriam Torres Martínez, Boris Ildusovich Kharisov), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11155-7_6-1, 2020.
  22. Shravankumar Chandrasekaran, Jegadeesan K and T. V. V. L. N.  Rao “Analysis of Rotor with Gyroscopic Effects supported on Surface Porous Layered Journal Bearing” Springer Applied Sciences (Tribology in Materials and Applications, Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, P Ramkumar, T V V L N Rao, J. Paulo Davim), pp. 261-277, 2020.
  23. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim “Analysis of Partial Texture Journal Bearing Lubricated using Micropolar and Power-law Fluids” Springer Applied Sciences (Tribology in Materials and Applications, Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, P Ramkumar, T V V L N Rao, J. Paulo Davim), pp. 211-225, 2020.
  24. Muhammad Nurshafiq Ramli, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Nabihah Sallih, Abdul Azeez Abdu Aliyu, T V V L N Rao, Vibration Analysis Methods for Misalignment and Tolerance Problems in Machine Systems: A Review, In: Awang M., Emamian S., Yusof F. (eds) Advances in Material Sciences and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore, pp. 57-66, 2020.
  25. T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani and Geetha Manivasagam “Squeeze Film Bearing Characteristics for Synovial Joint Applications” In: Bains P., Sidhu S., Bahraminasab M., Prakash C. (eds) Biomaterials in Orthopaedics and Bone Regeneration. Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials, Springer, Singapore, pp. 55-72, 2019.
  26. Abdul’Azeez Abdu Aliyu, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Turnad Lenggo Ginta, Chander Prakash, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Eugen Axinte and Sadaqat Ali “Synthesis and characterization of bioceramic oxide coating on Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be BMG by electro discharge process” (Manufacturing 2019, Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland, May 19-22, 2019), Springer Nature Switzerland (Advances in Manufacturing II, Eds.: B. Gapiński et al.), Vol. 4, , pp. 518–531, 2019.
  27. Sadaqat Ali, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Khurram Altaf, Patthi Hussain, Chander Prakash, Sri Hastuty, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Abdul’Azeez Abdu Aliyu and Krishnan Subramaniam “Investigation of alloy composition and sintering parameters on the corrosion resistance and microhardness of 316L stainless steel alloy” (Manufacturing 2019, Poznan  University  of  Technology, Poznan, Poland, May 19-22, 2019), In book: Energy Transfer and Dissipation in Plasma Turbulence, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-16943-5_45.
  28. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani,S. Sufian, N. M. Mohamed“Thin Film Hydrodynamic Bearing Analysis Using Nanoparticle Additive Lubricants” Springer International Publishing (Engineering Applications of Nanotechnology, Editors: Viswanatha Sharma Korada and Nor Hisham B. Hamid),pp. 149-173, 2017.



Journals (Work in Progress)

  1. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim “Stability Evaluation of Magnetohydrodynamic Journal Bearing with Partial Step Slip Texture” (International Tribology Conference Sendai 2019, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, September 17-21, 2019), Revision to be submitted to Tribology Online.
  2. K Naveen Kumar, Utpal Barman, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Alessandro Ruggiero, Andreas Almqvist, Patrick Masset, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Tribology on Society for Sustainable Development: An Overview”, "Tribology for Sustainability and Reliability", Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: Tribology, to be communicated.
  3. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar and TVVLN Rao, "State of Art on Sustainable Lubrication: Emerging Trends and Applications", (Special Issue "Sustainable Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication", Editors: Thomas Lohner, Roland Larsson), Lubricants, to be communicated.
  4. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Guoxin Xie, Lina Si “Thin Composite Film Lubrication Analysis of Slider Bearing Considering the Effects of Electric Double Layer and Partial Slip Texture”.
  5. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Mokhtar Awang, Masri Baharom, Yoshimitsu Uemura, "A Study of Cooperation between Malaysia and Japan towards Biolubricants Resources and Utilization for Sustainable Development".
  6. T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim “Magnetohydrodynamic Partial Slip Step Texture Slider and Journal Bearing Analysis Using Couple Stress Fluids”, (Malaysia-Singapore Research Symposium 2019 (MS-2019), NUS, Singapore, 05 November 2019).

Journals (Clarivate Analytics: SCI/SCIE)

  1. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar, A Arul Jeya kumar, T V V L N Rao, Triboinformatics of Texture Bump Recess Variable Compliance Foil Journal Bearing, Jurnal Tribologi, Accepted.
  2. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar, A Arul Jeya kumar, T V V L N Rao, Limiting Load Capacity and Stiffness Coefficients of Bump Recess Foil Journal Bearing with FGM, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, Vol. 12, 2024, pp. 9089–9095, 10.1007/s42417-024-01523-9.
  3. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao, “Guest Editorial: Sustainable tribology for reliability and efficiency”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1177/13506501231169548
  4. I Aatthisugan, R Murugesan, T V V L N Rao, “Influence of boron carbide content on dry sliding wear performances of AZ91D magnesium alloy”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol. 237, Issue 4, 2023, pp. 746–756.
  5. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao, Mir Irfan Ul Haq, Mohd Fadzli Bin Abdollah, “Guest Editorial: Tribology for Sustainability & Reliability”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2022, Volume 74, Issue 8, pp. 913-913.
  6. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Tomoko Hirayama, T V V L N Rao, “Guest Editorial: Influence of Engineering Tribology on Society”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol. 236, Issue 9, 2022, pp. 1721–1722
  7. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, “Guest Editorial: Impact of Tribology on Society”,Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 2022, Vol. 16, Issue 1, p. 1.
  8. Md Al-Amin, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, T.V.V.L.N Rao, Mohd Danish, Saeed Rubaiee, Abdullah bin Mahfouz, R.P Parameswari, M.F Wani “Investigation of machining and modified surface features of 316L steel through novel hybrid of HA/CNT added-EDM process”,  Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 276, 2022, 125320.
  9. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, Mir Irfan Ul Haq, Mohd Fadzli Bin Abdollah, “Guest Editorial: Tribology for Sustainability & Reliability”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2021, Volume 73, Issue 9, pp. 1131.
  10. Ghassan M J Al Kaisy, M Ibrahim A Mutalib, T V V L N Rao, Adolfo Senatore “Tribological Performance of Low Viscosity Halogen-Free Ammonium Based Protic Ionic Liquids with Carboxylate anions as Neat Lubricants”, (Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium scheduled on November 5th-7th, 2020), Tribology International, Volume 160, 2021, 107058.
  11. Md Al-Amin, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Rasel Ahmed, TVVLN Rao, “Multiple-objective optimization of hydroxyapatite-added EDM technique for processing of 316L-steel”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Volume 36, Issue 10, 2021, pp. 1134-1145.
  12. Md Al-Amin, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Mohd Danish, Harvey M Thompson, Abdul Azeez Abdu Aliyu, Sri Hastuty, Fatema Tuj Zohura, Michael G Bryant, Saeed Rubaiee, TVVLN Rao, “Assessment of PM-EDM cycle factors influence on machining responses and surface properties of biomaterials: A comprehensive review”, Precision Engineering, Vol. 66, 2020, pp. 531-549.
  13. Sadaqat Ali, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Zeeshan Baig, Ghulam Hussain, Syed Waqar Ahmed, Krishnan Subramaniam, Sri Hastuty, T.V.V.L.N Rao “Biocompatibility and corrosion resistance of metallic biomaterials: A review”, Corrosion Reviews, 2020, 2020; 38(5): 381–402.
  14. Krishnan Jegadeesan, Shankar Krishnapillai, Renold Elsen, Shravankumar Chandrasekaran, T V V L N Rao, "Design and Optimization of Laminated Composite Plate for Maximum Fundamental Frequency", SAE Technical Paper, 2020-28-0502, 2020.
  15. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim “Static and Stability Analysis of Partial Slip Texture Multi-lobe Journal Bearings” (Sixth World Tribology Congress (WTC 2017) in Beijing, China, September 17-22, 2017) iMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2020, Vol. 234, Issue 4, pp. 567–587.
  16. Abdullah Jamil, Masri Baharom, Tamiru Alemu Lemma, T. V. V. L. N Rao “Experimental testing and thermal analysis of coupler-rocker ball bearing” Thermal Science, Vol. 24, No. 6A, 2020, pp. 3781-3793.
  17. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim “Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic Partial Slip Laser Bump Texture Slider and Journal Bearing” (6th Asia International Conference on Tribology, Kuching, Malaysia, 17-20 September 2018), Proceedings of the iMechE, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol. 233, Issue. 12, 2019,pp. 1921-1938.
  18. Abdul Azeez Abdu Aliyu, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Turnad Lenggo Ginta, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Eugen Axinte, Sri Hastuty, Krishnan Subramaniam, R.P. Parameswari, Jamuna R. Subramaniam, S.P. Thyagarajan “In-vitro cytotoxicity and wear investigation of hydroxyapatite coating synthesized on Zr-based BMG by Electro Discharge process” Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 370, 2019, pp. 213-226.
  19. Abdul Azeez Abdu Aliyu, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Turnad Lenggo Ginta, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Nagarajan Selvamurugan, Sandipan Roy “Hydroxyapatite Mixed-Electro Discharge Deposition of Bioceramic Lakargiite (CaZrO3) on Metallic Glass for orthopedic application” Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2018, Vol. 33, No. 16, 1734–1744.
  20. A. Senatore and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Partial Slip Texture Slider and Journal Bearing Lubricated with Newtonian fluids: A Review”, Journal of Tribology, 140(4), 2018, 040801-1-20.
  21. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Mokhtar Awang, Masri Baharom, Yoshimitsu Uemura, “An Overview of Research on Biolubricants in Malaysia and Japan for Tribological Applications” (5th International Conference and Exhibition on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials (ICE-SEAM2017), in Melaka, Malaysia on 16-19 October 2017) Jurnal Tribologi, 2018,Vol. 18, pp.40-57.
  22. Ghassan M.J. Al Kaisy, M.I. Abdul Mutalib, T.V.V.L.N. Rao “Novel halogen free hydrophobic trioctylammonium-based protic ionic liquids with carboxylate anions: Synthesis, characterization, and thermophysical properties”, Journal of Molecular Liquids,Vol. 242, 2017, pp. 349-356.
  23. Ghassan M J Al Kaisy, M. Ibrahim A Mutalib, J M Leveque, T V V L N Rao “Novel low viscosity ammonium-based ionic liquids with carboxylate anions: Synthesis, characterization, and thermophysical properties”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Vol. 230, 2017, pp. 565–573.
  24. T.V.V.L.N. Rao, A.M.A. Rani, M. Awang, F.M. Hashim “Stability Evaluation of Three-layered Journal Bearing with Slip/Partial Slip”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Vol.69, No. 3, 2017, pp. 334-341.
  25. Mas Irfan P. Hidayat, Bambang Ariwahjoedi, Setyamartana Parman, T V V L N Rao “Meshless Local B-spline Collocation Method for Heat Conduction Problems with Spatially Non-homogeneous and Time Dependent Heat Sources” Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 139, No. 7, 2017, 071302-071302-11.
  26. S. Hamdavi, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, M. Muhammad, K. M. Faez, H. H. Ya“Linear stability analysis of short journal bearing with an axial groove: Lineare Stabilitätsanalyse von Kurzgleitlagern mit einer axialen Nut” (2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and ProcessPlant Engineering (ICMMPE 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23–24 November 2016),Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik (Material Science and Engineering Technology), Vol. 48, No. 3-4, 2017, pp. 210-217.
  27. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani, M Awang, T Nagarajan, F M Hashim “Stability Analysis of Double Porous and Surface Porous Layer Journal Bearing,” Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 2016,Vol. 10, No. 1, 2016, pp 19-25.
  28. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani, T Nagarajan, F M Hashim “Analysis of Micropolar and Power-law Fluid Lubricated Slider and Journal Bearing withPartial Slip – Partial Slip Texture Configuration” Tribology Transactions, Vol. 59, No. 5, 2016, pp 896-910.
  29. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Couple Stress Fluid Lubricated Partially Textured Slip Slider and Journal Bearing using Narrow Groove Theory”, Tribology International, Vol. 69, 2014, pp. 1-9.
  30. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Journal Bearing with Double-Layer Porous Lubricant Film: Influence of Surface Porous Layer Configuration”, Tribology Transactions, Vol. 56, No. 5, 2013, pp. 841-847.
  31. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Stability Characteristics of Misaligned Journal Bearing,” Advances in Vibration Engineering (Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies), Vol. 11, No. 4, 2012, pp. 361-370.
  32. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Slider and Journal Bearing using Partially Textured Slip Surface”, Tribology International, Vol. 56, 2012, pp. 121-128.
  33. T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Stabilization of Journal Bearing using Two-layered Film Lubrication” Journal of Tribology, Vol. 134, No. 1, 2012, pp. 014504.
  34. T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Analysis of single-grooved slider and journal bearing with partial slip surface” Journal of Tribology, Vol. 132, No. 1, 2010, 014501.
  35. T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Theoretical prediction of journal bearing stability characteristics based on the extent of slip region on bearing surface” Tribology Transactions, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2009, pp. 750 – 758.
  36. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and K. Athre “Active Control of the Stability of Flexible Rotor Supported on Journal Bearings,” Advances in Vibration Engineering (Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies), Vol. 7, No. 3, 2008, pp. 275 – 281.
  37. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and J. T. Sawicki, “Stability Analysis of a Rough Journal Bearing Considering Cavitation Effects” Vol. 127, 2005, Journal of Tribology, pp. 112-119.
  38. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and J. T. Sawicki, “Stability Analysis of Floating Ball Bearing” (STLE 2004 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, May 17 – 20, 2004, Toronto), Tribology Transactions, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2004, pp. 543-548.
  39. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Transient Analysis of Hydrodynamic Grooved Journal Bearing,” (VETOMAC 2 – Vibration Engineering and Technology of Rotating Machinery, 16 – 18th December, 2002, BARC, Mumbai), Advances in Vibration Engineering (Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2004, pp. 97-106.
  40. J. T. Sawicki, and T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Cavitation Effects on the Stability of a Submerged Journal Bearing,” (IFToMM Sixth International Conference on Rotordynamics, September 30 – October 4, 2002, pp. 652 – 658, Sydney),  International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2004, pp. 227 – 232.
  41. J. T. Sawicki, and T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “A Nonlinear Model For Prediction Of The Dynamic Coefficients In A Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing,” (ISROMAC 9- DD-ABS-102, February 10-14, 2002, Honolulu, Hawaii), International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Vol. 10, No. 6, 2004, pp. 507 – 513.
  42. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and J. T. Sawicki, “Stability Characteristics of Herringbone Grooved Journal Bearings Incorporating Cavitation Effects” (STLE/ASME International Tribology Conference 2003, October 26 –29, 2003, Florida), Journal of Tribology, Vol. 126, No.2, pp.281 – 287.
  43. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and J. T. Sawicki, “Dynamic Coefficients Prediction in Multilobe Journal Bearings Using Mass Conservation Algorithm” (58th STLE Annual Meeting, April 28 – May 1, 2003, in New York), Tribology Transactions, Vol. 46, 2003, pp. 414 – 420.
  44. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and J. T. Sawicki, “Linear Stability Analysis of a Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing Considering Cavitation Effects,” (57th STLE Annual Meeting, May 19 – 23, 2002, in Houston, Texas), Tribology Transactions, Vol. 45, 2002, pp. 450 -456.
  45. J. T. Sawicki, and T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Nonlinear Prediction of Rotordynamic Coefficients for a hydrodynamic journal bearing,” (STLE Preprint No. 01-AM-16), Tribology Transactions, Vol. 44, 2001, pp. 367 – 374.
  46. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Biswas and K. Athre, “A methodology for dynamic coefficients and nonlinear response of multi lobe journal bearings,” Tribology Transactions, Vol. 44, 2001, pp. 111 – 117.
  47. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, H. Hirani, S. Biswas and K. Athre, “An analytical approach to evaluate dynamic coefficients and nonlinear analysis of a hydrodynamic journal bearing,” Tribology Transactions, Vol. 43, 2000, pp. 109-115.
  48. H. Hirani, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Biswas and K. Athre, “Rapid performance evaluation of journal bearings,” Tribology International, Vol. 30, No. 11, 1997, pp. 825-834.

Journals (Scopus Indexed)

  1. S. Bhanusathvik Kiran, Ram Krishna, D. Bhanuprakashreddy, M. Divya, A. Arun Kumar Yadav, P. Suresh, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ilhami Colak, Structural analysis of grey iron nose leg component produced by lost foam casting, (Presented at International Conference on Materials, Energy and Mechanical Engineering 2021 (ICME2-2021), MITS, Madanapalle, 17 - 18 December 2021), AIP Conference Proceedings 2715, 1, 020003, 2023.
  2. P. Vishnu Vardhan, C. Venkata Akhlieswar Reddy, Ram Krishna, N. Yogeshwar Reddy, K. Santhosh Kumar, B. Sravan Kumar, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Machine learning applications for early-stage diagnosis of diabatic patients, (Presented at International Conference on Materials, Energy and Mechanical Engineering 2021 (ICME2-2021), MITS, Madanapalle, 17 - 18 December 2021), AIP Conference Proceedings 2715, 1, 020006, 2023.
  3. Arvind K. Agrawal, Charan Kumar, Hemanth Sai, Sarandeep, Sreekanth Babu, Vineeth Kumar Naik, T. V. V. L. N Rao, Study of deformation behaviour on axial compression of aluminium tubes, (Presented at International Conference on Materials, Energy and Mechanical Engineering 2021 (ICME2-2021), MITS, Madanapalle, 17 - 18 December 2021), AIP Conference Proceedings 2715, 1, 020012, 2023.
  4. Ram Krishna, Syed Akram, Panchangam Madhuri, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Machine learning application in evaluation of graphite plates, (Presented at International Conference on Materials, Energy and Mechanical Engineering 2021 (ICME2-2021), MITS, Madanapalle, 17 - 18 December 2021), AIP Conference Proceedings 2715, 1, 020018, 2023.
  5. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar and T V V L N Rao “Limiting stiffness coefficients analysis of texture foil journal bearing”, (3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, February 24 – 29, 2020), IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 912, 022031, 2020.
  6. J. Prabu, Pavuluri Uday, M. Solairaju, C. Shravankumar, K. Jegadeesan, T.V.V.L.N. Rao “Mathematical simulation of vibration signature of ball bearing defect in a rotor bearing system”, (3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, February 24 – 29, 2020), IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 912, 022034, 2020.
  7. Pavuluri Uday, J. Prabu, M. Solairaju, C. Shravankumar, K. Jegadeesan, T.V.V.L.N. Rao “Estimation of critical speeds of cracked rotor supported on ball bearings”, (3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, February 24 – 29, 2020), IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 912, 022033, 2020.
  8. T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani and Geetha Manivasagam "Squeeze Film Analysis of Three-layered Parallel Plate and Partial Journal Bearing Lubricated with Couple Stress Fluids for Skeletal Joint Applications", (International conference on BioMaterials, BioEngineering, and BioTheranostics (BioMET 2018), Vellore, India, 24th -28th July 2018), Materials Today: Proceedings,Vol. 15, No.2, 2019,pp. 328-335.
  9. Abdul'azeez Abdu Aliyu, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Turnad Lenggo Ginta, T.V.V.L.N Rao, Eugen Axinte, Sadaqat Ali, Muhammad Ramli “Hydroxyapatite Electro Discharge Coating of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass for Potential Orthopedic Application” (4th International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2018), Melaka, Malaysia, 14th – 15th November 2018), Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 796, pp. 123-128, 2019.
  10. T V V L N Rao, Ainul Akmar Mokhtar, Masdi Muhammad, Hamdan Haji Ya “Analysis of Piston-Cylinder Dashpot Damping Constant with Slip and Couple Stress Fluid” (TRIBOINDIA-2018, An International Conference on Tribology, VJTI, Mumbai, India, 13th–15thDecember 2018), Available at SSRN 3322412, 2018.
  11. Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Abdul Azeez Abdu Aliyu, Sri Hastuty, Turnad Lenggo Ginta, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and Sadaqat Ali, “Enhancing surface quality of Zr-Cu-Ni-Ti-Be through hydroxyapatite mixed EDM for potential orthopedic application”(6th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2018 (ICPER 2018) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 - 14 August 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 2035, 080010.
  12. H. Ab Adzis, A. M. Abdul-Rani, Kong Yien Yi, B. T. Maulianda, and T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Effect of back rake angle and shape on wear rate of PDC cutter in hard formation” (6th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2018 (ICPER 2018) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13 - 14 August 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 2035, 060005.
  13. K. M. Faez, S. Hamdavi, T. V. V. L. N Rao, and H. H. Ya, "Performance Analysis of Grooved Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing With Multi-Depth Textured Surface" (3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Plant Engineering Batu Ferringhi Beach, Penang, Malaysia, 22nd–23rd November 2017), International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, 2018, Vol. 10, No 2, pp. 142-145, http://dx.doi.org/10.4273/ijvss.10.2.13.
  14. Farooq I Azam, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Khurram Altaf, T.V.V.L.N Rao, Haizum Aimi Zaharin, "An In-Depth Review on Direct Additive Manufacturing of Metals" (3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Plant Engineering Batu Ferringhi Beach, Penang, Malaysia, 22nd–23rd November 2017), IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering,2018,328,012005.
  15. K. M. Faez, S. Hamdavi, TVVLN Rao, H. H. Ya “Performance Analysis of Long Grooved Journal Bearing with Slip, No-Slip, and Slip/No-Slip Textured Surface Configurations” (2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and ProcessPlant Engineering (ICMMPE 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23–24 November 2016), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,2017, Vol. 12,No. 20, pp. 5794-5798.
  16. S Krishnan, AM Abdul-Rani, T Nagarajan, TVVLN Rao “Early Mobilization using Heat treated Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) for Rehabilitation Phases,” (2016 International Conference on Smart Materials Technologies (ICSMT 2016) at Moscow, Russia, 18-20 May 2016), Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 724, 2017, pp. 112-116.
  17. AM Abdul-Rani, S Krishnan, T Nagarajan, TVVLN Rao“Inverse Kinematics - Stewart Platform Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy for Immobilization of Ankle-Foot Rehabilitation,” (2016 International Conference on Smart Materials Technologies (ICSMT 2016) at Moscow, Russia, 18-20 May 2016), Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 724, 2017, pp. 105-111.
  18. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani, M Awang, F M Hashim “Load Capacity Coefficient Evaluation of Three-layered Journal Bearing,” Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 78, No. 6–10, 2016, pp 39–43.
  19. T V V L N Rao, Ainul Akmar Mokhtar, Masdi Muhammad, Patthi Hussain “Optimally Tuned Active Damped Dynamic Vibration Absorber” (5th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2016 (ICPER 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15–17 August 2016),ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 11,No. 22, 2016, pp. 13380-13383.
  20. K M Faez, S Hamdavi, H H Ya, T V V L N Rao “An Analytical Investigation of the Grooved Journal Bearing's Performance with Slip/No-Slip Texture Bearing” (5th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2016 (ICPER 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 - 17 August 2016), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 11,No. 22, 2016, pp. 12990-12993.
  21. S Hamdavi, H H Ya, T V V L N Rao, K M Faez “An Analytical Approach to Investigate the Effect of Grooved Surface on Short Journal Bearing's Performance” (5th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2016 (ICPER 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 - 17 August 2016), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 11,No. 20, 2016, pp. 12045-12049.
  22. Prasanth Kumar, T V V L N Rao, M B Baharom “Microstructure Based Finite Element Analysis for Deformation Behaviour of Magnesium Based Composites” (5th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2016 (ICPER 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 - 17 August 2016), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 11,No. 22, 2016, pp. 12967-12972.
  23. Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Alexis Mouangue Nanimina, Turnad Lenggo Ginta, T V V L N Rao, S R Pedapati “Application of Nano Aluminum in Modified EDM: PMEDM” (5th International Conference on Production, Energy and Reliability 2016 (ICPER 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15 - 17 August 2016), ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 11,No. 20, 2016, pp. 12117-12121.
  24. M.A. Razak, A.M. Abdul-Rani, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, S.R. Pedapati, S. Kamal “Electrical Discharge Machining on Biodegradable AZ31 Magnesium Alloy using Taguchi method”  Procedia Engineering (4th International Conference on Process Engineering and Advanced Materials 2016 (ICPEAM 2016) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 15–17 August 2016), Vol. 148, 2016, pp 916-922.
  25. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Porous Layered Journal Bearing Lubricated with Ferrofluid”, (7thInternational Meeting on Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT 2014), at Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia, 26-27 November, 2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol. 819, 2016, pp 474-478.
  26. M A Omer, T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Effect of Additive Volume Fraction on a Fluid Film Pressure and Load of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearing using Ferromagnetic Fluid” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Plant Engineering (ICMMPE 2015) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24 - 26 November 2015), Vol. 11, No. 6, 2016, pp. 4203-4207.
  27. Shahab Hamdavi, Hamdan B Ya, T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Effect of Surface Texturing on Hydrodynamic Performance of Journal Bearings” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and ProcessPlant Engineering (ICMMPE 2015) at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 24 - 26 November 2015), Vol. 11, No. 1, 2016, pp 172-176.
  28. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani, S Sufian, N M Mohamed “Analysis of CNT Additives in Porous Layered Thin Film Lubrication with Electric Double Layer”, (23rd Scientific Conference of the Microscopy Society Malaysia 2014 (SCMSM 2014), at UTP, Malaysia, 10-12 December 2014), AIP Conf. Proc., 2015, 1669, 020034.
  29. T. Nagarajan, S.Krishnan, A.M.A Rani, Victor Amirtham,T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Winson Ambaraj, Ramanathan Ramiah “A Novel Approach of using SMA Wires Actuated Stewart Platform for Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) of Ankle Rehabilitation Therapy” (2nd International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference (MIMEC2015), at Bali, Indonesia, 4 – 6 February 2015), Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1125, 2015, pp 494-498.
  30. Rosli Hj Yusof, T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Analysis of the Stability of Elliptical Journal Bearings Under Vapor Cavitation Erosion”, (6th International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies, at Melaka, Malaysia, 6-7 March 2015), Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vols. 789-790, 2015, pp 239-243.
  31. Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Nasiruddin Zhariff Bin Rasip, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Khurram Altaf “Overcoming Limitation in DFM using Layer Manufacturing”, (5th International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2014), at Bandung, Indonesia, 29-30 October 2004), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 660, 2014, pp 94-98.
  32. Majid Moayedfar, A. M. Abdul-Rani, Pouria Salehi, T.V.V.L.N. Rao “Comparative study between programming systems for Incremental Sheet Forming process”, (2014 4thInternational Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 June, 2014), MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 04009. 
  33. M.R.Lias, M Awang, T V V L N Rao, M F A Ahmad, S Patil “Evaluation of Spur Gear Pair on Tooth Root Bending Stress in Radial Misalignment Contact Condition”,(2014 4thInternational Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 June, 2014), MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 04010.
  34. M. A. Omer, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Pressure Distribution in a Journal Bearing Lubricated with Additives”, (2014 4thInternational Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 June, 2014), MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 05006.
  35. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, M. Awang, M. R. Lias, A. M. A. Rani, “Nonlinear Analysis of Spur Gear Pair with Time Varying Mesh Stiffness”, (2014 4thInternational Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 June, 2014), MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 04032.
  36. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Two-Layered Journal Bearing Lubricated with Ferrofluid”, (2014 4thInternational Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 June, 2014), MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 04031.
  37. A.M. Abdul-Rani, M.Zamri Ismail, M.Ariff Zaky, M.Hariz M.Noor, Y.Y. Zhun, K. Ganesan, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, Subhash Kamal, T.L. Ginta“Improving Rate of Penetration for PDC Drill Bit using Reverse Engineering”, (2014 3rd International Conference on Machine Design and Manufacturing Engineering(3rd ICMDME 2014)atJeju Island, South Korea, May.24-25, 2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 607, 2014, pp. 153-160.
  38. M.R. Lias, M Awang, T V V L N Rao, M Fadhil “Evaluation of Spur Gear Pair on Tooth Root Bending Stress in Yawing Misalignment Contact Condition”, (2014 5th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology at Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia, 7-8, June, 2014), Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 980, 2014, pp. 97-101.
  39. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Two-Layered Film Journal Bearing with Partial Slip Surface”, (International Manufacturing Engineering Conference (iMEC) 2013, at Gambang, Kuantan, Malaysia, July 1-3, 2013), Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 903, 2014, pp. 215-220.
  40. Alexis Mouangue Nanimina, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, Turnad Lenggo Ginta, T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Influence of Workpiece Shape on MRR and EWR in EDM of steel”, (International Manufacturing Engineering Conference (iMEC) 2013, at Kuantan, Malaysia, July 1-3, 2013), Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 903, 2014, pp. 51-55.
  41. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Sufian, N. M. Mohamed “Analysis of Electric Double Layer on Thin Film Lubrication with Partial Slip”, (BOND21, Joint International Conference on Nanoscience, Engineering, and Management, at Penang, Malaysia, 19 - 21August, 2013), Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 925, 2014, pp. 538-542.
  42. Mas Irfan P Hidayat, Bambang A Wahjoedi, Setyamartana P, Puteri S M Megat Yusoff, T V V L N Rao “Meshless Local B-spline Basis Functions-FD Method and its Application for Heat Conduction Problem with Spatially Varying Heat Generation”, (4thInternational Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, at Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia, 17-19December, 2013), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 465, 2014, pp. 490-495.
  43. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Load Capacity of Partially Textured Slip Parallel Slider and Concentric Journal Bearing Using Narrow Groove Theory”, (The Malaysia International Tribology Conference (MITC) 2013, at Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, November 18-20, 2013), Procedia Engineering, Vol. 68, 2013, pp. 63-69.
  44. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Couple Stress Fluid Lubricated Journal Bearing with Partial Slip Surface”, 2013 IEEE Business Engineering & Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC), at Langkawi, Malaysia, April 7-9, 2013, pp. 807-811.
  45. M. R. Lias, M. Awang, T. V. V. L. N. Rao “A Numerical FEM Solution of Gear Root Stress in Offset Axial Mesh Misalignment”, (International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME) 2013, at Malacca, Malaysia, 28-29August, 2013), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 393, 2013, pp. 375-380.
  46. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Sufian, N. M. Mohamed “Analysis of Nanoparticle Additive Couple Stress Fluids in Three-layered Journal Bearing”, (The 3rd ISESCO International Workshop and Conference on Nanotechnology (IWCN 2012), at UKM, Bangi, Malaysia, 5 - 7 December, 2012), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 431 (1), 2013, pp. 012023.
  47. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Load Capacity of Partially Textured Journal Bearing with Trapezoidal Recess”, (3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, at UTHM, Batu Pahat, Malaysia, 20-21 November, 2012), Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol. 315, 2013, pp. 830-834.
  48. S. Krishnan, Victor Amritham, T. Nagarajan, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Experimental Investigation  - Natural Fiber Braided Sleeve for Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs) Actuation”, (3rd International Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June, 2012), Asian Journal of Scientific Research,Vol. 6, No. 3, 2013, pp. 596-602.
  49. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Journal Bearing Considering the Effects of Surface Layer and Couple Stress Fluids”, (3rd International Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June, 2012), Asian Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2013, pp. 315-322.
  50. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Two-layered Porous Journal Bearing Using the Brinkman Model”, (3rd International Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June, 2012), Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 24, 2012, pp. 2610-2615.
  51. S. Krishnan, T. Nagarajan, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Silk Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (SPAM) Construction for Bio-medical Engineering Application”, 2012 IEEE Business Engineering & Industrial Applications Colloquium (BEIAC), at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 7-8, 2012, pp. 302-306.
  52. M. R. Lias, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, M. Awang, M. A. Khan “The Stress Distribution of Gear Tooth Due to Axial Misalignment Condition”, (3rd International Conference on Production Energy and Reliability, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June, 2012), Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 23, 2012, pp. 2404-2410.
  53. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Partially Textured Slider and Journal Bearing Analysis”, Jurnal Teknologi (Science and Engineering), Vol. 58, 2012, pp. 77-84.
  54. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Partially Textured Slider and Journal Bearing”, (4th International Meeting of Advances in Thermofluids (IMAT) 2011, at Melaka, Malaysia, October 3-4, 2011), AIP Conf. Proc. 2012, 1440, 273.
  55. C. M. Parveen, A. R. P. Kumar, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Integration of lean and green supply chain-Impact on manufacturing firms in improving environmental efficiencies”, (International Conference on Green technology and environmental Conservation (GTEC-2011), at Chennai, India, December 15-17, 2011), IEEE Conf. Proc., 143-147 (2011).
  56. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Optimal batch size in a single-stage and optimal number of kanbans in a multi-stage JIT production-delivery system with rework consideration”, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010, pp. 56 – 80.
  57. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Optimal batch sizing, quality improvement and rework for an imperfect production system with inspection and restoration”,European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, 2009, pp. 305 – 335.
  58. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “A JIT integrated inventory model for a buyer and a vendor considering the impact of quality improvement”, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2009, pp. 210 – 227.
  59. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “An integrated approach to design and analysis of lean manufacturing system: a perspective of lean supply chain”, International Journal of Services and Operations Management, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2009, pp. 175 – 208.
  60. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “The value of setup cost reduction and quality improvement on the optimal production run length and inspection schedules in a deteriorating production process”, International Journal of Enterprise Network Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009, pp. 1 – 22.
  61. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Optimal cycle length and number of inspections in an imperfect production processes with investment on setup cost reduction and quality improvement”, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2009, pp. 17 – 36.
  62. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Managing quality improvement, setup cost and lead time reductions in a just-in-time integrated inventory model”, International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2008, pp. 147 – 156.
  63. M. Parveen and T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Pricing, Investment and Order Quantity Decisions in Collaboration between a Manufacturer and a Retailer”, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2008, pp. 141 – 176.

Journals (Google Scholar indexed)

  1. Samewan Lyngdoh, Biswajyoti Das, TVVLN Rao, Nanomaterials for Flexible Batteries and Supercapacitors: A Brief Review on its Development, Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (AMRIT), 3(2), 2024, 140-143
  2. Zohura, F. T., Naher, N., Sultana, T., & Rao, T. V. V. L. N. Study on the effect of drought and waterlogging conditions on yield and growth of three local varieties of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science, 9(4), 2024, 661-666.
  3. Ananya Kalita and T.V.V.L.N. Rao, An Overview of Fluid-Structure Interaction: Modelling, Finite Element Method and Applications, Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (AMRIT), Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2023, pp. 93 – 105.
  4. Ahmad Majdi Abd Rani, Kong Kai Vern, Azri Hamim Ab Adzis, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Effect Of Size And Geometry of Polycrystalline Diamond Cutter (PCD) on Wear Rate in Multilayer Formation, Science International, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2017, pp. 529-534.
  5. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Ferrofluid Lubricated Partial Porous Layered Journal Bearing Analysis”, Jurnal Mekanikal, Vol 38, 2015, pp 1-6.
  6. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, A. M. A. Rani, T. Nagarajan, F. M. Hashim “Analysis of Grooved Journal Bearing With Partial Slip Surface”, (Regional Tribology Conference 2011, at Langkawi, Malaysia, November 22-24, 2011), Engineering e-Transactions, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2011, pp. 183-190.
  7. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Biswas and K. Athre, “Derivation of nonlinear coefficients in multi lobe journal bearings,” Applied Mechanics and Engineering, (Poland), Vol. 4, 1999, pp. 57-66.



  1. Aatthisugan I, Murugesan R, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, Effects of boron carbide reinforcement on corrosion properties of AZ91D magnesium matrix composites, 5th International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2024), Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, 20-22 March 2024.
  2. J. Prabu, C. Shravankumar and T V V L N Rao. Digital Twinning of a flexible rotor with multiple faults for condition monitoring, 18ᵗʰ International Conference on Vibration Engineering & Technology Of Machinery, VETOMAC 2023, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, 18th - 20th December, 2023.
  3. Jiasha Nath, Jyotirmoy Baruah, Eirene Baruah, Partha Pratim Sarkar, Devabrata Sarmah, T V V L N Rao. IOT-Based Smart Waste Management System Integrated with Machine Learning, International Conference on Applications in Machine Learning and Data Science 2023 (ICAMLDS 2023), Assam down town University, Guwahati, November 30, 2023.
  4. Md Al-Amin, Ahmad Majdi Abdul-Rani, M. F. Wani, R. P. Parameswari, T.V.V.L.N. Rao. A comparative study on Tribological properties of coated 316L steel using powder mixed-EDM technique, TriboIndia-2023, NIT Srinagar, Kashmir, October 5-7, 2023.
  5. Arokya Agustin, C Shravan Kumar, A Arul Jeyakumar, T. V. V. L. N. Rao. Load capacity prediction of textured foil journal bearing using ANN, 5th MYTRIBOS International Symposium, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, 24 August 2023.
  6. Prabu J, Shravankumar C, Jegadeesan K, TVVLN Rao, “Mathematical simulation of vibration signature of the defective bearing element”, Proceedings of the XVII Vibration Engineering & Technology of Machinery Conference, VETOMAC 2022, December 15 - 17, 2022, Institute of Engineering Pulchowk, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
  7. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Prospects of micro-algal research and development in Assam with special reference to Guwahati eco-system”, Guwahati Conclave, 11th June, 2022.
  8. Mohammed Shabbir Ahmed, K. Prabhakaran Nair, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Ali Algahtani, “Dynamic Analysis of Journal Bearing with Bionanolubricants: Influence of Three-layered Couple Stress Nanoadditive Fluids”, The 4th MYTRIBOS International Symposium, UiTM Penang, 16 August 2022, Malaysia.
  9. T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar “Static analysis of partial slip texture slider and journal bearing considering thermal effects”, 7th World Tribology Congress (WTC 2022), Lyon, France, July 10-15, 2022.
  10. C. Shravankumar, P. Uday, J. Prabu, K. Jegadeesan and TVVLN Rao, Crack detection in a shaft-rotor-bearing system based on frequency domain responses, 2nd Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium 2021, 8th – 10th December 2021.
  11. Mohammed Shabbir Ahmed, K.Prabhakaran Nair, TVVLN Rao, Ali Algahtani, Modeling of Date Seed Oil blends with HNT additives and Application in Journal Bearings, 2nd Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium 2021, 8th – 10th December 2021.
  12. Aatthisugan I, Murugesan R, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, Influence of boron carbide content on dry sliding wear performances of AZ91D magnesium alloy, 2nd Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium 2021, 8th – 10th December 2021.
  13. J. Prabu, C. Shravankumar, J. K. Katiyar, TVVLN Rao, A Mathematical Model for Condition Monitoring of Bearings With Pitting And Surface Waviness Defects in Raceway, TRIBOINDIA 2021 - An International Virtual Tribology Conference, Saintgits College of Engineering, Kerala, 02 – 04 December, 2021
  14. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, C. Gachot, “Analysis of Partial Slip Texture Geometries in Slider and Journal Bearing using Gauss Quadrature Method”, MITC 2020: The 3rd Malaysian International Tribology Conference, in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia, 5-7 July 2021.
  15. S Arokya Agustin, A Arul Jeyakumar, C Shravankumar, T V V L N Rao, “Limiting Stiffness Coefficient Analysis of FGM Texture Bump Foil Journal Bearing”, Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium, 5th–7th November 2020.
  16. C. Shravankumar, P. Uday, J. Prabu, M. Solairaju, K. Jegadeesan, TVVLN Rao “Critical Speeds and Frequency Responses Analysis of a Cracked Rotor on Bearings”,  Presented at Virtual International Tribology Research Symposium scheduled on November 5th-7th, 2020.
  17. Dhananjay Pise, C. Shravankumar, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, "An Overview of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites for Automobile Applications", Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Research Day (MERD'20), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Melaka, pp. 14-15, 16 December 2020.
  18. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar and T V V L N Rao “Load Capacity of Recess Foil Journal Bearing”,Virtual International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology (IConETech-2020), University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, June 1 - 5, 2020.
  19. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar and T V V L N Rao "Analysis of limiting load capacity of porous foil journal bearing", Research Day 2020, SRMIST, Kattankulathur, February 28, 2020.
  20. S Arokya Agustin, C Shravankumar and T V V L N Rao “Analysis of Load Capacity of Texture Foil Journal Bearing” IndiaTrib-2019, 10th International Conference on Industrial Tribology, IISc, Bangalore, India, 1-4 December 2019.
  21. Shravankumar Chandrasekaran, Jegadeesan K and T. V. V. L. N.  Rao “Analysis of Cracked Rotor with Gyroscopic Effects supported on Textured Journal Bearings” Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Gas Turbine India Conference. Volume 1: Compressors, Fans, and Pumps; Turbines; Heat Transfer; Structures and Dynamics. Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. December 5–6, 2019. V001T05A001. ASME.
  22. Jegadeesan K, Shravankumar Chandrasekaran and T. V. V. L. N.  Rao “Analysis of Cracked Rotor supported on Porous Layered Journal Bearing with Gyroscopic Effects” 1st International Conference on Mechanical Power Transmission (ICMPT 2019), IIT Madras, Chennai, 11 - 13 July 2019.
  23. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Masri Baharom, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang “Research on Surface Texturing in Malaysia for Tribological Applications: An Overview” (3rd MYTRIBOS Symposium, School of Manufacturing UniMAP, Arau, Perlis, 29 April 2019), 3, 24-27.
  24. I. Aatthisugan, T.V.V.L.N. Rao, R. Karthikeyan “Wear and Mechanical properties of Magnesium composite (AZ63/SiC) fabricated by powder metallurgy” International Conference on Mechanical & Building Sciences 2019, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, India, March 27-28, 2019.
  25. T V V L N Rao, Ahmad Majdi Abdul Rani, Norani Muti Mohamed, Hamdan Haji Ya, Mokhtar Awang, Fakhruldin Mohd Hashim “Analysis of magnetohydrodynamic partial slip texture slider and journal bearing”, Proceedings of Asia International Conference on Tribology 2018 (6th Asia International Conference on Tribology, Kuching, Malaysia, 17-20 September 2018), Malaysian Tribology Society, pp. 90-91.
  26. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani, F M Hashim “Analysis of Partial Slip Step-Texture Journal Bearing,” National Tribology Conference 2016, at IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India, 8 - 10 December 2016.
  27. T.V.V.L.N. Rao, A.M.A. Rani, M. Awang, F.M. Hashim “Stability Evaluation of Three-layered Journal Bearing with Slip” Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Processes and Systems in Manufacturing (APSIM 2016 at Putrajaya, Malaysia, 28-30 August 2016), Malaysian Tribology Society, pp. 99-100, 2016.
  28. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani, M Awang, T Nagarajan, F M Hashim “Stability of Double Porous and Surface Porous Layer Journal Bearing,” (Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015, at Penang, Malaysia, 16-17 November 2015), Proceedings of Malaysian International Tribology Conference, 2015, 36-37.
  29. S Krishnan, AM Abdul-Rani, T Nagarajan, TVVLN Rao “Static deflection Analysis of Stewart platform Actuated by Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)” Global Conference on Engineering and Technology on: Professional Breadth and Technical Depth – Cultivating the T-Shaped Engineer (PBTDTE-2016), at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-2 June 2016.
  30. T V V L N Rao, A M A Rani, M Awang, T Nagarajan, F M Hashim “Stability Analysis of Journal Bearing with Three-layered Lubricant Film,” 5th International Conference on Noise, Vibration and Comfort (NVC) 2015, at Melaka, Malaysia, 1 – 3 December 2015.
  31. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Sufian, N. M. Mohamed “Analysis of Nanoparticle Additive Three-layered Journal Bearing”, International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICONT) 2012, at Kuantan, Malaysia, 30 May - 1 June, 2012.
  32. T. V. V. L. N. Rao “Stability analysis of floating bush ball bearing (FBBB)”, TRIBO-INDIA Conference on Tribology of Automotive Systems, at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, December 11-12, 2009.
  33. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Hopf bifurcation analysis of short journal bearings considering turbulent effects,” IUROTOR-2009, IUTAM Symposium on Emerging Trends in Rotordynamics held at IIT Delhi, New Delhi, PS-2, Abs-13, March 23-26, 2009.
  34. J. T. Sawicki, and T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Limiting Stiffness and Damping Coefficients of Foil Bearing,” Proceedings of IDETC/CIE 2005 ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, September 24 – 28, 2005, California, USA.
  35. J. T. Sawicki, and T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Stability Analysis of Vertical Rotor With External Stiffness and Damping Supported on Journal Bearings,” ISCORMA-3, 19 – 23 September 2005, Cleaveland, USA.
  36. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and K. Athre “Stability and Unbalance Response of Rotor Bearing System,” NaCoMM 2003 – 11th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, IIT Delhi, December 18 – 19, 2003, Session 19IB, pp. 365 – 371.
  37. H. Hirani, and T. V. V. L. N. Rao, “Optimization of Journal Bearing Groove Geometry using Genetic Algorithm,” NaCoMM 2003 – 11th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, IIT Delhi, December 18 – 19, 2003, Session 19IIIA, pp. 667 – 673.
  38. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, and H. Hirani, “Static Analysis of the Hard Disk Air Bearing Slider Using Slip Flow Theory,” ICIT 01, International conference on Industrial Tribology, Jamshedpur (8th – 11th April , 2002), pp. 9.29 – 9.36.
  39. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Biswas and K. Athre, “A methodology to evaluate nonlinear dynamic coefficients in a hydrodynamic journal bearings,” ICIT 99, International conference on Industrial Tribology, Hyderabad, pp. 154 – 161.
  40. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Biswas and K. Athre, “Experimental determination of dynamic characteristics of a hydrodynamic journal bearing,” NACOMM 99, National conference on machines and mechanisms held at IIT Bombay, Mumbai, pp. 167-179.
  41. T. V. V. L. N. Rao, S. Biswas and K. Athre, “Bearing design performance evaluation of a reciprocating compressor,” Proc. Of 11th ISME conference, Indian society of mechanical engineers, 1999, pp. 191-196, New Delhi.
  42. H. Hirani, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, K. Athre and S. Biswas, “An analytical approach for journal bearing design,” Proc. Of ICIT 97, International conference on Industrial Tribology, Advances in Industrial Tribology, 1997, pp. 172- 178, Calcutta.
  43. H. Hirani, T. V. V. L. N. Rao, K. Athre and S. Biswas, “An analytical evaluation of maximum pressure for a journal bearing,” NACOMM 97, National conference on machines and mechanisms, 1997, pp. B 27-31, Kanpur.
  44. T. V. V. L. N. Rao and K. Prabhakaran Nair, “Energy conservation by selecting a proper bearing,” Proc. Of NETCE, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Clean Environment, 1993, Hyderabad.


Journal Reviews

Journal of Tribology, Tribology Transactions, Tribology International, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, IMechE Part J:Journal of Engineering Tribology, IMechE Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Tribology Online, Jurnal Tribologi, Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, Tribology Letters, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: Tribology, Advances in Tribology, Indian Journal of Tribology, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, Tribology in Industry, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Engineering Failure Analysis, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Heat Transfer, Shock and Vibration, Shock and Vibration, Shock and Vibration Digest, Meccanica, Materials Research Express, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Frontiers in Chemistry: Nanoscience, EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Heliyon, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, International Journal of Production Economics, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, European Journal of Operations Research, Computers & Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Product Development, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications.


University Research Collaborations

  1. International Universities

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia; Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia; Vienna University of Technology, Austria; Tsinghua University, China; Beijing Institute of Technology, China;University of Salerno, Italy;Luleå University of Technology, Sweden; Lukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Institute of Technology, Poland; Koszalin University of Technology, Poland; Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia; Cleaveland State University, USA;Manipal International University, Malaysia; Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  1. National Universities

​Assam down town University, The Assam Kaziranga University; SRM Institute of Science and Technology; Sri Ramachandra University; VIT University; Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science; Indian Institute of Technology Delhi


5C’s Culture: Connect-Communicate-Collaborate-Contribute-Continue

Connect to explore diverse stakeholder partnerships for a shared strategic vision in higher education landscape

Communicate with stakeholders for a deeper and innovative ways of maximizing the capabilities

Collaborate with partners to improve the trajectory of educational, entrepreneurial and employable outcomes

Contribute in outstanding educational delivery, stimulating research and impacting innovation

Continue the cycle with critical thinking for sustaining development and fulfilling our aspirations

Thank you very much (Arigatō Gozaimashita)

Awards & Achievements

Featured in the Elsevier database of 2024 for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" (based on single recent year data pertaining to citations received during the calendar year 2023)

Associate Editor: Journal of Engineering Tribology: https://journals.sagepub.com/editorial-board/PIJ

Guest Associate Editor

  1. Journal of Engineering Tribology, http://pij.sagepub.com/, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao (ICAMSF-2025).
  2. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0036-8792, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao (ICAMSF-2025)
  3. Materials Science and Engineering Technology (Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik), https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15214052, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao (ICAMSF-2025)
  4. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, https://ceramics.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17447402, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao (ICAMSF-2025)
  5. Journal of Engineering Tribology, http://pij.sagepub.com/, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao (ITRS 2021)
  6. Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, https://journals.sagepub.com/home/pie, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao (ITRS 2021)
  7. Journal of Engineering Tribology, http://pij.sagepub.com/, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Tomoko Hirayama, TVVLN Rao (ITRS 2020)
  8. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/0036-8792, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Mir Irfan Ul Haq, T V V L N Rao, Mohd Fadzli Bin Abdollah (ITRS 2020)
  9. Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ytrb20, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, TVVLN Rao, Tomasz Liskiewicz (ITRS 2020)
  10. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, https://www.springer.com/journal/13369, Guest Editors: Mohammed Abdul Samad, Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, T V V L N Rao (ITRS 2020)
  11. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: Tribology: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/mechanical-engineering/sections/tribology, Guest Editors: Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Alessandro Ruggiero, T V V L N Rao (ITRS 2021)

Editorial Board

  1. ​J​urnal Tribologi: https://jurnaltribologi.mytribos.org/editor.html
  2. Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: Tribology: https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/1048469/editorial
  3. Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Chemistry: Nanoscience: https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/1048469/editorial
  4. Materials Research Communications, Pusat Publikasi Ilmiah ITS: https://iptek.its.ac.id/index.php/mrm/about/editorialTeam

Services in Professional Societies

Tribology Society of India - Executive Committee Member (2024-2025)

Malaysian Tribology Society–Committee Bureaus: Internationalization (2016-2024)

Malaysian Tribology Society– Executive Member (2015-2016)

Memberships in Professional Societies

Member (58902), STLE (Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), USA, 2011–Present

Life Member, (L 1311) MyTribos (Malaysian Tribology Society), 22nd November 2011 – Present

Life Member (LM 3481), TSI (Tribology Society of India), 2nd December 1997 - Present

Student Member, STLE (Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers), USA, 1999–2000

Technical Editor

Tribology & Lubrication Technology  - the official monthly publication of STLE, in 2021 & 2024:​ https://www.stle.org/files/Technical_Library/TLT/TLT_Technical_Advisory_Board/files/Directories/TLT_Technical_Editors.aspx

Advisory Member

Tribo Research and Consultancy Private Limited, https://triboresearch.com/advisory-member/

Research Interests

Tribology, Lubrication, Bearings, Materials, Manufacturing


Google Scholar: Citations: 1899, h-index: 26, i10-index: 48, https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=eN8xrzYAAAAJ&hl=en

Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/T_V_V_L_N_Rao

Orcid ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9337-2334

PubMed: tvvlnrao@gmail.com

Web of Science Researcher ID: C-5067-2013

Scopus AU-ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=12645250100

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/t-v-v-l-n-rao-09881044/

Vidwan-ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/514802