Dr. Dapkupar Wankhar

Dr. Dapkupar Wankhar











Physiology (Faculty of Medicine)


University of Madras



Physiology (Faculty of Medicine)


University of Madras



(Medical laboratory technology)










Working Experience

Academic Position/Responsibilities



Associate Professor

19-09-22 to Continue

Faculty of Paramedical Sciences, Assam down town University, Guwahati, Assam.

Assistant Professor

09-10-19 to17 -09-22

Peoples College Of Medical Sciences And Research Centre, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh

Assistant Professor

1-10-18 to 08-10-19

Mahaveer Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh


13-12-17 to 30-09-18

All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS), Bhopal,Madhya Pradesh


24-12-16 till 12-12-17

R.K.D.F Medical college and Research Centre ,Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Teaching instructor cum Research fellow

02-01-12 to 30-09-15

Department of Physiology, Dr. ALM PG IBMS, Sekkizhar Campus, University of Madras, Chennai


01-05-10 to 31-08-11

Sri Lakshmi Narayan Institute Of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Puducherry


ICMR-STS Project -2021-Approved: “A link between Pulse wave velocity and nerve conduction study in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus"

  1. Dapkupar Wankhar, R. Sheeladevi and I. Ashok. Emblica officinalis outcome of Noise stress induced behavioral changes in Wistar albino rats” Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition, 2014.
  2. I.Ashok, R.Sheeladevi, Dapkupar Wankhar and Wankupar Wankhar. Long-term effect of aspartame on the liver antioxidant status and histopathology in Wistar albino rats. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition, 4 (2) 2014 305-311.
  3. I.Ashok, R.Sheeladevi and Dapkupar wankhar. Acute effect of aspartame (artificial sweetener) induced oxidative stress in the brain regions of wistar albino rats. Journal of Biomedical Research 2013.
  4. I.Ashok, R.Sheeladevi and Dapkupar wankhar. Effect of long-term aspartame (artificial sweetener) on anxiety, locomotor activity and emotive behavior in Wistar Albino rats. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition 4 (2014) 39–43.
  5. Iyaswamy Ashok, Rathinasamy Sheeladevi, Dapkupar Wankhar. Long term effect of

aspartame (Artificial sweetener) on membrane homeostatic imbalance and   histopathology in the rat brain. Free Radicals and Antioxidants 3 (2013) S42-S49.

  1. I. Ashok, Dapkupar Wankhar, Wankupar Wankhar, R. Sheeladevi.Neurobehavioral changes and activation of neurodegenerative apoptosis on long-term consumption of aspartame in the rat brain Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism(2015) 1-10
  2. Wankupar Wankhar, Sakthivel Srinivasan, Loganathan Sundareswaran, Dapkupar Wankhar, Ravindran Rajan, Rathinasamy Sheeladevi. Role of Scoparia dulcis linn on noise-induced nitric oxide synthase (NOS) expression and neurotransmitter assessment on motor function in Wistar albino rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 86 (2017) 475–481
  3. I Ashok , PS Poornima , D Wankhar , R Ravindran and R Sheeladevi. Oxidative stress evoked damages on rat sperm and attenuated antioxidant status on consumption of aspartame. International Journal of Impotence Research (2017) 00, 1–7
  4. Ashok Iyaswamy , Ananth Kumar Kammella , Citarasu Thavasimuthu , Wankhar Wankupar , Wankhar Dapkupar , Sambantham Shanmugam , Ravindran Rajan , Sheeladevi Rathinasamy. Oxidative stress evoked damages leading to attenuated memory and inhibition of NMDAR-CaMKII-ERK/CREB signalling on consumption of aspartame in rat model. Journal of food and drug analysis (2017) 1-14
  5. Ashok Iyaswamy , Dapkupar Wankhar , Sundareswaran Loganathan , Sambantham Shanmugam , Ravindran Rajan , Sheeladevi Rathinasamy. Disruption of redox homeostasis in liver function and activation of apoptosis on consumption of aspartame in folate deficient rat model. Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism  (2017) 41-50
  6. Shil K, Wankhar D, Debnath D. Toxicological status of significant wetlands of northeast India. (2023) ;13:30352-358.
  7. Wankhar D, Bhagavatheeswaran S, Ramchandran V, Shanmugam S, Balakrishnan A. Exploring the anti-angiogenic properties of diosgenin saponin from Trigonella graecum (fenugreek): A study on Zebrafish embryos. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol. (2024), 14(4): 736-741. 
  8. Pandaram A, Paul J, Wankhar W, Thakur A, Verma S, Vasudevan K, Wankhar D, Kammala AK, Sharma P, Jaganathan R, et al. Aspartame Causes Developmental Defects and Teratogenicity in Zebra Fish Embryo: Role of Impaired SIRT1/FOXO3a Axis in Neuron Cells. Biomedicines. (2024); 12(4):855.
  9. Wankhar D, Kumar AP, Vijayakumar V, Velan A, Balakrishnan A, Ravi P, Rudra B, Maheshkumar K. Effect of Meditation, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, and Relaxation Techniques as Mind-Body Medicine Practices to Reduce Blood Pressure in Cardiac Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cureus. 2024 Apr;16(4).
  10. Iyaswamy A, Wang X, Zhang H, Vasudevan K, Wankhar D, Lu K, Krishnamoorthi S, Guan XJ, Su CF, Liu J, Kan Y. Molecular engineering of a theranostic molecule that detects Aβ plaques, inhibits Iowa and Dutch mutation Aβ self-aggregation and promotes lysosomal biogenesis for Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2024;12(31):7543-56.
  11. Muthusamy P, Wankhar D, Paul J, Ravishankar N, Rajan R. Assessment of Cinnamaldehyde’s Potency on Heat Stress-induced Testicular Impairments in Wistar Rats. Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences. 2024 Apr 1;17(2):102-11
  12. Mani V, Gopinath KS, Varadharaju N, Wankhar D, Annavi A. Abutilon indicum-mediated green synthesis of NiO and ZnO nanoparticles: Spectral profiling and anticancer potential against human cervical cancer for public health progression. Nano TransMed. 2024 Oct 3:100049.