Dr. Munsifa Firdaus Khan Barbhuyan

Dr. Munsifa Firdaus Khan Barbhuyan


Name: Specialization:
Dr. Munsifa Firdaus Khan Barbhuyan Ad Hoc Networks, Wireless Networks, Computer Networks and information security


SN Degree Institution Year
1 PhD (Computer Science) Assam University Silchar 2021
2 M.Sc.(Computer Science), Gold Medalist Assam University Silchar 2014
3 B.Sc.(Computer Science) Assam University Silchar 2012
4 H.S (Science) K.V. Silchar 2009
5 H.S.L.C.E Daffodils School, Silchar 2007


Working Experience

S.N Designation Institution Duration
1 Assistant Professor (Dept. of BCA) M.H.C.M. Sc. College 6.7 years




Name of Authors

Title of the Paper

Journal/Conferences Details


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

A study on QoS Aware Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

2017 International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation (IC3TSN). IEEE (Scopus Indexed).


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

An Investigation on Existing Routing protocols in MANET

© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. H. S. Saini et al. (eds.), Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 74(Scopus Indexed).


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

Effect of Different Propagation Models in Routing Protocols

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019(Scopus Indexed, 2019).


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in NS-2 and NS-3 Simulators

International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume-9 Issue-4, 2020 (Scopus Indexed).


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

Implementation of Random Direction-3D Mobility Model to Achieve Better QoS Support in MANET

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume-11 Issue-10, 2020 (Scopus& WoS Indexed)


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

Analysis of Mobility Models and their impact on QoS in MANET.

Computationally Intelligent Systems and their Applications, SPRINGER BOOK, 2021 (Scopus Indexed).


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

Impact of various parameters on Gauss Markov Mobility Model to support QoS in MANET.

Cloud Computing Enabled Big-Data Analytics in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, SPRINGER BOOK, 2022 (Scopus Indexed).


Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

Critical analysis of modified Gauss Markov Mobility Model using varying values of parameters to check the impact of QoS in MANET

Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2022 (Scopus & ESCI Indexed).



Munsifa Firdaus khan and Indrani Das

Performance analysis of improved mobility models to check their impact on QoS in MANET

International conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Technologies, 2022 (Scopus Indexed).

Awards & Achievements

S.N Achievements Year
1 Gold Medal Certificate 2014
2 Merit Certificate 2014
3 Ananya Paul Memorial Award 2014
4 Shri Gourish Chandra Memorial Award 2014
5 Maulana Azad National Fellowship 2017
6 Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Memorial Medal 2022