Name: | Specialization: |
Ms. Aijinghun Kharthangmaw | Nursing | | Qualifications | School/ College. | Boards/University | Year of Passing | Percentage |
1 |
X | Pine Brook Sec. School | MBOSE | 2012 | 72% |
2 | XII | Lady keane college | MBOSE | 2014 | 51.6% |
3 | GNM (2014-18) | International Hospital School of Nursing | Assam Nurse's Midwives and health visitor council | 2018 | 75.18% |
4 | P.B.Bsc(N) 1st yr | Faculty of Nursing | Assam downtown University | 2020 | 75% |
5 | P.B.Bsc(N)2nd yr | Faculty of Nursing |
Assam downtown University |
2021 | 75.86% | | Organization | Designation | Date of Joining |
1 | Faculty of Nursing Assam downtown University | Clinical Instructor | 22/3/2022 till date |
1.1st position in Class X
2.2nd position in GNM 1st yr
3.1st position in GNM 2nd yr
4.1st position in GNM 3rd yr
5.1st position in P.B.Bsc (N)1st yr
6.2nd position in P.B.Bsc(N)2nd yr
7.Workshop on "Challenges and Dilemmas in Nursing: Research. A key to Growth" organized by Apollo College of Nursing, Assam
8.Workshop on " Paediatric Palliative Care CME" organized by Indian Association of Palliative Care(IAPCON)
9.Webinar on " Nursing Care Strategies For Treating COVID -19 Patiemt Using Mechanical Ventilation And Other Critical Care Interventions" organized by Nursing College Dibrugarh
10.Webinar on" Immunogenecity of COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnant and Lactating Mother" organized by Faculty of Nursing Assam downtown University
11.International E- conference on" Technique for Effective Dissemination Of Scienticfic Finding and Quality Practise" organized by Faculty of Nursing, Assam Downtown University.
12.Webinar on " Challenges on Patient Safety and Quality Health Care" organized by Faculty of Nursing, Assam downtown University
13.Webinar on " Prespective of Biostatistics Theory to Practise" organized by Faculty of Nursing, Assam downtown University
14. Webinar on " Preparedness and Management of COVID-19 from Conception to Old Age" organized by Faculty of Nursing, Assam downtown University