Scholarship Schemes

Scholarship Schemes
Below are the mentioned scholarships offered by Assam down town Univeristy

Institutional Scholarships
Sl. No. Name of Scholarship Scheme Eligibility Criteria Amount of Scholarship per student (in Rs.)
1 PURVODYAY SCHOLARSHIP Minimum 60% marks in each qualifying examination; only for BPL and EWS students Rs. 40000/- per student for an academic year
2 JYOTI SCHOLARSHIP Only for Female Students; Students who are not eligible for any of the other scholarship schemes Rs. 10000/- per student for an academic year

BRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP A 90% marks and above in any of the exams viz; CAT/MAT/JEE Mains/State Entrance Tests/AdtU Common Scholarship Tests Rs. 10000/- per student for an academic year
BRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP B 80-89% in any of the above mentioned exams Rs. 7500/- per student for an academic year
BRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP C 70-79% in any of theabove mentioned exams Rs. 5000/- per student for an academic year
INTERNATIONAL BRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP Only for International Students; above 80% in any of the above mentioned exams  Rs. 5000/- per student for an academic year

MERIT SCHOLARSHIP A 90% marks and above in the last qualifying examination Rs. 10000/- per student for an academic year
MERIT SCHOLARSHIP B 80-89% in the last qualifying examination Rs. 7500/- per student for an academic year
MERIT SCHOLARSHIP C 70-79% in the last qualifying examination Rs. 5000/- per student for an academic year
INTERNATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP Only for International Students; above 80% in any relevant competitive exam Rs. 5000/- per student for an academic year


Government Scholarships
Sl. No. Name of Scholarship Scheme Eligibility Criteria
1 Merit Cum Means Scholarship As per Govt norms
2 Post Matric Scholarship As per Govt norms
3 Student Financial Aid As per Govt norms
4 Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan  As per Govt norms
5 Umbrella Scheme for development of schedule Tribe As per Govt norms
6 University Grants Commission As per Govt norms