The Central Library (HariNarayan Dutta Baruah Central Library), Assam down town University was established in the year 2010 with the main motto of fulfilling all the knowledge needs of the students, faculties, and research scholars and staff of the university. The Central Library functions with great precision and dedication to promote academic excellence.
To mould young community into knowledgeable human being who can contribute towards socio-economic development.
The mission of the library is to preserve knowledge and to disseminate this among the users. HNDB Central Library works as a knowledge hub for the scholarly community.
The Central Library is located in the “K Block” named as Bornadi which is near to the temple area in the university campus. The Library is spread over four floors of the building.
Losing a library book or if a book found unsuitable to use while returning to the library the user is required to replace the book or if replacement is not possible triple of the cost price will be required to pay.
Assam down town University's Library Rules uphold a conducive environment for learning and collaboration. Compliance fosters academic excellence and mutual respect.
Attendance: All library users record their attendance through the Connect app.
Personal Belongings: Bags and personal belongings are not allowed in Text Book and Reference section.
Book Issue: Books from the reference section are not issued out.
Books Order: Readers are required to maintain the order of the books on the shelves.
Not to do: Marking, underlining, tearing of pages, dog-earing etc. of library materials is absolutely forbidden.