Directorate of Student Affairs (DoSA)


The Directorate of Student Affairs (DoSA) at AdtU is a well-established form of office including a Student Cabinet which changes every academic session, along with authorised executive members who look after all the issues and complications related to the students of AdtU, events where students closely work on, funds of scholarships of students, A-Connect (official app of the university) handling, and many more.

DoSA also works along with all the other offices established in the University for the smooth functioning and fluidity on organizing events in and outside the University and progressive development of all the students academically, emotionally and mentally for the amelioration of their futures. We aim to exceptionally train the student members involved with DoSA for their furtherance.

Thus, the Directorate of Student Affairs’ availability brings a balance to the University’s overall health. It’s responsible for the comprehensive growth of students which defines the substantial robustness of AdtU.

Structured Committees

DoSA equitably takes care of the specified drawbacks and setbacks related to student’s welfare, academics, sports, scholarships, etc. The attentive and dutiful group of executive members and the Student Cabinet try to gratify and comply with the raised problems at the earliest time which is possible due to the structured committees namely:

Event Management Team
The Event Management Team consists of a group of students of AdtU who works closely with any kind of events organised in AdtU. They are solely responsible for the events to be efficiently organised and executed. They keep a check on the list of events happening in and outside the University and initiate documents related to events during their active session.

Transportation Team
The Transportation Team heads all the issues related to transportation during the events which are being organised in AdtU. The team makes sure that the guests can comfortably position their vehicles and assure safety.

Hospitality Department
The Hospitality Department is a team of few students of AdtU who are immensely well-mannered and behave appropriately. The team is involved with the guests during the events. It keeps a check on the grievances and problems faced by the guests, faculty members, admin members and students during the events which are further improvised for better satisfaction in the future.

Sports Squad
The Sports Squad has been created to look after all the sports events in the University. The team keeps notes of all the sports events and help with the requirements and proper execution. It closely works with the sports club of AdtU.

Finance Corps
The Finance Corps is mainly inculpated with scholarship funds. It is associated with the students admitted to AdtU via scholarships. It looks after the paperwork of all the students who are eligible for scholarships. It also keeps a check on the funds account of DoSA which is mainly used for the students and events.

Digital Marketing Team
The Digital Marketing Team works according to the requirements of the official Digital Marketing Team of AdtU. It is involved with pre and post promotional activities happening in and outside the University.

PR Committee
The PR (Public Relations) Committee is established to work closely with the Digital Marketing and Creative teams to help them create content for the online platforms and studio of AdtU. It is responsible for creating and writing content and scripts as per the requirements.

Creative Crew
The Creative Crew is a group of students from AdtU who have excellent talent embroiled within them. It helps the PR Committee, Digital Marketing Team and Event Management Team before, after and during the event for creating posters, graffiti, editing videos and pictures for university purpose and events.

A-connect Handlers
The A-connect Handlers are students from AdtU mainly from the department of Engineering who have been given the opportunity to handle few things accessible via the application like contents related to academics as well as social media platforms, verification of those contents and technical trouble shooting. They are involved with the overall development and progression of the official app that is, A-connect for easy manoeuvring of the app.

All the committees have well-framed responsibilities and work accordingly. The committees are always vigilant and observant. They help in creating a healthy environment for all the students coming to AdtU.


The framing of these committees showcases the activities in which the students have active involvement such as :

  • Management of events and cultural programmes
  • Transportation
  • Enhancement of social behaviour, sports, academics
  • Handling finance and accounts,
  • Proper documentation
  • Digital marketing

  • Photography
  • Video editing
  • Graffiti/art
  • Creating, writing and brainstorming different ideas for content creation
  • In-depth knowledge and training sessions on handling a mobile application and other IT related subjects

Committee Formation Process

The DoSA committees are subjectable to changes throughout the years and improvement or addition to the committees is expectable. All the committees were made through a proper process which consists of the following:

  • Invitation of registration for becoming a DoSA student member via virtual form submission
  • Collection of all the forms
  • Calling all the aspirants who positively submitted the virtual forms for the interview round
  • Selected students are presented with soft and hard copy of the offer letters mentioning the committees and their respective positions.

Any student of AdtU who are active, sparky, sporty, and would love to explore and bring out their highest potential can join the Directorate of Student Affairs by becoming a member of the Student Cabinet of DoSA and avail the elbow room to become one of the liaison of their very own university.