
Date Title
05-03-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholars (View Details)
04-03-2025 Reminder for Depositing Administrative Fee (View Details)
04-03-2025 Reminder for renewal of hostel fee (View Details)
23-02-2025 CIRCULAR- Information to AdtU Stakeholders about NAAC Peer Team Visit on 24th, 25th & 26th February 2025 and seeking Active Participation (View Details)
23-02-2025 Academic_Regulations-2024 (View Details)
20-02-2025 Operating Manual for QR based Library Portal for Students/Faculty Members/Staff (View Details)
19-02-2025 CIRCULAR- Guidelines for Switching On and Switching Off Lights in Indoor and Outdoor Areas (View Details)
19-02-2025 Extension of Last date of registration for Certificate Courses for the session January-June 2025 (View Details)
17-02-2025 Circular-R- Re-constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and Clubs-2025 (View Details)
07-02-2025 Policy for Reward and Other Financial Benefits for Research Publication/Patents by Faculty and Staff Members of AdtU (Version 3.0) (View Details)
07-02-2025 Library Policy version 2.0 (View Details)
06-02-2025 Result Sheet of 1st Semesters of UG and PG programmes under FoSc (View Details)
06-02-2025 Result Sheet of 1st Semesters of UG and PG programmes under Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
06-02-2025 Result Sheet of 1st Semesters of UG and PG programmes under Faculty of Paramedical Science (View Details)
03-02-2025 Government of Ireland International Education Scholarships (GOI-IES) (View Details)
03-02-2025 DAWN Fellowship for Young Women Feminists from the Global South (View Details)
01-02-2025 CIRCULAR- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Directorate of International Affairs (View Details)
31-01-2025 Notification -R- PhD Admission January- 2025 (View Details)
29-01-2025 Last date of depositing Administrative Fees is 31.01.25 and late fine of Rs. 100/- per day after due date (View Details)
29-01-2025 Policy for Study Abroad Program (View Details)
29-01-2025 Policy for Collaboration with Partner Universities for International Conferences, Workshops, and Seminars (View Details)
29-01-2025 AdtU Scheme for award of Research Fellowship (JRF/SRF) for PhD Scholars (Version-2) (View Details)
29-01-2025 Study Tour Policy 2.0 (View Details)
29-01-2025 Policy for Faculty Exchange Program 2.0 (View Details)
27-01-2025 Notification for Compartmental Examination (View Details)
25-01-2025 Submission of Student Feedback on Teaching and Learning Process, Feedback on Curriculum and Student Satisfaction Survey (View Details)
21-01-2025 Guidelines to update profile details in ERP through Academic Portal (View Details)
21-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Website Management Committee of AdtU (View Details)
21-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Announcement of scholarship for current AdtU final year students to pursue Higher Education at AdtU (View Details)
21-01-2025 Turkey Burslari Scholarship: Masters in Turkey (View Details)
20-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Regarding attendance of final year students in the upcoming placement drives (View Details)
20-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Dress code to be followed by final year students of AdtU (View Details)
17-01-2025 The Prestigious Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship 2025 (View Details)
17-01-2025 Global Peace Summit in Sydney, Australia 2025 (View Details)
16-01-2025 Result of Bachelor of Physiotherapy 7th Semester (Regular) Examination December, 2024 (View Details)
16-01-2025 Call for Application under AdtU Student Innovation Grant Program (View Details)
16-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
16-01-2025 Notification -DRA-II- Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for 2024 Batch (Third phase) (View Details)
11-01-2025 Result of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture 3rd Semester (Regular) Examination December, 2024 (View Details)
11-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of QLM Proofreading Committee (View Details)
11-01-2025 Result of Bachelor of Optometry 7th Semester (Regular) Examination December, 2024 (View Details)
09-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Revised departure timing of AdtU for NAAC related activities (View Details)
08-01-2025 Process to Show Course Content Details in ERP (View Details)
08-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of AdtU NSS Advisory Committee (View Details)
08-01-2025 Manual for newly introduced Library Portal (View Details)
03-01-2025 CIRCULAR- Constitution of AdtU SWAYAM and MOOCs Advisory Committee (View Details)
02-01-2025 Circular-R-Implementation of Student’s uniform inside the AdtU campus (View Details)
02-01-2025 Updated Information regarding the Course Code format (Version-02) for the Academic Session 2024-25 (View Details)
30-12-2024 Last Date of depositing Administrative Fees 31.01.25 (View Details)
30-12-2024 Last Date of renewal of Hostel Fee is 31.03.25 (View Details)
23-12-2024 Late date of payment of Nursing Fees (View Details)
19-12-2024 Circular- DRA-II- Submission of Information Regarding Faculty Engagement in External Academic Committees (View Details)
19-12-2024 Notification -DRA-II-SOP for Conducting Animal Experimentation in the Animal House, AdtU (View Details)
19-12-2024 CIRCULAR- Extension of Last date of payment of semester fees (View Details)
19-12-2024 Circular-R-Training session for developing and delivering e-contents, e-courses, video lectures, and demonstration (View Details)
14-12-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of Fee in Due Time and Obtaining Fee Clearance before Presentation by Ph.D. scholars (View Details)
10-12-2024 Notification- DRAII- AdtU Research Publication Policy, 2024 (View Details)
07-12-2024 Creation of ABC ID (View Details)
28-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Submission of Tour Plan and Tour Report by Faculty and Staff Members (View Details)
28-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturdays as normal working day for the month of December 2024 and January 2025 (View Details)
26-11-2024 UTRIP Summer Internship in Japan 2025 (View Details)
23-11-2024 Circular-R-Arrangement of Photo-shoot of Faculties and Admin Staff for website profile, who joined AdtU on or after July 1, 2023 (View Details)
23-11-2024 Notification-R-PhD Admission January – 2025 (View Details)
22-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Call for Application under AdtU Student Entrepreneurship Loan program (View Details)
21-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Team members for NIRF 2025 (View Details)
19-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Last date of Admit Card download (View Details)
18-11-2024 Guidelines for Faculty Members: Updating Profile on AdtU Website via Academic Portal (View Details)
18-11-2024 Time-Table for Odd Sem.(Regular) Examinations, December-2024 (View Details)
16-11-2024 NOTIFICATION - Distribution of AdtU HOODIE to students (View Details)
14-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Reminder for payment of semester fees (View Details)
12-11-2024 Re-circulation of the CIRCULAR- Dress Code for employees representing Assam do (View Details)
09-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for October 2024 Batch (View Details)
08-11-2024 Eric Bleumink Scholarship- Masters in Netherlands (View Details)
07-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Reminder for payment of semester fees (View Details)
06-11-2024 PhD Fees, Last date is 20.11.24 (View Details)
06-11-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding Industrial/Field Visit of students under different programmes of AdtU (View Details)
30-10-2024 Circular-DRA-II- Extension of last date for “Call for project proposal Seed Money Grant 2024-25 (View Details)
30-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Holiday on 01-11-2024 (View Details)
28-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholar under “AdtU Scheme for award of Fellowship (JRF/SRF) for PhD Scholars” (View Details)
24-10-2024 KTH Scholarship- Masters in Sweden (View Details)
23-10-2024 AdtU National/ International Academic Exploration Activity and SOP thereof (View Details)
23-10-2024 Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholar under “AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars” (View Details)
23-10-2024 Re-Constitution of Internal Research Review Committee (IRRC) (View Details)
21-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Call for Application under AdtU Student Innovation Grant program (View Details)
14-10-2024 Policy for invitation of Delegates from Partner Universities in Convocation and Foundation Day (View Details)
14-10-2024 Study Tour Policy (View Details)
14-10-2024 Policy for Faculty Exchange Program (View Details)
14-10-2024 Circular -R-Call for project proposal: Seed Money Grant 2024-25 (View Details)
14-10-2024 Selection and Allotment of Teaching Assistant under “Teaching Assistance Scheme for Knowledge Enhancement (TASKE)” of senior PG and UG students of AdtU for the Academic Year 2024-25 (View Details)
14-10-2024 Selection and Allotment of Internal Students as Apprenticeship at AdtU (View Details)
14-10-2024 SOP for appointment of Internal Students as Apprenticeship at AdtU version 1.1 (View Details)
14-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position- Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management (View Details)
05-10-2024 Resultsheets of Odd & Even Semester Compartmental Examinations, August 2024 (2023 Onwards Batch) (View Details)
01-10-2024 Circular: Regarding Discount on Semester Fees of Even Semester 2024 (View Details)
01-10-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on restructuring of IQAC (View Details)
25-09-2024 Circular: Regarding payment of Semester Fees of Even Semester 2024 (View Details)
24-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding parking facility on the day of 11th Convocation of Assam down town University (View Details)
24-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Suspension of classes on 25th of September 2024 for 11th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
20-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
17-09-2024 Resultsheet of Odd & Even Semester Compartmental Examinations, July-August-2024 (View Details)
16-09-2024 Circular-R-Declaration of extended Autumn Break during October 2024 (View Details)
16-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Central Level Academic Meetings - Regarding (View Details)
13-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding University Registration of Entrant Batch Students of AY 2024 (View Details)
06-09-2024 Application for Convocation (View Details)
06-09-2024 Guidelines for uploading passport photo in the convocation application form (View Details)
05-09-2024 CIRCULAR- Invitation for celebration of 15th Foundation Day of AdtU (View Details)
05-09-2024 NOTIFICATION- Constitution of Core Committee and Sub-Committees for 11th Convocation (2024) of Assam down town University (View Details)
02-09-2024 Circular-R- Call for Application for Teaching Assistant (TA) from PhD, Post Graduate and Under Graduate AdtU Students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Czech Governmental Scholarships for AdtU students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Global Change Submit 2024 Scholarship for AdtU students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Commonamwealth Masters Scholarship 2025 for AdtU students (View Details)
28-08-2024 Global Merit Scholoarship for AdtU Students (View Details)
23-08-2024 International Scholarship Opportunity for AdtU Students (View Details)
22-08-2024 Notification-R- Constitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) for Faculty of Computer Technology (View Details)
22-08-2024 Circular-R-Modification in the composition of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) of Assam down town University (View Details)
13-08-2024 Student Buddy Requirement at Directorate of International Affairs, Assam down town University (View Details)
13-08-2024 Notification-R-Call for application for AdtU Annual Awards 2023-24 (View Details)
13-08-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of committee to carry out activities pertaining to Celebration of 15th Foundation Day (2024) of AdtU (View Details)
10-08-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding status of passport of faculty and senior staff members (View Details)
10-08-2024 Result Sheets of Intermediate Semester (Regular) Exam, June 2024 (View Details)
09-08-2024 Implementation of Certificate Courses at AdtU- during August-December 2024 (View Details)
09-08-2024 CIRCULAR- SOP for seat cancellation of entrant batch students not joining the university on the reporting date (View Details)
08-08-2024 Faculty Exchange Programme for AdtU Faculty Members at Powislansky University (View Details)
05-08-2024 Notification-R- Approval process for organizing any kind of Events (View Details)
02-08-2024 Notification -R-Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturdays as normal working day for the month of August 2024 (View Details)
01-08-2024 SOP for Appointment of Visiting Faculty (Remote) from Industry at AdtU (View Details)
31-07-2024 Time-Table for Compartmental Exam (Odd Semester). August-2024 (View Details)
27-07-2024 SOP for AdtU Faculty Industry Immersion Program (View Details)
25-07-2024 CIRCULAR- Standardized file forwarding process (View Details)
24-07-2024 Time-Table for Compartmental Exam (Even Semester). August-2024 (View Details)
24-07-2024 Regarding Compartmental Exam Admit Card, August 2024 (View Details)
22-07-2024 Result Sheet M. Sc. Nursing 2nd Year (2022-24) (View Details)
20-07-2024 CIRCULAR- Revised dates for commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2024 (View Details)
20-07-2024 Academic Calendar for the Academic Year 2024-25 (View Details)
19-07-2024 Re-circulation of the CIRCULAR- Anomalies in adherence of process of availing leaves (View Details)
15-07-2024 Notification- R-Reconstitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) (View Details)
15-07-2024 Notification -R-Reconstitution of University Research Council (URC) (View Details)
10-07-2024 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Anti-Ragging Committee (View Details)
08-07-2024 Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Engineering (View Details)
08-07-2024 Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
07-07-2024 Notification for Compartmental Examination (View Details)
06-07-2024 Result Sheets of Diploma Final Semester (Regular) Exam, June 2024 (View Details)
02-07-2024 Notification -R- Constitution of AdtU PhD Supervisorship Screening Committee (AdtU-SSC) (View Details)
27-06-2024 Result Sheets of UG Final Semester (Regular) Exam, June 2024 (View Details)
26-06-2024 4th National Nursing Conference,28th June 2024 (View Details)
26-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Revised departure timing for key stakeholders for NAAC related activities (View Details)
21-06-2024 Notification-R-Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for 2024 Batch (2nd Phase) (View Details)
20-06-2024 Result Sheets of PG Final Semester Examinations, May 2024 (View Details)
18-06-2024 Notification-R-NSS Programme Coordinator and Programme Officer(s) of AdtU NSS Unit (View Details)
18-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding approval of changes in ERP, Academic Portal and website of AdtU (View Details)
18-06-2024 Notification -R- AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars (View Details)
18-06-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of AdtU Alumni Coordination Committee (View Details)
10-06-2024 Internship Opportunity for final semester UG/PG AdtU students (View Details)
08-06-2024 Result Sheets of Odd Semester (Comp) Examinations held in the month of February-2024 (View Details)
07-06-2024 Student Immersion Program- FPT University. Vietnam (View Details)
04-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Request to be vigilant for suspicious phone calls (View Details)
04-06-2024 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Research Project Review Committee (View Details)
04-06-2024 Circular -DRA-II- “Seeking proposal for introducing new Certificate Courses to be implemented from August -December 2024 session onward” (View Details)
30-05-2024 Teaching Pedagogy- Feedback Link (View Details)
27-05-2024 14-day student Immersion tour at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) Malaysia (View Details)
25-05-2024 Notice cum Circular related to imposed of fine for late payment of semester fees (View Details)
20-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date of Admit Card download (View Details)
18-05-2024 Notification -R- Constitution of Technical Committee (IT) for End Sem CBT Examination which is scheduled to be held from 20th May 2024 (View Details)
16-05-2024 Time-Table for Intermediate Semester Examinations, June 2024 (View Details)
13-05-2024 CIRCULAR- To maintain proper flow of information related to academics & university (View Details)
13-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Last date of Admit Card download (View Details)
13-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Suspension of theory classes of the students having class in J Block to conduct CUET UG examination (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- NAAC Criteria wise committee (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Dress Code for employees representing Assam down town University in various events and activities (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special NAAC Committee (Admin) (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturdays as normal working day for the month of May and June 2024 (View Details)
08-05-2024 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special NAAC Committee (View Details)
03-05-2024 Time-Table for Final Semester Examinations, May-June 2024 (View Details)
27-04-2024 Notification for Marking System of AdtU (View Details)
25-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Scholarship for Master’s Degree aspirants appearing CUET PG (View Details)
18-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of Semester Fees of Odd Semester 2024 (View Details)
16-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of 2nd round of scholarship for current AdtU final year students to pursue Higher Education at AdtU (View Details)
03-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Student Welfare initiative for financial aid towards health, accident and related emergency situation (View Details)
03-04-2024 Student and Faculty Nominations for Workshop on "Latest trends in OSINT and Data science" at Envision E-Summit (View Details)
03-04-2024 Nominations of Faculty members for Workshop on "From Ideas to Impact: Fostering Entrepreneurial Thinking and Startup Success in Academia" at Envision E-Summit (View Details)
01-04-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding creation of Vidwan ID, Google Scholar, Scopus ID and Orchid ID with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
01-04-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS)of Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
22-03-2024 Circular-R-Reservation of Auditorium II for Career Advancement Activities (View Details)
22-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 48th AC Meeting (View Details)
22-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 60th BoM Meeting (View Details)
20-03-2024 Re-scheduled date sheet of B. Sc Nursing 1st Semester (Regular and Compartmental) and 1st Year M.Sc Nursing (Compartmental) Examination, March, 2024 (View Details)
19-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the Four-day Workshop on Indian Knowledge System (IKS) (View Details)
16-03-2024 Circular -DRA-II-Invitation to attend Virasat Anubhav Series by SPIC MACAY (Workshop cum Concert)” (View Details)
15-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on class cancellation on 18-03-2024 on account of conducting Combined Competitive (Prelims) Examination, 2023 (View Details)
14-03-2024 Information regarding the Uniform Course Code format (Version-01) for the Academic Session 2024-25 (View Details)
11-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on Coursera Student Accolades (View Details)
11-03-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on Coursera Faculty Accolades (View Details)
07-03-2024 PhD Admission under the Faculty of Nursing for 2024 Batch (View Details)
05-03-2024 Notification-R-Addendum on “Policy and procedure for revision of pay/salary of faculty members of Assam down town University based on the recommendations of the 7th central pay commission -version 02 (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Commerce & Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification -R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Institute of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification- R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
04-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Centre for Language Proficiency and Professional Development (CLPPD) (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Programme of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering” (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of science (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BOS) for Programme of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (View Details)
02-03-2024 Notification-R- Reconstitution of Board of Studies (BoS) for Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (View Details)
01-03-2024 Student Entrepreneurship Loan Policy (View Details)
01-03-2024 Student Innovation Grant Policy (View Details)
28-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Amendment in duration of Summer Vacation and introduction of provision for Earned Leave for faculty members (View Details)
27-02-2024 Regarding Nursing Compartmental Form Fillup (View Details)
22-02-2024 General Instructions for University Yearly Fest “Attitude, 2024” (View Details)
22-02-2024 Student Welfare Loan Policy (View Details)
22-02-2024 Student Welfare Grant Policy (View Details)
19-02-2024 Result Sheet- 1st Semester (Regular) Examinations, December-2023 (View Details)
13-02-2024 Notice towards Hostel & Bus Fees (View Details)
13-02-2024 Circular -R- Invitation to attend Invited Scientific Talk (View Details)
10-02-2024 Time Table for Even Semester (Compartmental) Examinations (View Details)
08-02-2024 Result Sheet- Odd Semester (Regular) Examinations, December-2023 (View Details)
07-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Announcement of scholarship for current AdtU final year students to pursue Higher Education at AdtU (View Details)
07-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators against vacant/ replacement positions (View Details)
01-02-2024 Time Table for Odd Semester (Compartmental) Examinations (View Details)
01-02-2024 Notification-R-PhD Admission- August 2024 Batch (View Details)
01-02-2024 NOTIFICATION -R- Selection of Second Phase of Seed Money Projects Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
01-02-2024 CIRCULAR- Call for Submissions - Annual Magazine of AdtU (View Details)
30-01-2024 Inauguration of Dream cafe adjacent to (-3) Floor of B Block (View Details)
29-01-2024 Video recording of 2nd semester students (View Details)
29-01-2024 Regarding Compartmental Exam Admit Card, February2024 (View Details)
25-01-2024 Circular -R- Invitation to attend the Chancellor’s Lecture Series, the 21st lecture (View Details)
25-01-2024 CIRCULAR- Regarding penalty for non-return of issued books till due date (View Details)
24-01-2024 Regarding Payment Issues (if any) with Compartmental Form and Unable to download Compartmental Exam Admit Card, January 2024 (View Details)
23-01-2024 NOTIFICATION -R-Constitution of Committee for Viksit Bharat@2047 Campaign at AdtU (View Details)
20-01-2024 Rescheduling of PhD Course work examination January 2024 (View Details)
19-01-2024 Notice :: International Students (View Details)
19-01-2024 Circular -R-Vigilance Committee for Hostel Monitoring (View Details)
17-01-2024 Notice :: In House Scholarship (View Details)
11-01-2024 NOTIFICATION -R- Constitution of Committee for Publication of AdtU Magazine (View Details)
10-01-2024 Circular -R-Faculty Award/Recognition in Research & Innovation (View Details)
10-01-2024 Circular-DRA-II- Commencement of classes for the upcoming Even Semester (January- June 2024) from January 17, 2024 (View Details)
06-01-2024 Reminder for Fees payment (View Details)
06-01-2024 CIRCULAR- Amendment in Holiday List 2024 (View Details)
05-01-2024 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of University Yearly Fest- Attitude 2024 core organizing Committee (View Details)
01-01-2024 International Student Mobility Program- AIT Thailand 2024 (View Details)
27-12-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-Selection and Allotment of Teaching Assistant under “Teaching Assistance Scheme for Knowledge Enhancement (TASKE)” of senior PG and UG students of AdtU (View Details)
20-12-2023 Reminder for Semester Fees (View Details)
16-12-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Uploading and Verification of Course Structure, Course Registration Verification in ERP and Time Table preparation for Even Semester 2024 (View Details)
14-12-2023 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Tender/Quotation Opening Committee (View Details)
11-12-2023 Circular-R-Invitation to attend Webcast of the Interaction programme on Vikasit Bharat at IIT Guwahati (View Details)
06-12-2023 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturday as normal working day during end semester examination of Odd semester 2023 (View Details)
05-12-2023 Information regarding the Uniform Programme Code and Course Code format for the Academic Session 2023-24 (Revised Format) (View Details)
29-11-2023 CIRCULAR- Revised date of last day of class for 1st Semester students of AdtU (View Details)
29-11-2023 Admit card for 1st semester examination will be available from 10th December 2023 (View Details)
28-11-2023 Important Notice to the students (View Details)
25-11-2023 Time table for the First Semester Examination, December 2023 (View Details)
23-11-2023 Reminder for Fees payment (Nuirsing Programmes) (View Details)
20-11-2023 Important Notice (View Details)
18-11-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification of Policy for the Process of Developing and Signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Memorandum of Academic Support/Association (MoAS/MoAA) (View Details)
17-11-2023 CICRULAR - Notification on reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
17-11-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Committee for Renovation / Upgradation of Classrooms and Laboratories in AdtU (View Details)
17-11-2023 Circular-R-Invitation to attend Workshop on Devadasi Dance (View Details)
17-11-2023 Circular - Development of Video Content for MOOCs (View Details)
16-11-2023 Late fine against semester fees (View Details)
14-11-2023 Study Abroard Opportunity in Portugal (View Details)
11-11-2023 Reminder for fees payment (View Details)
09-11-2023 UBAYA Online Summer Program 2023 (View Details)
06-11-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-208 -Research Reward Distribution Ceremony-2023 (View Details)
06-11-2023 Circular-R-210-Invitation to attend the Chancellor’s Lecture Series, the 18th lecture November 9, 2023 (View Details)
06-11-2023 Circular-R-209-Re-constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and Clubs-2023 (View Details)
03-11-2023 CIRCULAR- SOP for uploading Event Report/Minutes of Meeting in Event Repository (View Details)
18-10-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding prior appointment to meet honorable Dean of Studies (View Details)
17-10-2023 International Student Mobility Program in Poland (View Details)
14-10-2023 CIRCULAR- Implementation of Unique ID by IQAC for Approvals & Streamlining University Process Flow (View Details)
14-10-2023 Notification-R-160-SOP for Appointment of Visiting Faculty from International Universities at AdtU and Vice-Versa (View Details)
14-10-2023 Circular-R-195-Call for Proposal: For Second Phase of Seed Money Projects Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
14-10-2023 NOTIFICATION -R-194-NSS Programme Coordinator and Programme Officer(s) of AdtU NSS Unit (View Details)
14-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-Reconstitution of committee for Outreach Activities in Adopted Villages of AdtU (View Details)
11-10-2023 Notification -DRA-II-195-SOP for Seed Funding Assistance for International Research and Academic Faculty (View Details)
11-10-2023 SOP for Assignment and Presentation Component (View Details)
11-10-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-197-Regarding collection of money from students, staff and faculty members (View Details)
11-10-2023 Notification-DRA-II-152-SOP for Teaching Assistant (TA) for PhD, Post Graduate and Undergraduate Students at AdtU (View Details)
09-10-2023 Circular-DRA-II-150-Regarding conduction of meetings and deliberations at various levels (View Details)
05-10-2023 Notification-DRA-II-Selection of Seed Money Project Proposals for Financial Year 2023-24 (View Details)
04-10-2023 Revised list of Programme Coordinators for the Academic Year 2023-24 (View Details)
04-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-PhD Admission January – 2024 (View Details)
04-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-156-Policy for Reward and Other Financial Benefits for Research Publication/Patents/Books by Faculty and Staff Members of AdtU (Version 2.0) (View Details)
04-10-2023 Circular - Scholarship Link & payment of semester fees (View Details)
03-10-2023 NOTIFICATION-R-157-SOP for appointment of Internal Students as Apprenticeship at AdtU (View Details)
03-10-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II- 133-Information regarding Internship, Field trip, Industry/Community visit, Industrial training, Hospital training, Study tour etc. (View Details)
30-09-2023 Circular - Standard Policy Cover & Content page (View Details)
30-09-2023 CIRCULAR-R- Organizing Fresher’s Day celebration for Entrant Batch, 2023-24 (View Details)
28-09-2023 NOTIFICATION - Constitution of Committee to select Full Time PhD Scholar under “AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars” (View Details)
25-09-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II- Issue of student class attendance register and uploading of student class attendance in the ERP System (View Details)
23-09-2023 Results of Intermediate Semester Examination (Regular) (Even), July 2023 (View Details)
22-09-2023 CIRCULAR -DRA-II-Invitation to Attend 7th Lecture of the Intellectual Lecture Series (View Details)
21-09-2023 Notification-DRA-II- Information regarding PhD Course Work Classes for August 2023 Batch (View Details)
20-09-2023 CIRCULAR - Renewal of annual Bus Card for Bus services of AdtU (View Details)
15-09-2023 Circular -DRA-II-REVISED UG DEGREE CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK 2023-24 (View Details)
14-09-2023 Dear sir, Gmail accounts of BCA 5th semester students have been created and shared the login details along with this mail.Please find the attachments (View Details)
14-09-2023 CIRCULAR- Splitting of office of Director, Research and Innovation into two independent Directorates (View Details)
12-09-2023 Important Information regarding the Uniform Programme Code and Course Code (Academic Session 2023-24) (View Details)
11-09-2023 Notification- R-Guidelines for Associate Dean, Faculty Research & Innovation Cell (FRIC), AdtU (View Details)
11-09-2023 Notification-R- Participation of International students in different cultural program (View Details)
11-09-2023 CIRCULAR - Bus Timings for Students, Faculty and Staff for 2nd Shift Classes (View Details)
08-09-2023 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2023-24 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
02-09-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on appointed Deans and Associate Deans of various Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
29-08-2023 Circular -DRA-II -Call for application for Research Reward for Research Publication/Patents/Books for the Academic year 2022-23 (View Details)
29-08-2023 Dedicated graffiti wall for students of every Faculty of Study (View Details)
29-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of committee to carry out activities pertaining to Celebration of 14th Foundation Day (2023) of AdtU (View Details)
28-08-2023 CIRCULAR - Arrangement for City Tour and Movie Screening at PVR, City Centre Mall for Entrant Batch of 2023 (View Details)
28-08-2023 CIRCULAR - District Level Plantation of Seedlings under Amrit Brikshya Andolan (View Details)
28-08-2023 Circular-DRA-II- Call for application for AdtU Annual Awards 2022-23 (View Details)
28-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2023-24 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
25-08-2023 Circular-R- Reporting of Student, PhD Scholars (who will be receiving degrees), staff and faculty members at University for 10th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
24-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Suspension of classes on 25th and 26th of August 2023 for 10th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
19-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Invitation & Reception Committee for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
12-08-2023 Circular-DRA-II- Participation of Students in the launch of Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) (View Details)
12-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Constitution of sub-committees for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
12-08-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Hon’ble Vice Chancellor visit timing to the Faculty of Studies (View Details)
11-08-2023 CIRCULAR- Constitution of sub-committees for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
07-08-2023 Guidelines for uploading passport photo in the convocation application form. (View Details)
01-08-2023 Notification: IQAC Coordinators from respective Faculty of Studies (View Details)
31-07-2023 CIRCULAR: New Bus Timings for Students, Faculty and Staff from 1st August 2023 (View Details)
31-07-2023 CIRCULAR- In-campus dress code for students of AdtU (View Details)
28-07-2023 The new marking pattern (In sem and End Sem marks) of the courses across all the programs and Faculty of Studies from the batches 2023 (View Details)
28-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding Orientation Program of Intermediate and 1st Semester students (View Details)
25-07-2023 Invitation to the PIs and CO-PIs for Project Proposal Presentation || Seed Money Grant projects for year 2023-24 (View Details)
25-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Core Committee for 10th Convocation (2023) of Assam down town University (View Details)
21-07-2023 Student Mobility Program in Poland for the upcoming academic year of 2023-2024 (View Details)
20-07-2023 Time Table for Special Compartmental Examinations, August 2023 (View Details)
19-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Arrangement of Photo Shoot of Faculties and Admin Staff for website profile (View Details)
19-07-2023 Academic Calendar of Odd and Even Semester 2023-24 (View Details)
13-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of odd Semester 2023 (View Details)
05-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of committee for drafting a policy on MoU signing process of AdtU (View Details)
05-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Academic events to be conducted by each Faculty of Study in an Academic Year (View Details)
05-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding status of passport of Students of Assam down town University (View Details)
03-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Time Table Committee for Centrally Offered Courses for the Odd Semester 2023 (View Details)
03-07-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Online learning and MOOCs Committee (View Details)
03-07-2023 Phd fees circular July 2023, Assam down town University (View Details)
01-07-2023 Research Related Study Tour to Vietnam 2023, Assam down town University (View Details)
30-06-2023 Circular-R-Extension of Last Date: Call for Proposal- Seed Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
22-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on PhD Admission August - 2023 (View Details)
22-06-2023 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Internal Research Review committee (IRRC) (View Details)
22-06-2023 Notification: " Policy for Evaluation of Skill - based Techno Professional Courses (View Details)
22-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Distribution of responsibilities of purchase department (View Details)
19-06-2023 Circular -R-Call for Proposal: Seed Grant 2023-24 (View Details)
19-06-2023 Circular -R- Submission of Progress Report for the Seed Grant projects sanctioned during 2021-22/22-23 (View Details)
13-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Procedure for venue booking through Academic Portal (View Details)
13-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding status of passport of faculty and senior staff members (View Details)
12-06-2023 Remainder 3 (download of Admit Card) (View Details)
10-06-2023 Notification-R-Nomination to participate “NeW IPR-2023 (View Details)
10-06-2023 Notification -R- AdtU Innovation & Startup Policy (View Details)
10-06-2023 Important Notice: Active Gmail Account Required for Digital Literacy Exam on 12th and 13th June 2023 (View Details)
07-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Distribution of responsibilities of purchase department (View Details)
07-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking self nomination from faculty members for the position of CTO for NCC Units of AdtU (View Details)
03-06-2023 Change of Bus Timings for End Semester Examination (View Details)
01-06-2023 Time Table for Intermediate Semester (Even) Exam, 2023 (View Details)
01-06-2023 List of defaulters (Fee payment), June 2023 (View Details)
01-06-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking self nomination from faculty and staff members for reconstitution of Magazine Committee of AdtU (View Details)
29-05-2023 Digital Literacy Practical Examination Dates - June 2023 (View Details)
28-05-2023 PDP Written Competency and Viva Voce Schedule (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding scheduling Farewell Ceremony in different Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Declaration of 1st and 3rd Saturday as normal working day during end semester examination of Even Semester 2023 (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Concerned person for submission of requirement for creative design (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Amended guidelines for paper presentation in seminars/ conferences and attending FDP/ Workshop by faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
25-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Study Leave for the students of Block B on 26th and 27th of May 2023 for 9th AdtU Job Fair (View Details)
22-05-2023 Remainder 2 (download of Admit Card) (View Details)
18-05-2023 Approved MINUTES OF EMERGENT MEETING Held on 10-05-2023 at Council Room REGARDING COURSE SUPERSTRUCTURE (View Details)
18-05-2023 Notification -R-Reconstitution of Ethics Committee, Assam down town University (View Details)
18-05-2023 CIRCULAR - Maintaining Uniformity in the use of AdtU symboloic Logo (View Details)
15-05-2023 Time Table for Final Semester (Even) Exam, 2023 (View Details)
13-05-2023 Circular for payment of Fee & impose of fine (View Details)
12-05-2023 Time table for PhD Coursework Examination, November 2022 batch (View Details)
11-05-2023 CIRCULAR- Announcement of 9th Job Fair of AdtU (View Details)
11-05-2023 Circular-DRA-II -Details of Professional Membership (View Details)
09-05-2023 Notification-DRA-II-“Constitution of J Block Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) Committee (View Details)
09-05-2023 Circular - DRA-II-PERFORMANCE BASED APPRAISAL FORM FOR FACULTY MEMBERS (2022-2023) (View Details)
04-05-2023 CIRCULAR - Notification on “Initiation of AdtU Weekly Market and request Application from Students” (View Details)
03-05-2023 Notification related to online scholarship & payment of semester fees (View Details)
27-04-2023 Important Circular for Student (View Details)
12-04-2023 Circular -INVITATION TO ATTEND THE INTELLECTUAL LECTURE SERIES today (12-04-2023) (View Details)
11-04-2023 Notice for Bus Fee (View Details)
11-04-2023 Notice for Hostel Fee (View Details)
10-04-2023 Notification -R- Guidelines for the activities under “AdtU Scheme for Award of Fellowship (JRF/SRF) for PhD Scholars” & “AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars” (View Details)
10-04-2023 Photo Archieve (View Details)
07-04-2023 Circular-Invitation to Attend the Seminar on Indian Traditional Knowledge Systems and Practices with Specific Reference to North East India (View Details)
03-04-2023 Circular-R-Constitution of Committee to Organise Seminar on “Indian Traditional Knowledge Systems and Practices with Specific Reference to North East India” (View Details)
03-04-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-Submission of student details registered various online courses on various platform including SWAYAM, NPTEL Coursera etc (View Details)
01-04-2023 Circular -R-Constitution of Committee to Carry out Activities Pertaining to AICTE approval Process (View Details)
01-04-2023 Notification -R- Creation of LinkedIn profile with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
30-03-2023 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-Uploading of Class Content [Content Repository] and Time Table in ERP (View Details)
29-03-2023 Student Feedback on Initiation of Teaching and Learning Process (View Details)
26-03-2023 Important Security Notice - Do not share ERP (Academic and Examination) portal login details (View Details)
23-03-2023 Circular -DRA-II-Reschedule of Digital Literacy (DL) Classes for EVEN Semester 2023 (View Details)
15-03-2023 Results of Intermediate Semester Examination, January 2023 (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Regarding approval of design before making furniture in-house (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Notification on appointed personnel at different Directorates under AdtU (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Administrative structure of Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Regarding process of nomination of faculty members for assigning tasks at central level (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Implementation of Slot Based Time Table and Completion of Course Registration (View Details)
08-03-2023 CIRCULAR Student Attendance (View Details)
07-03-2023 Announcement of scholarship for internal final year students of AdtU (View Details)
06-03-2023 Defulters List March 2023 (View Details)
06-03-2023 CIRCULAR- Anomalies in adherence of process of availing leaves (View Details)
01-03-2023 Time Table for Compartmental Examination (Even Semester) , February 2023 (View Details)
25-02-2023 Circular regarding “Guidelines for PhD Supervisor / FRC for smooth conduction of PhD activities as per AdtU PhD Regulation” (View Details)
25-02-2023 Notification for minimum number of journal publications and conference presentation for PhD Scholars (View Details)
23-02-2023 Guidelines for PhD Supervisor / FRC for smooth conduction of PhD activities as per AdtU PhD Regulation (View Details)
23-02-2023 Notification for minimum number of journal publications and conference presentation for PhD Scholars (View Details)
21-02-2023 List of defaulters, February 2023 (View Details)
20-02-2023 CIRCULAR - General Instructions for University Yearly Fest Attitude 2023 (View Details)
17-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Preparation for NAAC 2nd Cycle: Standard Practices and Processes (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Notification on appointed Deans and Associate Deans of various Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Establishment of Centre for Language Proficiency and Professional Development (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding mode of invitation to members of dtCT and AdtU fraternity for various events and activities (View Details)
14-02-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Uploading and Verification of Course Structure in ER (View Details)
14-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Core Committee for Organizing the National Science Day, 2023 (View Details)
13-02-2023 Compartmental Admit Card is available in the student portal under the Compartmental Secion of Application. (View Details)
13-02-2023 Time Table for Compartmental Examination (Odd Semester) , February 2023 (View Details)
11-02-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Budget for Outreach programme/ Activities (View Details)
11-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Participation and Presence of Faculty members and Students in various Cultural Programmes at AdtU (View Details)
10-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Regarding Biometric Attendance of Teaching and Non-Teaching staff of AdtU (View Details)
10-02-2023 CIRCULAR- Amendment in Holiday List 2023 (View Details)
10-02-2023 Administrative Fee (View Details)
06-02-2023 Circular-R-Declaration of 7th Pay Awardees (View Details)
06-02-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Core Committee for Organizing the Shruti Amrut 2-day Classical Concert Series (View Details)
03-02-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Explore Possible Online courses offered by the SWAYAM and NPTEL (View Details)
02-02-2023 Notification-Registrar -AdtU Scheme for award of AdtU PhD Research Fellowship for International PhD Scholars (View Details)
02-02-2023 Notification-Registrar -AdtU Scheme for award of Fellowship (JRFSRF) for PhD Scholars (View Details)
01-02-2023 Notification-Submission of queries related to NAAC questionnaire/process (View Details)
01-02-2023 Administrative Fee (View Details)
31-01-2023 CIRCULAR - Functioning of Repair & Maintenance Module (RMM) under ERP (View Details)
28-01-2023 Notification for Compartmental Examination (View Details)
26-01-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Implementation of Slot Based Time Table (View Details)
26-01-2023 CIRCULAR - Constitution of Committee for Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) (View Details)
23-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Transitory suspension of Circulation Service (Issue/ Return) of HNDB Central Library (View Details)
19-01-2023 Notification for Rescheduling of Examination (View Details)
19-01-2023 Celebration of Activities under Faculty of Studies (View Details)
19-01-2023 CIRCULAR -DRA-II-Prohibition of Mobile Phone in the Examination Hall (View Details)
13-01-2023 Circular -DRA-II-Additional administrative procedure for conduction of BOS meeting (View Details)
13-01-2023 Circular-DRA-II-Report on Utilization of Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Time Slots (View Details)
12-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 45th AC Meeting (View Details)
12-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 57th BoM Meeting (View Details)
06-01-2023 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Even Semester 2023 (View Details)
05-01-2023 Amended guidelines for paper presentation in seminars and conferences by faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
03-01-2023 Release of AdtU Calendar, 2023 (View Details)
02-01-2023 Change of Bus Timings for End Semester Examination (View Details)
27-12-2022 Time Table For 1st Semester Odd Semester Examination, January 2023 (View Details)
24-12-2022 Notification -Registrar-Declaration of the Research Faculty (RF) and Annexures (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for School of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Zoology and Biotechnology, Faculty of sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Performing Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Management under Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Hospitality & Tourism Management under Faculty of Commerce & Management (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- Reconstitution of Board of Studies 2022-24 for Programme of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (View Details)
23-12-2022 Notification -R-Constitution of Faculty of Studies Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) Cell (View Details)
22-12-2022 CIRCULAR- Schedule of the “Weekly Progress Review Meeting” for Implementation & Compliance, Policy framing, Format Development and Updating of different NAAC criteria (View Details)
22-12-2022 CIRCULAR- Adherence of COVID-19 protocol and practicing social distancing (View Details)
19-12-2022 Time Table For Intermediate Odd Semester Examination, January 2023 (View Details)
17-12-2022 PhD Fees (View Details)
10-12-2022 Schedule of "Weekly Progress Review Meeting" of NAAC criteria (View Details)
09-12-2022 CIRCULAR-R-Celebration of Bharatiya Bhasha Diwas (View Details)
08-12-2022 Notification- Fees (View Details)
02-12-2022 Notification-R-Reconstitution of Library Committee July 2022 (View Details)
01-12-2022 Notification on constitution of University Yearly Fest- Attitude 2023 core organizing Committee (View Details)
01-12-2022 Notification-Registrar- A-Connect Moderators (View Details)
30-11-2022 Circular - Faculty Members to attend MOOC Development Programme (View Details)
30-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Promotion (View Details)
29-11-2022 Circular-R-Celebration of World’s AIDS Day (View Details)
26-11-2022 Circular-DRA-II -Verification of Course Bucket in ERP (View Details)
26-11-2022 Notification -R-Resource Person/ Master Trainer for filing Patents, Copy rights etc” (View Details)
26-11-2022 Notification -R-Resource Person/ Master Trainer for Course Curriculum Development, Quality of Video and content in digital content, Development of Digital Contents for MOOCS” (View Details)
26-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position November 2022 (View Details)
26-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to students and faculty members to witness Rajasthani Folk Group Performance (View Details)
24-11-2022 Circular-R -Re-constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and Clubs (View Details)
23-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Celebration of 400th Birth Anniversary of Lachit Barphukan (View Details)
23-11-2022 Gentle Reminder -CIRCULAR- Regulation on student's involvement in programs outside AdtU Campus (View Details)
23-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Participation in Lectures during Ecclesia 1.0 (View Details)
22-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date of Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under PG programmes and through lateral entry (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- DRA-II-Submission of the Constitution/Reconstitution of BOS (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-II- Addendum/corrigendum (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised list of personnel from AdtU fraternity nominated for conducting the activities under different NAAC criteria (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to students, faculties and administrative/non academic Staff to join Innovation and Entrepreneurship Club (I&E Club) (View Details)
18-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Self-nomination by faculty members to join Institution Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
17-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Orientation cum Awareness session on North East Entrepreneurship Development Program (NEEDP) (View Details)
12-11-2022 CIRCULAR - Celebration of One Day Techno - Medico Fest (Ecclesia 1.0) (View Details)
12-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 44th AC Meeting (View Details)
12-11-2022 Circular- Seeking information for placing in the 56th BoM Meeting (View Details)
12-11-2022 CIRCULAR- List of personnel from AdtU fraternity nominated for conducting the activities under different NAAC criteria (View Details)
11-11-2022 CIRCULAR-R-Faculty and student participation in Lecture cum Demonstration of Carnatic Music- Flute on 12th November, 2022 (View Details)
07-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Schedule of interaction of personnel from with members of AdtU Fraternity (View Details)
07-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of organizing committee for the Techno-Medico festival (View Details)
06-11-2022 CIRCULAR - Vigilance Committee for Hostel Monitoring of Girls Section (View Details)
06-11-2022 CIRCULAR - Vigilance Committee for Maintaining the campus Decorum by Students (View Details)
05-11-2022 CIRCULAR- Call for application from faculties and staff of AdtU for in-campus residential accommodation (View Details)
01-11-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Re-Constitution of Research Coordination Committee (RCC) (View Details)
01-11-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Format for Course Curriculum and PG course Superstructure along with Annexures (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of new LMS Design and Development Committee (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Website Management Committee (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Schedule of interaction of Hon'ble Pro Vice Chancellor with the entrant batch students of 2022 (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date of Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under UG and Diploma programmes (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding social media post of events and activities under the banner of AdtU (View Details)
31-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Appointment of A-Connect Moderators from AdtU Student Fraternity (View Details)
24-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
22-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students admitted during Admission Session 2022-23 under various programmes of AdtU (View Details)
22-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Holiday on 25/10/2022 (View Details)
21-10-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Composition for the Constitution Reconstitution of DAC PAC and Annexure (View Details)
21-10-2022 Notification-DRA-II-Research Publication from the PG Project (View Details)
21-10-2022 Notification -DRA-II-Composition for the Constitution/ Reconstitution of BOS and Annexures (View Details)
12-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on Reconstitution of WECC as Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) (View Details)
12-10-2022 CIRCULAR- Students participation in ‘Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive’ (E.A.D.) on 14th of October, 2022 (View Details)
10-10-2022 Fees Payment Circular October 2022 (View Details)
10-10-2022 Notification -Introduction of New Course code from the session 2022-23 and Annexure I (View Details)
29-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 43rd AC Meeting (View Details)
29-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 55th BoM Meeting (View Details)
28-09-2022 Notification-DRA-II-NO SUSPENSION OF SCHEDULED CLASSES (View Details)
27-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Student nomination for Anti-Drug Campaign programme on 28th September, 2022 (View Details)
23-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Student orientation programme for admission to NCC unit of AdtU (View Details)
22-09-2022 Organizing Fresher's Day celebration for Entrant Batch, 2022-23 (View Details)
20-09-2022 ISSN 2583-4657 for "Annals of Multidisciplinary Research, Innovation and Technology (Online)" (View Details)
20-09-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-II regarding "Uploading of Student attendance in ERP System" (View Details)
19-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Arrangement for City Tour and Movie Screening at PVR, City Center Mall for Entrant Batch of 2022 (View Details)
19-09-2022 Notification- Format for structure of the course curriculum (View Details)
19-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Arrangement for City Tour and Movie Screening at PVR, City Center Mall for Entrant Batch of 2022 (View Details)
15-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised date of commencement of classes for the B. Pharm students of entrant batch 2022 (View Details)
12-09-2022 Notification -DRA-06-To furnish information regarding the Generic Electives and Departmental Electives In (View Details)
12-09-2022 NOTIFICATION - Renewal of annual Bus Card for Bus services of AdtU (View Details)
12-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of YUVA Tourism Club (View Details)
12-09-2022 CIRCULAR- Formation of Biswakarma Puja Celebration Committee 2022 (View Details)
10-09-2022 IMPORTANT- One pager Academic Calendar for Odd Semester 2022-23 (View Details)
09-09-2022 Notification -DRA-II-04-To furnish the course curriculum related information (View Details)
09-09-2022 Notification -“to furnish the career prospects of graduating students under different programmes” (View Details)
09-09-2022 Online Awareness programme on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)” (View Details)
06-09-2022 Process of Reporting for Student Orientation Programme for Entrant Batch, 2022-23 (View Details)
06-09-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-II-CLASS TIME TABLE FORMAT-2022-23 (View Details)
01-09-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA- Most constructive suggestion for AdtU’s all-round development Award -2022 (View Details)
01-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Plan of Activities for Student Orientation Programme for new entrant batch, 2022-23 (View Details)
01-09-2022 CIRCULAR - Nomination of Student Volunteers for Student Orientation Programme, 2022-23 (View Details)
30-08-2022 CIRCULAR -DRA-Call for Application for PhD Supervisorship (View Details)
30-08-2022 CIRCULAR - Constitution of committee to carry out activities pertaining to Celebration of 13th Foundation Day (2022) of AdtU (View Details)
30-08-2022 IMPORTANT- Academic Calendar for the Academic year 2022-23 (Odd and Even Semester) (View Details)
29-08-2022 CIRCULAR -DRA-Training Session on A-Connect (View Details)
26-08-2022 CIRCULAR - Session on Corporate Spirituality with Mr. Dinesh Shahra (View Details)
26-08-2022 NOTIFICATION as the “Policy with guidelines for selection of “BEST TEACHER AWARD” ASSAM DOWN TOWN UNIVERSITY (View Details)
25-08-2022 Important Announcement Related to Convocation 2022 (View Details)
24-08-2022 Convocation Notice 2022 (View Details)
19-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding preparation of Vision document of IQAC for next five years (View Details)
18-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of sub-committees for 9 th Convocation 2022 of Assam down town University (View Details)
18-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding “Course Super Structure” (under the Criteria 1 of NAAC) (View Details)
13-08-2022 Time Table For Special Compartmental Exam, August 2022 (View Details)
13-08-2022 CIRCULAR - Celebration of Independence Day (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Announcement of Promotion (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Reminder regarding creation of Google Scholar and LinkedIn profile with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
12-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Information regarding Holiday of Administration Staff (View Details)
11-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Release of Beta version of A-Connect Mobile App (View Details)
11-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of Core Committee for 9th Convocation 2022 of Assam down town University (View Details)
10-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Corrigendum- Commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2022 (View Details)
05-08-2022 Revised Time-Table for CBCS Papers (UG & PG), July/August 2022 (View Details)
03-08-2022 Result of Final Semester Examination, July 2022 (View Details)
02-08-2022 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2022 (View Details)
29-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information of Freedom Fighters and celebration of Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav (View Details)
28-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of Committee for ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’ (View Details)
27-07-2022 Standard policy format of AdtU (View Details)
22-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding creation of Google Scholar and LinkedIn profile with AdtU affiliation (View Details)
22-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
18-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding Cataract Screening & Vision Check up Camp (View Details)
15-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Declaration of summer vacation for Clinical Instructors/ Lab Instructors/ Lab Attendants and faculty members who are designated in an administration position (View Details)
13-07-2022 Notification- Policy for Reward and Other Financial Benefits for Research Publication Patents Books by Faculty and Staff Members of AdtU (View Details)
07-07-2022 CIRCULAR -Reconstitution of committee for Outreach Activities in Adopted Villages of AdtU (View Details)
07-07-2022 CIRCULAR- List of faculty members for the second phase of Summer Vacation (View Details)
05-07-2022 CIRCULAR- Declaration of summer vacation for faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding availing leaves during end semester examination 2022 (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Arrangement of practice session for upcoming end semester Computer Based Examination (CBE) (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Progress Review of Sanctioned Seed Money Grant Projects and Annex-I (View Details)
29-06-2022 CIRCULAR -DRA-Constitution of Committee to Evaluate the Progress of Seed Money Grant Projects (View Details)
28-06-2022 Circular-Regarding Geo-tagged photograph and FDP (View Details)
27-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Adherence of COVID-19 protocol and practicing social distancing (View Details)
25-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-121-Call for application for Research Reward and other benefits of AdtU (View Details)
23-06-2022 Time Table For Intermediate Semester Examination, July 2022 (View Details)
23-06-2022 Circular- REGARDING 8th ANNUAL JOB FAIR (View Details)
23-06-2022 Circular -REGARDING LAST DATE FOR AVAIL OF ADMIT CARD (View Details)
23-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Constitution of Committee to formulate modalities for implementation of recommendations related to Curricular Aspects of NAAC (View Details)
14-06-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for introduction of new programmes at AdtU (View Details)
14-06-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for Appointment of Industry Experts as faculty member at AdtU (View Details)
14-06-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for appointment of internal students as interns at AdtU (View Details)
13-06-2022 Time Table For Final Semester Examination, 2022 (View Details)
12-06-2022 Circular-DRA- Interaction with the AdtU students those who received awards/prizes at various activities/ competitions/events outside AdtU (View Details)
10-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding upcoming academic and administrative Audit (View Details)
10-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Information about sponsored seats under BPL category at AdtU (View Details)
09-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding subscription of print journal (View Details)
07-06-2022 Notification for Uploading Question Paper (View Details)
07-06-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Re-Constitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) for Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science (View Details)
07-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised dates of last day of class of Even semester 2022 (View Details)
07-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Inauguration of Faculty Recreation Corner at B Block (View Details)
07-06-2022 Notification for holding Even Semester Final and Intermediate Semester Examination (View Details)
06-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Self Nomination for Student Governance Connect initiative (View Details)
06-06-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding participation in the 3 day meditation session (View Details)
28-05-2022 Result of RET March 2022 ( Round II), Assam down town University (View Details)
26-05-2022 Notification for PhD Course Work examination May 2022 (View Details)
25-05-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-Support in publication of scientific manuscript (View Details)
25-05-2022 Circular -DRA-Student Nomination for interactive session on Importance of Paying Taxes and Ease of Tax Compliance” (View Details)
25-05-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding proposed Research Internship for UG students by UGC (View Details)
20-05-2022 CIRCULAR-Revised Reward scheme for research publication by faculty and staff members of AdtU (View Details)
19-05-2022 CIRCULAR -Invitation to attend Research Reward Distribution Ceremony (View Details)
17-05-2022 Payment Reminder (Urgent) (View Details)
05-05-2022 Result sheets of Even Semester compartmental Exam, February 2022 (View Details)
04-05-2022 Circular related to Semester Fees (View Details)
02-05-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-79- Re-Constitution of Faculty Research Committee (FRC) (View Details)
27-04-2022 CIRCULAR - Regarding directives for wearing mask inside the University Campus (View Details)
25-04-2022 Circular regarding Fees (View Details)
20-04-2022 Circular for Phd fees, Click here (View Details)
13-04-2022 Result sheets of Odd Semester compartmental Exam, February 2022 (View Details)
09-04-2022 NOTIFICATION regarding “Policy guidelines for receipt of financial support from external funding agencies like Trusts/Societies/NGOs by the doctoral research scholars of AdtU” (View Details)
07-04-2022 CIRCULAR- Call for application from faculties and staff of AdtU for in-campus residential accommodation (View Details)
06-04-2022 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators against vacant/ replacement positions for the Academic Year 2021-22 (View Details)
01-04-2022 Circular -Regarding “Class Time Table Format” (View Details)
29-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Monthly meeting of Deans of Faculty of Studies with Hon'ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
29-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Meeting of Teaching Staff of respective Faculty of Studies with Hon'ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
23-03-2022 Instructions for University Yearly Fest "Attitude, 2022" (View Details)
22-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 53rd BoM Meeting (View Details)
21-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 41st AC Meeting (View Details)
21-03-2022 Lamp Lighting Ceremony, April 2022 (View Details)
16-03-2022 Attitude Competitions Details March 2022 (View Details)
15-03-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification Regarding Journal Publication (View Details)
12-03-2022 CIRCULAR-Student nomination for Yi-Yuva Foundation Guwahati Chapter-reg (View Details)
10-03-2022 CIRCULAR Review of projects and interaction of different stakeholders of AdtU with Adviser Research (View Details)
09-03-2022 CIRCULAR Notification on reconstitution of Board of Studies, Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
09-03-2022 Circular- Global Mentoring Walk (View Details)
08-03-2022 CIRCULAR-Regarding Student Nomination to participate in a function in context to “Bangladesh Film Festival 2022” (View Details)
08-03-2022 Circular regarding Students Nomination to participate in Vital Voices Global Mentoring Walk 2022 (View Details)
28-02-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-39-Constitution of core committee to formulate necessary modalities to organize a National level conference (View Details)
28-02-2022 CIRCULAR-DRA-41-Constitution of core committee to formulate necessary modalities to organize a National level conference (View Details)
28-02-2022 CIRCULAR- SOP for constitution/ reconstitution of Board of Studies of different Faculty of Studies under AdtU (View Details)
26-02-2022 Notification-Faculty wise list of sanctioned project proposals as Seed Money Grant-Second List (View Details)
25-02-2022 CIRCULAR-SOP for best faculty of the month (View Details)
25-02-2022 dtVL Ideation 2.0: Inviting Innovators and Startups to avail INTEREST FREE loan upto Rs. 2 lakhs (View Details)
25-02-2022 TIDE 2.0: Inviting Application for Funding opportunities (View Details)
23-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the inaugural ceremony of Bangabandhu Corner at AdtU (View Details)
22-02-2022 Time Table for Even Semester (Compartmental) Examination, March 2022 (View Details)
21-02-2022 CIRCULAR-Sanctioned Letter Distribution Ceremony under the Seed Money Grant (View Details)
17-02-2022 CIRCULAR-Constitution of National Science Day Celebration Committee (View Details)
15-02-2022 Circular- Regarding organizing various events / activities (View Details)
15-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
14-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Amended guidelines for paper presentation in seminars and conferences by faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
14-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Even Semester 2022 (View Details)
12-02-2022 Notification-Faculty wise list of sanctioned project proposals as Seed Money Grant (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of AISHE Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on constitution of NAD Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of NBA Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of University Research Council as per AdtU PhD Regulation 2021 (View Details)
07-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of NIRF Committee (View Details)
07-02-2022 Circular- Regarding Participation in International Conferences (View Details)
06-02-2022 Guidelines for End Semester Online Examination, Feb'22 (View Details)
04-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the celebration of Saraswati Puja (View Details)
03-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding reporting of events and activities through ERP (View Details)
03-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Notification on reconstitution of External Project Review Committee (View Details)
02-02-2022 Fees date extension (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Vaccination status of faculties and staff of AdtU (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Activities to be taken up by each Faculty of Study during the month of February and March 2022 (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR -Reward scheme for externally funded R &D projects by faculty and staff members of AdtU (View Details)
02-02-2022 CIRCULAR- Reward for 10 Best Research Projects (View Details)
31-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Revised University Timing from 01-02-2022 (View Details)
28-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Executive committee of AdtU Alumni Association (View Details)
28-01-2022 Circular-Regarding Publication and Scholar Portal Accounts (View Details)
28-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Temporary charge of Dean, Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
25-01-2022 Important Notice to All the Students (View Details)
25-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Celebration of 73rd Republic Day 2022 (View Details)
22-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 40th AC Meeting (View Details)
22-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Reward scheme for research publication by faculty and staff members of AdtU (View Details)
22-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 52nd BoM Meeting (View Details)
17-01-2022 CIRCULAR- COVID-19 related instructions for faculties and staff of AdtU (View Details)
13-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding Modus operandi for entry of students after Bihu holiday (View Details)
13-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Special Squad for document verification and monitoring of student movement (View Details)
13-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Rejoining of faculties after Magh Bihu Holidays (View Details)
11-01-2022 CIRCULAR - 'Regarding Administration of Booster Dose Vaccine (View Details)
11-01-2022 Time Table for Odd Semester (Regular) Examination, February 2022 (View Details)
08-01-2022 Notice regarding the uploading of questions to the Question Bank in ERP (View Details)
08-01-2022 Notification for Uploading Question Paper for End Semester February 2020 (View Details)
03-01-2022 CIRCULAR- Regarding completion of practical classes (View Details)
23-12-2021 Inviting Application from students having innovative Business idea/prototype/product/technology solution (View Details)
23-12-2021 Inviting Application from students to participate in a survey on Innovation & Entrepreneurship (View Details)
23-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Internal Research Review Committee (View Details)
20-12-2021 IMPORTANT- Academic Calendar for the Academic year 2021-22 (Odd and Even Semester) (View Details)
20-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Process for Event Reporting through ERP (View Details)
16-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Schemes linked to research activities at AdtU (View Details)
11-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Timeline for Registration of students under various programmes of AdtU for the Admission Session 2021-22 (View Details)
11-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding attending Chancellor`s Lecture Series of the University (View Details)
06-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Plan of Action applicable in case of detection of COVID-19 positive cases at Assam down town University (View Details)
04-12-2021 Guidelines for newly joined faculty members for updating their profile in ERP (View Details)
03-12-2021 CIRCULAR- List of faculties to be involved in the 7th Annual Job Fair 2021 of AdtU on 10-12-2021 (View Details)
02-12-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding 7th Annual Job Fair 2021 of AdtU (View Details)
01-12-2021 Notice to Alumni (View Details)
30-11-2021 Request for Bank Account Details of Toppers (End Semester Examination, May-June 2021) (View Details)
28-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Submission of report of events (View Details)
24-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for review of content of cultural activities and celebrations published thorough online platforms (View Details)
24-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding Chancellor's Lecture Series on 27-11-2021 at 10 A.M (View Details)
23-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding Food Services in Assam down town University (AdtU) (View Details)
20-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Booking of Council Room, Board Room, Auditoriums, Amphitheatre and other such facilities of AdtU for different activities (View Details)
19-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding instructions for conduct of written test on 21-11-2021 issued by State Level Police Recruitment Board (View Details)
18-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Wearing of ID Card and approval of leaves of faculties and staff of AdtU (View Details)
15-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Re-constitution of Purchase Committee (View Details)
15-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Adherence of COVID-19 protocol and practicing social distancing (View Details)
15-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for planning and implementation of the provisions under National Education Policy 2020 at AdtU (View Details)
12-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Correction in date of observing holiday on account of Guru Nanak Jayanti (View Details)
10-11-2021 Reminder to Students (View Details)
10-11-2021 (Revised) Time Table For Special Odd Semester Compartmental Examination, November 2021 (View Details)
03-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Holiday on 05-11-2021 (View Details)
03-11-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for Outreach Activities in Adopted Villages of AdtU (View Details)
02-11-2021 Code of Conduct Handbook, Assam down town University (View Details)
30-10-2021 Notice: Bus Fee for the students: Session 2021-22 (View Details)
30-10-2021 Notice: Hostel Fee for the Students, Session 2021-22 (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Addendum: Policy for assigning weightage for different research activities (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Welcome arrangement for 1st Semester Students (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Programme to pay tribute to Dr. Bhupen Hazarika on his death anniversary (View Details)
29-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Call for application for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and Professor by eligible faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
26-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Modus operandi for entry of 1st Semester/ Year students for physical classes (View Details)
26-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Committee for review of Student Cycle in the ERP (View Details)
26-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Revised dates of last day of class and examination of Odd semester 2021 (View Details)
25-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Involvement of students and faculty members in co-curricular activities (View Details)
22-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 39th AC Meeting (View Details)
22-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 51st BoM Meeting (View Details)
18-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Revised University Timing (View Details)
11-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution Special Squad for document verification and monitoring of student movement (View Details)
10-10-2021 Notification on Distance Education Examination Form Fill up, November 2021 (View Details)
08-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Student participation in Global Essay Writing Event (View Details)
08-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Re-constitution of Diploma Board, AdtU (View Details)
08-10-2021 Fwd: Constitution of Revised Committee for QS Ranking (View Details)
08-10-2021 CIRCULAR- Policy for disbursement of remuneration to the PhD Supervisors of AdtU (View Details)
25-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Initiation of registration of certain programmes of AdtU (View Details)
24-09-2021 CIRCULAR: Constitution of committee for coordination with I-STEM (View Details)
24-09-2021 CIRCULAR: Dates for collection of Mark Sheet and Certificate by the degree recipients of 8th Convocation of AdtU (View Details)
22-09-2021 CIRCULAR- SOP for Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism (View Details)
18-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Initiation of registration of certain programmes of AdtU (View Details)
17-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Modus operandi for entry of final year/ pre-final semester students for physical classes (View Details)
17-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Special Squad for document verification and monitoring of student movement (View Details)
16-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
16-09-2021 Japanese Language and Culture Traning, Learn a new Language and get a new soul (View Details)
13-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Formation of Biswakarma Puja Celebration Committee 2021 (View Details)
11-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Standard Operating Procedure for Repair and Maintenance at AdtU under different heads (View Details)
11-09-2021 CIRCULAR- SOP- Operational Expenses Fund for Office of the Dean of faculties of AdtU (View Details)
07-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes in physical mode (View Details)
07-09-2021 Urgent Notification to Mentioned Students (View Details)
03-09-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of IAIP and DAIP (View Details)
28-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Revised University Timing (View Details)
27-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Award for most innovative online teaching initiative (View Details)
26-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Adoption of Note Sheet Filing System in all administrative matters of AdtU (View Details)
26-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for 12th Foundation Day (2021) of AdtU (View Details)
23-08-2021 Regarding CIRCULAR- Constitution of committees for 8th Convocation 2021 of Assam down town University (View Details)
19-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Nomination for selection of Best Graduate, Best Post Graduate and Best Placement Achiever 2021 In (View Details)
19-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Rejoining of faculties after Semester Break Vacation (View Details)
14-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Celebration of Independence Day 2021 (View Details)
11-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Declaration of Semester Break Vacation (View Details)
04-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes of Odd Semester 2021 for intermediate semesters (View Details)
03-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
03-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for selection of Best Graduate, Best Post Graduate and Best Placement Achiever 2021 (View Details)
03-08-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committees for 8th Convocation 2021 of Assam down town University (View Details)
29-07-2021 Policy for Organizing events at AdtU (View Details)
29-07-2021 Policy and Guidelines for Creation of Data Pool (View Details)
29-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Submission of Journal Publication Data in the Academic Module (ERP) of AdtU (View Details)
28-07-2021 Result of D. Pharm Part I Exam (Regular) August, 2020 (View Details)
26-07-2021 Urgent [Toppers Scholarship] (View Details)
26-07-2021 Result of Final Semester Examination, June-July, 2021 (View Details)
24-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Precautionary measures to be taken to contain spread of COVID-19 (View Details)
23-07-2021 Ganastabha-News Papaer (View Details)
23-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators for the Academic Year 2021-22 (View Details)
19-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of special Committee to develop SOP for Grievance Redressal Mechanism of AdtU (View Details)
19-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 38th AC Meeting (View Details)
19-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 50th BoM Meeting (View Details)
16-07-2021 CIRCULAR- Recommencement of normal functioning of the University for Faculties and Staff (View Details)
13-07-2021 Procedure to download Semester Examination Admit Card (View Details)
09-07-2021 News Paper 09/07/2021 (View Details)
05-07-2021 Time Table for Intermediate Even Semester (Regular) Examination July 2021 (View Details)
03-07-2021 News Paper 03/07/2021 (View Details)
30-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Schedule of Campus Visit for Deans, Associate Deans, HoDs, Directors, Program coordinators, faculty members and administrative staffs (View Details)
28-06-2021 Regarding presentation of NAAC criteria wise improvement plan (View Details)
27-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Re-Constitution of Maintenance Squad of AdtU (View Details)
16-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Schedule of Campus Visit for Deans, Associate Deans, HoDs and Directors (View Details)
09-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Recirculation of Policy for assigning weightage for different research activities (View Details)
09-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Guidelines for providing content to be posted in social media (View Details)
08-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for planning and implementation of AdtU Entrance Test (View Details)
05-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Schedule of Campus Visit for Deans, Associate Deans, HoDs, Directors and admin personnel (View Details)
05-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position (View Details)
03-06-2021 CIRCULAR- Distribution of responsibilities of various programmes under Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
27-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for preparation of application for membership of AIU and IAU (View Details)
26-05-2021 CIRCULAR [For Already Pass Out Student] (View Details)
25-05-2021 Result of the Odd-Semester (Regular) Examination, held in February, 2021 (View Details)
21-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Appeal to students, faculties and staff members to get vaccinated (View Details)
20-05-2021 Time Table for Final Semester Examination June 2021 (View Details)
18-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Addendum for Constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and re-constitution of Clubs (View Details)
18-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Scheduling of online meetings of AdtU after 2 P.M. (View Details)
18-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for segregation of student data category wise in the ERP (View Details)
13-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding revised directives from the Govt. of Assam (View Details)
13-05-2021 Important Notification regarding reopening of scholarship application link (View Details)
06-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Fees waiver for different category of students seeking admission in different programmes of AdtU (View Details)
05-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) (View Details)
04-05-2021 Reminder - 2: (View Details)
03-05-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) (View Details)
30-04-2021 News Paper 30/04/2021 (View Details)
30-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Continuation of online teaching and learning (View Details)
30-04-2021 Kind Attention to All the Students Who havenot Paid Administrative Fee Yet... (View Details)
25-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Addendum for revised date of reporting and work from home (View Details)
25-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Core Committee for Students’ Activities and re-constitution of Clubs (View Details)
19-04-2021 Reminder to Students/Parents (View Details)
13-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 50th BoM Meeting (View Details)
13-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 38th AC Meeting (View Details)
13-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Dates for reporting of students and faculty members of various Faculty of Studies for commencement of classes after Bihu holidays (View Details)
11-04-2021 Time Table For Even Semester Compartmental Examination, April 2021 (View Details)
02-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Regulation on payment of fees by the students (View Details)
02-04-2021 CIRCULAR- Regulation on students wearing uniform (View Details)
30-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Centralization of all outgoing communication from AdtU (View Details)
30-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for ‘Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’ (View Details)
24-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Concerned person for submission of requirement for creative design. (View Details)
23-03-2021 Faculty Feedback Form (View Details)
22-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Circulation of new COVID-19 guideline issued by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Govt. of Assam (View Details)
19-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
19-03-2021 Faculty Self – Appraisal proforma (View Details)
19-03-2021 Attitude 2021 (View Details)
18-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for AICTE approval process 2021-22 (View Details)
18-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Updated List of Generic Elective Courses under CBCS 2021 (View Details)
18-03-2021 Revised Time Table of UG programs for Odd Semester Compartmental Examinations, March-2021 (View Details)
18-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of committee for steering towards bio-diversity and bio-resource richness in AdtU campus (View Details)
13-03-2021 Date-sheet for Odd Semester Compartmental Examination, March 2021 (for UG/PG/Diploma Courses) (View Details)
12-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding attending Chancellor's and Regular Lecture Series of the University (View Details)
11-03-2021 News Paper 11/03/2021 (View Details)
10-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
10-03-2021 Regarding University bus facility for the students (View Details)
09-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
09-03-2021 Notification for Even Semester Compartmental Examination, April 2021 (View Details)
08-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
05-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
05-03-2021 Invitation--International Women Day Celebration (View Details)
05-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Formation of University Yearly Fest (Attitude) core organizing Committee (View Details)
04-03-2021 CIRCULAR --- Celebration of INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY 2021(IWD) (View Details)
03-03-2021 News Paper (View Details)
02-03-2021 The Indian Express New Paper (View Details)
01-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Notification for opening of in campus hostels for booking (View Details)
01-03-2021 CIRCULAR- Dates for reporting of students of various Faculty of Studies for commencement of classes of the Even Semester 2021 (View Details)
28-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Formation of International Women's Day Celebration Committee (View Details)
28-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Committee for Handling Grievances (View Details)
26-02-2021 CIRCULAR 'Regarding celebration of Science Day on Sunday, 28th of February 2021' (View Details)
25-02-2021 CIRCULAR 'Admission under In-House Scholarship Scheme for the session 2021-22'. (View Details)
25-02-2021 Circular - For Scholarship as well as due date of payment of fees for upcoming exams (View Details)
22-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Timeline for declaration of results of the Odd Semester examination held during February 2021 (View Details)
20-02-2021 Lamp lighting Ceremony Organized by Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
20-02-2021 Lamp Lighting Ceremony, 2021 (View Details)
17-02-2021 Invitation- First lecture series to commemorate the death anniversary of Late Sahityaratna Harinarayan Dutta Baruah (View Details)
14-02-2021 Revised Time Table for Regular End Semester Examinations of 3rd Semester UG and 5th Semester PG Programs earlier scheduled on 9th February, 2021 (9:30 am) has been rescheduled on 20th February, 2021. (View Details)
13-02-2021 Saraswati Puja 2021 (View Details)
11-02-2021 Notice regarding Viva Voice of Vandana Singh (View Details)
10-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of dues by 1st Semester/year Students (View Details)
10-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding registration of 1st Semester-year Students (View Details)
08-02-2021 Guidelines for End Semester Online Examination, Feb'21 (View Details)
05-02-2021 Revised Regular Semester Exam Time Table February 2021 (View Details)
05-02-2021 Revised Regular Semester Exam Time Table February 2021 (View Details)
03-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Audit Calendar (View Details)
02-02-2021 CIRCULAR- Uploading of Mark Sheets in Digital Academic Repository (View Details)
02-02-2021 Circular regarding download of Admit Card (View Details)
28-01-2021 URGENT (View Details)
27-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Handover of Library Affairs (View Details)
25-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in the 49th BoM Meeting (View Details)
25-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Seeking information for placing in 37th AC Meeting (View Details)
23-01-2021 Virtual Scientific Conclave – 2021 (View Details)
22-01-2021 Time Table for Compartmental Examinations (Log-In Issue) reg. (View Details)
22-01-2021 Time Table for Compartmental Examinations of yearly programs under Faculty of Paramedical Sciences reg. (View Details)
19-01-2021 Declaration of result of Compartmental Examinations held in October, 2020 (View Details)
19-01-2021 Compartmental Result of Diploma Programs (View Details)
13-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding last date of registration for different category of students (View Details)
12-01-2021 Investment declaration form 20-21 (View Details)
11-01-2021 REVISED CIRCULAR- Regarding Compartmental Exam Form fiilup (View Details)
08-01-2021 Result Published- August -Sept 2020 Compartmental/ Supplementary Examination(Physiotherapy) (View Details)
08-01-2021 Result Published- August -Sept 2020 Compartmental/ Supplementary Examination(Optometry) (View Details)
08-01-2021 Result Published- August -Sept 2020 Compartmental/ Supplementary Examination(B.Pharm) (View Details)
07-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Departmental Store Establishment Committee at AdtU (View Details)
06-01-2021 CIRCULAR- Regarding Compartmental Exam Form fiilup (View Details)
31-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of IAIP and DAIP (View Details)
31-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special Committee to draft Protocols for involvement of External Experts at AdtU (View Details)
23-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Initiative to cheer the interests of the members of AdtU fraternity in sports, culture and other hobbies (View Details)
23-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Maintenance Squad of AdtU (View Details)
23-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Revised University timings for the winter months (View Details)
19-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Information for the intermediate semester/year students (View Details)
19-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Commencement of classes in physical mode (View Details)
19-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Competition for selection of title for the proposed multidisciplinary journal of AdtU (View Details)
17-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Inclusion of External Members in the Research Review Committee of AdtU (View Details)
14-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Library Committee (View Details)
14-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Extension of last date for payment of semester fees of intermediate semester/ year students (View Details)
14-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Timeline for uploading of questions in the ERP Question Repository for Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
12-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of Admission Fees, Registration Fees, Semester Fees and Security Deposit of the 1st Semester/year Students (View Details)
04-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Faculty appraisal and promotion committee (View Details)
04-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Conduction of examination for programmes under Sankar Madhab School of Nursing for the year 2020 (revised circular) (View Details)
03-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Creation of Digital Academic Repository for students (View Details)
01-12-2020 CIRCULAR- Webinars to be organized by various Faculty of Studies and other departments during the month of December 2020 and January 2021 (View Details)
25-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Schedule of practical classes in physical mode for certain programmes (View Details)
25-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of ERP Academic Module review Committee (View Details)
22-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding in-charge of Faculty of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
20-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position- Senior Admission Executive and Coordinator, PhD Programme (View Details)
11-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Distribution of examination related activities Faculty of Study wise to the personnel of Examination Cell, AdtU (View Details)
11-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding the Re-Uploading of Formal Photgraphs in the Convocation portal (View Details)
09-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Annual Report Preparation Committee (View Details)
05-11-2020 CIRCULAR- Invitation to the interaction session with Honorable Chancellor and Vice Chancellor (View Details)
30-10-2020 Revised Academic Calendar for Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
30-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding class commencement in physical mode for all programmes under AdtU (View Details)
29-10-2020 NOTIFICATION- Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) (View Details)
28-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Special Committee for verification of system generated CGPA (View Details)
27-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Commencement of normal functioning of the University for Faculties and Admin Staff (View Details)
27-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding award of Diploma to Paramedical Students (View Details)
09-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of Committee for selection of Best Graduate and Best Post Graduate 2020 (View Details)
09-10-2020 CIRCULAR- General Information (View Details)
09-10-2020 CIRCULAR- List of tabulators to be present at campus on 10/10/2020 and 11/10/2020 (View Details)
07-10-2020 Circular: Committees for 7th Convocation of Assam down town University (View Details)
07-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Announcement of new position- Dean Research (View Details)
07-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding fees payment update status in the portal (View Details)
01-10-2020 Circular for new registration for the NCC girls' unit of Assam down town University (View Details)
01-10-2020 CIRCULAR- Last date of registration for certain programmes (View Details)
30-09-2020 CIRCULAR-Constitution of NIRF Committee (View Details)
30-09-2020 CIRCULAR-Constitution of NBA Committee (View Details)
30-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding Bus Fees and Hostel Fees (View Details)
26-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Research Ideas from Faculties and Students (View Details)
26-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Creative Writing and Dissemination Committee (View Details)
24-09-2020 Reschedule of 1st Semester PG Programmes Classes (View Details)
19-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding Collection of Fees from student (View Details)
17-09-2020 Circular Regarding 'Constitution of 1st Semester Orientation Committee'. (View Details)
15-09-2020 Invitation of Vishwakarma Puja on 17th sept 2020 (View Details)
15-09-2020 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of Internal Research Review Committee (View Details)
03-09-2020 Academic Calender (2020-21) Odd Semesters (View Details)
29-08-2020 Revised Programme for the Compartmental examination (E&T) August - September 2020 for the Final Semester/Year Batch (View Details)
29-08-2020 Revised Programme for the Compartmental examination (Allied) August - September 2020 for the Final Semester/Year Batch (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of CMHSS held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of Engineering and Technology held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of Paramedical held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of Pharmaceutical Science held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Results of the final semester of B.Tech(CTIS) held in the month of August 2020 (View Details)
25-08-2020 Circular Regarding 'Job Fair 2020'. (View Details)
18-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Reconstitution of External Project Review Committee (View Details)
18-08-2020 Circular- One time Special Examination September 2020 (View Details)
14-08-2020 SOP for commencement of Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
13-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Programme Coordinators for the Academic Year 2020-21 (View Details)
13-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Celebration of Independence Day (View Details)
10-08-2020 Learners guide-Coursera (View Details)
06-08-2020 Demo Class- Engineering and Technology (View Details)
05-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Constitution of University Doctoral Research Committee (View Details)
05-08-2020 CIRCULAR- Protocols to be followed during COVID-19 Pandemic (View Details)
05-08-2020 Circular- Regarding Examination of Some Subjects (View Details)
04-08-2020 Circular- Change in timing of Final Examination August 2020 (View Details)
03-08-2020 Circular-Regarding 8th SEMESTER Online Examination AUGUST 2020 (View Details)
03-08-2020 Circular for Optometry students (View Details)
02-08-2020 Demo Class to know more about our MBA Course (View Details)
27-07-2020 Notice regarding extension of dates for form fill up (View Details)
24-07-2020 Circular as a General Information (View Details)
24-07-2020 Circular Regarding Norms for uploading notes in the ERP (View Details)
21-07-2020 Circular Regarding Medium of instruction for videos and other course material (View Details)
20-07-2020 Circular Regarding Examination of Final Semester/ Year Students (View Details)
20-07-2020 Circular Regarding Revised information and instructions for the faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
16-07-2020 Notification on Research Paper Upload in ERP Portal (View Details)
14-07-2020 Circular Regarding Information and instructions for the faculty members of AdtU (View Details)
11-07-2020 Circular Regarding Seeking information for placing in 35th AC Meeting (View Details)
11-07-2020 Circular Regarding General Information on commencement of Odd Semester 2020 (View Details)
11-07-2020 Notification on Revised ERP Review Schedule for Even Sem 2020 (View Details)
08-07-2020 Circular Regarding Class commencement of newly admitted students of Odd Semester (View Details)
07-07-2020 Circular regarding "INTERMEDIATE SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS OF EVEN SEMESTERS 2020" (View Details)
02-07-2020 Commencement of classes of existing students for Odd Semester 2020 as per AICTE Academic Calendar (View Details)
01-07-2020 Reconstitution of Website Management Committee (View Details)
30-06-2020 Notification on Activities for the month of July 2020 (View Details)
28-06-2020 Notification on Faculty Activity Report June 2020 (View Details)
28-06-2020 Notification on Publication Review Committee (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Paramedical Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Engineering and Technology 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Commerce, Managment, Humanities and Social Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Nursing 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on ERP Scores of Faculty of Science 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Notification on Two Weeks Online FDP July 2020 (View Details)
27-06-2020 CIRCULAR- ERP Marks 2019-20 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Rechecking result of Odd Semester Examination Nov-Dec 2019 (View Details)
27-06-2020 Result of 1st Semester Compartmental Examination Nov-Dec 2019 (View Details)
26-06-2020 CIRCULAR- FINAL SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS July 2020 (View Details)
24-06-2020 ERP Review Meet Schedule 2020 (View Details)
20-06-2020 Reward for Publication 2018-19 session (View Details)
20-06-2020 Address to final semester students of Even Semester 2020 (View Details)
19-06-2020 Highest Publication Reward 2020 (View Details)
19-06-2020 Journal Publication Reward for Research Scholars & PG Students (View Details)
19-06-2020 Odd semester ERP Awardees 2019-20 (View Details)
12-06-2020 Regarding Online examination (View Details)
11-06-2020 Extension of date for form fill up (View Details)
26-05-2020 Regarding Scholarship Application (View Details)
21-05-2020 Form fill up for compartmental candidates (View Details)
16-05-2020 Circular-six month progress report (View Details)
08-05-2020 Circular (View Details)
07-05-2020 CIRCULAR- Timeline for different activities related to Examination (View Details)
07-05-2020 CIRCULAR- Regarding payment of semester fees (View Details)
05-05-2020 Schedule of Academic Activities (View Details)
05-05-2020 Circular-Regarding Semester Fees (View Details)
05-05-2020 COVID-19 Prevention in the Workplace (View Details)
29-04-2020 Notification on "Contribution to CMRF - April 2020" (View Details)
16-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(16-04-2020)] (View Details)
16-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(16-04-2020)] (View Details)
16-04-2020 An Appeal with Request to #Stay_Home #Stay_Safe (View Details)
15-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(15-04-2020)] (View Details)
15-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(15-04-2020)] (View Details)
14-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(14-04-2020)] (View Details)
14-04-2020 The Financial Express 14-04-2020 (View Details)
11-04-2020 Circular regarding online classes (View Details)
11-04-2020 Regarding Covid 19 task force (View Details)
11-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(11-04-2020)] (View Details)
11-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(11-04-2020)] (View Details)
10-04-2020 The Indian Express-[News Paper(10-04-2020)] (View Details)
10-04-2020 Financial Express-[News Paper(10-04-2020)] (View Details)
04-03-2020 Regarding hostel fee (View Details)
04-03-2020 Regarding Duty leave (View Details)
27-02-2020 First and Second Semester B.Pharm (PCI) Compartmental Examinations, 2020 (View Details)
26-02-2020 SSUHS Supplementary examination for BSC N and Post Basic BSc , 2020 (View Details)
25-02-2020 Regarding semester fee (View Details)
21-02-2020 Notification on "International Mother Language Day Celebration" (View Details)
17-02-2020 Invitation-ATTITUDE 2k20 (View Details)
17-02-2020 Rechecking-Examination-Important Circular (View Details)
12-02-2020 Circular for In-house admission for internal students (View Details)
12-02-2020 Circular for National Science Day Celebration, 2020 (View Details)
05-02-2020 Literary Events - Varsity Week, 2020 (View Details)
31-01-2020 extempore (View Details)
29-01-2020 Security deposit refund (View Details)
28-01-2020 Saraswati Puja invitation (View Details)
27-01-2020 Notification on "Saraswati Puja Celebration" (View Details)
27-01-2020 Notification on "Free Psychological Counselling Services" (View Details)
27-01-2020 Notification on "Lecture by Distinguished Professor" (View Details)
23-01-2020 Grievance related (View Details)
14-01-2020 Silpi Divas Celebration (View Details)
14-01-2020 Circular - Official meetings (View Details)
14-01-2020 End Semester Result(odd semester) - Compartmental(Nov-Dec, 2019) (View Details)
11-01-2020 End Semester Result(odd semester) - Regular (Nov-Dec, 2019) (View Details)
11-01-2020 Circular - Special meeting/ interaction with the faculties of Assam down town University ............. regarding (View Details)
09-01-2020 CIRCULAR- Submission of class routine for the Even Semester 2020 (View Details)
09-01-2020 CIRCULAR-CBCS (View Details)
06-01-2020 Lamp Lighting Ceremony, 2020 (View Details)
31-12-2019 HAPPY NEW YEAR WISHES (View Details)
21-12-2019 Notification on "Interactive Meeting with Honble' Chancellor" - Corrigendum | 3rd Jan 2020 | 2:00 pm (View Details)
20-12-2019 CIRCULAR-Reconstitution of Editorial Board of AdtU Journal of Engineering and Management -Reg: (View Details)
19-12-2019 Corrigendum to the result of MBA (View Details)
19-12-2019 Notice- Regarding Examination reschedule (View Details)
14-12-2019 Circular-Rescheduling of End Semester Examination and Winter Break (View Details)
11-12-2019 Reschedule of Examination of 12 Dec,2019 (View Details)
07-12-2019 Reschedule of Examination of 10th Dec,2019 (View Details)
05-12-2019 Diploma in Computer Application-Enrollment (View Details)
29-11-2019 Report on the Interactive program between Village Head, Bonda Village and Assam down town University (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification on "Sub Committee of Student Welfare Cell (View Details)
29-11-2019 CIRCULAR-Reconstitution of Internal Research Review Committee -Reg (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification on "Publication in Journals" CORRIGENDUM (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification on "Internal Audit- II" (View Details)
29-11-2019 Notification regarding the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)-November-2019 (View Details)
25-11-2019 Constitution Day (Samvidhan Divas) (View Details)
21-11-2019 National Seminar on rain water harvesting, its purification and groundwater recharge (View Details)
21-11-2019 Visit of Prof. Dr. Bhushan Patwardhan, Vice Chairman, UGC (View Details)
21-11-2019 Odd Semester Programme-Important Examination Notice (View Details)
21-11-2019 Notice on Duties & responsibilities assigned (View Details)
19-11-2019 Scholarship Application (View Details)
18-11-2019 Library fine for faculty (View Details)
15-11-2019 CBCS IT Attendance (View Details)
09-11-2019 Holiday Regarding... (View Details)
07-11-2019 Notice to Rupay Card Holder (View Details)
04-11-2019 Vacancy for the post of Deputy Registrar (Academics) (View Details)
04-11-2019 A special meeting / interaction with the faculties of Assam down town University (View Details)
04-11-2019 AdtU observes 8th Death Anniversary of Bharat Ratna Dr Bhupen Hazarika (View Details)
02-11-2019 COMPARTMENTAL LINK EXTENDED UPTO 04.11.2019 5.00 PM (View Details)
31-10-2019 revision in rule for availing AdtU Welfare Loan for employees with Basic Pay upto 5k per month (View Details)
30-10-2019 Violin performance by Pt. Shri Bidyut Kumar Misra (View Details)
26-10-2019 Notification on "ERP Review Meet" (View Details)
26-10-2019 External funding of research project (View Details)
22-10-2019 Constitution of Examination Rules Revision Committee-Reg.: (View Details)
22-10-2019 Workshop for the faculties to be appointed as tabulators (View Details)
21-10-2019 Notification on "Inviting noted celebrities of Guwahati to AdtU" (View Details)
14-10-2019 Invitation-Workshop on GAMESPEED AND RAMP TRAINING (View Details)
12-10-2019 Circular-Seeking Information for placing in the 32nd AC Meeting-Reg (View Details)
11-10-2019 Notification on "Leave Procedure" (View Details)
10-10-2019 MHRD's Innovation Cell: NEAT Logo competition: Prize money 10,000 (View Details)
03-10-2019 Re-Circular "Collaborative Research Programme" (View Details)
01-10-2019 Circular-Aptitude and Soft Skill Training for Final Year Students - Reg: (View Details)
30-09-2019 Notification on Gandhi Jayanti Celebration | 1st Oct 2019 | 2:00 pm (View Details)
27-09-2019 Notice-Applications invited for Pragati and Saksham Scholarships-Reg: (View Details)
27-09-2019 Painting Competition (View Details)
27-09-2019 Notice-Swachhata Hi Seva -Plastic Free campaign-Reg (View Details)
25-09-2019 Circular- Extension to last date of Uploading Class Notes in ERP-Reg: (View Details)
24-09-2019 Circular-Availing Business Incubation Soft Loan-Reg (View Details)
24-09-2019 ADDENDUM to Circular: Uploading of Questions for Generation of Question Bank-reg: (View Details)
24-09-2019 MHRD issued Guidelines for Ban of Plastic Use in Higher Education Institutions (View Details)
23-09-2019 Notice-Compartmental Examinations (View Details)
23-09-2019 Notification on World Tourism Day (View Details)
23-09-2019 Notification on "ALAP" | Interactive Session | Addendum (View Details)
23-09-2019 Re-Circulation-Duration of Semester Examination-Reg (View Details)
18-09-2019 Clelebration of "World Pharmacist Day "Blood Donation Camp (View Details)
18-09-2019 REPORTING OF FIRST YEAR BSC N & Ist Year Post Basic BSc N STUDENTS (View Details)
17-09-2019 Notification on "ALAP" | Interactive Session (View Details)
17-09-2019 Notification on "Faculty Effectiveness Programme" | Nominees (View Details)
17-09-2019 Rechecking Result of Dec/2018 (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular-ERP (View Details)
16-09-2019 N O T I C E (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular-Addendum to Academic Calendar-reg: (View Details)
16-09-2019 Circular- Extension-Uploading of class notes in ERP-Reg: (View Details)
16-09-2019 NOTICE-Special Compartmental exam Form fill up date-reg: (View Details)
16-09-2019 Invitation to Viswakarma Puja 2019 (View Details)
14-09-2019 Circular- Re-circulation- Mode of Debarring Students on account of less attendance-reg (View Details)
12-09-2019 Formation of Bishwakarma Puja Celebration Committee (View Details)
12-09-2019 Formation of Bishwakarma Puja Celebration Committee (View Details)
10-09-2019 “ALAP” – AN INTERACTIVE SESSION (View Details)
10-09-2019 Circular: Uploading of Questions for Generation of Question Bank-reg: (View Details)
06-09-2019 Invitation for Foundation Day (View Details)
05-09-2019 N O T I C E (View Details)
02-09-2019 CIRCULAR-Reconstitution of the Ethics Committee of AdtU, Reg: (View Details)
02-09-2019 College Ke Cool Kalakars (View Details)
02-09-2019 Addendum - Schedule of Registration (View Details)
02-09-2019 Nomination for Faculty Effectiveness Programme (View Details)
30-08-2019 Compartmental Examination 2019 Special Routine (View Details)
30-08-2019 NITTTR - Short Term Training Programmes (View Details)
30-08-2019 Non Conducting of scheduled classes (View Details)
30-08-2019 Circular-Nomination for AdtU Best Researcher Award: 2019-Reg: (View Details)
29-08-2019 Notification regarding application for business incubation at "Assam Startup- The Nest" (View Details)
29-08-2019 Circular:Committee For 10th Foundation Day Celebration of AdtU-reg: (View Details)
28-08-2019 FIT INDIA MOVEMENT (View Details)
28-08-2019 Nomination for AdtU Best Teacher Award, 2019 (View Details)
26-08-2019 NOTICE (View Details)
23-08-2019 CIRCULAR (View Details)
23-08-2019 Final University Examination, 2019 (View Details)
22-08-2019 MHRD - IIC Leadership talk with Hon'ble HRD minister-Reg (View Details)
22-08-2019 Announement of New Proggramme cocordinators (View Details)
22-08-2019 Parx Hunt 2019: Assam Downtown University Guwahati (View Details)
22-08-2019 Notification-Janmastami Holiday (View Details)
20-08-2019 Intellectual Property Talent Search Examination (IPTSE) 2019-20-Reg: (View Details)
20-08-2019 Circular-Submission of Class Routine for all the Semesters (View Details)
20-08-2019 Circular- Formation of Business Incubation and Funding Committee (View Details)
19-08-2019 Internal Audit Plan & Schedule (View Details)
19-08-2019 Fee Payment report (View Details)
19-08-2019 Registration of Existing Students (View Details)
17-08-2019 NOTIFICATION-Reg-Organising Freshers Meet-2019 (View Details)
17-08-2019 NOTIFICATION- Enrollment Drive for NCC Girls Batallion-Reg (View Details)
17-08-2019 Schedule of Registration (2019-20) (View Details)
14-08-2019 Reporting of BSc N & Post Basic BSc N (View Details)
10-08-2019 Painting Competition on 13 Aug,2019 (View Details)
09-08-2019 Important Notification to Students (View Details)
09-08-2019 Sports Team Selection (View Details)
09-08-2019 "73rd Independence Day Celebration Events" | 3 days programme from 13th August 2019 (View Details)
09-08-2019 Various Committees under Student Welfare (View Details)
08-08-2019 Notification-Updated List of Elective Courses under CBCS for UG Programmes-reg (View Details)
07-08-2019 Committee for Framing the Template of Question Papers (View Details)
06-08-2019 73rd Independence Day celebration (View Details)
05-08-2019 Revised AdtU model of Teaching Learning and Research (View Details)
05-08-2019 Inaugural ceremony of AdtU - Spic Macay Chapter (View Details)
03-08-2019 Post Matric & Merit cum Means Scholarship | Minority Communities 2019-20 (View Details)
03-08-2019 15 days free session for Swimming/ Gym/ Cinema Show (View Details)
03-08-2019 Circular-Plantation Drive- One Student-One Tree-reg (View Details)
03-08-2019 Campaign- One Student-One Tree- (View Details)
01-08-2019 "Self Nomination for ERP Uploads" | Last Date: 10/Sept/2019 (View Details)
01-08-2019 "ERP orientation schedule of newly admitted students" | Last date 3/August/2019 (View Details)
01-08-2019 "Adviser Research Appointment" (View Details)
01-08-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in the upcoming 45th BoM Meeting (View Details)
31-07-2019 Welcome to the new academic session 2019-20 (View Details)
30-07-2019 Circular- Registration for SWAYAM Courses- For Faculty Members-Reg (View Details)
30-07-2019 Circular-Registration under Clubs Cells of AdtU-Reg (View Details)
30-07-2019 AdtU Regulations for the Academic Programmes under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), 2019-New (View Details)
30-07-2019 Notification- Elective Courses under CBCS for UG Programmes-reg (View Details)
30-07-2019 Notification: Generic Elective Courses under CBCS for PG Programmes with Code (View Details)
27-07-2019 Corrigendum to the result of the B.Tech (CE) (View Details)
27-07-2019 Notification -Registration for Courses offered by SWAYAM (View Details)
27-07-2019 Bus Routes (2019-20) (View Details)
26-07-2019 N OT I C E (View Details)
26-07-2019 Circular-Workshop on Student Induction Programme-reg (View Details)
24-07-2019 N OT I C E (View Details)
16-07-2019 Circular Seeking information for placing in 31st AC Meeting (View Details)
15-07-2019 IMPORTANT CIRCULAR to ALL-Changes and Quality Implementation of ERP-Academic Module. (View Details)
06-07-2019 SWAYAM enrollment Notice: List of UGC approved 43 Nos. of PG Non-Technology MOOCs courses to be offered on SWAYAM in July Semester 2019 (View Details)
04-07-2019 Higher Education Career Planning (View Details)
04-07-2019 Group Counselling Session (View Details)
01-07-2019 Result 2nd Phase May and June 2019 (Comp) and (Supp)-Updated (View Details)
25-06-2019 Original degree pass certificates ..........Regarding. (View Details)
25-06-2019 Revised result of B.Pharm 4th Semester (View Details)
24-06-2019 End Semester Result 2nd Pahse (View Details)
21-06-2019 Application for Passed Out (View Details)
21-06-2019 Amendment to Circular dated 19th June 2019 - PPT session for availing Internal Seed Money Research Grant-2 (View Details)
19-06-2019 Yoga Day - 21 June 2019 (View Details)
19-06-2019 Invitation Letter to Eligible Candidate to Convocation 2019 (View Details)
19-06-2019 Circular- PPT session for availing Internal Seed Money Research Grant-2 (View Details)
18-06-2019 Invitation -Convocation 2019 (View Details)
18-06-2019 Notification-Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)-June-2019 (View Details)
14-06-2019 Self Appraisal 2018-19 (View Details)
10-06-2019 Extention of date for Submission of Proposals for Seed Grant (View Details)
08-06-2019 Invite Nomination for the Best Graduate & Post Graduate (View Details)
07-06-2019 CONVOCATION APPLICATION (View Details)
06-06-2019 Adjustment of Advances (View Details)
06-06-2019 Results of Final Semester/Final Year Examinations Held in May-2019 (1st Phase) (View Details)
04-06-2019 Special Talk by Nabamalikka Bhagawati (View Details)
03-06-2019 New Position announcement (View Details)
03-06-2019 Reschedule of Idul-Fitr Holiday (View Details)
31-05-2019 Self Nomination invited for ERP Uploads (View Details)
30-05-2019 Alumni Meet - 2019 (View Details)
21-05-2019 Observance of Anti Terrorism Day (View Details)
18-05-2019 Notification-AdtU Induction Programme Guidelines for Newly Admitted Students of 2019 session (View Details)
14-05-2019 Notification-Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)-May-2019 (View Details)
14-05-2019 Results of Re-Checking...December/2018 (Phase-3) (View Details)
13-05-2019 Visit of Assam Sahitya Sabha (View Details)
10-05-2019 Nurses Day Celebration, 2019 (View Details)
10-05-2019 Application for Grand of Seed Money (View Details)
07-05-2019 Examination Schedule for Even Semester/Annual Examination– May-June’ 2019 (2nd Phase) (View Details)
05-05-2019 Related to Late Fine of semester fees (View Details)
05-05-2019 Results of Re-Checking...December/2018 (Part-2) (View Details)
04-05-2019 Advisory to students/ hostel owners in view of the cyclone FANI (View Details)
03-05-2019 Model Question & Answer for Even Semester Examination (View Details)
03-05-2019 Circular- No Leave Application shall be entertained during the Month of May-June 2019 on account of Even Semester Examination Related Works (View Details)
30-04-2019 INVIGILATION GUIDELINES (View Details)
29-04-2019 IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION (View Details)
26-04-2019 parking of the Vehicles (View Details)
26-04-2019 7th Research Review Committee (External) Meeting (View Details)
25-04-2019 AdtU as an examining University Recognition Status by INC (View Details)
24-04-2019 NBA Accreditation Committee (View Details)
22-04-2019 Placement Drive (View Details)
22-04-2019 Holiday for 3rd phase of Lok Sabha Elections (View Details)
17-04-2019 Magic of Meditation | 22/04/2019 to 27/04/2019 (View Details)
12-04-2019 Results of Re-Checking...December/2018 (View Details)
11-04-2019 BIHU GREETINGS (View Details)
10-04-2019 Regarding Scholarship Application (View Details)
10-04-2019 6th Convocation (View Details)
09-04-2019 Application for Grand of Seed Money (View Details)
09-04-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in the 30th AC Meeting (View Details)
06-04-2019 Circular-Monthly Progress Report Submission for Internal Seed Money Research Projects (View Details)
06-04-2019 Circular-Progress Presentation-Internal Seed Money Research Projects (View Details)
04-04-2019 Important-Note for Invigilators of NEET Examination (View Details)
01-04-2019 Reward for publication in Journals | Re-Circulation (View Details)
30-03-2019 Circular-Assamese Language Technology Centre (View Details)
30-03-2019 Circular (View Details)
30-03-2019 PhD Viva voce of Mr. Abhinay Chhetri....Regarding. (View Details)
29-03-2019 Important Notice to the Students (View Details)
29-03-2019 Important Notice to the B.Pharm-Bridge (View Details)
29-03-2019 End Semester Examination Routine-Final (View Details)
28-03-2019 Vacancy for the post of Deputy Controller of Examination (View Details)
26-03-2019 Result Phd Course Work/March-2019 (View Details)
25-03-2019 Approval of Leave (View Details)
25-03-2019 Cirlcular-Hostel Related (View Details)
20-03-2019 Scientific Talk postponed to 26th March, 2019 (View Details)
20-03-2019 State Science Fest-2019 (View Details)
19-03-2019 Reschedule of Holidays (View Details)
18-03-2019 Reward for publication in Journals (View Details)
16-03-2019 Notification regarding the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (View Details)
15-03-2019 Awareness session by POSH (View Details)
15-03-2019 Talk by Dr. Sachin Parab on 19.03.2019 (View Details)
14-03-2019 DRDO Innovation Contest (View Details)
13-03-2019 3rd National Nursing Conference on 6th April,2019 (View Details)
09-03-2019 Circular-Fine-Compartmental Examination (View Details)
07-03-2019 Scientific Talk (View Details)
07-03-2019 CIRCULAR -BUS SERVICES (View Details)
07-03-2019 Closing Ceremony - Varsity Week - 2019 (View Details)
06-03-2019 Psychological Problems Drop Box (View Details)
28-02-2019 SWAYAM Letter- Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT) available on online SWAYAM Platform (View Details)
26-02-2019 Circular for the Aptitude Program of the final year students (View Details)
23-02-2019 FORMAT FOR EVENT REPORTING (View Details)
22-02-2019 Closing Timing of Attitude - 2019 (View Details)
20-02-2019 Celebration of International Mother language Day (View Details)
16-02-2019 Working Day on 17th Feb 2019 (View Details)
11-02-2019 Campus reporting time from 12th to 20th Feb 2019 (View Details)
07-02-2019 Supplementary Examination,March 2019 (View Details)
07-02-2019 Literary events-VARSITY WEEK (View Details)
06-02-2019 Prospectus Committee 2019-20 (View Details)
05-02-2019 VARSITY WEEK 2019 (View Details)
04-02-2019 In-house Admission for Internal Students (2019-20) (View Details)
02-02-2019 Request for Bank Account Details of Toppers (End Semester Examination, May-June 2018) (View Details)
31-01-2019 Notification-On Leave Request during February till NAAC Visit is over (View Details)
29-01-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in upcoming 43rd BoM Meeting (View Details)
29-01-2019 Martyrs' Day | 30-Jan-2019 (View Details)
25-01-2019 Renewal of Bus card (View Details)
24-01-2019 70th Republic Day celebration | 2019 (View Details)
24-01-2019 Vacancy for the post of Director/ Dy. Director (Distance Education) (View Details)
24-01-2019 National Girl Child Day 2019 (View Details)
12-01-2019 Circular-Seeking information for placing in 29th AC Meeting (View Details)
12-01-2019 Re checking of Answer Script( Odd Semester Examination held in Nov-December, 2018 (View Details)
12-01-2019 Special Guest lecture by Mr. Arup Goswami, President, Assam Association of North America (AANA), United States of America .............. regarding (View Details)
11-01-2019 Circular-Board of Distance Education, AdtU (View Details)
09-01-2019 Notice on Cloth Donation Drive (View Details)
09-01-2019 IT Declaration Format for 2018-19 (View Details)
05-01-2019 NAAC Regarding- Hard Copies of all relevant documents to be maintained (View Details)
05-01-2019 NAAC Regarding- Preparation of Presentation (View Details)
02-01-2019 New Position announcement - 2019 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of BBA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 1st Semester Exam, December-2018 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of B.Tech. CSE (CT&IS) /M.Sc (IT) (MAIS) /Int. MCA CT&IS Exam, December-2018 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of BRAIT Examination, Dec/2018 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of M. Sc. Microbiology Regular/ Compartmental Exam. December/18 (View Details)
31-12-2018 Result of TEDM /BOT/B.Sc DYL Regular/Compartmental Examinations, December, 2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech 1st Semester Compartmental Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Pharm (1st , 3rd, 5th) Semester Examinatons, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BPT (1st,3rd, 7th) Semester examinations , Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BPT 5th Semester(Regular and Compartmental) Examinations , Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of Btech Civil (3rd and 5th) Sem Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 results of BTech(Civil) 7th Sem Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of Msc Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics 1st Semester Examination, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B. Optometry Examinations, Dec-18 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech (Mechanical) Examinations-Dec/2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech (ECE) Examinations, Dec-18 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Tech(CSE) Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BBA Examination, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of MBA Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of BSc /MSc Biochemistry Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of Bachelor of Sociology /Psychology Examination, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results Of BSW/MSW Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of MSc/BSc Biotechnolgy Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of M. Sc. /B. Sc. Microbiology Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of M. Sc./ B.Sc. FND Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of BTM Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of MPT Examinations ,Dec -2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of M.Pharm 1st sem Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Results of B.Pharm 1st Semester Compartmental Examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of B Pharm 7th sem examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
29-12-2018 Result of BMLT/MMLT examinations, Dec-2018 (View Details)
28-12-2018 Results of BTech 1st Sem Examinations, Dec 2018. (View Details)
24-12-2018 Congratulatory Message (View Details)
18-12-2018 CIRCULAR- Uploading of Question Papers and Model Outline of Answers in ERP (View Details)
18-12-2018 NOTIFICATION- Academic Calendar January Session-2019 (View Details)
15-12-2018 Second stage external audit of ISO 9001:2015 QMS | 19-21 Dec 2018 (View Details)
11-12-2018 Self Nominations for Invigilators of Competitive Examinations (View Details)
11-12-2018 CIRCULAR- Modified-Updated CBCS Course List- dated 11 dec 2018 (View Details)
08-12-2018 CIRCULAR- Updated CBCS Course List and Registration Form for Opting CBCS Courses (View Details)
08-12-2018 Notification regarding the Award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (View Details)
04-12-2018 Vacancy of Project Head ,down town Skill Academy (View Details)
01-12-2018 6th Research Review Committee Meeting, Assam down town University ………………..... regarding (View Details)
01-12-2018 Holiday for Panchayat Polls" 5/12/2018 (View Details)
29-11-2018 DUPLICATE ADMIT CARD (View Details)
29-11-2018 Notification-University Week Celebration and ATTITUDE-19 (View Details)
26-11-2018 Student Arrival Time for Exam 2018 (View Details)
22-11-2018 Student Welfare Activities (View Details)
19-11-2018 Notification - Registration in CBCS Courses by PG Students for coming Even Semester (View Details)
17-11-2018 Submission of Form [B] of IAEC...............Regarding. (View Details)
14-11-2018 Revised Exam Schedule (View Details)
05-11-2018 Notification- Change in duration of BBA-MBA Integrated Programme (View Details)
05-11-2018 Notification: On Leave Request during November-December, 2018 (View Details)
04-11-2018 Examination Notification: Admit Card (View Details)
29-10-2018 Academic Calender, MSc N 1st YEAR, 2018-19 (View Details)
29-10-2018 Academic Plan BSc N & Post Basic BSc N, 2018-19 (View Details)
24-10-2018 Information: : InCTF: 9th edition of India's first national level CTF style cybersecurity competition exclusively for Indian college/university students (View Details)
24-10-2018 Half Day on account of Lakhi Puja (View Details)
24-10-2018 Result of M.Tech. in CSE 6th (PT) and 4th (FT) Sem. Exam. October/18 (View Details)
22-10-2018 Student Counselor (View Details)
20-10-2018 RE-CHEKING RESULT OF JUNE/18 (View Details)
13-10-2018 Guest Lecture on “Potential of Plant’s Secondary Metabolites as Life Saving Drugs”. Date: 27/10/2018 (View Details)
13-10-2018 Student Trip - January 2019 (View Details)
13-10-2018 Season`s Greetings from the Hon`ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
13-10-2018 Scholarship Application Link will be available from 16th Oct, 2018 to 15th Nov, 2018 (View Details)
12-10-2018 Congratulatory Message from Hon`ble Vice Chancellor (View Details)
11-10-2018 Results of Compartmental Examinations_Sep/2018 (BSc FND/MPT/MSc MB/BMLT/MSW/BTEDM/BSc Dyl/BRAIT/BPT/BOTT/BOpto)) (View Details)
10-10-2018 Important Notice (View Details)
09-10-2018 Infromation to all diploma students of Faculty of Paramedical Science (View Details)
09-10-2018 Results of Compartmental Examinations_Sep/2018 (Engg/Pharmacy/BHCM) (View Details)
08-10-2018 Notification on "Self Nominations for Best ERP uploads" (View Details)
08-10-2018 Notification on "Film 'Bhoga Khirikee’ promotion" (View Details)
08-10-2018 Corrigendum to NOTIFICATION: Rescheduling of 2nd Sessional Examinations (View Details)
05-10-2018 Result of PhD Course Work Examination, June 2018 (View Details)
03-10-2018 NOTIFICATION- Completion of Registration Process for Existing Students (2nd sem onwards) (View Details)
28-09-2018 Notification Lecture Series on Under Water Domain Awareness & Blue Economy (View Details)
25-09-2018 NOTIFICATION- Seeking Information on Activities/Events/Research/Individual achievements/Nominations of Professional Bodies, etc related details year wise for University Annual Report Preparation for the year 2016-17 and 2017-18 (View Details)
21-09-2018 NOTIFICATION-Approved Newly constituted BoS of B.Sc Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc Nursing under Faculty of Nursing (View Details)
13-09-2018 Admission Open-Swimming Pool (View Details)
12-09-2018 Interactive Session on 22nd September 2018 at 3.00 pm at Seminar Hall-I, Block - C (View Details)
10-09-2018 Notification-Cancellation of 1st Sessional Examinations on 10th and 11th September, 2018 (View Details)
10-09-2018 Invitation for 9th Foundation Day (View Details)
08-09-2018 ISO Audit on 5th Oct 2018 (View Details)
04-09-2018 Greetings on Occasion of Teachers Day (View Details)
04-09-2018 Invitation to Tea Party on the occasion of Teachers’ Day (View Details)
01-09-2018 New Position announcement (01/09/2018) (View Details)
29-08-2018 Reconstitution of Diploma Board of Paramedical Sciences (View Details)
28-08-2018 Students' Grievance Redressal on ERP (View Details)
27-08-2018 Placement Cell Division of duties (as per Faculty of Study) (View Details)
25-08-2018 ERP orientation for new students 2018-19 (View Details)
23-08-2018 Info and seeking Participation for 3rd National level Social Enterprise Idea Challenge for the year 2018 (View Details)
23-08-2018 NOTIFICATION: Final Registration for the Session 2018-19 (View Details)
22-08-2018 Regarding Fresher’s Meet-2018 Celebration (View Details)
18-08-2018 PhD-Scholarship Scheme w.e.f 2019 (View Details)
14-08-2018 Invitation for 72nd Independence Day Celebration at AdtU (View Details)
14-08-2018 Bus Service Renewal for Existing Students (View Details)
10-08-2018 Schedule of events/activities for Pre-Independence Day and Independence Day Celebration, 2018 at AdtU and assignment of responsibilities for organizing the events (View Details)
10-08-2018 Regarding Issuance of Certificates (View Details)
07-08-2018 Regarding Issuance of Academic Certificates (View Details)
04-08-2018 Information regarding examination for the debarred students (View Details)
30-07-2018 Research activities/ publications etc for the University Bulletin 2018 .......................... regarding (View Details)
30-07-2018 BSc N and Post Basic BSC N final university examination. (View Details)
23-07-2018 Invitation to Join the Facebook live Session on 24th July at 12.15 PM: Atal New India Challenge (ANIC) for Innovators & Entrepreneurs to win grants of upto INR 1 Crore for the Innovation & Startup to happen (View Details)
07-07-2018 Certificate Course on Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015 QMS (View Details)
23-06-2018 Invitation for High Tea on 23/06/2018 (View Details)
23-06-2018 Modified Academic Calender, MSc N 2018-19 (View Details)
22-06-2018 "Farewell Ceremony" | 24 June 2019 | 2:30 pm (View Details)
22-06-2018 ERP updation | before availing Summer Break (View Details)
19-06-2018 Bishnu Rabha Divas - 20/06/2018 (View Details)
19-06-2018 International Yoga Day on 21st June 2018 (View Details)
18-06-2018 Mediclaim Policy renewal 2018-19 (View Details)
18-06-2018 New Position announcement (View Details)
15-06-2018 Congratulatory Message on success of Fifth Convocation, Assam down town University (View Details)
15-06-2018 Congratulatory Message for announcing results of examination in record time (View Details)
14-06-2018 Academic calender, 2018 for Ist year MSc Nursing (View Details)
13-06-2018 Invitation of Alumni meet 2018 (View Details)
12-06-2018 Interactive meeting with Professor Valakunja Nagaraja, Dr. (Mrs.) Jaya Nagaraja and Ms. Rajlakshmi Borthakur at Assam down town University (View Details)
12-06-2018 PhD Entrance Examination (View Details)
11-06-2018 Circular--Class Notes/Lesson Plan (View Details)
09-06-2018 India’s 10 Best Business School, 2018 (View Details)
08-06-2018 Campus Interview, June, 2018 (View Details)
08-06-2018 Rehearsal Sessions for Convocation Ceremony (View Details)
06-06-2018 Meeting Regarding Alumni Meet - 7th of June, 2018 (View Details)
06-06-2018 Academic calender, MSc N 2nd year 2018-19 (View Details)
06-06-2018 Pre University examination , 2018 (View Details)
04-06-2018 Agenda - WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2018 (View Details)
01-06-2018 Research related documents/ publications etc ..................... regarding (View Details)
01-06-2018 Academic Calendar Odd Semester 2018 (View Details)
31-05-2018 Sub: Visit of the ‘Padma Shri’ Dr. Taraprasad Das to Assam down town University (View Details)
28-05-2018 Invitation (5th Convocation,AdtU) (View Details)
26-05-2018 Important Circular to All Mentors (View Details)
23-05-2018 Congratulatory Message from Vice Chancellor, Assam down town University (View Details)
29-04-2018 Announcement: Call for papers for the upcoming inaugural issue of AdtU Research Journals (View Details)
26-04-2018 New Position announcement (View Details)
21-04-2018 Self Appraisal 2017-18 (downloadable format) (View Details)
18-04-2018 Mentor meeting (View Details)
12-04-2018 Best Wishes on the occasion of Bohag Bihu (View Details)
10-03-2018 Parent’s Teachers Meet (PTM) 6th and 7th of April 2018 (View Details)
28-02-2018 Membership performa of "The Indian Science Congress Association" (View Details)
28-02-2018 MEMBERSHIP performa of "SOCIETY OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTS, INDIA" (View Details)
20-01-2018 SARASWATI PUJA INVITATION (View Details)
12-01-2018 Bhogali Bihu Greetings! (View Details)
11-01-2018 New ID card (View Details)
08-01-2018 AdtU in the list of 20 Most Admired Universities in India 2017 (View Details)
08-01-2018 Congratulatory Message (View Details)
06-12-2017 Information on Research Conclave-2018 (View Details)
30-11-2017 Introductory meeting with the honorable Vice Chancellor (View Details)
30-11-2017 Department of Computer Science & Engineering,Debate Competition 2017 Result (View Details)
30-11-2017 Corrigendum regarding Faculty reallocation vide Memo No: AdtU/Dy.R/2017/61, dated: 25/11/2017 (View Details)
28-11-2017 Faculty Reallocation wef 1st Nov 2017 (View Details)
25-11-2017 seminar by faculty (View Details)
18-11-2017 Achievement (View Details)
18-11-2017 Science Club – Results for Essay Competition 2017 (View Details)
17-11-2017 2nd National Nursing Conference (View Details)
15-11-2017 IPR Awareness Programme Registration Link (View Details)
14-11-2017 Saturday Seminar by the Faculties of Assam Down town University (View Details)
14-11-2017 Invitation for an Awareness program on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) conducted in Assam down town University (View Details)
13-11-2017 Renewal of Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO Certificate) for the year 2018 – 21 …………….. regarding (View Details)
26-10-2017 Farewell Ceremony of Vice Chancellor- Dr R C Deka (View Details)
24-10-2017 Odd Semester Examination 2017 (View Details)
10-10-2017 Call for participation for, ‘Ideathon: Youth Innovations for a Brighter Assam’ (View Details)
14-09-2017 Batch Mentor List (View Details)
02-09-2017 3rd INDIA INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE FESTIVAL- 2017 (View Details)
29-08-2017 DUBAI Study Tour-2017 (View Details)
19-08-2017 Last date of reporting for new Students of 2017-18 session (View Details)
19-08-2017 Registration of new Students (2017-18) (View Details)
01-08-2017 Welcome to the new academic session 2017 – 18 (View Details)
04-06-2004 News Paper 04/06/2021 (View Details)