BTech(Computer Science and Engineering on Cloud Technology and Information Security)

4 Years Degree Programme

Our Apporach

Global Education, Global Acceptance

  • Relevant and repeatedly updated curriculum, jointly created by industry veterans and renowned academicians, enabling our students to be career ready.
  • Well-experienced faculty who adopt a modern and practical-oriented approach to the teaching-learning process.
  • Unique delivery model. The programmes are delivered through a unique technology-enabled blended delivery model, with ‘The New 3E’s of Education’- Enable, Engage, and Empower.
  • 100% placement assistance and well-reputed placement partners

Industry-Academia Collaboration


Programme Specialization

  • Cloud Technology and Information Security

Programme Details

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4 Years Programme

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Upto 100% Scholarship

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100% Placement Assistance

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45% in 10+2 wit

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B Tech in Cloud Technology and Information programme, at Assam down town University, deals with the latest advancement in the field of cloud computing and information security. With the rising threat of data breaches, the demand for skilled professionals in the segment is growing and we intend to bridge this gap with a skilled workforce that can take up future industry challenges.

  • To enable the graduates to be successful in their careers in industries, academia, and other related sectors associated with Information Technology, or as entrepreneurs.
  • To educate the graduates with fundamental concepts, advanced techniques, and modern tools that will enable them to design, develop and deploy solutions for real-world problems and build systems of varying complexity.
  • To prepare the students to review the existing literature in the area of specialization, provide innovative solutions scientifically and ethically by adapting to the new technology and communicate effectively in deliberating their duties as an individual or as a team.

  • Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and computer science and an engineering specialization to solve complex engineering problems.
  • Problem Analysis: Identity, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using mathematics, basic sciences, and computer science and engineering specialists in the field of Cloud Technology and Information Security.
  • Design/Development of Solutions: Design cloud infrastructure solutions for the industry and provide end-to-end security solutions.
  • Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern Tool Usage: Modern engineering has taken its evolution to next level using comprehensive cloud computing techniques like Virtualization (Hyper-V) and providers like Amazon web services (AWS) and IT tools including Kubernetes which helps in complex engineering activities.

  • Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
  • Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Curriculum Details

Year wise Course Details

Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

The course consists of topics in differential calculus, integral calculus, linear algebra and differential equations with applications to various engineering problems. This course will cover the following main topics: Mean Value Theorems; Indeterminate Forms; Taylor's and Maclaurin's Theorems.

Course Outcomes

  • Apply differential and integral calculus to notions of curvature and to improper integrals
  • Apply Rolle’s Theorem in different Engineering application
  • Use power series and Fourier series for learning advanced engineering mathematics
  • Breakdown the functions of several variables that are essential in most branches of engineering
  • Analysis the tool of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner

Course Overview

To provide comprehensive idea about AC and D C circuit analysis, working principles and applications of basic machines in electrical engineering.

Course Outcomes

  • To understand and analyze basic electric and magnetic circuits
  • . To study the working principles of electrical machines and power converters
  • To introduce the components of low voltage electrical installations
  • Understand the basic characteristics of transformers and electrical machines

Course Overview

The course starts with a brief overview of mathematical logic and covers topics: Introduction to Mathematical Logic, the rules of mathematical logic specify methods of reasoning mathematical statements, basic notions from elementary set theory. This covers the maths and logic concepts that are important for programmers to understand.

Course Outcomes

  • The students will be able to demonstrate the ability to understand the concepts of mathematics, logic, reasoning and coding
  • Students will be able to apply of applications of concepts in other disciplines such as engineering, computer science, physics, etc.
  • . Solve and devise solutions to a range of elementary real-world problems in mathematics and programming
  • Explore and apply key concepts in logical thinking to business problems
  • Enable students to critically analyze information in order to evaluate evidence and construct reasoned arguments.

Course Overview

C Programming is one of the oldest programming languages around and despite the prevalence of higher-level languages, it continues to empower the world. C is a general-purpose language, ideal for building mostly state-of-the-art system applications like OS kernels, databases, embedded systems, and graphics packages that are used by billions around the world. The Star C Programming course introduces the learners to C programming language, which is a starting level for getting into programming. It starts from programming basics and gives a holistic view of the C Programming language, detailing all the aspects of the C language from data types, to operators and expressions, to if statements, further to loops, arrays, strings and pointers. The course also provides hands-on training to help you write and test your coding skill, and prepare you for real-life application.

Course Outcomes

  • Develop C program
  • Control the sequence of the program and give logical outputs
  • Implement strings in your C program
  • Store different data types in the same memory
  • Manage I/O operations in your C program

Course Overview

In order to improve the student's performance in group discussions and personal interviews, the goal of this course is to teach the students communication skills linked to employability. They will be prepared for their professional future with a mix of traditional lectures, PowerPoint presentations, and other active teaching approaches such as group discussions, cooperative group problem-solving, analysis of film scenes, and debates.

Course Outcomes

  • Grammar practice will improve their writing abilities.
  • It will improve their capacity for communication and interpretation.
  • They will be able to behave in a conscious and useful way thanks to the introduction of behavioral abilities, ideas, and emotions
  • It will improve their ability to think critically and solve problems
  • Be able to think critically and creatively

Course Overview

It is to develop the social and soft skills and to promote a holistic development of the learners.

Course Outcomes

  • Students’ engagement in different activities under different clubs.
  • Role play in regular activities like workshops, competitions as per their interest and hobbies.
  • Adapt and trained to represent ADTU in various inter university, state and national level competitions.
  • The students will be given a platform to earn from invited experts in their respective fields.
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

Describe the concept of first order differential equation and apply them in understanding complex problems. Apply the concept of ordinary differential equations of higher orders.

Course Outcomes

  • Apply complex variable and its differentiation in solving various complex problems
  • Understand the basic principles of probability and apply them in solving different complex problems
  • Apply the concepts of basic and applied Statistics
  • Analyse the Differential Equations of 1st order and 1st degree and solve various problems
  • Deal with the Differential Equations of Higher Order and Higher Degree

Course Overview

To make the students conversant with atomic and molecular structure. To develop an understanding of the concepts of spectroscopic techniques and their applications. To understand the concept of chemical equilibrium. To have a thorough knowledge of water treatment .To understand the basic concepts of stereochemistry, organic reactions, and synthesis of a drug molecule.

Course Outcomes

  • Classify microscopic chemistry in terms of atomic and molecular orbitals.
  • Define the ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Discuss principles of chemical equilibrium
  • Discuss water treatment
  • Explain the steps in drugs Manufacturing

Course Overview

Learning this course will lead you to understand the advanced concepts of Physics. To apply knowledge of Physics in practical problems. It will give idea about application of different theories of Physics. It will help the students to acquire knowledge of the physics of any process. Modelling and manufacturing of engineering structure based on the concepts of physics.

Course Outcomes

  • Learn about the Electrostatics in vacuum
  • Learn about the concepts of Magnetostatics
  • Apply all Faraday’s law
  • Learn about Displacement current, Magnetic field due to time-dependent electric field and Maxwell’s equations
  • Learn about Electromagnetic waves

Course Overview

This course is aimed at advancing concepts of programming and software code organization within the framework of structural and procedural programming paradigms. The course is oriented to those who want to advance structured and procedural programming understating and to improve C programming skills. The major objective is to provide students with understanding of code organization and functional hierarchical decomposition with using complex data types.

Course Outcomes

  • Understanding a functional hierarchical code organization.
  • Ability to define and manage data structures based on problem subject domain
  • Ability to work with textual information, characters and strings
  • Ability to work with arrays of complex objects.
  • Understanding a concept of functional hierarchical code organization

Course Overview

MOOCS are provided through the SWAYAM/NPTEL Platform, which is an online course where students are allowed to take courses/ courses per semester based on the hours with relevance to the credit. The courses are provided by international universities across the world. During the courses, students have to submit assignments and quizzes.

Course Outcomes

  • Gain information or knowledge from global level top universities.
  • Gain insights from different perspectives.
  • Gain knowledge on Hands-on training.
  • Obtain added certifications from international universities
  • Exposure to different ways of learning platform

Course Overview

Extracurricular activities are programs that are not part of the regular school curriculum; and, are structured around an activity, goal, or purpose. Also known as extra-academic activities, extracurricular activities include sports, student government, community service, employment, arts, hobbies, and educational clubs. Extracurricular activities complement an academic curriculum.

Course Outcomes

  • Learn to a plan so that they can make meaningful contributions, maintain a commitment, and manage their time and priorities
  • Transform passionate students who demonstrate leadership and pursue interests beyond their academics
  • Learn to participate in various co-curricular activities leading to their multifaceted personality development
  • Express their ideas, views, In-depth evaluation and analysis clearly in the topic of their interest
  • Demonstrate and practices different activities, by Integrating learning experiences by demonstrating transferable skills
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Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

The student should be made to: Gives a view of computer system from user’s perspective.Types of instructions. Understand the basic structure and operation of digital computers Familiarize the students with the implementation of fixed-point and floating-point arithmetic operations. Computer architecture is the science and art of selecting and interconnecting hardware components to create a computer that meets functional, performance and cost goals. This course qualitatively and quantitatively examines computer design trade-offs, teaches the fundamentals of computer architecture and organization, including CPU, memory, registers, arithmetic unit, control unit, and input/output components. Topics include a reduced instruction set computer architectures (RISC), using the MIPS central processor as an example, the interface between assembly and high-level programming constructs and hardware, instruction and memory cache systems, performance evaluation, benchmarks, and use of the SPIM/WinDLX/Verilog Simulators for the MIPS architecture. ECE 369A serves students in two ways.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe the architecture of the 8086 microprocessors.
  • Duplicate assembly language program for given task for 8086 microprocessors.
  • Classify control unit operations in parallelism.
  • List arithmetic operations on integer and real numbers.
  • Explain the function of each element of a memory hierarchy

Course Overview

This course imparts the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms. It includes concepts about searching and sorting techniques and basic concepts about stacks, queues, lists, trees and graphs. This course will enable the students to write algorithms for solving problems with the help of fundamental data Structures.

Course Outcomes

  • List types of data structures
  • Classify Iterative and Recursive methods
  • Discuss the computational efficiency of the principal algorithms for sorting, searching, and hashing.
  • Demonstrate Array representation of queue
  • Explain the concept of Binary Tree

Course Overview

This course introduces students to the Object Oriented Programming paradigm. It will familiarize the use of standard tools and techniques for software development, using object oriented approach. The course includes fundamental concepts of OOP to solve different problems of varied nature. To introduce event driven GUI applications using Java

Course Outcomes

  • Identify classes, objects, members of a class, and relationships among them needed for a specific problem
  • Define Overloading methods in Stack Class
  • Explain the concepts of polymorphism and inheritance
  • Implement error-handling techniques
  • Discuss real-world problems using OOP techniques. Able to understand the use of abstraction

Course Overview

This course covers combinational and sequential logic circuits. Topics include number systems, Boolean algebra, logic families, medium scale integration (MSI) and large scale integration (LSI) circuits, analog to digital (AD) and digital to analog (DA) conversion, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to construct, analyze, verify, and troubleshoot digital circuits using appropriate techniques and test equipment.

Course Outcomes

  • Introduce students to the Digital Systems, learn about number systems, Boolean algebra and logic gates.
  • Learn about the representation, manipulation, and minimization of Boolean functions.
  • Learn how to design combinational and sequential circuits.
  • Understand the concept of finite state machines, state minimization, and algorithmic state machines.
  • Learn about analysis and synthesis of asynchronous circuits.

Course Overview

This module will provide the students with a solid theoretical understanding of, as well as practical skills in, object-oriented programming. Practical skills will be learnt using the java programming language. The primary aim of the module is to enable the students to tackle complex programming problems, making good use of the object-oriented programming paradigm to simplify the design and implementation process.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe the meaning of the object-oriented paradigm, and create class hierarchies using the object-oriented design process
  • Design and implement java programs for complex problems, making good use of the features of the language such as classes, inheritance and templates
  • Demonstrate the behavior of programs involving the basic programming constructs like control structures, constructors, string handling and garbage collection
  • Use overloading methodology on methods and constructors to develop application programs.
  • Learn the concept of interface and abstract classes to define generic classes

Course Overview

This course gives an overview of data structure concepts, arrays, stack, queues, trees, and graphs. It includes discussion of various implementations of these data objects, programming styles, and run-time representations.The course also examines algorithms for sorting, searching and some graph algorithms.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the concept of data structures and apply algorithm for solving problems like Sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data.
  • Understand linear data structures for processing of ordered or unordered data.
  • Explore various operations on dynamic data structures like single linked list, circular linked list and doubly linked list.
  • Explore the concept of non linear data structures such as trees and graphs.
  • Understand the binary search trees, hash function, and concepts of collision and its resolution methods.

Course Overview

The course focuses on economic and cost analysis of engineering projects, giving insights on modern techniques and methods used on economic feasibility studies relating to design and implementation of engineering projects. The basic purpose of this course is to provide a sound undertaking of concepts and principles of engineering economy and to develop proficiency with methods for making rational decisions regarding problems likely to be encountered in professional practice.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the basic concepts and terminology used in engineering economics
  • Use the concepts of cash flows, time value of money in evaluation of investments and projects in real life
  • Compare and evaluate alternatives based on present, annual, rate of return, and benefit over cost analyses
  • Identify and analyse the impact of depreciation, taxation and other economic factors on feasibility of real life projects.
  • Recognize the economic impact of engineering solutions and Conduct sensitivity analysis on key compounding parameters, so as make financially prudent decisions in everyday life.

Course Overview

This course introduces the concepts of Combinational circuits. It also includes concepts of flipflops, registers and counters.

Course Outcomes

  • Define different types of logic gates, identify their ICs and also verify their truth table.
  • Derive basic logic gates, adder, and subtractor using universal gates.
  • Illustrate realization of Boolean expression in SOP and POS form and design it using logic gates.
  • Design and test combinational circuits.
  • Design and develop sequential circuits.
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This course covers information security, an area of study that engages in protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Information security continues to grow with advancements in technology – as technology advances, so do threats, attacks, and our efforts to mitigate them. In this course, we discuss the modes of threats and attacks on information systems. It will also discuss an important area of threat mitigation that saw rapid development in the twentieth century: cryptography. Information security is concerned with user identification and authentication and access control based on individual or group privileges. The basic access control models and the fundamentals of identification and authentication methods are included in this course.

Course Outcomes

  • Define the fundamental techniques of computer security
  • Understand User identity and Access Management
  • Learn CIA triad of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability
  • Identify Desktop and Server Security
  • Implement Risk Assessment and Cyber Laws

Course Overview

This course will help students to learn the essential concepts behind relational databases and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). They will study relational data models and discover how they are created and what benefits they bring, and how you can apply them to your own data.

Course Outcomes

  • Explain the concepts of SQL Databases
  • List the types of SQL Statement
  • Classify different conditional statement for Aggregating and grouping data
  • State the importance of multi table join operation
  • Identify ways to extract data from different tables in a database

Course Overview

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of computer operating systems. Topics to be discussed include a brief history of OS’s and their design and development. The course will cover major components the and the algorithms and implementation techniques used to create them.

Course Outcomes

  • List the different components of OS.
  • Select system calls for managing processes, memory and the file system.
  • Classify the data structures and algorithms used to implement an OS.
  • Explain methods for Handling Deadlocks
  • Implement Contiguous memory Allocation

Course Overview

This course will help the sytudents understand the storage management concepts and understand all the protocols used in managing enterprise storages. This course simulates the storage management environment using Open Filer(Open Source based Enterprise Storage Appliance) and help students to build their understanding about the storage technologies.

Course Outcomes

  • Recognise the storage devices
  • Explain data center architecture and its requirements
  • Illustrate the storage at the network level
  • List and explain types of storage in the infrastructure
  • Compare and contrast SAN NAS and CAS.

Course Overview

The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems, with and emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve - efficiently, and effectively - information from a DBMS.

Course Outcomes

  • Construct problem definition statements for real life applications and implement a database for the same
  • Create and populate a RDBMS, using SQL
  • Retrieve any type of information from a data base.
  • Analyze and apply concepts of normalization to design an optimal database.
  • Learn the concept of user interfaces and report generation utilities of RDBMS products.

Course Overview

This lab complements the operating systems course. Students will gain practical experience with designing and implementing concepts of operating systems such as system calls, CPU scheduling, process management, memory management, file systems and deadlock handling using C language in Linux environment.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand and implement basic services and functionalities of the operating system using system Calls.
  • Use modern operating system calls and synchronization libraries in software/ hardware interfaces.
  • Understand the benefits of thread over process and implement synchronized programs using Multithreading concepts
  • Analyze and simulate CPU Scheduling Algorithms like FCFS, Round Robin, SJF, and Priority
  • Understand the concepts of deadlock in operating systems and implement them in multiprogramming System.

Course Overview

The course provides detailed knowledge, practical training and insight into the implementation and management of various storage technologies with a focus towards applying these technologies in an information lifecycle paradigm.

Course Outcomes

  • Search, retrieve and synthesize information from a variety of systems and sources.
  • Evaluate systems and technologies in terms of quality, functionality, cost-effectiveness and adherence to professional standards.
  • Integrate emerging technologies into professional practice.
  • Apply theory and principles to diverse information contexts.
  • Explain physical and logical components of a storage infrastructure including storage subsystems, RAID and intelligent storage systems

Course Overview

In this course the students get an introduction to environmental science. It covers biobased conversion and biorefinery processes and is intended to help scientists and individuals learn how how to tackle environmental problems by reducing their carbon footprint and making the switch from fossil fuels to alternative and renewable forms of energy.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the relationships between natural and man-made systems
  • Apply statistical methods, ICT and innovative techniques in classroom, field and laboratory to analyze scientific data
  • Develop critical thinking for shaping strategies (scientific, social, economic, administrative, and legal) for environmental protection, conservation of biodiversity, environmental equity, and sustainable development.
  • Understand the consequences of human actions on the web of life, global economy, and quality of human life.
  • Gain empirical knowledge on the topic and contribute in decision making processes
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Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This course introduces the students to the core concepts of cloud computing. The students gain the foundational knowledge required for understanding cloud computing from a business perspective as also for becoming a cloud practitioner. The students will understand the definition and essential characteristics of cloud computing, its history, the business case for cloud computing, and emerging technology usecases enabled by cloud.

Course Outcomes

  • Explain cloud computing and its history
  • Classify cloud computing service providers
  • Define costing model on cloud platform
  • Define types of cloud models
  • Implement cloud dos and don’ts

Course Overview

This course provides an introduction to computer and network security. Students successfully completing this class will be able to evaluate works in academic and commercial security, and will have rudimentary skills in security research. The course begins with a tutorial of the basic elements of cryptography, cryptanalysis, and systems security, and continues by covering a number of seminal papers and monographs in a wide range of security areas.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe the importance of intrusion detection and Network attacks inside and outside the network.
  • Classify the sources of vulnerabilities and security threats motives
  • Define the importance of Database security in the Internet architecture
  • Explain virtual private network in real time projects
  • Define importance of managing the network security.

Course Overview

This course introduces the basic ideas of computing, networking, communications, security, and virtualization, and will provide the students with an important foundation for the rest of the course.

Course Outcomes

  • Identify SDDC using VMware products.
  • Select Fault tolerance and High availability for the Virtual machines
  • Identify Secure Virtual environment in VMware NSX
  • Discuss Optimization and monitoring in VMware NSX
  • Implement Monitor key storage performance metrics

Course Overview

This course will teach the students on how systems connect to and interact with the web and how the most common languages of the internet (HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript) work to allow information to be shared worldwide.

Course Outcomes

  • Learn technologies like HTML, CSS, XML, PHP
  • Classify static and simple dynamic web pages
  • Understand web application deployment and software architectures
  • Implement web Application Monitor in Web Servers
  • Learn browser life cycle for real time web application

Course Overview

This course introduces general standards of good reasoning and offers tools to improve critical thinking skills. These skills will help to determine when an argument is being given, what its crucial parts are, and what it assumes implicitly. Students will also learn how to apply deductive and inductive standards for assessing arguments and how to detect and avoid fallacies.

Course Outcomes

  • List various methods of reasoning to solve problems
  • Define the concepts for Logical Reasoning – I & II.
  • List the various concepts of Measures of Central Tendency
  • Classify Reasoning and Thinking
  • Implement median of grouped and ungrouped data merit

Course Overview

In this course the students will learn how to secure open source and commercial database platforms against modern threats and attack vectors. This course includes a mix of conceptual lectures and detailed screen casts outlining all the steps involved with conducting test attacks and subsequently securing database platforms.

Course Outcomes

  • Describe the importance of Database and protective measures for ORACLE and SQL
  • Classify types of SQL injection attacks and Countermeasures
  • Define the importance of Database security in the Internet architecture
  • Duplicate the vulnerability management process in Database security.
  • Implement profiler to audit SQL server access

Course Overview

In this course the students will learn and explore the working principles and utilities of various cryptographic algorithms including secret key cryptography, hashes and message digests, and public key algorithms. They will explore the design issues and working principles of various authentication Protocols. And explore various secure communication standards including Kerberos, IPsec, and SSL/TLS and email.

Course Outcomes

  • Apply the knowledge of cryptographic checksums and evaluate the performance of different message digest algorithms for verifying the integrity of varying message sizes.
  • Apply different digital signature algorithms to achieve authentication and create secure applications
  • Understand, compare and apply different encryption and decryption techniques to solve problems related to confidentiality and authentication
  • Apply network security basics, analyze different attacks on networks and evaluate the performance of firewalls and security protocols like SSL, IPSec, and PGP.
  • Apply the knowledge of cryptographic utilities and authentication mechanisms to design secure application

Course Overview

This course will cover client server architecture and impart knowledge on how to develop a web application using PHP technologies. Students will gain the skills and project-based experience needed for entry into web application and development careers.

Course Outcomes

  • Develop a dynamic web page by the use of java script
  • Learn to write a well formed / valid XML document.
  • Learn to write a server side PHP application called PHP to catch form data sent from client and store it on database.
  • Learn to write a server side PHP application
  • Connect a PHP program to a DBMS and perform insert, update and delete operations on DBMS table
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

The course is about the fundamentals of the Linux operating system, including installation, configuration, administration, file management, and security.

Course Outcomes

  • Learn the different distribution of Linux and the reason for open source
  • Use Linux commands to manage files and file systems
  • Create and execute BASH scripts
  • Explain the structure of the Linux operating system
  • Establish user accounts and permissions

Course Overview

This course enables the students to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of Computer forensics & Cyber Crime. Learning Outcomes: After completion of the course the students will be able to learn investigation tools and techniques, analysis of data to identify evidence, Technical Aspects & Legal Aspects related to cyber crime.

Course Outcomes

  • Explain the importance of computer forensic in achieving the goals of information security
  • Discuss steps involved in recovering data stored in various devices
  • Define the need for meticulous documentation in computer forensics
  • Implement Monitoring Services for Forensic analysis
  • Select an adequate legal framework when dealing with computer forensics

Course Overview

Ethical hacking course involves the study of an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand the basics of ethical hacking
  • Elaborate on the hacking methodology
  • Demonstrate the hacking process on different platforms
  • Illustrate the various application of attacks on different wireless platforms
  • Create formal reports for the security attacks launched

Course Overview

Ethical hacking course involves the study of an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers.

Course Outcomes

  • Discuss the basics of ethical hacking
  • Elaborate on the hacking methodology
  • Demonstrate the hacking process on different platforms
  • Illustrate the various application of attacks on different wireless platforms
  • Create formal reports for the security attacks launched

Course Overview

The course will introduce and cover the topics of cloud infrastructures, virtualization, software defined networks and storage, cloud storage, and programming models. As an introduction, we will discuss the motivating factors, benefits and challenges of the cloud, as well as service models, service level agreements (SLAs), security, example cloud service providers and use cases. Modern data centers enable many of the economic and technological benefits of the cloud paradigm; hence, we will describe several concepts behind data center design and management and software deployment. Next, we will focus on virtualization as a key cloud technique for offering software, computation and storage services. We will study how CPU, memory and I/O resources are virtualized, with examples from Xen and VMWare, and present real use cases such as Amazon EC2. Within the same theme of virtualization, students will also be introduced to Software Defined Networks and Storage (SDN and SDS). Subsequently, students will learn about different cloud storage concepts including data distribution, durability, consistency and redundancy. We will discuss distributed file systems, NoSQL databases and object storage. HDFS, CephFS, HBASE, MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, S3, Swift and Ceph Object Gateway will be presented as case studies. Finally, students will understand the details of the MapReduce programming model and gain a broad overview of the Spark, GraphLab programming models as well as message queues and stream processing.

Course Outcomes

  • Explain the core concepts of the cloud computing paradigm: how and why this paradigm shift came about, the characteristics, advantages and challenges brought about by the various models and services in cloud computing.
  • Apply fundamental concepts in cloud infrastructures to understand the tradeoffs in power, efficiency and cost, and then study how to leverage and manage single and multiple datacenters to build and deploy cloud applications that are resilient, elastic and cost-efficient
  • Understand system, network and storage virtualization and outline their role in enabling the cloud computing system model.
  • Illustrate the fundamental concepts of cloud storage and demonstrate their use in storage systems such as Amazon S3 and HDFS.
  • Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.
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Odd Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

Introduce you to what data science is and what data scientists do. You’ll discover the applicability of data science across fields, and learn how data analysis can help you make data driven decisions. You’ll find that you can kickstart your career path in the field without prior knowledge of computer science or programming languages. It will give you the foundation you need for more advanced learning to support your career goals.

Course Outcomes

  • CO 1. Discuss the process and components of Data Science project.
  • CO 2. Examine the importance of probability and statistics in Data Science
  • CO 3. Demonstrate the use of machine learning in today’s business world.
  • CO 4. Analyze the various components of computer science being used for Data Science
  • CO 5. Exhibit the execution flow of a Data Science project

Course Overview

The Course will start with basic introduction to cloud concepts like SAAS, PAAS and IAAS. Students will learn how Linux systems is changing the Infrastructure landscape worldwide, use popular cloud technologies like Google Compute Engine , Amazon AWS and Redhat open shift.

Course Outcomes

  • Define of IAM Solution for resources
  • Select Virtual Machine on Server Application
  • Explain Load balancer and auto scaling
  • Implement Monitoring Services for cloud infrastructure
  • Learn VPN for Customer Gateway

Course Overview

A lot of options exist for configuration management and the different tools have different approaches to solving the same problem. It can be difficult to know where to start. This course is a high-level overview to help explain some of the concepts of configuration management.

Course Outcomes

  • CO 1. Duplicate Windows PowerShell scripts
  • CO 2. Identify cloud applications using Windows PowerShell
  • CO 3. Implement azure cloud connectivity using Windows PowerShell
  • CO 4. Implement Monitoring Services using Windows PowerShell
  • CO 5. Classify PS Providers, PS Drives adapters

Course Overview

In this course the students will gain experience on various processes used in Software industry for the development of a software product. They will also learn about testing and maintenance of software products

Course Outcomes

  • Apply the knowledge, techniques, and skills in the development of a software product.
  • Choose appropriate process model depending on the user requirements
  • Perform various life cycle activities like Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance
  • Understand various processes used in all the phases of the product.

Course Overview

The course of Bioengineering is based on the usage of biological advancements in the field of engineering to create products that can benefit both fields as well as mankind. It deals with several aspects of energy, biomaterials as well as the environment and helps integrate them into engineered technology.

Course Outcomes

  • Understand biological sciences, its scope and perspectives.
  • Learn ecological energetics, its working mechanism, identification of organisms.
  • Analyse the mechanism of transfer of character from parent to next generation.
  • Explain the genetic code and production of proteins.
  • Interpret the relation between various physiological processes of the body.
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Even Semester

Courses for this semester

Course Overview

This course deals with human behavior in organizations. Conceptual frameworks, case discussions, and skill-oriented activities applied to course topics which include: motivation, learning and development, group dynamics, leadership, communication, power and influence, change, diversity, organizational design, and culture. Class sessions and assignments are intended to help participants acquire skills and analytic concepts to improve organizational relationships and effectiveness.

Course Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain the concept of Organisation Design and determine the factors that affect Organisation Design.
  • Students will be able to identify the components of Individual Behaviour and apply the concept of Learning, Perception, Attitudes and values.
  • The student will be able to distinguish between the various theories of motivation and their application in organizations and also be able to apply these theories to practical problems in organizations. They will also be able to distinguish between a number of different leadership theories & styles and contribute to the effective performance of a team as the team leader or a group member.
  • The future managers/ students will be able to analyse the behaviour of individuals and groups in organisations in terms of the key factors that influence organisational behaviour and demonstrate skills required for working in groups (team building).
  • The students will be able to justify how organizational change and conflict affect working relationships within organizations and demonstrate how to apply relevant theories to solve problems of change and conflict within organizations
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Apply Scholarship through CST

CST- Common scholarship test is a national and international level online MCQ based examination funded for intellectual empowerment by Assam down town University.

CST- Maximum enrolment each year is 120 seats and any 10+2 students can apply. Adtu is northeast India’s first placement driven university to provide 100% scholarship benefits worth 10 cr.

CST aims to inspire brilliant and competent students to pursue further education. Accredited with a prestigious grade by NAAC, UGC and AICTE.

Apply Scholarship Through

Explore more scholarships that can help you reach out your goal with financial aid.

This scholarship is valid on the basis of the board/university examination

95% & above 100% Scholarship on all semester
90%-94.9% 50% Scholarship on all semester
80%-89.9% 25% Scholarship on all semester

This scholarship is valid on the basis of the board/university exam

National & International Level 100% Scholarship on all semester
State Level 50% Scholarship on all semester
District Level 25% Scholarship on all semester

This scholarship is valid on the basis of the board/university exam

National & International Level 100% Scholarship on all semester
State Level 50% Scholarship on all semester
District Level & NCC Certificate Holder 25% Scholarship on all semester

A 50% scholarship on total semester fees is provided to all specially abled students.

A 100% scholarship on the last semester fee is provided to all the alumni of Assam down town University.

A 100% scholarship on total semester fee for Economically Backward Classes

Campus Life

Our Facilities

World Class Facilities

Discover a multitude of world-class amenities and cutting-edge resources at Assam down town University, enhancing your academic journey to new heights.

Some of our Facilities
  • Library
  • Swimming Pool
  • Play Ground
  • Amphitheatre
  • Basketball Court
  • Cinema Hall
  • Cafeteria
  • Canteen
  • Indoor stadium
  • Yoga Studio
  • Gym
  • ATM

Start-Up &
Incubation Centre

The Start-Up & Incubation Centre at Assam down town University provides a supportive environment for young entrepreneurs to develop and grow their business ideas. The center provides mentorship, funding, and networking opportunities to help innovative ideas become successful businesses.

Rural Empowerment with SFURTI scheme

SFURTI scheme to support rural entrepreneurs and innovators, an initiative by the Ministry of MSME

TIDE 2.0 scheme for ICT-based startups

TIDE 2.0 scheme for ICT-based startups which provides a grant of Rs. 4L and Rs. 7L under EiR and Grant categories respectively, an initiative by the Ministry of MeitY.

dtVL Ideation interest-free loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs.

dtVL Ideation, an incubation program for early-stage entrepreneurs with a market-ready solution/product, offering interest-free loans up to Rs. 2 lakhs.

Innovation with Sprout UP program

Sprout UP, an incubation program for students, faculties, and researchers with innovative business ideas, prototypes, or technology solutions.

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Job Created
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Start Ups
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Govt and MSME Collaboration
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International Tie-ups

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What our Students say

Kailash Timsina

"I am a BBA student of 3rd semester. I hail from Bhutan. I vow that I am having a great experience i...

Juliush Mushahary

"AdtU is amazing. I am a BBA student of 2019-22 batch and I am just grateful for the amount of oppor...

Reshi Prasad Pokhrel

Let us be grateful to the people and place who makes us happy. They are the charming gardeners whom ...

Debapriya Paul

Currently I am pursuing MBA in Assam Down Town University. MBA is the professional course through wh...

Priti Jain

AdtU is a university that focuses on giving knowledge, education and simultaneously making the stude...

Madhurya Bujar Barua

The Assam downtown University has been a great learning experience. The university has provided me w...

Naeem Hussain

My experience with AdtU has been splendid one indeed. Little needs to said about its scenic infrastr...

Dr Dipanjali Hazarika

As a student I am very glad that I have got an opportunity to study here in Assam downtown universi...

Sakhyajit Roy

My name is Sakhyajit Roy. I?m from Tripura. I joined the university on Auguest, 2017 as a student of...

Runi Bharadwaj

I share immense pleasure to share my post graduate program experience in Assam down town University....

Jenifer Dhar

AdtU is a platform where I got golden opportunities to feed my zeal for knowledge through the dynami...

Salehah Hussain Uthman

I am fortunate to get an opportunity to study here in Assam Downtown University. The best thing abou...

Nisha Nirola

Our university is one of the best place for developing ourselves in the field of research and acedem...

Liangsi Hallam

ADTU is a university that is very good interms of infrastructure, academics and placements. Our tea...

Anushmita Kashyap

It is one of best private colleges in North East India, it also provides a good environment for ed...

Dasanibha Mawphlang

ADTU is a good University which provides the students with best quality lectures and ensures comfort...

Farhin zakia

The environment of Assam downtown university is very pleasant.The department of BMLT is very good a...

Anamika Das

The university has all the necessary facilities and amenities for students . The classrooms and the ...

Susmita Sinha

Assam downtown University is well recognised all over india. In the ongoing pandemic situation it ha...

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