Name: | Specialization: |
Mr. Moksood Ahmed Laskar | Pharmacology |
Degree/ Diploma |
University/Board |
Year of Passing |
Ph.D. in Pharmacy (Pursuing) |
Assam Down Town University, (ADTU), Guwahati, Assam. |
Pursuing |
Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) in Pharmacology |
Uttarakhand Technical University (UTU), Dehradun, Uttarakhand. |
2018 |
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) |
Assam Down Town University, (ADTU), Guwahati, Assam. |
2016 |
Higher Secondary |
2012 |
Matriculation |
2009 |
Organisation |
Period |
Designation |
Assam Down Town University, Assam |
Working since 21-01-2019 |
Assistant Professor |
North East frontier Technical University, Arunachal Pradesh |
August 2018-January 2019 |
Assistant Professor |
1. H. Hazarika, H krishnayetri, Laskar MA "Herbal mosquito repellent liposomal formulation -A mini Review".
2. Goswami P, Laskar MA, Basak M. A review on medicinal plants of north eastern region with potential antifertility activity, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development, 2020; 8(2): 162-165.
Participated in many national seminar and few Faculty Development Program in various institutes