Dr. Lanu Devi

Dr. Lanu Devi


Name: Specialization:
Dr. Lanu Devi Social and Culture Anthropology


  1. Secured 3rd position in Humanities Group in HSSLC Examination, 1972(AHSEC).
  2. Secured highest aggregate marks among all the honours students from Gauhati University, 1975 (Best Graduate with honours in Anthropology, 1st class first).
  3. 1st class in Anthropology with specialisation in Social and Culture Anthropology in 1977 (Gold Medalist) from Gauhati University.
  4. Ph.D in Anthropology in 1986 from Gauhati University as a UGC Junior Research Fellow.
  5. L.L.B from Gauhati University in 1986.

Working Experience

  1. Teaching Experiences of 33 years including 4 years in Assam down town University from March 2016 to till today.
  2. Retired as Associate Professor from Cotton College, Gauhati.
  3. Experiences of guiding Research Scholar in Assam down town University. 3(three) Scholars have already attained PH. D.
  4. A few Research Publications
  5. At present another 8(eight) Research Scholars are pursuing Research under my care.