Dr. Dimple Choudhury

Dr. Dimple Choudhury


Language Documentation, Cognitive Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Phonetics and Field Linguistics


Qualification Board/University Year
PhD in Linguistics IIITG 2022
MA in Linguistics Gauhati University 2012
MA in English IDOL, Gauhati University 2012
BA (English) Gauhati University 2009


Personal Interest


Working Experience

Position Duration Organisation
Project Scientist 2013-2014 IITG
Research Associate 2014-2016 IITG



Academic Publications:

1. Barua, Suranjana & Choudhury, Dimple. (Under Review). ‘Assessing Language Endangerment  in Northeast India Through A Four Language Prism’, In N. Dash, A. Selvaraj &, R. Nanjundan (Eds.), Handbook on Endangered South East Asian Languages. Springer Nature.

2. Choudhury, Dimple. 2023. 'Language Endangerment: Miju and Digaru', Xukia: Perspective from Social Science and Humanities.

3. Choudhury, Dimple. 2023. 'An Analysis of Language Endangerment: Miju and Digaru', Anvesan, Vol 16: 148-164.

4. Choudhury, Dimple & Barua, Suranjana. 2021. ‘Politeness and Collective Identity: A Case Study of Two Endangered Languages of Arunachal Pradesh’, International Linguistics Research, Vol. 4 (1): 43-60.

5. Choudhury, Dimple. 2020. ‘Mother Tongue Education for Revitalizing Endangered Languages: Miju and Digaru’, Language and Language Teaching, Vol. 9 (18):18-22.

6. Sarmah, Priyankoo, Dihingia, Leena & Choudhury, Dimple. 2015. ‘An Acoustic Study of Bodo Vowels’, Himalayan Linguistics, Vol. 14(1): 20-33.


National/International Conference Presentation:
1. Choudhury, Dimple. 2024. Language Identity for Ethnolinguistic vitality: Miju and Digaru. Paper presented at International Conference on 27th Himalayan Languages Symposium, IITG, Guwahati.

2. Choudhury, Dimple. 2023. Oral Narratives of Miju Mishmi: A Comparative Study. Paper presented at National Conference on Language and Linguistics, Tezpur University, Tezpur.

3. Choudhury, Dimple. 2023. Identity: An Analysis of Miju and Digaru. Paper presented at 12th International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society, Gauhati University, Guwahati.

4. Choudhury, Dimple & Barua, Suranjana. 2019. Politeness and Collective Identity in Miju and Digaru: Two   Endangered  Languages of Arunachal Pradesh, Paper presented in National Conference on Revitalization of    Indigenous Languages: Issues and Challenges, KIIT,  Bhubaneswar.

5. Choudhury, Dimple, Barua, Suranjana. 2017. Language Endangerment: Tibeto Burman Languages of North East India, Paper presented in National Conference on Language Diversity, Endangerment, and Vitalization: Agenda and Roadmap, National Law University, Delhi.

6. Choudhury, Dimple, Dihingia, Leena & Sarmah, Priyankoo. 2016. A Sociolinguistic Study of Lexical Variation in Assamese, Paper presented in 8th International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society, Tezpur University, Tezpur.

7. Dihingia, Leena & Choudhury, Dimple. 2015. An Acoustic Analysis of Vowels in Western Assamese Dialects, Paper presented in 37th International Conference of Linguistic Society of India, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

8. Gogoi, Pamir & Choudhury, Dimple. 2014. An Acoustic Analysis of Voicing Assimilation in Assamese, Paper presented at the 8th Students’ Conference of Linguistics in India, Kashmir University.

9. Choudhury, Dimple & Muzumdar, Phunuma. 2014. An Acoustic Study of Vowels in two varieties of Boro, Paper presented at the ‘8th International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society organized by the Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University, Guwahati.

10. Sarmah, Priyankoo, Dihingia, Leena & Choudhury, Dimple. 2013. An Acoustic Study of Bodo Vowels, Paper presented at the ‘19th International Conference of Himalayan Language Symposium’, Canberra, Australia.


Workshop and Courses Attended:
1.Indian Knowledge Systems, a short-term course Faculty Training Programme, 9th to 14th October, 2023.

2.Language Mixing, a short-term course by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 18th to 27th May, 2022.

3. Fundamental of Language Science, an AICTE sponsored short-term course organized by Center for Continuing       Edidation, Indian Institue of Technology Madras, 22nd– 27th March, 2021.

4. Fall School in Language, a short-term course organized by Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, 7-11th October, 2019.

5. GIAN Course on Language Endangerment and Allied Topics organized by MHRD in the Department of Linguistics, AMU, Aligarh, 18th to 24th December, 2017.

6. 23rd Himalayan Languages Symposium organized by the Centre of Endangered Languages at the Department of English and Foreign Languages, Tezpur University, Tezpur, 5th to 7th July 2017.

7. A workshop on Cognitive Linguistics and Languages of Northeast held at the Centre of Endangered Languages at the Department of English and Foreign Languages, Tezpur University, Tezpur, 4th to 5th February 2017.

8. A short-term course on Research Methodology organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IITG, Guwahati, 7th to 13th December, 2016.

9. A training workshop on Orthography Development organized by the Department of Linguistics of Gauhati University and the South Asian Group of SIL International, Guwahati University, 2013.

10. A training workshop on Lamkang Fieldwork Workshop, funded by the National Science Foundation, Documentation Endangered Languages Program, University of Texas, 2013.

11. A course on Field Methods in the Department of Linguistics, Gauhati University based on Angami, a language of Nagaland 2013.

12. Workshop on Language Documentation in the ‘7th International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society (NEILS)’, Guwahati, 2012.

13. One-month workshop on Phonological Analysis conducted by Professor Scott DeLancey, University of Oregon, USA, at the department of Linguistics, Gauhati University on the phonology of three endangered languages of Arunachal Pradesh, namely, Tangam, Puroik and Meyor, 2011.

Awards & Achievements

NET Qualified