Message From Chancellor

NN Dutta

Dr. N. N. Dutta


  • Assam down town University

Assam down town University is one of the major institutions of higher education in North East India.It offers diploma, graduate and postgraduate studies. The University is widely known for its distinguished, highly qualified facultymembers. It has a fine balance of dynamic young faculty members and experienced senior professors in all the programmes. It has emerged as the leading centre of teaching and research offering Ph.D. in different disciplines. The large campus spreading over more than 50 acres of land is located at Panikhaiti, overlooking the mighty Brahmaputra. The campus is a home to richbio-diversity, it has an extensive area of rubber plantations too.

Our emphasis is on creating industry ready students. Besides the regular curriculum, we have several short-termprograms.Personality development and soft skills classes are embedded in all the programs. We have a strong placement team which emphasizes on industry interface. The university hosts seminars and workshops with industry stalwarts from across the country and also abroad to give the much-needed exposure to the students for gaining thelatest information in the respective disciplines. To strengthen the network of communication ithas also started functioning from two officeslocated in the cities of Pune and Delhi, at the heart of the industrial and corporate belt. Despite the fact of being based in one corner of the country, we believe in providing all the opportunities of the new emerging India to our students.

Assam down town University had traversed a long way by expandingand consolidating its academic programmes to enjoy the present status of being the most opted institution of leaning .It will continue to maintain the rich tradition and cultural heritage of the region by fulfilling its social mission of creating quality human resources in order to serve the nation with dedication.

We eagerly await to welcome young and enthusiastic students to join our University and we believe we will give you a passport to your future career.

“You enter to learn and go out to serve and earn with great service and absolute professionalism in the changing scenario of the world”.

Dr. N. N. Dutta
Assam down town University

About Dr. N.N. Dutta

Dr. Narendra Nath Dutta is an MBBS from Gauhati Medical College in 1965, securing 2ndposition in the University. He has completed his Master Degree in ENT, standing 1st from All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi in 1970. Dr. Dutta was awarded the British Common Wealth Fellowship in 1981 for Higher Studies in Microsurgery, in the UK. He was also awarded The Fellowship Of International College Of Surgeons in 1982. He served the Guwahati Medical College for 14 Years and got the Service Above Self Award Of Rotary International in 2000.He was also awarded The Prof. Dukhan Ram Award in XXIV Bihar State Conference Of The Association Of Otolaryngologists Of India in the Year 2000. He has received the Citation For Meritorious Service From Rotary Foundation 2002 and was felicitated on the Annual General Meeting Of North East Chamber Of Commerce And Industry (NECCI) on 30th Oct. 2002 for Outstanding Performance And Exemplary Service To The Society.