Dr. Shyam B. Choudhury

Dr. Shyam B. Choudhury


Name: Specialization:
Dr. Shyam B. Choudhury Tribal development, Society and Culture, Policies and Planning for rural development Policies



Ph.D-Gauhati University

M.Sc. -Gauhati University

M.A.-Cotton University

B.Sc.-Gauhati University

B.Ed-Gauhati University






Personal Interest

Social Work

Working Experience

As a Lecturer in the Department of Anthropology, R.J.College, Guwahati, Assam

As a field investigator, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, Guwahati, Assam







As a field investigator, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, Guwahati, Assam

Awards & Achievements

EDU-EXcellence Award, 22 in recognition of the outstanding contribution towards the Society in the field of education

Best Teacher Award , " Achievement Award for the Best Sociology Taecher of the Year" in the TPL Siksha Award 2022.

Best Innovative idea and Reserach Award- Assam Down Town University, Guwhati, Assam

Best Innovatieve Award-Recognized by Govt. India

Best Indian Icon Award-Recognized by Govt.India

Vishwa Ratna Awrd-Best Excellence Awaard -Recognized by-Worthy Wellness Foundation, Pune