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Assam down town University celebrated National Doctors' Day, honoring Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy's legacy with speeches and tokens of appreciation for medical professionals.

Date- 02nd Jul 2024

Assam down town University celebrated National Doctors’ Day with gratitude, honoring the legacy of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, a renowned physician, freedom fighter, and former Chief Minister of West Bengal.

The event began with an opening ceremony attended by notable University officials and medical fraternity members. Prof. (Dr.) N.C. Talukdar, Vice-Chancellor, presented an inspiring speech that emphasised doctors' important role in society while also praising their selfless devotion and unrelenting commitment to saving lives. Symbolizing the University's gratitude and respect for their dedication and service, medical professionals received Fulam gamosa and seedlings as a token of appreciation. The gathering at Assam down town University was a passionate tribute to the medical community, empowering future generations of healthcare providers.