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Assam down town university's Faculty of Sciences hosts practical workshop on food preservation, empowering local communities with hands-on techniques.

Date- 17th Jul 2024

Assam down town university's Programme of Food Nutrition and Dietetics, under the Faculty of Sciences, organized a one-day workshop on Food Preservation.

This workshop aimed to impart practical knowledge on various food preservation techniques to participants from nearby villages and within the campus. The training sessions were conducted by the faculty members of the Food Nutrition and Dietetics department, whose expertise and hands-on approach ensured effective learning and practice of preservation techniques. Participants learned to prepare a variety of products, including tomato sauce, tomato chutney, chicken pickle, mushroom pickle, garlic pickle, kimchi, mango jam, and pineapple squash.

The session focused on low-cost, handmade techniques, with experts showing preservation methods and leading participants through hands-on experience. By using an interactive method, participants were guaranteed to be able to successfully implement the practices at home, improving food security and decreasing waste. Make this paragraph one line news heading.