Dr. Rakesh Ashok Afre

Dr. Rakesh Ashok Afre


Physics, Materials Science and Nanotechnology


Qualification University/College/Board Year
PhD (Nanotechnology) Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan 2007
M.Sc. (Physics-Energy Studies) North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon (M.S) 2001
B.Sc. (Physics) R.L. College of Arts and Science, Parola, Dist. Jalgaon (North Maharashtra University) (M.S) 1999
HSC Kisan College of Arts, Science and Comm. Parola, Dist. Jalgaon 1996
SSC N.E.S. High School, Parola, Dist. Jalgaon 1994

Personal Interest

Singing, Collection of Foreign currencies, Teaching Japanese Language, Travelling

Working Experience

Institute/University Designation Period
ADY Patil University, Pune Associate Professor 8/2016 - 7/2022
WCRNB, Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur, M.S Assistant Professor 6/2015 - 8/2016
Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia Assistant Professor 6/2014 - 2/2015
Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia Research Associate 5/2012 - 4/2014
KRICT, Daejeon, South Korea Senior Researcher 5/2010 - 4/2012
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan Post-doctoral Researcher 6/2007 - 3/2010
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai Junior Research Fellow 8/2001 - 6/2003


Research Interest:

  • Synthesis and application of nanomaterials such as Carbon nanotubes, nanofibers, graphene and Oxide materials such as ZnO, TiO2, SnO2 etc. 
  • Organic photovoltaic devices (OPVs)
  • Modification of anode electrode such as indium tin oxide glass 
  • Dye-sensitized solar cell
  • Li-ion Batteries, OLEDs, OFETs



PATENT NUMBER:   WO2006033457           Publication date:          2006-03-30



Classification:  C01B31/02; C01B31/00;  - international

Priority No. (s):   JP20040276174 20040922; US20050717180P 20050916


Book/Book Chapters:

  1. Nanotechnology Industry: Scenario of Intellectual Property Rights, Book Title: Intellectual Property Issues in Nanotechnology, Rakesh A Afre, Chapter 19, CRC Publications, USA, Year – July, 2020


1. Transparent conducting oxide films for various applications: a review, Rakesh A. Afre, Nallin Sharma, Maheshwar Sharon and Madhuri Sharon, Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 53 (2018) 79                                                                   IF: 2.172

2. Planar silver nanowire, carbon nanotube and PEDOT:PSS nanocomposite transparent electrodes, A. J Stapleton, S.D Yamem, A.H Johns, Rakesh A Afre, A. V Ellis, J. G Shapter, G. G Andersson, J. S Quinton P.L Burn, Paul Meredith and D. A Lewis, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 16 (2015) 025002.                                                                                  IF: 5.86

3. Highly conductive  interwoven  carbon  nanotube  and  silver  nanowire  transparent  electrodes, A. J Stapleton, Rakesh A Afre, A. V Ellis, J. G Shapter, G. G Andersson, J. S Quinton and D. A Lewis, Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 14 (2013) 035004.                                                                                                                                              IF: 5.86

4. Improved open circuit voltage of the photovoltaic device using ferrocene as a donor material, Rakesh A. Afre, Y. Hayashi, T. Soga, Synthetic Metals 160 (2010) 779.                                                                                     IF: 2.52   

5. Effect  of  liquid  nitrogen  treatment  on  the  structural,  electrical  and  optical  properties  of indium tin oxide coated glass substrate, Rakesh A. Afre, Y. Hayashi, T. Soga, G. Kalita, M. Umeno, Chem. Phys. Lett. 481 (2009) 68.  IF: 2.029                                                                                                                                                                         

6. Enhanced  photovoltaic  device  performance  upon  modification  of  indium  tin  oxide  coated glass by liquid nitrogen treatment, Rakesh A. Afre, Y. Hayashi, T. Soga, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 042002.                                 IF: 3.16                                                       

7. New diarylmethanofullerene derivatives and their properties for organic thin-film solar cells, D. Sukeguchi, S. P. Singh, M. R. Reddy, H. Yoshiyama, Rakesh  A.  Afre, Y. Hayashi, H. Inukai, T. Soga, S. Nakamura, N. Shibata and T. Toru, Bel. J. Org. Chem. 5 (7) (2009).                                                                                                                    IF: 2.76                                                                                        

8.  Growth  of  Y-junction  bamboo-shaped  CNx  nanotubes  on  GaAs  substrate  using  single feedstock, P. Ghosh, M. Subramanian, R. A. Afre, M. Zamri, T. Soga, T. Jimbo, V. Filip, M. Tanemura, Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (8) (2009) 4611.                                                                                                                                                                                             IF: 6.18

9. Silicon nanowire array/polymer hybrid solar cell incorporating carbon nanotubes, G. Kalita, S. Adhikari, H. R. Aryal, Rakesh Afre, T. Soga, M. Sharon, W. Koichi and M. Umeno, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 115104.           IF: 3.16                                    

10. Functionalization  of  multi-walled  carbon  nanotubes  (MWCNTs)  with  nitrogen  plasma  for photovoltaic device application, G. Kalita, S. Adhikari, H. R. Aryal, Rakesh Afre, T. Soga, M. Sharon, M. Umeno, Current Appl. Phys. 9 (2) (2009) 346.                                                                                                                                                         IF: 2.32

11. Carbon Nanobeads from Brassica Nigra Oil: Synthesis and Characterization, D.E. Kshirsagar, V. Puri, M. Sharon, S. Jaybhaye, R. A. Afre, P. Somani, M. Sharon, Advanced Science Letters, 2 (3), (2009) 388-390.                    IF: 1.25                                        

12. Simplified  synthesis  of  Single-walled  carbon  nanotubes  from  a  botanical  hydrocarbon: Turpentine  oil,  P.  Ghosh,  T.  Soga,  Rakesh  A.  Afre, T.  Jimbo, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 462 (2008) 289.             IF: 4.65                                   

13. Vertically  aligned  N-doped  carbon  nanotubes  by  spray  pyrolysis  of  turpentine  oil  and pyridine  derivative  with  dissolved  ferrocene,  P.  Ghosh, Tetsuo Soga,  Kaushik  Ghosh, Rakesh  A.  Afre, Takashi Jimbo, Yoshinori  Ando,  Journal  of  Non-Crystalline  Solids 354(34) (2008) 4101-4106.                                                          IF: 2.92

14. Fullerene  (C60)  decoration  in  oxygen  plasma  treated  multi-walled  carbon  nanotubes  for photovoltaic application,  G. Kalita, S. Adhikari, H. R. Aryal, M. Umeno, Rakesh  Afre, T. Soga, and M. Sharon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (2008) 063508.                                                                                                                                      IF: 3.59

15. Cutting carbon nanotubes for solar cell application, G. Kalita, S. Adhikari, H. R. Aryal, M. Umeno, Rakesh Afre, T. Soga, and M. Sharon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 (2008) 123508.                                                                   IF: 3.59                                                                                                       

16. Fluorine  incorporated  amorphous  carbon  thin  films  prepared  by  Surface  Wave  Microwave Plasma CVD, G. Kalita, H. R. Aryal, S. Adhikari, D. C. Ghimire, Rakesh A. Afre, T. Soga, M. Sharon, Masayoshi Umeno, Diamond and Rel. Materials 17 (7-10) (2008) 1697.                                                                                                   IF: 2.65

17. Fluorination of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) via surface wave microwave (SW-MW) plasma treatment, G. Kalita, S. Adhikari, H. R. Aryal, D. C. Ghimre, Rakesh Afre, T. Soga, M. Sharon, M. Umeno, Physica E 41 (2) (2008) 299.                                                                                                                                                                   IF: 3.57

18. Carbon Nanomaterial from Tea leaves as an Anode in Lithium Secondary Batteries  S. Bhardwaj, S.V. Jaybhaye, M. Sharon, D. Sathiyamoorthy, K. Dasgupta, P. Jagadale, R. A. Afre et al. Asian J. Exp. Sci 22 (2), (2008) 89-93. IF :                          

19. Laser ablated carbon thin film from carbon nanotubes and their property studies, Maheshwar Sharon, M. Rusop, T. Soga and Rakesh A. Afre, Carbon Letters 9(1) (2008) 17-22.         IF: 2.67                                                                                               

20. Development of Supercapacitors Using Porous Carbon Materials Synthesized from Plant Derived Precursors, V. Khairnar, S. Jaybhaye, C.C. Hu, R. Afre, T. Soga, M. Sharon, M. Sharon, Carbon Letters 9(3) (2008) 188-194.  IF: 2.67                           

21. A  simple  method  of  producing  single-walled  carbon  nanotubes  from  a  natural  precursor: Eucalyptus  oil,  P. Ghosh,  Rakesh A. Afre, T. Soga, T. Jimbo, Materials Letters, 61 (17) (2007) 3768.                                         IF: 3.20                                                                     

22. Hydrogen storage by carbon materials synthesized from oil seeds and fibrous plant materials, Maheshwar Sharon, T. Soga, Rakesh  Afre,  D. Sathiyamoorthy, K. Dasgupta,  Sunil Bhardwaj, Madhuri Sharon, Sandesh Jaybhaye, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (17) (2007) 4238-4249.                                                               IF: 4.93

23.  Carbon Material from Natural Sources as an Anode in Lithium Secondary Battery, S. Bhardwaj, M. Sharon, T. Ishihara, S. Jayabhaye, R. Afre, T. Soga, M. Sharon, Carbon Letters 8(4) (2007) 285-291.                             IF: 1.63                                                                    

24. Photocatalytic Degradation of E. coli and S. aureus by Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes, Madhuri Sharon, Suprama Datta, Sejal Shah, Maheshwar Sharon, T. Soga Rakesh Afre, Carbon Letters, 8 (3) (2007) 184-190.   IF: 2.67                                          

25. Carbon  nanotubes  by  spray  pyrolysis  of  turpentine  oil  at  different  temperatures  and  their studies, Rakesh A. Afre, T. Soga, T. Jimbo, M. Kumar, Y. Ando, M. Sharon, P. R. Somani, M. Umeno, Microp. and Mespo. Mate. 96 (2006) 184.                                                                                                                                                                      IF: 4.55

26. Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes at different  temperatures by spray pyrolysis of natural precursor:  Turpentine  oil,  Rakesh  A.  Afre, T. Soga, T. Jimbo, M.  Kumar,  Y.  Ando, M. Sharon, Intl. Jr of Modern Phys. B 20 (29) (2006) 4965.                                                                                                                                                                   IF: 0.94

27. Nano-structured hydrogenated amorphous carbon films doped with nitrogen on p-silicon, P. R. Somani, A. Yoshida, Rakesh A. Afre, S. Adhikary, T. Soga, M. Umeno, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a), 203 (8) (2006) 1982.                           IF: 1.79                                                     

28. Growth  of  vertically  aligned  carbon  nanotubes  on  silicon  and  quartz  substrate  by  spray pyrolysis  of  a  natural  precursor:  Turpentine  oil,  Rakesh  A.  Afre,  T.  Soga, T.  Jimbo, M. Kumar, Y. Ando, M. Sharon, Chem. Phys. Lett. 414 (2005) 6.                                                                                                                                         IF: 2.029

29. Preparation and characterization of amorphous carbon films by PLD technique using carbon nanotubes targets, M Rusop, R.A. Afre, T. Soga, T. Jimbo, Oyo Butsurigaku Kankei Rengo Koenkai Koen Yokoshu 52 (1), (2005) 587.

Conference presentations

1. Synthesis of carbon nanotubes using natural precursor, Rakesh A. Afre, M. Sharon, T. Soga and T. Jimbo, 15th Symposium of MRS-Japan, Dec. 23-24, 2004, Nihon University, Suruga-dai, Tokyo, Japan.

2. Carbon  nanotubes  from  turpentine  oil:  a  renewable  natural  precursor,  Rakesh  A.  Afre, T. Soga and T. Jimbo, COE symposium, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan.

3. The growth and characterization of Zn nanowires covered with ZnO using plasma-assisted molecular beam irradiation, T. Tokunaga, K. Sasaki, K. Kuroda, T. Iijima, B. Jang, Y. Hayashi, R.A. Afre, M. Tanemura, Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC), 2011 IEEE 4th International Conference, 1-2.

4.  Direct growth of horizontally aligned carbon nanotubes between electrodes and its application to field-effect transistors, Y. Hayashi, B. Jang, T. Iijima, T. Tokunaga, R.A. Afre, M. Tanemura, G.A.J. Amaratunga, Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC), 2010 3rd International Conference, 215-216.

5. Combination  of  Ferrocene/Fullerene  Derivative  to  Increase  The  Open  Circuit   Voltage:  An Approach Towards Photovoltaic Devices, Rakesh A. Afre, Y. Hayashi and T. Soga, ISQNN-2009, Nov. 18-20 2009, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

6.  Surface  modification  of  ITO  coated  glass  by  liquid  nitrogen  treatment  towards  organic photovoltaic  devices,  Rakesh  A.  Afre,  Yasuhiko  Hayashi,  Korea-Japan  Joint  Forum-  Oct. 22-25 2008, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Chitose, Hokkaido, Japan.

7. Carbon nanotubes films grown by pulsed laser deposition technique for solar cell, Rakesh A. Afre,  Pradip  Ghosh,  M.  Rusop, T.  Soga, T.  Jimbo, M.  Sharon, PVSEC-17,  Dec.  3-7  2007, Fukuoka, Japan.  

8. Synthesis  of  carbon  nanotubes  with  narrow  diameter-distribution  by  spray  pyrolysis  of  a natural  precursor:  Turpentine  oil,  Pradip  Ghosh,  Rakesh  A.  Afre,  Prakash  R  Somani,  M. Umeno, T Jimbo, T Soga, Nanotube-2006 (NT`06), June 18-23 2006, Nagano, Japan.

9. Vertically aligned  carbon nanotubes  at different  temperatures by spray pyrolysis of natural precursor: Turpentine oil, Rakesh A. Afre, T. Soga, T. Jimbo, Mukul Kumar, Y. Ando, M. Sharon, IWAC-2006, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2006, Nagoya, Japan.

10. Vertically  aligned  carbon  nanotubes  by  spray  pyrolysis  of  a  natural  precursor,  Rakesh  A. Afre,  M.  Sharon,  T.  Jimbo,  and  T.  Soga,  Nanotube-2005  (NT`05),  June  25-July  1,  2005, Gothenburg, Sweden.

11.  Electrically Conductive Amorphous Carbon Nanotube Thin Films from a Renewable Source of Turpentine Oil, M. Rusop, Rakesh A. Afre, M. Sharon, T. Soga, and T. Jimbo, Nanotube-2005 (NT`05), June 25-July 1, 2005, Gothenburg, Sweden.

12. Morphological characteristics of carbon nanotubes prepared by spray pyrolysis of Turpentine oil, Rakesh A. Afre, T. Soga, M. Kumar, M. Sharon, Y. Ando T. Jimbo ICNDST-10, May 11-14, 2005, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan.

13. The  preparation  and  properties  of  novel  carbon  nanotube  thin  films  by  pulsed  laser deposition with various laser energy in high vacuum, M. Rusop, Rakesh A. Afre, M. Sharon, T. Soga, and T. Jimbo, ICNDST-10, May 11-14, 2005, AIST, Tsukuba, Japan.

14. Synthesis  of  carbon  nanotubes  by  spray  pyrolysis  of  Turpentine  oil:  a  renewable  natural precursor, Rakesh  A.  Afre, Maheshwar Sharon, T. Soga,and T. Jimbo,  ISNC-2004, Nov.15-18, 2004, Nagano, Japan.

15. Preparation  of  carbon  thin  film  from  carbon  nanotubes  by  laser  ablation  and  study  their properties,  Rakesh  A.  Afre, M.  Rusop,  Maheshwar  Sharon,  T.  Soga and  T.  Jimbo  ISNC-2004, Nov. 15-18, 2004, Nagano, Japan.

Awards & Achievements

  • Editorial board member, ISRN Nanomaterials
  • Editorial board member, AASCIT Journals    
  • Expert Reviewer (Nanotechnology), Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, (UEFISCDI),  Romania (2011- till date)
  • Expert Reviewer (Nanotechnology), Technology Agency of Czech Republic (Technologická agentura ÄŒR), Czech Republic (2022- till date).                                          
  • International Scientific Advisory Committee Member, International Symposium on Ultrasonics (ISU-2015), Nagpur University, Nagpur, (M.S) India
  • Gold Medal Awarded for the invention, “Malaysia Palm Oil: A Novel Renewable Biomass Precursor Material on the Preparation of Carbon Nanotubes for Nanotechnology Applications” at Inventions, Innovations and Design (IID 2007) Exhibition,UiTM, 2007 Mohamad Rusop, Saifollah Abdullah, Azira Abd Aziz, Tetsuo Soga, Rakesh A. Afre.
  • Gold Medal Awarded for the invention, “A Newly Developed Environmental Friendly Nanotechnology: Nanodroplet Pyrolysis Deposition (NPD) System using Renewable Biomass Malaysian Palm Oil for Preparation of Nano-Materials” at Inventions, Innovations and Design (IID 2007) Exhibition,UiTM, 2007Mohamad Rusop, Saifollah Abdullah, T.I.A. Tunku Kudin, Tetsuo Soga, Rakesh A. Afre.
  • Reviewer of International Journals -
Advances in Optoelectronics  Thin Solid Films
Journal of Nanotechnology (Hindawi  Pub.  Corp.) Diamond and Related Materials
Chemical Physics Letters Surface and Coatings Technology
Synthetic Metals  Materials and Design
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials  
  • Reviewer, International Conference on Materials Research and Engineering (ICMRE-2015) Shanghai, China
  • Japan  government  scholarship  (Monbukagakusho)  to pursue  doctoral  studies  at  Nagoya  Institute  of  Technology  (10/2003 - 3/2007).
  • Center of Excellence (COE) Research Assistantship, (6/2006 - 2/2007).
  • Center of Excellence (COE) Research Assistantship, (6/2005 - 2/2006).
  • Center of Excellence (COE) Research Assistantship, (6/2004 - 2/2005).
  • JRF  Fellowship  on  DST  sponsored  project  at  Indian Institute  of  Technology,  Powai,  Mumbai  (IIT  Bombay)  Project  title:  Development  of  carbon  photovoltaic  cell (8/2001- 6/2003). 
  • North  Maharashtra  University  fellowship,  M. Sc. (1999-2001)