Abstract Instruction

The abstract of the work proposed to be presented should be prepared and pasted online according to the instructions given below on or before the stipulated date. The abstracts should be submitted only in the prescribed format. The following sections are required and should be in this order.

  • Font – Times New Roman only [Font size 12]. Space 1.0; Justified
  • Main Abstract content should not be more than 200 words

A) Title

Type the complete title of paper [Capitalize each word]

B) Authors & Co-Authors

Name of the presenting author and co-author(s) (Presenting author name should be written first and need to be denoted as (*). Do not use titles; i.e. Dr., Ph.D., etc [Capitalize each word]

C) Address of Presenting author & co-authors

Complete Institutional Address of Presenting author & co-authors. (Don’t include the position of individual authors) [Italics]

D) E-mail address & Mob no of presenting author

E-mail address & Mob no of presenting author should be mentioned after institutional address

E) Mode of paper presentation

Mention the mode of paper Presentation POSTER/ORAL/ E-PRESENTATION

F) Type of paper

Mention the type of paper RESEARCH or REVIEW
[For oral presentation Only Research paper will be accepted]

G) Abstract

Abstract should be submitted in MS Word Version 2003 version onwards. The text of the abstract should be typed in Times New Roman using font size of 12. The abstract should not be more than 200 words. Abstract should be non structured (Do not include any subheading like Aim , Materials & Methods, Results, Conclusion in Abstract]

H) Keywords

3-5 Keywords. Each key word should be separated by comma (,).[Capitalize each word]

I) Affiliation & Complete Address of Presenting Author

Include the Title, position/designation, and complete postal address of Presenting author. [Font Size 11]

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