About AdtU

Assam down town University (AdtU) is a leadingUniversity of North East India, offering students adistinctive blend of academic and research excellence.Established in 2010 under the down town Charity Trustthrough legislative action by the Government of Assam,AdtU is a privately-funded university. It holds recognitionas a leading private university in North East India,boasting UGC 12(B) and 2f status as well as accreditationfrom NAAC. AdtU provides outstanding academicprograms in over 80 programs, including PharmaceuticalScience, Science, Paramedical Sciences, Engineering,Computer Technology, Nursing, Management, Humanitiesand Social Science, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, andAgricultural Sciences and Technology, while also promoteinterdisciplinary research. Being one of the largesteducational groups in Assam, AdtU has more than 8000students and over 300 faculty members. Situated on an 80-acre campus, AdtU boasts state-of-the-art laboratories andmodern facilities designed to support and enhanceacademic, research, and outreach endeavors.

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science at Assam downtown University is the premier institution for PharmacyEducation and Research in North East India, embarking onits journey in 2010. Ourfaculty offers a comprehensive range of programsapproved by PCI viz., D. Pharm, B. Pharm, M. Pharm inPharmacology, M. Pharm in Pharmaceutics, and Doctoral(PhD) programs, equipping students with the knowledgeand expertise needed to excel in the field ofPharmaceutical Science.
With cutting-edge academic and research facilities, adedicated and experienced faculty, industry connections,the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science is deeplycommitted to providing students with a top-tier educationthat prepares them for successful careers. As an integralpart of the University, our mission is to cultivate the nextgeneration of healthcare professionals who are equipped totackle the evolving challenges and uphold the values,culture, and ethics of our society. In just thirteen years, ourfaculty has blossomed into a fully developed andtechnically proficient academic and research hub. We haveearned a distinguished reputation in academia, and ourpioneering research initiatives are the educationallandscape, pushing it towards new horizons. FPS alsocommitted to contribute in finding the solution of socialand health care problems to achieve SDGs and VikshitBharat Abhiyan through research, global partnership,industry-academia collaboration, outreach programs etc.

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